I take a pleasure answering...
In the Bible stories God is forcing Adam and Eve to depend ONLY on the Clergy for any KNOWLEDGE of good and evil.
BEFORE ADAM WAS CREATED, Lucifer and 1/3 of the angels were not one bit impressed with God’s attributes, and rebelled against him on the spot.
As soon as Eve was put together, Satan was ready to counsel her into getting knowledge!
God the Son Jesus Christ was FOREORDAINED to be nailed to a Holy Roman Cross before the creation of this humongous universe.
In our society today this is known as FIRST DEGREE PREMEDITATED MURDER.
It was the only way that God the Father could use to calm down his goof creating people without any knowledge of GOOD AND EVIL (1Pet1:19-20)!
In the primitive Christian religion, God can get away with murder calling it, “John 3:16 LOVE!”
When Adam and Eve wised up about any GOOD AND EVIL, God set up a “flaming sword moving back and forth” to ban the access to the “Tree of Life.”
No matter how much “FREE WILL” Adam and Eve may have had they couldn’t eat of the Tree of Life, and live for ever!
God also PREVENTED anybody with a “FREE WILL” from killing Cain.
In most of the Bible stories women are discredited, and are not taken into account in their NATURAL quest for personal knowledge (1Cor14:34-35)!
GOD PREVENTED that the Palestinian King Abimelech would use any FREE WILL and “sin” against him!
God was personally present in King Abimelech’s Bedroom to PREVENT a questionable sexual intercourse that he was about to enjoy with Sarah!
Neither God in all his bragging of “omnipresence” nor a Guardian Angel was anywhere near EVE to prevent her from eating of the fruit of KNOWLEDGE.
But God was dead set about killing Jesus (1Pet1:19-20)!
Genesis 20:2-6
…and there Abraham said of his WIFE Sarah, "She is my SISTER."*
(*incest and inbreeding was allowed, commanded and enforced by God’s law -Num36:8)
Then Abimelech king of Gerar sent for Sarah and took her. But God came to Abimelech IN A DREAM ONE NIGHT*
(*Not necessarily when King Abimelech was wide awake having sex with Sarah. God ought to be commended for exercising discretion)
and said to him, "You are as good as dead BECAUSE OF THE WOMAN YOU HAVE TAKEN; she is a married woman.”*
(*It would have been OK with God if Sarah had no husband!)
Now Abimelech had not gone near her*
(*the king was having sex with Sarah at that moment. Because he was sleeping, neither he was surprised to talk to God in a dream!)
so he said, "Lord, will you destroy an innocent nation?*
(*he was concerned about his kingdom. God and this Palestinian king are discussing National Security issues in a dream!)
Did he* (*Abraham) not say to me, `She is my sister,' and didn't she also say, `He is my brother'?*
(*having sex is OK with God! The issue here is “he said” “she said”)
I have done this with a clear conscience and clean hands"
(*as long as Christians do it with a clear conscience and clean hands they are OK -Eccl 9:10)
Then God said to him in the dream, "Yes, I know you did this with a CLEAR CONSCIENCE*
(*most Puritan oriented Christians hardly read the Bible to find out for themselves; they are afraid to eat of the fruit of KNOLEDGE)
and so I have kept you from sinning against me*
(*Eve ate of the fruit of knowledge because God or a Guardian Angel was not there to protect her, like God protected this king)
That is why I did not let you touch her.”*
(*Eve ought to sue God!)
This pervert old man Abraham became the father of the Jewish, Christian and Islamic faith (Rom 4:16); among other reasons, for handing over his 90 year old horny sister/wife Sarah, without any objection, for the unrestricted sexual pleasure of this Palestinian king!
In spite of her age, Sarah must have been a very sexy girl, or else the Bible writers were a bunch of w@nking perverts!
It would have been so nice of God to tell EVE, “I have kept you from sinning against me that is why I did not let you touch the fruit of knowledge!”
The Bible started to be written during the Jewish captivity in Babylon 586–538 BCE.
The Bible was not written as the events were taking place.
They were putting together a Jewish religion to provide a decent source of income, and power for the Clergy (Mal3:9-10,Mat25:41)!
Not only the Muslims, but some Christians are also willing to kill and die defending their religion!
We all have a long way to go before we snap out of religion.