Please explain the Trinity to me...?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Please explain the Trinity to me...?
155 answers:
2017-01-04 19:43:54 UTC
"I don't get why Christians say they worship one God when the Trinity is comprised of three separate beings." [That's not what we believe].

Rather, we say:

There is but one being of God, yet there are three Persons (or three centres of consciousness) who share this one being of God: the Father, the Son, and the Spirit. Each Person is fully and completely God, each is described in Scripture as possessing the attributes of God. The Father, Son, and Spirit have eternally existed in the relationship described by the term “Trinity.”

A good starting point in understanding the Trinity would be learning to differentiate between the word "person" (*who* somebody is) and "being" (*what* somebody is). I'm not the same person as you because you might like different things than I do. However, we're both human by our nature. Our being is finite; meaning; we can only be one person.

If the being of God is infinite (which it is), there would be no logical basis to assume this One infinite being couldn't be shared by three divine persons -- which is what Christians have concluded is true -- after taking into account what God has revealed of himself in both the Old and New Testament.

*** I normally don't like to use analogies for God since He is unique and can't be compared to anything. But sometimes, they're useful, and you sound sincere in your question. ***

1. This is similar in principle to saying that the navy, army, and airforce are three distinct fighting entities, but are also one armed service.

2. Space contains three dimensions (past, present, future), yet the dimensions are not ‘parts’ -- the concept of ‘space’ is meaningless without all three dimensions.

In the Trinity, the one God is both one and more than one. There exists diversity and unity simultaneously. One might think this view of God should reflect upon us as a whole.
2017-01-04 20:36:47 UTC
Please explain the trinity to me..... ?

One God, Three Persons

The doctrine of the Trinity means that there is one God who eternally exists as three distinct Persons — the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Stated differently, God is one in essence and three in person. These definitions express three crucial truths: (1) the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are distinct Persons, (2) each Person is fully God, (3) there is only one God.

The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are distinct Persons. The Bible speaks of the Father as God(Philippians 1:2), Jesus as God (Titus 2:13), and the Holy Spirit as God (Acts 5:3–4). Are these just three different ways of looking at God, or simply ways of referring to three different roles that God plays? The answer must be no, because the Bible also indicates that the Father,Son,and Holy Spirit are distinct Persons.

Each Person is fully God. The doctrine of the Trinity does not divide God into three parts. The Bible is clear that all three Persons are each 100% God
mark h
2017-01-04 19:55:35 UTC
Well first and foremost I think if we can agree on some fundamentals then we will never come to an agreement on the Trinity.

For instance, as a basic theist, not a Christian, I believe one should be very careful is designating what God is able to do and what God is not able to do.

For instance restricting God to physical and temporal limitations that we humans are accustom to such as time or gravity, is probably a big mistake.

At the same time ascribing some of our more base characteristics such as capriciousness or cynicism to God is also going to land us in hot water at some point.

So at the core, there is no point in debating an issue like the Trinity unless we agree that God by definition is supernatural and at the same time, more good than we are.

Now if we agree that God is by definition supernatural, then it is no stretch to believe that One God could be 3 personages.

Hope that helps.
2017-01-04 20:46:49 UTC
Plesse explain the trinity to me.....?

Explain it to me please on a beginner level. Don't be mean, in trying to learn. Got it. So I think to myself how I would explain it to a little child. no disrespect to you I know you are not a child but if that's how you would like it explained then to answer your question accurately that's how we should do it right?

They are three but yet they are one. think of an egg. there are three parts to an egg but it is still an egg. Three parts that makeup one object. That's a very simplistic way to explain God. Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Together they are one. That's a good way to explain it to a toddler or child. You know all it takes is the faith of a little child right? to come to God. Everybody is so busy breaking out their math books trying to figure out God when Jesus says have the faith of a little mustard seed

2017-01-04 19:53:01 UTC
How to at beginner level? you simply realize that it is the Father Son and Holy Spirit. they are equal yet distinct. one in all things yet three separate beings........ that is the first concept to understand. by faith we receive the things of God and it is written in his word
2017-01-05 08:09:23 UTC
It's frustrating reading so many answers that show a massive mistake, claiming the Trinity doctrine describes 3 beings. Everyone who thinks it is about 3 beings misunderstands and misrepresents the doctrine. There's only 1 Being of God. You claim "the Trinity is comprised of three separate beings." No. It isn't, and that's why you cannot understand it!

Brian answered, saying he's talked to trinitarians for 25 years and he states, "Three separate beings making up one God". That proves he's not been listening (which problem arises when you're only out to talk to people). As I'm blocked from responding, I'm making this point in my answer, for both he and you need to start at the beginning by knowing the first point of the Trinity doctrine - There is only ONE Being of God, not three Beings.

Next basic teaching - the doctrine is perfectly clear that the Father is not the Son, the Son is not the Father, and the Holy Spirit is neither the Father nor the Son. Again, people who misunderstand and misrepresent the teaching expose their ignorance by claiming that the Trinity means the Son is his own father, and the father sacrificed himself to himself, etc. They make a nonsense out of the teaching because they have not grasped those two, basic points.

You have been confused by wrong ideas about the Trinity that you have heard, and many of the posts here confirm this. Those who attack the teaching the most, constantly expose their own errors with those two foundational points, and perpetuate myths that they then easily mock. A third myth is that pagan religions have lots of trinities - no - they have triads, not any trinity, and a triad is not a trinity. The Christian Trinity doctrine is unique in maintaining one Being of God who is complex, not simple. There are three uncreated, co-equal 'persons' subsisting in the one Godhead. But the word 'persons' can be misleading. I won't go into that here as all I want to do is clear up error at the start. Until that error is removed, you will never grasp the basics. Please use the links to now progress on to what the Bible says about the complexity of our awesome God. AiH
2017-01-04 20:17:26 UTC
maybe this will help...

One God

by Henry M. Morris, Ph.D.

Evidence for Creation

“Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD.” (Deuteronomy 6:4)

This great verse has been recited countless times by Israelites down through the centuries, setting forth their distinctive belief in one great Creator God. The Jews had retained their original belief in creation, handed down from Noah, while the other nations had all allowed their original monotheistic creationism to degenerate into a wide variety of religions, all basically equivalent to the polytheistic evolutionism of the early Sumerians at Babel.

But along with its strong assertion of monotheism, there is also a very real suggestion that this declaration, with its thrice-named subject, is also setting forth the triune God. The name “LORD,” of course, is Yahweh, or Jehovah, the self-existing One who reveals Himself, while “God” is Elohim, the powerful Creator/Ruler. “Jehovah our Elohim is one Jehovah” is the proclamation. A number of respected Jewish commentators have acknowledged that the verse spoke of a “unified oneness” rather than an “absolute oneness.” The revered book called the Zohar, for example, even said that the first mention was of the Father, the second one the Messiah, and the third the Holy Spirit.

The key word “one” (Hebrew achad) is often used to denote unity in diversity. For example, when Eve was united to Adam in marriage, they were said to be “one flesh” (Genesis 2:24). Similarly, on the third day of creation, the waters were “gathered together unto one place,” yet this gathering together was called “Seas” (i.e., more than one sea, Genesis 1:9-10).

Thus, Israel’s great declaration should really be understood as saying, in effect: “The eternally omnipresent Father, also Creator and Sustainer of all things, is our unified self-revealing Lord.” HMM
2017-01-04 19:42:49 UTC
God in 3 persons, Holy Trinity. God, Holy Ghost and Jesus. It's in the Bible many times if you study the Bible.
2017-01-04 19:41:10 UTC
Why would you find it unusual that the Nature of God the creator of the universe would be beyond your limited comprehensive ability

Who fed you the Idea that you have to be able to figure things out for them to be true?

That is a repugnantly egotistical idea

Nobody can explain it, because no one can understand the full nature of God. Because He is God and we are not

You may here the egg analogy (Shell Yoke White...three in one) but that is a poor attempt

So either you are humble and can accept that it is without being able to understand it

Or you can stick to your foolish pride and think nothing is beyond you

God resists the proud and gives grace to the humble
2017-01-04 20:10:25 UTC
1=3, 3=1 ... God is in essence, a Godhead comprising of 3 divine beings ..

God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit.

the easiest way i understand it is like this ...

john is the son of A+B

john is also the husband of C

john is also the father of D

so you can describe john in a no. of ways ... right ?

yet, you will be describing ONE person.

read john chapter 1 ... it is quite clear that Yeshua is uncreated, the Creator of .. everything.
2017-01-04 19:49:44 UTC
They believe that god the father, god the son and god the holy spirit are in unison. They explain it with the illustration of an egg. An egg has three parts -- the shell, the white and the yolk and supposedly god is the same. He is father, son and holy ghost.

However, if you study the bible, you can clearly see why the idea of this is absurd. Anyone who has actually taken time to analyze scripture can tell you that the idea of the trinity is no where to be found in biblical text. Christians made up the trinity by assumptions and inferences. These scriptures alone prove that Jesus is Gods son, not GOD.

(Matthew 24:36 -- Matthew 26:39 -- John 5:26 -- John 5:30 -- John 5:19 -- Mark 18:10 -- John 14:28 -- Matthew 6:9 -- Matthew 27:46 -- John 17:21-23 -- 1 Corinthians 15:27-28 -- Hebrews 1:3 -- Hebrews 4:15 -- James 1:13 -- Hebrews 5:7-9)

I'm sure there's more but those are some that I have bookmarked. The holy spirit is not a separate entity, it's like a soul. For example, you as a human being have a body and a soul. Likewise, God has a "body" and a "spirit" or "soul" I.E. a "holy spirit" because he is holy.

