To answer your question:
Church is a place where a christian can go and have fellowship with like-minded people.
The Pastor of a church does not replace God's word, but as a guide through it the pastor will share what God has placed in his heart for the people.
Though you are correct in your statements, they are not 100% correct. If all pastors were as you stated, it does not seem logical that so many christians would attend church.
In fact as far as I know there is only one Church that actually states their church is the only way to get to heaven, they bypass Jesus all together and on the day of judgment they believe that you will either say there church is the right one and go in, or deny it and go to where ever. ( I left out the denomination on purpose because I am not going to spread hate.)
As far as the brain washing goes, yes brainwashing is encouraged. Anytime I can replace my selfish and greedy way of thinking with the love and peace of God I glady do so. Sometimes my brain doesn't let go so easily but when I am finally "washed" of this worlds way of thinking I usually wonder what took me so long to let go and let God. (not man or his opinions)
The pastor is not God, but yes there are a few people who so desperately need leadership that they blindly follow anybody as long as that individual claims they are something, regardless if the something in question never manifest itself.
Those sheep, are not really sheep. They are fool's following a smooth talker.
The sheep know who the Lord is and they recognize when a person comes in His name.
Commercialism, TBN, etc.. these are all things used by the world to promote what they have, why is it so wrong for a christian to use the tools and technology that is available?
If some believers get sucked into the money and fame of t.v. it is not the Lord's fault, and a sheep will immediatly recognize this when it happens. I can give you a few names of great men who got on tv and pretty soon the 29 min sermon turned into a 30 min. infomercial. Of course those are the ones that the world focuses on, because looking at the success stories in the church would give the whole thing some validity and the world can't endorse a principle that that crucified.
As far as the 10% percent goes, it is not something that man came up with, God ask us to give him our first fruit.
Jesus rebuked the religious leaders of his day saying :" you tithe a 10th of your herbs and spices and myrh, yet you forsake love and mercy and forgiveness! YOu hypicryte, you should have done the latter and not forsaken the former, but now all your mint..... is worthless."
You see if you give, giving doesn't get you anything! And a person who say's send in your money and God will bless you 100 times, is only partly correct. The blessing comes from the walk of love, if you do not have love you have nothing and though you give all your money and your ife, without love it profits you nothing.
Instead of preaching the giving of money, we should be preaching the message of love and forgiveness. They don't because stress and deadlines and there needs become elevated to a point where all they do is worry about how the next plane ticket will be bought, and as I am sure your thinking, how are they going to pay for that summer villa.