2010-03-06 15:14:50 UTC
1. Feed those that are hungry for food
2. Feed those that are thirsty for water
3. Take care of those that are physically sick
4. Visit those that are being persecuted in prison
5. Befriend the stranger
6. Clothe those that cannot afford to buy clothes to wear
7. Give meaning to those that are hungry for God
8. Give Love to those that are thirsty for understanding or Love
9. Care for those that are morally depraved
10. Visit those that are trapped in their own emotional and psychological afflictions
11. Give counsel and guidance to the one who is lost or misguided
12. Give identity, righteousness, and honor to those with low-self esteem
Tree of life on the Left side of the stream:
The top is the commandment as written in scripture
The bottom is my metaphorical interpretation of what the commandment means
1. “Cursed is he who makes an idol or a molten image, an abomination to the Lord, the
work of the hands of a craftsman and sets it up in secret.”
“Cursed is he who judges others based on socially conceived principles by attaching moral derivatives to sensual, psychological or cultural associations, namely religious culture.”
2. “Cursed is he who dishonors father or mother.”
“Cursed is he who defames God’s glory in his treatment of unbelievers or degrades his presence in his treatment of Christians.”
3. “Cursed is he who moves his neighbor’s boundary mark.”
“Cursed is he who exploits others by pushing their emotional boundaries.”
4. “Cursed is he who misleads a blind person on the road, and all the people shall say amen.”
“Cursed is he who deceives other people about the nature of salvation and practice of righteousness either in his actions, in his words, or in his influence.”
5. “Cursed is he who distorts the justice due to an alien, orphan and widow,”
“Cursed is he who refuses to acknowledge the labors, trials, wisdom, vulnerability or value of an atheist, pagan, or emotionally weak person.”
6. “Cursed is he who lies with his father’s wife because he has uncovered his father’s skirt.”
“Cursed is he pervert’s God’s will by putting himself in the place of God because he has provoked the eyes of His glory.”
7. “Cursed is he who lies with an animal.”
“Cursed is he who binds himself to unclean configurations and expressions of emotion.”
8. “Cursed is he who lies with his sister, the daughter of his father or the daughter of his mother”
“Cursed is he who degrades the spiritual insight of others by exploiting either their love and concern or their humility and respect for him for with dishonorable motives.”
9. “Cursed is he who lies with his mother in law.”
“Cursed is he who wars against the Kingdom of God.”
10. “Cursed is he who strikes his neighbors in secret.”
“Cursed is he who conceals his hostility and anger from others.”
11. “Cursed is he who receives a bribe to shed innocent blood.”
“Cursed is he who degrades the value of other people’s hearts by harboring unfair intellectual or social ideologies.”
12. “Cursed is he who does not confirm of the words of this law by doing them
“Cursed is he who turns away from following these commandments.”