I don't even believe in god but I was raised in church and I did a lot of research. I have read the bible from front to back and it's an inconceivable notion for God and Jesus to both be "God". If I were to believe in God, I wouldn't ever accept the idea of the trinity. Hell is a myth too!
2017-01-06 12:07:22 UTC
Okay ... here you have a load of answers, some with merit, some with rubbish and some with truth.

I think BEFORE you try to study the scriptures and discern the truth for yourself, you have to understand the basic concept. (Unforunately, anti-Trinitarians like JWs complete fail to do this and as a result they make ridiculous and stupid comments about the Trinity that do nothing but demonstrate their ignorance).

The basic concept of the Trinity is ONE God THREE persons. The principle here is simple... ONE entity being comprised of multiple parts. It's a principle we live in and is all around us. Examples include A family, A choir, A team, A couple, etc. Each of these things are singular i.e. ONE. and yet they are made up of multiple persons.

Take a simple example.... ONE Family THREE persons (Father, Mother and Son).

How many families are there? ONE

How many persons are there? THREE.

Is the Father family? YES

Is the Son family? YES

Is the mother family? YES

Is the Father the mother? NO

Is the Son the Father? NO.

Can the Son talk about the family? OF COURSE

Does the son talking about the family mean He's not part of the family? OF COURSE NOT

Such is the fundamental basis of the Trinity that anti-Trinitarians cannot grasp and almost ALL their questions and objections fall into this basic error! (eg. "Was Jesus talking to Himself when..")

Now I'm not claiming that understanding the workings of this principle are simple or for that matter even comprehendable but I am saying the basic concept is easy and those who are fiercely critical of the Trinity ought to update their conceptual thinking and stop making the same dumb arguments.

Having grasped this simple concept we can turn to the bible and see some important truths...

* Jesus made Himself NOTHING when He came to earth.

Even JWs agree that the human being known as Jesus was much less than the person He was in heaven both before becoming human and after becoming human. In other words, whatever Jesus was in heaven, He was less on earth.

For me this explains why as a baby He had to learn to speak, learn the bible, etc. In also explains why He didn't have the knowledge and the power that He had in heaven. He voluntarily gave up these things in order to live as a MAN. Had He not given up these things He would have been a fake man.

Whilst JWs accept Jesus the man was less than He was in heaven they continually ask questions that are nothing more than a reflection of the very thing they accept. i.e. Jesus was less. They ask how can Jesus have a god? (because He was a man) Why doesn't He know things god knows? (because He was a man) Why did He die - surely God can't die? (because He was a man).. .etc. It's another example of a simple concept not being able to penetrate biased thinking.

This is just the simple basics. The reality is that ....

1) God is a profound mystery .. some things we cannot understand

2) If we want to understand more though we need to OPENLY research more

3) If you sincerely want to know the truth there will no end to the lenghts you will go to find it.

4) The more you OPENLY search the more truth you will find - (God will reveal)

5) There are no shortcuts - you have to do the work yourself!

On a last and final point, I have yet to find an anti-Trinitarian who can demonstrate they have FULLY researched the Trinity despite the fact most claim they have. To put this into context.. there are over 300+ Trinity verses that need careful consideration in terms of linguistic usage, cultural setting with extensive cross referencing BEFORE weighing up ALL the evidence to make a determination. It's a big job that simply cannot be done properly without notes- extensive notes. Add to this the 30 or so bible verses that are used to disprove the Trinity and you can see the scale of the job. YET NOT ONE anti-Trinitarian has ANY notes to show how they considered and arrived at their decision that the Trinity is false. NOT ONE.

Of course, such people will try to quote various isolated verses to demonstrate their view is correct. Having considered ALL these kinds of protestation with careful thought (and documentation) I can individually answer each of these arguments/bible verses but will NOT do so.... the reason is simple. If the person asking cannot be bothered to FULLY research the truth, they are unlikely to accept any argument and will swing from one verse to another desperately evading acceptance that they have gone wrong... and I won't waste my time.

I hope and pray this will help you find TRUTH!
Steve S
2017-01-05 03:06:06 UTC
1 +1 +1 = 1
2017-01-05 16:01:48 UTC
Trinitarian, here. We know that it is a great mystery, delving into the inner being of God, and who can really do that with any great certainty? The ancient, traditional understanding is this:

"The Father is the source, the Word/Son is timelessly begotten of the Father, and the Holy Spirit proceeds eternally from the Father." All share the same, one divine essence, and so all ar divine. Since there is but One God, all are rightly called God. However, the Father is not the Son, the Son is not the Father, and the Spirit is neither the Father nor the Son. The Father is a father precisely because he has a Son, and the Son is a son because he has a father.

In the Hebrew scriptures (the "Old Testament", as Christians call them), the term God refers generally to the Father, but can mean all three divine beings of the godhead together. It is interesting that even the great Hebrew statement of belief, the Shema, does not indicate a single monad. It states "Hear, O Israel, the LORD our God is one LORD," where the word for "one", 'echad, is not a simple oneness, but a union or unity. It is the very same word used to describe the union of a man and woman in marriage.

As to Word/Son, we believe as the gospel of John writes, that the Word became flesh (1:14), and in that flesh is called the only-begotten Son of God (3:16). We use the two words synonymously. If it matters, we get more precise.

John's gospel records the Apostle Thomas's declaration of faith in Jesus, "My Lord and my God." a statement that Jesus blesses. Belief in the divinity of Jesus is recorded right from the beginning. In the book of the Acts of the Apostles, the Holy Spirit is seen as a personal being that is lied to by some who fell afoul of the faith; that lie is said to be a lie to God. The Spirit is thus regarded as God, also, right from the start.

Now, it took some time for some to fall from the faith and begin to teach that Jesus and the Spirit are *not* divine. You'll see in this forum some who have taken up that ancient heresy. This new bad teaching was the reason for the first great Ecumenical councils of the church that explain -- not create -- Christian teaching. The councils affirmed the divinity of the Son and the Spirit, and that they are worshiped together with the Father. Only God is worshiped, but not only God the Father.

This is the ancient belief, part of the deposit of faith from the early church. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, one God in three divine hypostases/persons: the Holy Trinity.

Forgive me.

2017-01-05 00:36:24 UTC
The Trinity is a very basic view of the Christian God. Rather, it would benefit you more to know about the Triune God (as that makes more sense than saying three persons one entity). The Triune God is simple. Jesus the Son is consubstantial with God the Father, meaning that Jesus is God. I won't comment on that paradox like others as that does not answer your question! (It helps if you just accept the Christian God for what it is because no matter how much you say it doesn't make sense, nothing will change Church Doctrine). Jesus and God are one in the same, the only difference is Jesus the Son is God incarnate (meaning God became human). The Holy Spirit is the love between the Father and the Son that was given to the Apostles/Disciples on Pentecost to help guide them (Christians still believe the Holy Spirit guides them).
2017-01-04 21:46:43 UTC
Please explain the Trinity to me in simple terms...? 3 in 1- the simple explanation. Separate yet one. Funny how the ones who disagree with the Trinity are not even Christians. That should be clue #1. Cults, false religions and atheists alike do not believe the Trinity. only Christians and yet they say they know more about the trinity in the Bible than we do? Funny, I thought the Bible was written for us to begin with not for them. Yes the Trinity is a Bible teaching and yes it is scriptural and yes it defines who God is. Can it be fully comprehended by our fallible human mind? No. Does that make it any less true? No. The bottom line is it is scriptural and if it is in the Bible then it is Canon for us as Christians. People can attack it and say whatever they want to but if it is in the Bible it is truth and that is what we as Christians believe. Dont be deceived. These are certainly the last days we are living in and Satan is busy corrupting the gullible. Listen to the Holy Spirit
2017-01-05 03:44:46 UTC
It is believed there are three divine Persons (the Father, the Son, the Holy Ghost), each said to be eternal, each said to be almighty, none greater or less than another, each said to be God, and yet together being but one God. Other statements of the dogma emphasize that these three “Persons” are not separate and distinct individuals. But that concept is not found in the Bible. For instance the holy spirit is not a person but a force that Jehovah uses to fulfill his purpose. - Genesis 1:2; Genesis 2:7. Jesus said at John 14:16, 17 "And I will ask the Father and he will give you another helper to be with you forever, the spirit of the truth,..." Notice that Jesus said he will ask the Father to give the helper, holy spirit. Meaning he cannot not give something that comes only from his Father Jehovah. Other Bible texts say that people were “filled” with holy spirit, that some were ‘baptized’ with it or “anointed” with it. (Luke 1:41; Acts 10:38) The holy spirit definitely is not a person. Also the Bible tells us the personal name of the Father—Jehovah. It informs us that the Son is Jesus Christ. But nowhere in the Scriptures is a personal name applied to the holy spirit. The Bible teaches that the Father and the Son are separate and distinct individuals. - Matthew 26:39; John 8:17, 18) Jehovah has no beginning and is the Creator or all things. - Revelation 4:11. Jesus is God's first-born of all creation. - Colossians 1:15, 16. Satan the devil is God's arch enemy and influences humans with his lies about God. - 2 Corinthians 4:4; John 8:44. Satan will do anything to keep man from gaining salvation. He's been very successful at turning the truth about God. To understand what the Bible as a whole teaches, all these texts must be considered.
2017-01-05 18:40:35 UTC
The explanation & doctrine of the trinity is man made. It is not from the scriptures. Trying to understand something that the scriptures did not define for us to comprehend is mere speculation and false teaching.

