Why do people believe in God & then become atheist?
2007-01-10 14:54:21 UTC
Does being an atheist mean you don't believe in God or you don't believe in religion. Are most atheist angry towards or dislike christians & if so why?
35 answers:
Stormilutionist Chasealogist
2007-01-10 15:20:41 UTC
I was raised Southern Baptist. I tried for years to be a christian, but even when I was young I questioned the existance of god. I read the bible several times, tried to accept what was said...failing that I began to educate myself on other religions, even Wicca. But deep down I just couldn't make myself believe in a god of any kind. Nothing bad has happened to me to make me not believe. I do not blame any god for any problems that I have. Any problems I have were usually of my own doing. My parents were/are great parents and I have known love from family and friends all my life. I am a moral, upstanding citizen. I give to charity and volunteer my time when I can. I do not feel any anger or dislike for christians in general. Most of my friends are christian as is my family. I do have problems with a few christians here who seek out to demean atheists by saying we are evil, immoral, going to hell, that we were abused as children, something must have happened to us to make us not believe, etc...I try to be nice to christians here, but when I have to I defend my beliefs or lack thereof. I have a sense of humor, so yes sometimes I laugh at some of the christians here who ask silly questions, especially regarding Pascals Wager. But I do believe that everyone in the US is entitled to their own opinions and beliefs and they should not be trampled on.
2007-01-10 15:25:08 UTC
I thought atheist was a belief that there is no God, or Higher Power of any sort, but than someone explained to me that it can mean, just simply keeping an open mind.

Or, that could be agnostic, I'm not sure. I had a good conversation with them, and they are a very nice person.

So some people feel this way in an attempt to keep an open mind. And that is not a bad thing, necessarily, that can be a very good thing. Cause' they feel it gives them an expanded awareness because they are not closing there mind to only one way of thinking.

Still, others who once believed and changed they're beliefs, often might do so because they have let life wear them down.

Of course they didn't have to let other people, or life, do that to them.

But we shouldn't judge them, unless we have walked a mile in they're shoes, and we might do more miles in they're shoes then that someday.

So, there's the positive reason. That one is not an avoidance of a belief, or change, necessarily, but more of a conscious decision, maybe.

And the other is not always for such positive reasons. Then sometimes there belief comes back, or they may become more firm in the new beliefs they develop.

As for me, I believe in a higher power. For me I don't think my own life would have the same feeling without knowing there is something there.

I recognize others don't necessarily think the same way I do, but that is just fine with me and I have a totally equal amount of respect for them too.
2007-01-10 15:11:30 UTC
No, Atheists hate Christians who force their beliefs on others. Most Atheists become that way through education. Most religious people, of any religion, not just Christianity, get their religion passed down to them from their parents. And Yes, Atheists do not believe in God. Those who might believe in a possible Deity, but do not think organized religion can solve such issues are called Agnostics.
2007-01-10 15:32:03 UTC
Atheists don't believe in God, Agnostics don't believe in organized religion. Agnostics are the most open minded of all - as no theory has any proof, they tend to accept that what anybody says is possible if not taken too literally.

Atheists are not angry toward christians, or other religions, they get angry toward self appointed preachers who live their lives preaching their religion to people who don't want to hear it.
2007-01-10 15:08:53 UTC
I was Christian and am now atheist only because i believed in God because i was raised to believe in him.

When i got older, it started making less and less sense, and i figured out what i wanted and went with it.

I am not angry towards all christians, just the ones that look down on everyone else because of what they believe. And say crap about us being lost.....being bad people....wanting to do what we like........ But there are many atheists that do the same thing to others! So its double ended!!
2007-01-10 15:45:15 UTC
They are not strong. I was raised Christian, then became agnostic (a fence-rider), and became interested in the so-called intellectual arguments against there being a God. I was uptight and trusted no one. Now I realize that Humans lie and are fickle, and are crude and cruel. Even the ones you have trusted can be. Not God. God is true and good, and has infinite love for us. We can choose the way of God or the way of Satan. If your mother lies to you and your father abandons you, your brother steals from you, and your husband beats you- that is not God. That is Satan- the bad that coexists with the good in this world. Atheists fail to see that the mind of God transcends the mind of man, which means, relax. Our human pea brain wasn't meant to fathom the "why?" of it all. That's where Faith comes in. Atheists have none, beyond the faith they have in their own brains- talk about building your house on sand. I have a friend who quit believing in God because his wife died. You have to have the strength to know that things in this world are always changing, but the truth in the word of God never will. I hope he changes his mind. There are many tests of faith, and that would be one. When it comes to faith, you think with your heart, and you know.
2007-01-10 15:21:14 UTC
I was a Christian as a child because that is what I was indoctrinated as. Once I hit 16 or so I realized that I did not believe and that Christianity did not apply to me.

