1) Since science gives the world more proof than all religions combined, isn't that proof religion is fake?
Since the existence of human beings has more evidence than all of the evidence supporting the idea that the Earth is spheroid in shape, doesn't that mean that the Earth is flat?
I think you should change your name to, "Illogical, Erroneous Catholic Assaulter"
2) Think about it, the pagans worship "nature", but science knows the origin of nature
3) and how it looked before, it wasn't all trees and flowers ya know
Before *what*? Besides - doesn't the Bible *also* say that at one time the Earth "wasn't all trees and flowers"?
4) these animals weren't even hear million years ago, and science knows the origin to them
More balderdash. You seem to think that scientific theory qualifies as scientific fact. It does not.
5) The Bible speaks on the creation, but science has all put proved that it was a big bang that happened that caused all this.
Exactly. And the Big Bang Theory was based on - you guessed it - the first chapter in the Bible!
Jim, http://www.BibleSelecter.com