No where in scripture does it state as the doctrine of the trinity tries to define that there is one God; God the Father, God the Son and God the Holt Ghost (or Spirit), but not three God's but one God.

Without a scriptural support that there are in fact three that make up God, how can it be limited to understanding that there are only three and not more than three that God has not revealed as being in unison together. There is no such concept to grasp other than God is one.

The Father is greater than the Son (John 14:28). The Son hands back over the Kingdom to God, so that God may be all things to everyone (1 Corinthians 15:27,28)

The scriptures do refer to God as God the Father (2 Peter 1:17), but not once is the Son referred to as God the Son, instead he is referred to as the Son of God (John 20:31). The Holy Spirit is never called God the Holy Spirit, It is the Spirit of God or God's Spirit. It is also referred to as the finger of God (Matthew 12:28; Luke 11:20). The Holy Spirit is therefore the power of God.

It is interesting that Jesus stated the Father is who the Jews call their God (John 8:54). It should be noted that The God of the Jews stated that He alone is God and there are no other Gods with him and there is none besides Him, there is no one else (Isaiah 45:5,6)

Jesus in praying to the Father stated that the Father is the only true God (John 17:1,3).

The trinity doctrine is not defined in scriptures and cannot really limit God to three and only three, so it is false in it's own precept.
2017-01-04 21:33:05 UTC
Let's explain the trinity

Trinity is a concept developed by Christians on their own. its never mentioned in the bible.

And it was not impossible for God to translate the word trinity in hebrew language. Lol

John 14 verse 28 : My Father is greater than I.

Lets have a look,


1 is greater than 1 according to John 14 V 28

So 1 is not equal to 1.

Either 1 is less than 1 or the latter 1 is 1.x

John 10 verse 29 : My Father is greater than All.

So if 1 is greater than ALL how can trinity even exist.

Jesus answered them and said, "My doctrine is not Mine, but His who sent Me." [John 7:16]

"For I have not spoken on My own authority; but the Father who sent Me gave Me a command, what I should say and what I should speak."[John 12:49]

“But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father."[Matthew 24:36]
2017-01-06 08:44:51 UTC
The concept of the Trinity is one of the great mysteries of the Bible. Romans 11:34 says, "Who among us can know the mind of the Lord?" God's character is so enormous that we, with our limited minds, cannot comprehend all that he is.The Bible is clear that God is three-in-one: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit (see Matthew 28:18-20). The three parts are separate personalities. And yet together, they form one being: God.We can try to explain the Trinity with analogies and illustrations, but even these come up short, because God is so great, no illustration really does him justice.For instance, look at an egg, and its three separate but equal parts—yolk, white and shell. Each has its own identity and purpose, and yet all three make up something more. Take away one of the three parts, and it's no longer an egg.Now look at yourself. You probably have three names: a first name, a middle name and a last name.
2017-01-05 00:53:55 UTC
Probably because there are not three separate beings.

First, you are not going to understand God. He is infinite & you have a finite mind. You are trying to put a Blue Whale into an ordinary goldfish bowl; you have way too much whale & far too little bowl.

I can quote what Rabbi Marc Gellman explained," The Trinity is three aspects of the totality of God's presence here on earth. The Trinity describes three beings that are distinct in their tasks, but not distinct in their essence. The Trinity is by far the deepest and the most recondite Christian mystery."
2017-01-05 06:18:06 UTC
"Please explain the Trinity to me...? Explain it to me please on a beginner level. Don't be mean, in trying to learn here."

Its pretty hard for people to explain something like the trinity. It is both a man and a god. God the Father is only God, the Son is both man and God and the holy spirit is also God. The Father and Holy Spirit are not a man, they are spirits.

I have talked to Trinitarians for the last 25+ years. I have heard many explanations. Many lean on the Nicene Creed to explain it. For thinking people, the Nicene Creed is a joke. Its falls to human imagination to explain the trinity, whether it be the Nicene Creed or some other mumbo jumbo explanation.

"I don't get why Christians say they worship one God when the Trinity is comprised of three separate beings. "

It is interesting to watch. Three separate beings making up one God. They are one but they are three. They try to use various analogies; "the 3 leaf clover", "water, steam, ice", "spirit, soul, body" etc etc. But they all fail. There is ever a few here that claim non-Trinitarians do not fully explore the trinity and tell us that we cannot be objective.

The issue is this. Jesus, using his own words at John 17:3, tells us that his God of John 20:17 is the only true God. He did not include himself or the holy spirit in his identity of the one true God. He said the Father is the only true God. Trust Jesus' words. They will not fail you.
Boanergese, Sons of Thunder! Mark 3:17
2017-01-05 20:03:44 UTC
Definition: The central doctrine of religions of Christendom. According to the Athanasian Creed, there are three divine Persons (the Father, the Son, the Holy Ghost), each said to be eternal, each said to be almighty, none greater or less than another, each said to be God, and yet together being but one God. Other statements of the dogma emphasize that these three “Persons” are not separate and distinct individuals but are three modes in which the divine essence exists. Thus some Trinitarians emphasize their belief that Jesus Christ is God, or that Jesus and the Holy Ghost are Jehovah. (Not a Bible teaching) The word 'trinity', Is NOT found in any bible.
Ernest S
2017-01-06 02:39:25 UTC
Throughout the Bible God has revealed Himself in three Persons.

It is a matter of record and cannot be denied. What any does with that is up to them.

No analogy or illustration is adequate, or could be adequate, to explain this. All are deficient. With this warning consider for a moment. The Bible shows there are three realms or spheres or dimensions or domains. (Already the language is inadequate). There is the throne of God, the Highest heaven where God dwells, the spiritual heavenlies which the unseen spirits inhabit, and the physical, or lowest heaven where we dwell, in this physical world.

Now although these are individual and separate yet they overlap. God the Most High reigns on the Throne, The Holy Spirit manifests in the spiritual realm and Jesus Christ was manifested in the pyhsical, our world.

As far as it goes that is fairly simple to understand, is it not?

But of course it is deficient in describing God.

But then let's be honest we have difficultly in comprehending the Spiritual realm and that there are beings who are spirit only. We just know that these things are so but perhaps because we are too tied to the physical we are limited in understanding things outside of that. After all, we learn of the spiritual through physical examples.

The only way to improve upon that is by revelation from God Himself. And obviously, revelation is personal and private in the sense that it cannot be passed on to any other.

So seek God for Him to show you.
2017-01-06 06:31:44 UTC
OK, here's a serious answer, but the Christians won't like it (and will deny it). In the early centuries of Christianity, there were many Christian sects. Among them where those who wanted to make Jesus a god. But since Jesus was also a man and began life by being born, what about the eternal aspects of god before that? Also, the concept of monotheism was deeply embedded in the Jewish origins of Christianity. There were numerous resolutions to the conflict between the deification of Jesus and the maintenance of monotheism. As the Christian Church was regularized and the Bible assembled from independent documents, there had to be a resolution to this question as well, and what was adopted was the Gnostic idea of a mystical Trinity --- one god, of which Jesus was a third. This essentially political compromise satisfied both sides --- Jesus got to be a god, but there was still only one God.
2017-01-05 09:54:58 UTC
Trinity means 3.
2017-01-06 04:48:31 UTC
That is such a good question. It is difficult to consider and really understand, however even though it is not specifically mentioned in the Bible, it is in Tradition, which was oral Scripture handed down over the generations before anything was written down. The Catholic Church defines the Trinity as three aspects of God, not separate beings. God as the Creator, Jesus as the Redeemer, and the Holy Spirit as the Sanctifier. It is called the Triune God.
2017-01-04 20:20:41 UTC
Trinity is not a Bible teaching.

Jehovah, the Father, is "the only true God" (John 17:3; Mark 12: 29)

Jesus is His firstborn Son,, and he is subject to God. (1 Corinthians 11:3)

The Father is greater than the Son. (John 14:28)

The holy spirit is not a person like God; it is God's active force. - Genesis 1:2; Acts 2:18.
2017-01-07 00:20:55 UTC
There's no explanation. It is the most confusing doctrine in Christianity and it explains the triune nature of God. He is one being and three persons, none of this persons is equal to the other yet they are the one God. Logic of the Holy Trinity: 1+1+1=1.

God is limitless, so why three? This might be related to the meaning of the number 3 in the Bible, which means completeness.
2017-01-07 13:14:11 UTC
the Father . . . the Son . . . the holy spirit: Recognition of the Father, Jehovah God, is natural, since he is our Creator and Life-Giver. (Psalm 36:7, 9; Revelation 4:11) However, the Bible also shows that no human can gain salvation without recognizing the role of the Son in God’s purpose. (John 14:6; Acts 4:12) It is also vital to recognize the role of God’s holy spirit because, among other things, God uses his active force to give life (Job 33:4), to inspire his message to humans (2 Peter 1:21), and to empower them to do his will (Roman 15:19). Although some believe that this enumeration supports the Trinity doctrine, the Bible never indicates that the three are equal in eternity, power, and position. That they are mentioned together in the same verse does not prove that they share divinity, eternity, and equality.
2017-01-06 11:23:09 UTC
Neither the word trinity nor the word binity exists in the Bible.

Worshiping three people or worshiping two gods is all the same: polytheism.