I was not angry at Christians, I just did not believe in their God. I don't think that I am capable of believing in a god.

I did go through an anti-religious phase for awhile where I argued with people of faith and denigrated them for their superstitions. fortunately I grew out of it.
2016-10-30 17:53:03 UTC
Why substitute, are you pleased with believing in God? in simple terms on account which you think in God does not mean you will desire to settle for the Bible or the different faith yet once you certainly must be an Atheist, in simple terms have faith that there's no God
2007-01-10 15:16:50 UTC
I wanted to be a Catholic as a kid. My parents weren't religious (my dad's an atheist and my mom is an agnostic), but they were, *gasp*, open-minded about it. I told my parents I wanted to go to church, and though they didn't want to go themselves, they set up arrangements with my aunt to go. But, when I went, I felt nothing. I just fidgeted in the pew waiting for the service to be over. I didn't have dreams later on of angels and wings. My life was completely and totally unaffected by God. He was like an imaginary friend to me. I wouldn't even had called him a friend. Maybe one of those "friends" who demand a lot of things but gives nothing in return. Anyway, I eventually stopped going to church with my aunt and I returned to normalcy. I never really cared about nor believed in God since.

Despite what people may say, I am governed by strong morals, and I love my family and friends with all my heart. I try my best to be a good human being, and I spend my life loving life, instead of living life for the afterlife.

Also, I don't dislike Christians. There are a lot of atheists that hold animosity towards Christians because we are often ridiculed for our beliefs BY Christians. Most of us (I'm not speaking for everyone) are generally nice and mind their own business. It's usually the Christians who like to start fights.
RH (a.k.a. God)
2007-01-10 15:29:18 UTC
Well let's look at the word atheist, it's composed of two parts: a and theist.

a- not

theist- one who believes in god(s)

Therefore atheist = not one who believes in god(s).

As for Christians, most atheists find them to be an annoyance.
2007-01-10 15:25:40 UTC
You are asking multiple questions here. First, most "atheist" that once believed in God did not get what they wanted in life or they are blaming God for something that has happened or not happened in their life. Atheist is a person that does not believe that God exists. And, lastly, you have to ask the atheist whether or not he/she is angry at and dislikes Christians and why.

For the most part, an atheist is either led astray from God by events in life or someone else that is very convincing. If you truly believe in God and have a personal relationship with Him, you wont "turn into" an atheist. For a true believer does not and will not blame God for events in their life. God is spiritual and anyone that must have a logical explanation for life is not going to receive or believe a spiritual explanation so they just automatically reject the idea that God is possible. It only takes one incident for that person to call out to God in an emergency. I have never heard of anyone calling out to science in the crunch of an accident or the impact of crisis - the first words out of the mouth are "oh, God". The spirit within a person knows that God exists even when the carnal brain rejects the concept. I pray for each one that thinks they know God when you really don't. The only way to "know" for sure is try God and see if He is real. Ask Him to reveal Himself to you and have an open and honest attitude, sit back and see His glory as He shows Himself to you in the most unexpected ways!
Tomoyo K
2007-01-10 15:17:26 UTC
1. Unbearable situations

2. Disillusionment

-Death and disheartening situations can make one person lose faith

-hypocrisy in the church

-false teachings that are not in parallel with the bible

I am a Christian, this is just how I see things coz I believe there are Atheists who grew from a family of atheists so they haven't known God, some could have faced really difficult situations in life that made them lose their faith.

Others are like real Christians, they search for the truth...not easily believing what they are told like teachings that contradict a loving God and bible...(hell torment, immortality of the soul, trinity). Just that they find different ends, one finds God, the other not. Mind you, they could be better than professing Christians who doesnt understand the bible.

there are some who simply wouldnt accept.
2007-01-10 15:20:26 UTC
Being an atheist means that I eventually accepted the truth, after God failed to appear, and it became more and more clear that the believers' arguments were either wrong or deliberately dishonest.
2007-01-10 15:13:50 UTC
People believe in god primarily because their parenhts told them to. Individuals who are capable of rational thought eventually discover that there is no foundation in fact for any religion, and so they become atheists.
2007-01-10 15:02:34 UTC
It means atheists are without belief in God. Disliking organized religion is another thing.

I'm not angry at Christians per se. I think many of them are well intentioned and truly believe what they say, but that doesn't make belief in God any more valid or worthwhile.
2007-01-10 15:16:51 UTC
"Why do people believe in God & then become atheist?"

For the same reason you used to believe in Santa, and now don't; we grew up.

Being an atheist means you do not believe in god.

I dislike christianity, but don't usually hold it against christians on a personal level.
The Nana of Nana's
2007-01-10 15:12:07 UTC
I think they want to believe in only things they can lay their physical hands on, which you cannot do with God. I'm not an atheist so I can't answer the rest of the questions.
2007-01-10 15:28:58 UTC
atheist(old testament)pagan worshippers or the heathen.they don't believe God but believe something.

they have renounce their faith.they are not a committed christian believer.they became atheist because they want to twist the truth.we don't expect a proud person to humble himself and bow down before God.

i met someone last year.a Latvian woman.she was a believer before.she was full of pain and hatred to her husband.she told me her story...they live in N.Y. before.she was the one who support her husband's personal needs.she even encourage him to study to earn a degree.the sad thing was, while the husband was working he met a young,gorgeous and beatiful lady in his workplace and the worst thing happened....husband left her with this woman.he spent all the money that the wife earned.and even sold the house without her consent.the wife was penniless.she came to Ireland with her son,working as a cleaner.

she asked me where is God when i need Him? i need justice.God is not fair?now she doesn't believe God? in our conversation i shared word of God to her and told her in every circumstances look for good,in every situation look for God and in every problem look for the grace of God...and her last word..." i know even i don't ask for prayer,i'm sure you will pray for me.i just smile and say "i will".
2007-01-10 15:04:20 UTC
Normally I wouldnt care what people believe-I used to be religious then became atheist. You can believe that deer testicles are sacred for all that matters. But as soon as you start supporting an ideology that encourages hate and violence, Im gonna critisize and make fun of it. And even if is good-no idea is above criticism.
2007-01-10 15:07:50 UTC
Because they become frustrated and they see no difference between believing or not!
2007-01-10 15:18:31 UTC
i think they dont believe in God
Tucson Atheist
2007-01-10 15:10:44 UTC
I believed in Jesus because my mom wouldn't lie to me. It turns out she did. Now I don't believe anything without proof.
Jarrett D
2007-01-10 15:11:18 UTC
Many people feel that the Church and the bible are lies told by man,and do not trust in any faith
2007-01-10 15:13:28 UTC
Because they learn better.

Christians are VERY judgemental of anyone who willingly turns from their faith and therefore we tend to avoid them.

Think about it, how arrogant is it to PRAY that someone come to think exactly as you do?

No thanks, don't pray for me. I would never insult another person's opinion or mind that way.
2007-01-10 15:06:08 UTC
Means NO god at all.
2007-01-10 15:11:33 UTC
atheism = no god

a = no

theos = god
Story teller
2007-01-10 15:03:07 UTC
They realize later that there isnt God
2007-01-10 15:08:08 UTC
I think that people who once did believe in God, ultimately blame Him for all their problems and then deny He even exists.
That's A Lot of Nonsense
2007-01-10 15:05:07 UTC
i used to believe in santa and the tooth fairy. now i don't believe in santa and i'm a fairy. fancy that! hehehe...
2007-01-10 15:22:07 UTC
They feel that God has turned against them or that he's never done anything for them.
2007-01-10 15:13:56 UTC
Because they realize its crap.
2007-01-10 15:03:17 UTC
I believe that they hate the truth and being with Jesus, all would be lost. My advise to them is to know John the Baptist for their worldly life's guidance.
2007-01-10 15:06:29 UTC
no they become agnostic
2007-01-10 15:09:06 UTC
means they were never converted
Born Again Christian
2007-01-10 15:03:35 UTC
Even satan believes in God and Jesus.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.