I agree.
A theologian put it this way....
God created us from nothing..because before us, nothing existed. This is not a slight against us, but a powerful statement about who God is. It doesn't make us nothing to say we came from nothing, it in fact elevates us and the God who created us.
Man can not create something from nothing.. we always use existing material. God is the only one who makes something from nothing.
And just like how when a carpenter is done.. the wood holds its shape because of what it was BEFORE he made it..because it was already made of wood. So to.. if God were to let go of us, if he were finish with us.. we'd resort to the substance we were made of before he began... NOTHING.
I'm obviously paraphrasing what took an entire chapter to say.. but in the end.. the Theologian says that All things exist BECAUSE of God.. because without him.. we'd revert to what we TRULY are.... NOTHING.. for that is what we are made from... and what we truly are without God who created us and keeps us in existence.
I think what you are trying to say matches what the Theologian was saying.. That the FORCE which holds us ALL together is Christ.. the "word of God"
For God spoke it and his words had effect. Christ is said to be the "word of God" Christ is God...the truth and light