Jesus orders to worship ONLY THE FATHER.

John 4: 23, 24

Polytheists will not inherit the Kingdom of God.
Hoekom Jy My Haat
2017-01-05 20:54:18 UTC
Trinity 101: The Holy Trinity are three aspects of the same person-God. To understand it, think of Water, plain H2O. H20 comes in three forms: Frozen when it is cold, water when the at the right temperature, and steam when it becomes too hot. Three different aspects of the same thing - plain H20. G-d is the same way, HE comes as The Father, The Son, and the Holy Ghost, all three different aspects of the one God. Hope that helps.
2017-01-05 18:11:56 UTC
Trinity is Theology, Not Scripture. “The Trinity is the term employed to signify the central doctrine of the Christian religion—the truth that in the unity of the Godhead there are Three Persons. . . . Thus, in the words of the Athanasian Creed: ‘the Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Spirit is God, and yet there are not three Gods but one God.’ . . . This, the Church teaches, is the revelation regarding God’s nature which Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came upon earth to deliver to the world: and which she proposes to man as the foundation of her whole dogmatic system.”—The Catholic Encyclopedia. However, the Bible speaks of “the Father,” “the Son” and also “the holy spirit.” But it does not present them as a triune God.
2017-01-05 16:54:49 UTC
If you tire of the argument, The Urantia Book has the best information on the Trinity of all. At least, if arguing is the point, knowing how to argue with the information of the Trinity in the Urantia Book well understood, makes any argument sort of moot and besides the point.
2017-01-06 19:28:31 UTC
The Catholics invented this concept a long time ago and although they knew it was wrong, they didn t change it, now all the protestants have followed the lead and teach the same thing. There cannot be three persons in one, no matter how people try to explain it, it only makes sense to them and it s like a fable. There is one God and Jesus who is His son and there are many holy ghosts or spirits, they are in Heaven and some are born on earth to help mankind.
2017-01-05 08:38:04 UTC
God is our explanation for what we can not explain. We can not explain why we are here or how the universe got started; we just make guesses based on what we see. God as creator is our explanation for the who or what got it all going.

So your question becomes why do Christians need to believe in a God of three persons? The need for this centres on Jesus's death. How could we say God died? God is immortal. So the idea is that God comes to us in various ways. Much like people act in various roles: Son, employee, husband etc.

We also want to say that while Jesus was divine, his humanity did not exhaust the Godhead. God was still taking care of the Universe while Jesus was a baby, adolescent, teacher and sacrificial saviour. We want to say God truly became man and paid the price for our sins. The point of all this is to say God loves us without limit, that he would do anything to teach us and save us. Anything short of God becoming man would mean God was just sitting back passively observing us in our weakness.

The Holy Spirit is mentioned by Jesus, he said I will ask the father to send the Spirit to make clear everything I have taught you: John 15:25. It was clear that there was still a lot of confusion when Jesus died; so the role of the Divine Spirit was to guide the Church in coming to terms with everything Jesus did and taught.

For us the oneness of the Trinity is God's undivided love for his people, while the threeness says he shows this love in very different ways. Jesus's death is central to his message of love but it can not be used to reduce the eternal and supreme nature of God.
2017-01-04 20:04:40 UTC
Many Christian denominations teach that God is a Trinity. However, note what the Encyclopædia Britannica states: “Neither the word Trinity nor the explicit doctrine appears in the New Testament . . . The doctrine developed gradually over several centuries and through many controversies.”

In fact, the God of the Bible is never described as being part of a Trinity. Note these Bible passages:

“Jehovah our God is one Jehovah.”—Deuteronomy 6:4.

“You, whose name is Jehovah, you alone are the Most High over all the earth.”—Psalm 83:18.

“This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ.”—John 17:3.

“God is only one.”—Galatians 3:20.
2017-01-06 01:48:52 UTC
If your house was on fire would you not call the fire brigade as a matter of urgency by dialling the emergency number? You rely on the fact that there is a whole load of hardware and trained personnel to respond to your call. It is not necessary that you know anythihg about it.

Similary when you call on God for salvation, you have to be aware of a need for salvation, and that God is able and willing to respond to your call. Why would you call the emergency services? Because the problem is too big to dieal with yourself. Your salvation is beyond your ability but God is able. There is the promise that whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved. There is the declaration that God is love. There is the statement that there is no other name given under heaven whereby we must be saved other then that of Jesus the Messiah, who was crucified and raised again, and who now lives in the power of an endless life.

God requires repentance, that is like getting out of the burning building, and faith that is lke dialling the correct number and giving the relevant details. You wouldn't google emergency fire response organisations but would dial the three digits for the fire brigade, nor would you doubt but will trust that they will respond.

A Christian is one who has called upon God for salvation and has accepted Jesus as sheir Lord and Saviour. Shey has moved from death to life. Once this life is yours ask the question again then it will be much easier to explain and for you to understand, because then each person of the Godhead (not a biblical word either) would have had an effect on your life.

However, you must know that all three persons are eternal have ever been and ever will be. God did not acquire a son because how can you acquire what you already have? Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. The Word became flesh and tabernacled among us. The union of the Father, Son and Spirit is a union of love and we are invited to join that union by loving God with all our heart, mind and strength and our neighbour as ourself, if greater love has no man than he should lay down his life for his friend then God demonstrated his own love towards us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us.

As for the judgenent God has appointed the man whom he raised from the dead to be the righteous judge. He has known every trial that we have known but never sinned.
2017-01-04 21:44:40 UTC
Actually, the language we generally use is saying that the Trinity is NOT "three separate beings," but rather just one divine Being.

Now, this is getting a bit artful with the language, because of course we're also recognizing and worshiping three separate divine Persons. But we need to pick words that allow us to distinguish the two concepts, and "being" and "person" (or the Greek equivalents originally used to formulate the concept) turn out to convey the idea best.

The thing is, the one-person-per-being rule that gets us confused is based entirely on experience with human being. It works for the people we normally encounter, and so we're used to it. But there's no reason it has to apply to God--no reason even to EXPECT it to apply to God.

Deciding it didn't apply wasn't the start of the concept. What happened was that the early Church--as early as the first century, it appears--had accepted these basic notions:

1. The Father (of whom Jesus taught) is God.

2. The Son (as Jesus called himself) is God.

3. The Holy Spirit (of whom Jesus also taught) is God.

Most of the Christians--who, after all, got their ideas largely from Jewish roots--also believed that, in spite of these three rules, it was also true that

4. There is just one God.

Christians got along just fine without arguing over this for a couple centuries. But early in the fourth century, there was a priest who wrote devotional poetry which became quite popular. And it became clear from his writing that this priest (Arius) regarded Jesus, the Son, as a separate and subordinate God, which meant his version of Christianity was polytheistic.

The arguments over this became vehement just around the time that the Roman Emperor Constantine ended a persecution of Christians by his predecessors (and also the reigns of those predecessors) and set himself up as a sponsor of Christianity. And with good Roman military efficiency (since he'd been a general), he decided Christians had better get their theology sorted out. So he called a Council of all the Christian leaders and told them to decide.

He was probably pretty surprised when they decided on the "one God" version, but continued to affirm the three divine Persons. And it actually took a few decades before some philosophically-minded Christian leaders put together an explanation of how that works--the doctrine of the Trinity. (So the idea of the Trinity is centuries older than the doctrine as such.)

The distinction between "divine Being" and "divine Persons" is how they made it work. The best explanation I've seen written out is in the early fifth-century "Athanasian Creed," named for Athanasius (one of Arius' leading opponents).
2017-01-05 08:12:18 UTC
"The traditional Christian doctrine of the Trinity is commonly expressed as the statement that the one God exists as or in three equally divine “persons”, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Every significant concept in this statement (God, exists, as or in, equally divine, person) has been variously understood. The guiding principle has been the creedal declaration that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit of the New Testament are con-substantial (i.e. the same in substance or essence, Greek: homoousios). Because this shared substance or essence is a divine one, this is understood to imply that all three named individuals are divine, and equally so. Yet the three in some sense “are” the one God of the Bible."
2017-01-06 00:30:01 UTC
Let us make man. quoted from the book of beginnings Genesis,

If someone can explain the use of the term "us" in reference to what, then you will get the evidence, and not necessarily the faith, as to the Holy Trinity, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, being part of the Creation process from Genesis 1:1.

In the gospel of John "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God, and there was nothing created, that was not Created by the Word (Jesus Christ is the Word of God).

Which states the complexity of human mind understanding God as a whole.

Ask God for divine revelation through faith He will reveal Himself to you, which is revealed to those who seek Him diligently and not for promotion of conflict.
2017-01-06 17:45:29 UTC
Think of it this way. I work in Quality inspection. One time a worker came to me with a question about a gasket. She said that the package says there's only 1 gasket inside the bag. But she looked inside the bag and found that there were 3 gaskets all stuck together. So she pulled them apart. She brought it to me in order to know what to do. She didn't know if she should leave them all in the same bag and just relabel it as 3 per package, or if she should repackage them in 3 separate bags and have them labeled as 1 per package.

So I looked up the blueprint and found that 1 gasket consists of 3 graphite gasket sheets all bonded together. In other words, 1 gasket IS the 3 gaskets. And now that she's pulled them apart, she's ruined them. So then I had to scrap them out as damaged parts.

1 gasket consisted of 3 gaskets. Each separate gasket is its own gasket. But all 3 together make up 1. We see this kind of thing in every day life.

