Hey Muttley! Let me 1st say this, according to my current studies, though we have some ancient, and or very old, texts in Jerusalem and assorted other locations. Our Bibles are all extracted from copies, of copies, of THE ORIGINAL TEXTS, Since The Originals have long since worn out, this becomes necessary, There are many texts and ,i.e. The Latin Vulgate (Catholic version), The Text-us Receiptous(check spell) which is ,The RECEIVED TEXT (Protestant version) which aligns and has selectively, sorted, tested, and chosen, the texts as authentic, predominately, by reason of in accordance with prophecy fulfillment, linking The Old Covenant to The New Covenant. Also the more recently acquired, Dead Sea Scrolls, which some say solidifies the current texts, others say it solidifies the wrong unauthenticated texts, this deems a closer study, on my part. There are many books, dvd's, videos, out on the different texts, try www.Greatsite.com & the video, The Forbidden Book, also the book, Which Bible is Which (try CBD .com, book distributors, 1800-CHRISTIAN, they have lots at discount prices. also try www.aroodawakening.tv ( from a Jewish perspective of study).... Any way, there are many new translations, all vari- from version to version. Thanks be to God for The Holy Spirit to lead and guide The people of God into The whole knowledge and clarity of understanding through The Spirit of Truth we need not fear, only press into as many ares of study as you find opened to you. He will surly bless your diligent pursuit for unfettered clarity, He will not give you a stone when you ask for a fish! For instances, the word EASTER in Old King James,is a Catholic term as is in fact the name of a Pagan festival, of the fertility goddess Ester who dropped out of the sky in an egg and turned a bird into an egg laying rabbit. (and no I am not making this up!) this occurred around the same time as The Feast of Passover ,which is The True Translation of The Word for (Acts 12:4), ,"PASCHA", in Chaldian or, "PECACH, (peh' sakh) PASSOVER! The word easter has been associated with The Resurrection of Christ, because of Constintine, who worshiped Mythora,(check spell) as far as I know, till the day he died. And mixed his pagan practice(which was Roman) with The followers of Yeshua (Jesus, in English) and declaring a state acceptance of it this integrated religion which included Roman Paganism and Christianity together, an attempt to confused the two, and declare it the new state religion. This is how Catholicism was historiclly, formed. Though the true Followers of Yeshua, first called Christians in Antioch, continued in the doctrines 1st laid down by the Apostles. Through the generations, even the true worshipers of The Yeshua (Yehowshuwa or Eng. Pronunciation Jehoshua) Ha Messiah, (Hebrew), Jesus The Messiah (English translation of the Greek-Iesouce,( ee-ay-sooce).... well I could go on forever, so I exhort you to good stewardship, don't be afraid investigate and make an Idol out of ignorance. The Lords will give us peace as we give Him the issues we are seeking to grasp an understanding of. I know we have inherited , many Traditions of Men through the generations that appear outwardly harmless, please, allow me to leave you with this, The Apostles had a Love For The Truth (all of it, as The Lord delivered it to the saints) we should as well. Also, we are counciled , Those Who Worship Him, MUST, Worship Him In Spirit And In Truth. And the ways of The Lord are not grievous. The walk is not always simple, but if you cast your burdens on Him He will strengthen and give you courage, you may have to swim sometimes against the flow of fellow believers, but there is a reason. To perfect and bring into maturity the saints of God, fearless, without spot, or wrinkle. If you which to contact me further, Tina, oneabba1son1spirit@yahoo.com....Have a Great evening, in His Loving presence!