Christians: Do you believe someone who never heard about Christ will go to hell? I dont. But many do, I need?
Very much in love with God.
2009-03-29 12:48:45 UTC
Your input on this. We are having what is now a debate in Sunday School. My opponents use scriptures like in Romans that state that the creation itself is proof of God and they are left without excuse.
I reply with "I am the way the truth and the life, and no man cometh to the Father but my Me." I state that the Old Testament people had faith in the coming messiah, and we look back to a risen Lord. In my view, Jesus Christ is the center piece in all of salvation. And I cannot accept that God will condemn those who never had knowledge of the one and only way to salvation any more than I can accept that God would eternally condemn a retarded person who cannot possess the knowledge needed to decide for Christ.
I am writing a rebuttal to the pastor who had the opposing view as well. I am not trying to make a division or win and arguement, but one side has to be on the wrong side of the truth.
Please I want your input?
Fourteen answers:
2009-03-29 12:52:44 UTC
God tells us that His judgment will be righteous. No one will have a non-fair trial and whatever that may mean.. I trust.
2009-03-29 20:29:00 UTC
God's salvation is only through Jesus.

The guilty can be held accountable as it says in Romans, because nature itself taught what is right and they failed to do it. (note: some hold that they will be as though they never existed.) But nature can not redeem.

If those who never heard of Jesus are saved same as an infant, then missionaries do them a real disfavor, giving them a choice, is then giving them accountability for which some will now be lost.

However, we are not saved by believing on Jesus! That would be to make our belief into a work. We are saved by what Jesus did for us at the cross. That alone! And that "in while we were yet sinners".

Paul was saying that God found us all "guilty!" Those with the law (who thus knew the truth), and those without law (far away lands that never heard anything about God). Thus all being guilty. Jesus then dealt with all sin at the cross. Likewise then saving all people. His death was a propitiation for sin "not just ours, but of the whole world" (1Jn 2:2) Thus Paul could teach that in Jesus, the new Adam, we are "all" made alive.

This is not to teach "universalism". It just means that Jesus paid the penalty for even them. But there is a final judgement. What will be their plea. Has someone educated them so they can plea Jesus' blood?
2009-03-29 23:39:12 UTC
I really enjoy your questions, because you elaborate very well. I don't know how much I can input, since my knowledge of the Bible is not so great. I do love the Lord and I believe that He is my Savior. Daily, I read the Word to draw close to Him.

There is two revelations of the Lord. One is in His creation, but because of sin, fallen man can not see God. Therefore, we need the second revelation of God, which is the Bible. He reveals Himself in the Bible.

We all were fallen. But because of grace, Christ' blood, we are saved. This is an undeserved gift. In our fallen nature, we could and would never ask for the Lord. An unbeliever would not want the Bible, because it is in his nature to rebel against the Bible.

But those saved ones who received this grace, you and me, have this responsibility to bring the Bible to the unbelievers. Our duty is to do the possible and leave the impossible for the Lord. For instance, I am unlikely able to communicate with someone who is mute, so that is not possible for me, but if God wants to save that particular mute person, He will also provide the means to do that. For with the Lord, everything is possible.

As a believer, you and I must pray for the lost sheep.
Me, Myself & I (a.k.a: Sarah)
2009-03-29 20:03:09 UTC
I believe that they will. I think that someone that has never heard the Gospel and is really looking for the right religion will see that creation is too complicated to not have a God out there, and that they need to find out more about him. The reason that infants and young children that die before they get to hear about it is that they couldn't think about it and that they wouldn't have enough logic in their brains yet to go "the world is to intricate and complicated for there not to be a god. I need to find out more about Him". that's what I believe, you may believe something different, and that's fine, but just don't enforce your beliefs on anyone else. I've had that happen to me, and it's not fun. I also think that it's good that you are debating things like this in Sunday School, you'll be well prepared to face people that believe differently than you when you get out into the world. Good luck,

2009-03-29 20:29:39 UTC
Excellent question. Those who didn't have the opportunity in this life will have opportunity to accept the ordinances done for them by the living, in the next life. Thus the need for temples and the work done in them by proxy. Jesus took upon himself the sins of the world by proxy. We then will help our brothers and sisters who have gone before us by doing the saving ordinance work such as baptisms, marriages etc. here on earth. This work is now being done and we will have another 1000 years to continue the work after the Lord Jesus Christ has come again to rule and reign on the earth since there is so much work to be done! Thus the scripture...we are not saved without them as they are not saved without us. (Not quoted exactly and not sure where it is found but I will search it if you'd like.) We are one big giant eternal family. Here to be tried and tested for our eternal progression. We cannot progress without each other. We help them progress by doing the saving ordinances and they in turn help us by accepting those ordinances.

So to answer your question yes in a sense they are damned (meaning they cannot progress without the saving ordinances such as baptism etc...but the process goes on after this life as long as they accept what is being done for them by proxy... the living doing baptisms for the dead) but they will not go to hell.. they will go to a place of rest and will wait for their work to be done and in the meantime there are those that are teaching them all the truths of the Gospel as they wait so that they are prepared to accept or reject what is done for them here on earth.
paula r
2009-03-29 20:07:07 UTC
1. it states clearly that all infants/young children/mentally incompetent people will be saved. they are never able to come to an age of accountability. thus, God doesn't hold that against them. they have no sin in their lives to be repented of.

2. it states that all people will be exposed to the gospel in some way, even if they have to look for it. they will not be able to plead ignorance. God is a God of love,mercy, and justice.But, he will send you to Hell for not making the freewill choice to be is available to all.the pastor/S.S. is right, you are wrong.See Acts 17:30, that explains it very well.
2009-03-29 21:34:44 UTC
The Blood of Christ! That's all, nothing else! God bless everyone!
2009-03-29 19:57:30 UTC
I believe that someone who never heard about Christ will go to hell. The Bible says that the only way to Heaven is through Christ, not lack of knowledge.
2009-03-29 19:57:39 UTC
"gave Himself as a ransom for all, to be testified in due season" (1Tim. 2:6), and that although all are now dying in Adam, "so in Christ will all be made alive--but each in his own order" (1Cor. 15:22-28.)

I believe they are those who are chosen by God now (and who will escape God's corrective Judgments because of the living faith He is giving them now.) They are being saved from their sins (Matt. 1:21), and it is wholly the work of God through Christ. It cannot come through any other savior, and it cannot be earned by performing good works (however commendable they may be.) As Paul says, it is by Grace thru faith, and not of yourselves (Eph. 2:8-9)--but the faith that God gives is a living thing (John 15:5; Eph. 2:10; James 2:14-20.)
2009-03-29 19:54:47 UTC
doesnt the bible say that if a man is willing to believe god will send someone to him....god knows everyone's heart...why would he risk someones life by sending him to somewhere if the people are not willing to believe in the first place? to answer your question, yes
2009-03-29 22:32:53 UTC
I would focus on my own Salvation first and we that have heard have NO excuse!! (God knows their hearts out there!!)
Silas (Echo Company)
2009-03-29 19:53:49 UTC
A person who has never heard of jesus cannot believe in him so yes I do believe those people can still go to heaven.

Mr. Peter
2009-03-29 19:51:49 UTC
Jesus, Christians can't even agree with other christians.... how the hell is this religion still around???
2009-03-29 19:51:35 UTC

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