How many numbers is this?...


You may say that's 3 numbers, right? Wrong. It's only 1 number. It's the number "one hundred and twenty three."

How many digits are in your phone number? Seven? So if your phone number has 7 numbers, does that mean you have 7 phone numbers?

How about the word "God"?

How many letters are there in that word?

3 letters. So, since the word "God" consists of 3 letters, does that mean that it's 3 words?

If not, then why is it that just because God consists of 3 persons, then suddenly makes Him 3 Gods?
Alan H
2017-01-05 08:30:55 UTC
Firstly, remember that you are dealing with God, which must means you will never FULLY understand. What kind of god would it be that a finite mind could grasp?

The three at not separate entities in the way that your parents and you are, but are three distinct personalities in the one Godhead.

The disciples were Jews, therefore believed in only one God.

But they had seen Jesus do things that only God can do...forgive sins, bring the dead to life, etc. As they prayed after the resurrection, it broke through thst the Crestor and the Carpenter were One. With thst realisation, the Holy Spirit flooded their souls. The artistic msy be beyond understanding, but it is backed up by the evidence of living in a relationship.

You are in my prayers
תפילת תשובה צדקה גאולה
2017-01-05 16:38:36 UTC
The trinity is a worship of one God in three forms, that being The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit, also known as The Holy Ghost. In Christianity, The Father is God in heaven, The Son is the begotten flesh of God that came to Earth, and the Holy Ghost is His Spirit of awareness and understanding in the Earth and in heaven. All of these beings are God in Christianity. Christians worship God with the belief that He exists in three forms.

Best wishes.
Jan C
2017-01-04 21:30:22 UTC
There are several places in the New Testament where the three are referenced. Jesus stated "Go and baptize in the name of God, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The easiest for me to see is in Mark 1:9-11 Then Jesus was baptized by John, the Baptist. The moment Jesus came up out of water, He saw the heavens open and the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove descending on Him, and a voice from Heaven said "You are my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased".

This shows the Holy spirit is spirit and is with all who have accepted Jesus as their Savior.
2017-01-07 15:55:29 UTC

The Christian religion “in its three classic forms of Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, and Protestantism acknowledges one God in three Persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. According to Christian theology, this acknowledgment is not a recognition of three gods but that these three persons are essentially one.”—The New Encyclopædia Britannica.


Jesus, the Son of God, never claimed to be equal to or of the same substance as his Father. Rather, he said: “I am going my way to the Father, because the Father is greater than I am.” (John 14:28) He also told one of his followers: “I am ascending to my Father and your Father and to my God and your God.”—John 20:17.

The holy spirit is not a person. Early Christians “became filled with holy spirit,” and Jehovah said: “I shall pour out some of my spirit upon every sort of flesh.” (Acts 2:1-4, 17) The holy spirit is not part of a Trinity. It is God’s active force.
2017-01-05 10:46:54 UTC
Trinity is an eastern thing. Mind, body, and soul. The 3 create a unity and therefore the name trinity has been given.
2017-01-06 18:16:58 UTC
The word " Trinity" is not found in the Bible. There is one God ( Creator) who had no beginning and has no end, -Psalms 83: 18, and one mediator between God and man - 1 Tim ch.2 vs 5, who is Christ Jesus, who had a beginning as God's very first creation, - Col ch 1 vs 15,16, was referred to as " the Word" in heaven before his life on earth, death and resurrection back to heaven by God, to become King of God's heavenly kingdom that will take over the earth soon.2 Peter ch 3 vs 13. The " holy spirit" is God's active force, not a person. It is very urgent to study the Bible to find out the answers with an open heart and genuine desire to learn God's answers to questions, instead of human teachings and traditions which are very confusing and tend to make a roadblock to true knowledge. John ch 17 vs 3.
2017-01-05 02:31:19 UTC
The Trinity of God - Father = Son = Spirit, is like the trinity of the sun - sun in distant space = light on earth = warmth on earth.


Also, a great gulf separates heaven(the abode of God) and earth(the abode of humans n Satan/demons) bc of Adam's Original Sin and Satan's rebellion. Only the Son & Spirit can bridge this gulf = Christ-believers will inherit the kingdom of heaven/God when they leave the earth or die.

2017-01-04 22:31:20 UTC
I am a trinity of ways of being and so are most of you.

I am a son

I am a husband

I am a father

You could be a daughter

You could be a wife

You could be a mother.

Each is true and each is an extension and a function of the same person

If we are, why not Him ?
2017-01-06 12:21:10 UTC
The trinity is a stupid idea that isn't even mentioned in the Bible.

It was made up by lying dishonest Christians a few hundred years after the alleged birth of the Christ.

It was than believed by other stupid gullible Christians for the next seventeen hundred years.
2017-01-05 12:03:31 UTC

Definition: The central doctrine of religions of Christendom. According to the Athanasian Creed, there are three divine Persons (the Father, the Son, the Holy Ghost), each said to be eternal, each said to be almighty, none greater or less than another, each said to be God, and yet together being but one God. Other statements of the dogma emphasize that these three “Persons” are not separate and distinct individuals but are three modes in which the divine essence exists. Thus some Trinitarians emphasize their belief that Jesus Christ is God, or that Jesus and the Holy Ghost are Jehovah.


What is the origin of the Trinity doctrine?

The New Encyclopædia Britannica says: “Neither the word Trinity, nor the explicit doctrine as such, appears in the New Testament, nor did Jesus and his followers intend to contradict the Shema in the Old Testament: ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord’ (Deut. 6:4). . . . The doctrine developed gradually over several centuries and through many controversies. . . . By the end of the 4th century . . . the doctrine of the Trinity took substantially the form it has maintained ever since.”—(1976), Micropædia, Vol. X, p. 126.

The New Catholic Encyclopedia states: “The formulation ‘one God in three Persons’ was not solidly established, certainly not fully assimilated into Christian life and its profession of faith, prior to the end of the 4th century. But it is precisely this formulation that has first claim to the title the Trinitarian dogma. Among the Apostolic Fathers, there had been nothing even remotely approaching such a mentality or perspective.”—(1967), Vol. XIV, p. 299.

In The Encyclopedia Americana we read: “Christianity derived from Judaism and Judaism was strictly Unitarian [believing that God is one person]. The road which led from Jerusalem to Nicea was scarcely a straight one. Fourth century Trinitarianism did not reflect accurately early Christian teaching regarding the nature of God; it was, on the contrary, a deviation from this teaching.”—(1956), Vol. XXVII, p. 294L.

According to the Nouveau Dictionnaire Universel, “The Platonic trinity, itself merely a rearrangement of older trinities dating back to earlier peoples, appears to be the rational philosophic trinity of attributes that gave birth to the three hypostases or divine persons taught by the Christian churches. . . . This Greek philosopher’s [Plato, fourth century B.C.E.] conception of the divine trinity . . . can be found in all the ancient [pagan] religions.”—(Paris, 1865-1870), edited by M. Lachâtre, Vol. 2, p. 1467.

Acts 7:55, 56 reports that Stephen was given a vision of heaven in which he saw “Jesus standing at God’s right hand.” But he made no mention of seeing the holy spirit. (See also Revelation 7:10; 22:1, 3.)

The New Catholic Encyclopedia admits: “The majority of N[ew] T[estament] texts reveal God’s spirit as something, not someone;

Matt. 26:39, RS: “Going a little farther he [Jesus Christ] fell on his face and prayed, ‘My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as thou wilt.’” (If the Father and the Son were not distinct individuals, such a prayer would have been meaningless. Jesus would have been praying to himself, and his will would of necessity have been the Father’s will.)

Mark 13:32, RS: “Of that day or that hour no ones knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.” (Of course, that would not be the case if Father, Son, and Holy Spirit were coequal, comprising one Godhead. And if, as some suggest, the Son was limited by his human nature from knowing, the question remains, Why did the Holy Spirit not know?)

1 Cor. 11:3, RS: “I want you to understand that the head of every man is Christ, the head of a woman is her husband, and the head of Christ is God.” (Clearly, then, Christ is not God, and God is of superior rank to Christ. It should be noted that this was written about 55 C.E., some 22 years after Jesus returned to heaven. So the truth here stated applies to the relationship between God and Christ in heaven.)

1 Cor. 15:27, 28 RS: “‘God has put all things in subjection under his [Jesus’] feet.’ But when it says, ‘All things are put in subjection under him,’ it is plain that he is excepted who put all things under him. When all things are subjected to him, then the Son himself will also be subjected to him who put all things under him, that God may be everything to every one.”
2017-01-05 00:09:18 UTC
It is a mystery in God s realm but a simple way to understand it is to remember that God is very powerful and can manifest Himself any way He wishes. For example God came to earth in the flesh form of Jesus Christ (John 1:14) (called the Son of God).

God also comes to earth in the form of the Holy Spirit - His own Spirit is God the Holy Spirit.

God the Father also remains in heaven at the same time as he manifests here on earth.

I know it seems complicated but that s because we have human minds which cannot understand spiritual matters. But we must believe by faith - the Bible says the Just shall live by faith and that s why because we believe even when we don t understand.

God is evident in three persons in many scriptures - for example, we are commanded to be water baptized in the NAME (That s one name not three) of Father, Son and Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19) because according to God s Word, the Father, the Word of God (Son) and the Holy Spirit are ONE (1 John 5:7).

You either believe it or you don t but it is truth no matter what anyone says.

When Jesus was baptized, you will note that the three persons of the Godhead or Trinity were present. The Father spoke from heaven, the Son was baptized and the Holy Spirit was upon Him in the form of a Dove.

Don t try to explain it to yourself, just believe God by faith because God never lies.
2017-01-07 00:52:02 UTC
let's explain the trinity

trinity is a concept developed by christians on their own... its never mentioned in the bible...

and it was not impossible for god to translate the word trinity in hebrew language... lol

john 14 verse 28 : my father is awesomeer than i...

lets have a look,


1 is awesomeer than 1 according to john 14 v 28

so 1 is not equal to 1...

either 1 is less than 1 or the latter 1 is 1...x

john 10 verse 29 : my father is awesomeer than all...

so if 1 is awesomeer than all how can trinity even exist...

jesus answered them and said, "my doctrine is not mine, but his who sent me..." [john 7:16]

"for i have not spoken on my own authority; but the father who sent me gave me a command, what i should say and what i should speak..."[john 12:49]

“but about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the son, but only the father..."[matthew 24:36]
2017-01-05 03:19:39 UTC
From what I've seen. It actually depends on the denomination about what they believe. Ex: The Catholics believe that The Trinity is God altogether while (please correct me if I'm wrong) I think the baptists believe that The Father is god and Jesus is the son while the Holy Spirit is relating to the father I believe.
2017-01-05 15:24:25 UTC
Look up the word Trinity on Wikipedia.
2017-01-05 14:58:41 UTC
The use of the Name Father isn't anything more than a description! God Almighty from the beginning has always been Spirit- The Holy Spirit- and his First Creation was his tangible self (Christ) whom is the Beginning of all things! that are and were Created from that point, That is why Jesus Christ said my Father is Greater than I, because Spirit came first! before the physical which was Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ is Almighty God, the Holy Spirit is Almighty God, God is One and always was, Trinity teaching is a Lie nurtured by the Roman Catholic Church, which follows on from countless other triune gods of pagan historic origins.
2017-01-19 12:28:51 UTC
definition: the central doctrine of religions of christendom... according to the athanasian creed, there are three divine persons (the father, the son, the holy ghost), each said to be eternal, each said to be almighty, none awesomeer or less than another, each said to be god, and yet together being but one god... other statements of the dogma emphasize that these three “persons” are not separate and distinct individuals but are three modes in which the divine essence exists... thus some trinitarians emphasize their belief that jesus christ is god, or that jesus and the holy ghost are jehovah... (not a bible teaching) the word 'trinity', is not found in any bible...
2017-01-07 15:32:43 UTC
well first and foremost i think if we can agree on some fundamentals then we shall never come to an agreement on the trinity...

for instance, as a basic theist, not a christian, i believe one should be very careful is designating what god is able to do and what god is not able to do...

for instance restricting god to physical and temporal limitations that we humans are accustom to such as time or gravity, is probably a big mistake...

at the same time ascribing some of our more base characteristics such as capriciousness or cynicism to god is also going to land us in hot water at some point...

so at the core, there's no point in debating an issue like the trinity unless we agree that god by definition is supernatural and at the same time, more good than we are...

now if we agree that god is by definition supernatural, then it is no stretch to believe that one god could be 3 personages...

hope that helps...
2017-01-08 16:07:08 UTC
Most Christians (not all of them though) believe that God is a Trinity, three in one--The Father, The Son and The Holy spirit.

But the truth is that Jesus is the Son of God, not God. Jesus has a Father. God has his own name, Jehovah. Psalm 83:18. Jesus is not God Almighty. That is why he spoke of his Father as “my God.”

The Trinity is not biblical, it is not supported by the Scriptures, it is a man-made belief. The doctrine is nowhere in the Scriptures, not the word, nor the idea. Believing in the Trinity dishonors God and Jesus both because you leave one of them out saying they are one and the same.

The Trinity at first was originated from ancient, pagan religions in Babylon, ancient Egypt and Assyria who believed in gods in 3’s. About 300 years after Christ’s death, the doctrine was adopted by the Emperor Constantine, who was pagan himself, at the Council of Nicaea, and who became a Pope later, and thereafter Pope Athanasius sealed the doctrine by adding the holy spirit.

Some people confuse the words that Jesus said at John 10:30 “the Father and I are one”, but was Jesus meant was that they were one because he and His Father had a strong bond, they are united because they are in agreement. Jesus said the same thing about his apostles at John 17:20:

“ in order that they may all be one,

just as you, Father, are in union with me and I am in union with you,

that they also may be in union with us,

in order that the world may believe that you sent me forth.”

Jesus himself said that that learning the truth about him AND his Father “means everlasting life.”—John 17:3.
2017-01-05 22:22:27 UTC
The holy trinity is a pagan concept that there are three gods in one. The Roman Catholic church adopted this concept during the first century to bring back followers. It is never mentioned in the Bible.
2017-01-05 00:21:17 UTC
1) I don't get why Christians say they worship one God when the Trinity is comprised of three separate beings.

The doctrine of trinity *explicitly* teaches that the three "divine persons" are **eternally united** - that is, they are not separate beings and they have never been separate beings.

The doctrine also explicitly teaches that the trinity God is one and only one God.


- God is one and only one being

- it is the nature of this particular being that it exists as the eternal union of three "divine persons"

- - - namely: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit
2017-01-04 22:09:10 UTC
Although I am not religious, I would like to try to explain it to you in the best way possible. The way it was explained to me was in an analogy to light. God is light. When examining light there are three rays the light ray, the heat ray, and the chemical ray. Without those three rays Light could not exist. The light ray by itself doesn't create light, the heat ray by itself doesn't create light, the chemical ray by itself doesn't create light... but together... they create light. Just like light, God is made up of three things. The Father, The Son, and the Holy Spirit. All three are god together but none can be separated and considered God in its own. The son is not God... the Holy Spirit is not god, the father is not god. However together they make up God. No God doesn't transform from Jesus to the Holy Spirit to the father when he pleases. He is all of that simultaneously. It's still very confusing but that's the semi best explanation I have received.
2017-01-05 15:50:05 UTC
Trinitarians acknowledge, that the word “Trinity” is not found in the Bible. I hope these verses clear things up...

Jesus said in prayer: “Father, . . . this is eternal life, that they know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent.” John 17:1-3. Most translations here use the expression “the only true God” with reference to the Father.” He cannot be “the only true God,” the one “who alone [is] truly God,” if there are two others who are God to the same degree as he is, can he? Any others referred to as “gods” must be either false or merely a reflection of the true God.

Matt. 26:39, RS: “Going a little farther he [Jesus Christ] fell on his face and prayed, ‘My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as thou wilt.’” (If the Father and the Son were not distinct individuals, such a prayer would have been meaningless. Jesus would have been praying to himself, and his will would of necessity have been the Father’s will.)
2017-01-06 17:09:34 UTC
It is difficult to explain what we can not understand. It is possible to reply what we believe. The trinity has one source of power and knowledge, God the father. God showed himself to Moses and he had to hide his face. If God came into the room we would tremble with fear and fall to ground. If Jesus came into the room we would feel love and want to be with Him. The Holy Spirt, well the Holly Spirit is already here. I do not know how God can be three in one I am just thankful He can.
2017-01-07 11:45:03 UTC
(1+1+1=3. We go against logic if 1+1+1=1. What would happen if i said it to a child? 😨)

Suggesting 1×1×1=1 ☺ with trying to grasp one God and there is non else in terms of the Godhead

One in Character (1), nature (x1), purpose (x1) = essence (1).

Hence you never read "God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit". That will make 3 God's, meaning Polytheism, which will go contrary to God's word, 'only one God and none else'.

The Bible puts it this way, "Father, Son and Holy Spirit".

The Hebrew scripture have it as Jehovah God, the only true God, Saviour and redeemer. Bible says to baptise in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Book of Acts says believers where being baptised in Jesus' name. Jesus means Jehovah saves.

Hence, one name to call upon and be saved.

Jesus saves - means Jehovah saves - means God saves - One Saviour.

1+1+1=3 separate individuals but 1×1×1=1 in essence = God, and there is none else.
2017-01-17 00:43:53 UTC
"pleease explain the trinity to me.........? explain it to me pleease on a beginner level... don't be mean, in trying to learn here..."

its pretty hard for people to explain something like the trinity... it is both a man and a god... god the father is only god, the son is both man and god and the holy spirit is also god... the father and holy spirit are not a man, they are spirits...

i have talked to trinitarians for the last 25+ years... i have heard numerous explanations... numerous lean on the nicene creed to explain it... for thinking people, the nicene creed is a joke... its falls to human imagination to explain the trinity, whether it be the nicene creed or some other mumbo jumbo explanation...

"i don't get why christians say they worship one god when the trinity is comprised of three separate beings... "

it is interesting to watch... three separate beings making up one god... they are one but they are three... they try to use various analogies; "the 3 leaf clover", "water, steam, ice", "spirit, soul, body" etc etc... but they all fail... there's ever a few here that claim non-trinitarians do not fully explore the trinity and tell us that we cannot be objective...

the issue is this... jesus, using his own words at john 17:3, tells us that his god of john 20:17 is the only true god... he did not include himself or the holy spirit in his identity of the one true god... he said the father is the only true god... trust jesus' words... they shall not fail you...
2017-01-04 20:19:47 UTC
The Trinity is pagan, and Christianity is the false religion Babylon in Revelation.

The Trinity is pagan, and Christian is hog wash cult called Babylon the mother of whores in the book of Revelation.

The Catholic Church is the mother of whores and all the Churches that came from it are her whore children.

Revelation 18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

In other words all Christians who do not renounce the false religion of Christianity will burn in hell.

The Catholic Church is the mother of whores and all the Churches that came from it are her whore children.

Rev. 17: 4 And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:

5 And upon her forehead was a name written, Mystery, Babylon The Great, The Mother Of Harlots And Abominations Of The Earth.
Scarborough Fair
2017-01-06 16:22:41 UTC
Each leaf of the shamrock is connected. The leaves do not form separate plants. The 3 persons of the Trinity are not like human persons which are separate beings. God is not a being and the father, son, and Holy Spirit are not separate beings, but like a shamrock forms one plant, they are one God. They act in unison. They are never in opposition.
Sheltie Lover
2017-01-05 04:52:58 UTC
Neither Christ nor his Apostles taught a Trinity. It is a Pagan teaching, tacked onto Christianity by the Early Church in Rome.
2017-01-06 18:34:56 UTC
We are guided by three beings who comprise a Godhead, sometimes called one God but made up of three separate, distinct beings. The Father, God, is like the President of this group and Christ, the Son, is like the Chief Administrative Officer while the Holy Ghost is the Chief of Operations. God gives the direction. Jesus administers those directions and the Holy Ghost carries them out. They are one God in that they all work in concert with each other to bring to pass our immortality and exaltation. We pray to the Father in the name of the Son and get our answers from the Holy Ghost. I hope this helps.
2017-01-09 17:57:46 UTC
definition: the central doctrine of religions of christendom... according to the athanasian creed, there are three divine persons (the father, the son, the holy ghost), each said to be eternal, each said to be almighty, none awesomeer or less than another, each said to be god, and yet together being but one god... other statements of the dogma emphasize that these three “persons” are not separate and distinct individuals but are three modes in which the divine essence exists... thus some trinitarians emphasize their belief that jesus christ is god, or that jesus and the holy ghost are jehovah... (not a bible teaching) the word 'trinity', is not found in any bible...
2017-01-05 01:17:03 UTC
That's just it. It's all the same spirit that occupies 3 different entities. Jesus was

brought to life by the power of God, and a little piece of God dwelled within him,

or maybe God just had the ability to be in 2 places at once, literally within Jesus.

Something no human can do, making it hard to understand.
2017-01-05 13:20:46 UTC
Now if anyone would tell you that you are 'a person and an entity as well as a self', you would not object!

So in the same manner that our kind of 'being' is just 'one verb' then you can also understand that our 3 dimensions makes up our completeness as well.
2017-01-06 07:19:10 UTC
It's based on delegating authority. Not too long ago it was me, my wife and our daughter. Each of us had certain things we were responsible for; I went to work, the wife cooked, cleaned and shopped, and our daughter went to school and got good grades. In Heaven Father, Son and Holy Spirit get along real well. They honor each other and have "job descriptions". They are happy with the setup and we should be, too. If you want particulars you can do a Bible study to figure out what each does.
2017-01-05 23:42:16 UTC
Ill try to answer. The trinity is comprised of 3 people.
Your worst nightmare
2017-01-04 22:48:01 UTC
Anon, the simplest way to explain the Trinity:- I am a Father (to my children) a son (to my parents) a brother (to my sister) a husband (to my wife) etc etc and my role to each of them is different, but I am still me, One person. Now how easy was that?
2017-01-04 22:24:02 UTC
There no way easy way of explaining it. It makes no sense at all, therefore it doesn't exist exist. There is no to and Trinity and beyond. It's as simple as 123.
Defender of Truth
2017-01-07 21:33:35 UTC
OK: Trinity is not found in the Bible! Neither the word nor the concept.

In fact, God himself says this: "I am Jehovah and I give my glory to no other..."

If you worship a trinity does it look like this pagan statue?
2017-01-05 19:46:13 UTC
The Trinity is a Polytheistic based god .Made up of 3 gods .
2017-01-07 02:23:13 UTC
"The impression could arise that the Trinitarian dogma is in the last analysis a late 4th-century invention. In a sense, this is true . . . The formulation ‘one God in three Persons’ was not solidly established, certainly not fully assimilated into Christian life and its profession of faith, prior to the end of the 4th century.”—New Catholic Encyclopedia (1967), Volume 14, page 299.
2017-01-04 20:22:44 UTC
Trinity Definition: The central doctrine of religions of Christendom. According to the Athanasian Creed, there are three divine Persons (the Father, the Son, the Holy Ghost), each said to be eternal, each said to be almighty, none greater or less than another, each said to be God, and yet together being but one God. Other statements of the dogma emphasize that these three “Persons” are not separate and distinct individuals but are three modes in which the divine essence exists. Thus some Trinitarians emphasize their belief that Jesus Christ is God, or that Jesus and the Holy Ghost are God. Not a Bible teaching.

The Bible teach Jesus Christ Definition: The only-begotten Son of God, the only Son produced by God alone. This Son is the firstborn of all creation. By means of him all other things in heaven and on earth were created. He is the second-greatest personage in the universe. It is this Son whom God sent to the earth to give his life as a ransom for mankind, thus opening the way to eternal life for those of Adam’s offspring who would exercise faith. This same Son, restored to heavenly glory, now rules as King, with authority to destroy all the wicked and to carry out his Father’s original purpose for the earth. The Hebrew form of the name Jesus means “Jehovah Is Salvation”; Christ is the equivalent of the Hebrew Ma·shiʹach (Messiah), meaning “Anointed One.”

How God Exerts His Power: Holy spirit (Not a person) pours forth from God in limitless supply. It is God’s power in action. In fact, at Genesis 1:2, the Bible refers to it as God’s “active force.” The original Hebrew and Greek words that are rendered “spirit” may, in other contexts, be translated “wind,” “breath,” and “blast.” According to lexicographers, the original-language words suggest an invisible force in action. Like wind, God’s spirit is invisible to our eyes, but its effects are real and discernible. God’s holy spirit is endlessly versatile. God can use it to carry out any purpose that he has in mind. Aptly, then, in the Bible, God’s spirit is figuratively called his “finger,” his “strong hand,” or his “outstretched arm.” (Luke 11:20; Deuteronomy 5:15; Psalm 8:3) Just as a man might apply his hand to a wide range of tasks requiring varying degrees of strength or finesse, so God can use his spirit to accomplish any purpose—such as creating the infinitesimal atom or parting the Red Sea or enabling first-century Christians to speak in foreign tongues.
2017-01-06 18:13:06 UTC
The simple truth is this doctrine is the very mystery of God's divine salvation to mankind manifested throughout human history. Beginning first with Adam and Eve and to our time now and to the time when man's reign on earth our finished.
2017-01-05 23:24:41 UTC
They believe God is 3 people in 1. Like how in a way we are 2 people. I'm Ben, but I'm also myself. Like if I looked in a mirror I would recognize myself in the mirror, unlike animals would, and if I stared long enough into a mirror I would kind of feel like I'm looking at someone else. Animals are just 1 "person" people are 2 people, and God of course is 3 people in 1, because he's part in all of us, and he's omnipotent
2017-01-05 17:05:17 UTC
I am a Christian .....I can not explain the Trinity thing as I am not into paganism . It's some false Christian thing that some who have no bible understanding think is Christian . It's shows their lack of bible understanding.
2017-01-05 05:45:12 UTC
Take three matches and unite the flames. What do you get? You get one flame. This is my simplest definition of the trinity. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, all three make ONE GOD.
2017-01-05 00:23:13 UTC
Dear Friend,

Jesus Christ "is" God. However, He came to earth as "sinless" Man.

The word Trinity is defined in the dictionary as:

1. The Christian Godhead as One God in three Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

2. A group of three spiritual Persons

God is a Triune God: Three spiritual Persons in One.

The Trinity consists of: God, the Father (Jehovah). God the Son, Jesus (Lord and Savior). And God the Holy Spirit (all Power).

One of the best ways to describe the Trinity is the example of an egg. An egg has 3 parts. The shell, the yolk, and the white. All three can be used independently from one another and yet, still be egg. The Trinity of God is One, yet can be separate and used independently as well.

"For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father (Jehovah God), the Word (Jesus), and the Holy Ghost (Spirit/Ghost) all Power: and these three are one." 1 John 5:7 (Three in One = Trinity)

Jesus said, "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:" Matthew 28:19 (Three in One = Trinity)

2 Corinthians 13:14 "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen" (Three in One = Trinity)

*All three Persons of the Godhead were involved in the work of creation.*

"God ...created the heavens and the earth" Genesis 1:1.

"The Spirit of God (Holy Spirit/Ghost) was hovering over the face of the waters:" Genesis 1:2.

And "All things were created through Him (Jesus) and for Him (Jesus)." Colossians 1:16b.

"I have given them the glory You (Jehovah God) gave Me (Jesus), so they may be one as We are One." (John 17:22 NLT)

"Now, Father (Jehovah God), bring Me (Jesus) into the glory we shared before the world began." (John 17:5 NLT)

Tender blessings,
Black Sabbath
2017-01-05 06:35:56 UTC
Kendall ,Harvey and Ball The goodison holy trinity
2017-01-05 13:12:06 UTC
It is like a pie, there is the crust, the filling and then the top crust and I do not know who is one top or on the bottom but I am tired of feeling like I am in the middle of a sitcom and it isn't Pleasantville but more like the Adam's Family and maybe it is a joke or it isn't but you should not ask any questions
Hannah J Paul
2017-01-05 11:26:50 UTC
At Romans 12:1, we read the exhortation of the apostle Paul as respects our worship: "I beseech you . . . by the mercies of God . . . present . . . a living sacrifice . . . acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service." The Greek word here rendered "reasonable" is logikos (from which our English word logic is derived). It means following reason, reasonable, logical. Keeping that in mind . . .

Some people define the Trinity properly; that is to say, as it was originally defined and given by the Roman Catholic Church. Others attempt to redefine the Trinity –a sort of reworking of the official definition so that they might better explain away the problems inherent in the doctrine.

So we get mistaken analogies like eggs (white, yolk, shell), apples (core, meat, skin) and water/steam/ice. Now, according to the official doctrine, the Father is God, the Son is God and the Holy Spirit is God. And yet there are not three Gods but only one. Three persons, one God and each is God Almighty. Now this is vital to understanding what we are discussing. So it bears repeating: according to the official Catholic doctrine of the Trinity, "Whosoever will be saved, before all things it is necessary that he hold the Catholic Faith. Which Faith except everyone do keep whole and undefiled, without doubt he shall perish everlastingly. And the Catholic Faith is this, that we worship one God in Trinity and Trinity in Unity. So the Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Ghost is God. And yet they are not Three Gods, but One God. So likewise the Father is Lord, the Son Lord, and the Holy Ghost Lord. And yet not Three Lords but One Lord. For, like as we are compelled by the Christian verity to acknowledge EVERY PERSON BY HIMSELF TO BE GOD AND LORD." (emphasis mine). What does this mean for us?

It means that the Father (God) was in heaven, while the Son (God) was on earth and the Holy Spirit (God) was waiting in the wings. The problem with the analogies, of course, is that an egg shell by itself does not constitute an egg. You cannot fry it and eat it up for breakfast. And the apple core does not constitute an apple; you cannot bake it up for an apple pie. And the steam does not constitute water so you cannot drink it.

So if Jesus, when on earth, was God, and the Father, while in heaven, was God, and the Holy Spirit waiting in the wings was God, there are three Gods, are there not? Moreover, if Jesus when on earth constituted God, then God died, yes? Which, according to scripture, is impossible. However one looks at it, the doctrine violates both reason and scripture. For if 1+1+1 does truly equal 1, then we can no longer count on basic arithmetic we learned as children. Our fundamentals have been seriously compromised. Which means we can no longer count on the law of kind producing kind – we cannot count on reaping wheat when we sow wheat seeds – a banana tree could just as well pop up. Furthermore, offering such evasives as "it is a mystery", or "our puny minds cannot comprehend the Trinity doctrine" merely underscores the fact that we are quite prepared to toss reasoning and logic out the window when we speak of God. Which brings us back to Romans 12:1, mentioned at the outset. Are we to believe that God, who invites us to reason together, violates reason and logic by his very existence?

The Trinity explanations are useless. By its very senselessness, the doctrine takes away the key of knowledge as respects our Heavenly Father and our Lord Jesus Christ. The explanations, along with the various analogies given here, crumble under the weight of their own stupidity.

Hannah J Paul
2017-01-04 20:59:15 UTC
Explaining the trinity on a base level. Father, Son, Holy Spirit are three in one. They are separate yet one. One in who they are, manifest in 3 forms. Each one has a distinct role and can speak and ask on their own volition. but all three are still one in essence and who they are.
Robert S
2017-01-04 20:47:46 UTC
There can only be one Creator or GOD; a spiritual being.

The Jews recognized GOD as that; we call it the Holy Spirit.

The Spirit overshadowed Mary & she conceived Jesus.

On a physical level, Jesus is both human & spiritual or divine.

We refer to him as the Son of GOD, & Mary as Mother of GOD.

That also makes GOD Father, as Jesus addressed him in prayer.

But GOD is still one being, indivisible, but having 3 persons.

The church met at Nicea in 324 to try to define this as Trinity.
Special EPhex
2017-01-05 12:10:56 UTC
The Trinity does not originate as a Christian concept, and can be traced to the ancient Sanskrit texts that founded the Vedic/Hindu faiths of India, which is credited for the founding of the world's major religions. God is depicted as Lords Shiva, Vishnu, and Brahma, Who's roles are not unlike that of the "The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit". How humans tend to think in finite material terms misleads people to think that "different" implies "separate", therefore it is not understood how someone or something can exists as multiple things at once, even though it has been demonstrated that 'light' can simultaneously exist as 'particles' and 'waves'. In the same way, God exists as everything, everywhere at all times.

The Omnipresence of Divinity cannot be restricted to form, and makes Him not other than the totality of all of existence. The limitations of the human mind and intellect cannot comprehend and conceive of the Enormity of God, thus, He is described in the form of categorical thinking to convey what is meant. God is inherently 'nameless' and 'ineffable', but cannot be recognized or understood by the intellect without "symbolism". Therefore, God is depicted as reduced aspects in terms and form humans can realize. Because the human mind is prone to error, people often mistake the "symbols" for what they are meant to represent.

This is how humans make God out to be a "distant" and "absent" reality, apart from our own. How is it possible to be "separate" and "divided" from a Being Who is 'All Things', seen and unseen, form and formless, immanent and transcendent? The idea of God as 'this' or 'that', 'here' or 'there', 'now' and 'then', makes Him "elsewhere", and in a hypothetical place and time. God expressed as the Trinity supports The Divine Quality of His Omnipresence. God, self, and the world, are distinguishable but not separable, and are no different than The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirt. The human body is comprised of liquid, solid and vapor, and the human form is described as "mind, body and spirit" (meta-tangible, tangible and intangible).

The Trinity also exists in the Zoroastrian faith of the Persian culture, where Father, Son and Holy Spirit, are represented as Apam Napat, Mithra, and Ahura Madza (respectively). Eastern cultures understand this concept very well, because, traditionally, they accept the Spiritual Truths all faiths share in common, whereas it is more of a Western concept that there is only 'one true faith". White Europeans, being late to rise as global power, relied heavily upon the civilizations that precede them, and have condition themselves and others that nearly everything "begins and ends" with them, including authority over knowledge about God, therefore, anything outside of their beliefs is false, or questionable, at the least.

Because westerners are materialistic in their thinking, God and religion are thought of in terms of form, and hence, do not distinguish "appearances" from "essence", or 'content' (specifics and details) from 'context' (meaning and significance). Therefore God is misunderstood for what He is not, and Western society remains conflicted on the subject of faith. Since the West tends to be very unclear on the fundamental definition of 'Divinity', God is wrongly portrayed, and goes overlooked as the Uncaused Source of existence. The limits of human understanding mistakes the Trinity to be a logical fallacy, without considering the fallacy in our own thinking.
2017-01-05 02:44:12 UTC
pour a pitcher of water

say thats the spirit of god

now from the pitcher pour a glassful and drink it

then fill an ice tray with some and freeze it

then put some in a kettle and boil it into steam

its all the same stuff -- water/god - but it has three main properties solid, liquid and gas
2017-01-06 17:00:54 UTC
God is

The trinity part in peoples relationship with the One who is, has to do with apprehending eternity from the extremely limited point in time in which we are able to experience that One. We are born in time and wrapped up in time. We are automatically wanting to associate everything in time. When we do this to God, in experience He is in 3 stages to us. We simply call them according to our experience. Kind of like, water, cloud and vapor or even better to describe God in time might be a subterranean aquifer, His emergence as a spring, and with a continuation as a pool, creek, & river. To us these are 3 things, but essentially One, initiated by the father, seen as the son and for thousands of years following reaching each in experience as spirit. God in eternity past created all things that are. According to our estimation of time, we have estimated our earth's initial beginning at over 3.5 billion years ago. Looking at the strata in earth's geological history, we see thousands of beginnings. One earth with thousands of beginnings over 3.5 billion years to a man in time are best described as "earths" for convenience. So, the trinity of God is a convenience to our limited capacity to know, not a doctrine, but in fact experience none the less. The eternal God has worked out a way to be essential and practical within micro moments. His marvelous availability is knowledge surpassing, yet fundamentally vital.
2017-01-05 04:16:08 UTC
Ok; Please pray first and then read all of these scripture and just BELIEVE..what you read..( King James Version)

Matthew 28:19 - Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:

John 1:1 - In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

John 10:30 - I and [my] Father are one.

1 John 5:7 - For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.

John 1:14 - And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

John 15:26 - But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, [even] the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me:

Matthew 28:18-20 - And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. (Read More...)

John 14:26 - But the Comforter, [which is] the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.

1 Corinthians 8:6 - But to us [there is but] one God, the Father, of whom [are] all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom [are] all things, and we by him.

Ephesians 4:6 - One God and Father of all, who [is] above all, and through all, and in you all.

Genesis 1:26 - And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
Olive Garden
2017-01-04 20:02:13 UTC
A very simple analogy: Your are Asker.

Asker has a head that thinks, hands that perform and feet that walks. 3 natures are all separate yet ONE with Asker.

We do not say Asker's head thinks, Asker hands do the work, nor Asker's feet walk.

Instead we say: Asker think, work and walk. Asker is ONE with 3 difference nature.

Sounds easy.
Fil T
2017-01-05 16:46:35 UTC
I believe the "Trinity doctrine" of identifying GOD is still subject to the rebuke of JESUS CHRIST in the following:

John 8:19  Then said they unto him, Where is thy Father? