2010-01-01 21:45:48 UTC
Okay, let me start off by saying that i am Very religious. i believe in God and i also believe that he sent me a message through a dream i had last night; THE WEIRDEST DREAM I'VE EVER HAD!!!

Okay, so there's this girl who i have had a crush on for the longest. she has been through so much lately, she had the swine flu, she had surgery twice, she suffers from Insomnia, she's just in horrible condition. And she feels very emotional and suicidal even. but what she doesn't see is that i see her as MORE than just a friend. i wanna be there for her ALL THE TIME, by her side, helping her in everything she needs. then one night as i tried telling her my feelings, I asked what she thought about relationships and she smiled and said, "Look at me, Alex, do you really think any guy would wanna have a GF like me?? I'd be more like a burden to them..." These words hurt me so much that i decided to give up, i said, "I can never tell her how much i love her if she feels this way."

Now... last night i had a dream...Are you ready?? here it goes, pay VERY CLOSE ATTENTION!!!

I was put on a test along with 20 other people... we had to Cross a 5-mile long bridge... Whoever made it would get a million dollars, it was not a race, it was just a test, and whoever passed would get their million. I didnt know ANYBODY there, so i figured "This is easy all i gotta do is cross this bridge." But there was a catch. the bridge slowly Inclined more and more upwards, get it?? the bridge slowly CURVED UP so that by the time we got to the end of the bridge, it was almost as if walking on a wall. get me?? well i had almost made it to the end. when i just couldnt resist anymore. I grabbed on to a giant Pole that just appeared out of the blue. i looked back and noticed there was nobody there; EVERYONE ELSE HAD FAILED!!! And the bridge was so inclined now that i felt i was gonna fall back and die. Suddenly a tall man with long hair and a beard and mustache appeared from behind me. he appeared to be in the Test too. he looked at me and said, "COME ON, BUDDY, WE'RE ALMOST THERE, LETS GO!!"


And he said, "Dont you have any faith in yourself?!?"


And he just looked at me with sadness and said his final words, "So you're GIVING UP at the last minute, huh??"....... and he walked away...... Then i stood there thinking about what he said and BAM!! I WAKE UP!!!

29 answers:
2010-01-01 22:03:33 UTC

It means don't give up, hold to the rod. The rod could represent the word of God. It could represent what you need to do in this life despite difficulties.

I don't know if your dream has anything to do with this girl, but if you love her, you should tell her what she means to you, and that you know her and love her just the same. She is very very lucky to have a man in her life like you, who can support her.

Not only do you need to cross that bridge, you might need to help the friend you love cross her bridge as well. Have faith in yourself and in her, and hang on.
2010-01-01 23:22:57 UTC
If what your saying is true and you really dreamed it then I think its obvious God wants you to keep working with this girl. In my experience I think God wanted me to leave a certain girl that I had struggles with for years but God has different plans for everyone so just be strong and follow your heart, thats if you know how to which some dont or comes later in life but it sounds like your on the right track
2010-01-01 22:12:40 UTC
Dear master very good expose . Yes some have dreams but you opened it for advice ,

If you want carry any work in the earth you must have faith in your self to reach any goal , without faith on yourself any task will not full filled and appear a gigantic, , which can not be achieved.

Here you said that one of Tall man with long hair with beard and mustache appeared and encouraged to you .

He is your astral guide to give a right direction to reach the goal. when you given up , Sadly commented "so you're giving up, and walked away.

Here we will be already fixed our mind without estimating our inner potentiality to face the Challenge. Try to keep your mind more in peace and calm . try to avoid wasteful thoughts to control loss of energy from your body,
2010-01-01 22:14:20 UTC
I could tell you what I think your dream really means, but you won't care. You've supplied the information about the girl because you want everyone to come to the same conclusion as you, and that involves you not giving up on her, or some garbage like that.
2010-01-02 02:08:13 UTC
Either God delivered you this message, or you sub-conscious mind did. But the message is clear, don't give up on your true love : )

Good luck, and God bless.
2010-01-01 23:23:27 UTC
ok well, if you want to think this is from God, who am i or anyone else on here to judge you. now, i have not one clue about dream interpretation.... but i see it as this..... maybe this is a way to tell you not to give up on your girlfriend!!! so she said, why would any guy want to be with her because of all of her conditions and such. so what?? why dont you be that guy?? you said you love her....right?? and you are walking away from her because she made a simple comment?? maybe that was her test to you??? weeding you out to see if you were gonna stick around for the long run.... and please think this over tho, this girl sounds like her plate is full, so unless you "really" want to be with her, and are willing to commit, dont lead her on because the last thing she needs is another disappointment.... if thats the case just be the supporting friend you have been thus far... but if you are willing to take it to the next level and be with her, well i think she would be one lucky girl....... all the best to you and her....... :)
2010-01-01 23:34:25 UTC
She is feeling really insecure, especially about her attractiveness and her value as a person.

And as she said, she is afraid of being a burden.

Are you going to bail out on her and give up like all the other guys on the bridge??

Are you going to be strong enough to help 'carry her through' this really tough time?
2010-01-01 23:36:39 UTC
you should write a book hahaha usually long questions i skip around but i actually read the whole thing. But you got me lost there what does the girl have to do with the dream.. maybe you know what it means. it means to not give up on telling her you love her DUHH

and you just need to tell the girl how you feel don tjust sit there and have her tell you shes a burden. If you actually speak up to her and say soemthign about that it would make her feel 2832938 times better about herself. MAKE HER HAPPY
✞ Ephesians 2:8 ✞
2010-01-01 23:49:48 UTC
This could be a message from God warning you that your faith is being tested and it is going to get harder and harder, and at the last moment you start to give up. The Angel appeared and sent word of encouragement to continue on, you have almost finished the race and you give up that's why he said Do you not have faith in yourself? and he was sadden .I believe that is is speaking prophetically to you about your faith in God.
2016-03-03 05:16:09 UTC
Has anyone that has asked a question like this ever look into what a dream actually is? just curious
2010-01-02 04:40:40 UTC
see, to me, this would be more convincing if you werent a strong believer or religious

i had a dream about a goddess id never even heard of before, and i dont believe in them

that to me is poignant, dreams abouit things you think about, are normal, they are our brains way of sorting out evyerthing its learned

and often, its wayof trying to tell you something

sounds to me you have beenthinking that you dont have enough faith in your own abilties

or maybe gods saying that, i dont know
2010-01-01 23:11:17 UTC
wow. thats increadible. God is trying to tell you that that girl needs you. Hes saying dont give up. Tell her how you feel. She needs someone like you to know your there for her. She thinks she cant ever have a boyfriend and YOU love her! Go tell her how you feel RIGHT NOW!! You are a lucky man to have God speak to you.

Feel very blessed my friend VERY BLESSED!!

2010-01-01 23:08:29 UTC





direct message.

from God.

that's called being ignorant & having a large imagination
2010-01-01 21:54:09 UTC
I read the hole thing.........but, It seemed that was God that appeared in your dream.

I guess it's talking about how you should tell the girl about what you think because your sooo close to getting into a relationship with her :)
bethy t
2010-01-01 21:58:04 UTC
go for the girl!! seriously!!! be by her side and be there for her. you'll have face troubles that will make you want to give up, but don't! you'll make it . i do beleive God is testing you. take the test and pass it!! don't give up when it seems impossible
2010-01-01 21:50:46 UTC
You have a companion or bodyguard somewhere or a guardian angel!

It seems to have a comforting nature about it despite the ending. Remember dreams have no rules like reality does.
2010-01-01 23:12:35 UTC
Wow pretty amazing think back to anything in your ife you didnt have faith in yourself. Obviously it was a message from god saying believe in yourself because you can do anything you put your mind to basically you can do it believe in yourself
2010-01-01 21:55:53 UTC
Probably that that girl needs you and your giving up on her. She thinks know one would like her, and you do, but you didnt even tell her in the condition she is in. So God wants you too.
2010-01-01 23:06:48 UTC
It means you should stop randomly typing in all caps, even if it's to show that you're yelling, that's what an exclamation mark is for.
2010-01-01 21:53:47 UTC
I'm impressed that your dreams are so coherent and memorable. Mine tend toward gibberish...
2010-01-01 21:57:40 UTC
Go for the goal and don't give up. Don't give up on yourself nor your girl.
2010-01-01 21:53:21 UTC
Sounds to me like don't look back and don't give up.
2010-01-01 23:13:40 UTC
messages from god do not come in dreams...
2015-08-12 15:20:42 UTC
So... it s been six years since you posted this. Do you have any more clarity?
2010-01-01 21:58:02 UTC
Sounds to me like it has nothing to do with the story about the girl with the swine flu.
2010-01-01 23:05:31 UTC
the tall man with long hair and a beard and mustache who was behind you represents your hidden homosexual desire, I think you need to experiment with men and see if indeed this is something you are into or maybe it just a passing phase for you.
2010-01-01 21:53:03 UTC
It means you're cuckoo 4 cocoa puffs, if you know what I mean.
2010-01-01 23:03:19 UTC
Your a cuckoo clock. i believe in god to but. this is to wacko,
2010-01-01 23:08:32 UTC
now this is something amazing.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.