Do you agree that Christianity is the continuing of the same concepts of the Babylonians and Egyptians?
2009-03-25 15:37:27 UTC
If you look at ancient history, the concept of a Holy Spirit, Resurrected Messiah and the doctrine of the Virgin birth was known threw out ancient tribes which pre-existed thousands of years before Christianity. In ancient Babylon Nimrod became ruler of the land and proclaimed his self a God representing his worship with the sun. The worship of Nimrod consisted of Samiramis the mother goddess who manifested herself as a ‘Dove’ which is a major symbol of Christianity which represents the Holy Spirit, and with the worship Tammuz who was Nimrod and Samiramis’ son. Tammuz was conceived threw a ‘Virgin Birth’. When Nimrod died ‘Tammuz’ resurrected Nimrod threw the Holy Spirit of his mother Samiramis. The worship was known as the Babylonian Triad. When Babylon was not the ‘pop off’ dynasty of that time anymore and Egypt begin to rise. The Egyptians pulled the Religion of Nimrod out of Babylon and reconstructed the names of Nimrod, Samiramis and Tammuz. The names became known as Osiris (Nimrod) , Isis (Samiramis) and Horus (Tammuz). The Egyptian Religion also consisted of a ruler who proclaimed himself as a God whose name was Osiris. A mother goddess who manifests herself as a dove named Isis and a son who was the resurrected messiah named Horus. Now when you put all this together you get the same exact portray in Christianity’s gospels. Jesus was the resurrected messiah; Mary conceived the messiah threw an immaculate conception by the ‘Holy Spirit’ who Christians call ‘God’, and Jesus as God incarnated. Now if you disagree at least have proof and evidence against my knowledge. It seems to me that Constantine the one, who indoctrinated these pagan concepts into the Gospels, knew what he was getting at. He wants everyone to die in the same senseless belief the Babylonians and Egyptians did. This sort of evidence is the reason why Old Testament (Jewish) scholars disregard the gospels. Because all the gospels are is retold stories which the ancient Babylonian and Egyptian elder told to his grandchildren by the ancient river. All Christianity and the gospels consist of is retold stories of Babylon and Egypt. It is nothing new. There is no such concept of the messiah brining a new covenant. If you believed in Yahweh of the ancient Hebrews, you would be able to see that there is a deception in the Gospels, and that nothing the Apostles stated about the foretold messiah is true. Why can’t the massive of the world see that they are being deceived into worshiping Nimrod? Why can’t they see that those who composed of the ‘Holy Bible’ were members of Masonic occultism groups? No wonder it seems that Christian scholars are hiding the Dead Sea Scrolls from being majorly known by the population. It contradicts the whole belief of Christianity and what it stands for. It’s time for the world to begin to do their own research and see what’s true from false.
Seven answers:
2009-03-25 15:42:48 UTC
I thank our Lord that I didn't have to read all of that to answer this question..

2009-03-25 15:43:25 UTC
Well, Egypt and Babylonia were some of the earliest civilizations so I don't see anything wrong with continuing belief systems from those time periods. The only thing that's wrong is arrogance that one's belief system is the "only right one" or "better than others" and that's the true issue with Christianity.

As someone who does believe in a Father God and Mother Goddess, I believe that its possible that many of the so-called "Israel" events were actually Egyptian in nature, and that their wonders and civilization were possibly very advanced. Just like the Mayans.
2009-03-26 19:47:15 UTC
Most biblical scholars now realize the Jews borrowed from the centuries older Egyptian allegories which contain one God, and, even the Virgin Birth,and changed the names for the Bibles.See the following link for an excellent, factual, overview:
2009-03-26 11:44:38 UTC
Yes I do. Christianity is pagan. It was the so-called holier than thou Christians who owned the slave ships that went to Africa to enslave God's chosen people the Israelites. Once in their colonies the Israelites were indoctrinated into pagan Christianity with its idols of the "virgin" Mary, the Cross and their Messiah - Jesus (named after the god Zeus).

It is frustrating to see the Israelites continuing to praise this god Jesus and to believe in the teachings of a religion that has tricked them out of their history and has claimed it belongs to the Jews. Christianity has defiled the holy scriptures by attaching to it, their pagan book of doctrine - the New Testament. Christianity has also added words and verses to the books of the Prophets to support their belief that Jesus is the successor of King David and that an evil spirit named Satan actually exists.

Yes, Christianity is steeped in Babylonian and Egyptian occultist teachings.
2016-10-07 14:37:48 UTC
Sunni and Shia, Roman Catholicism and this is daughters, and non Torah following Judaism....specific. they seem to be a mixture of astrotheology and a few Egyptian mythology. the unique Torah, the actual Jesus and the Qu'ran are no longer.
2009-03-25 15:43:22 UTC
"Zeitgeist" is a lie.
2009-03-25 15:41:27 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.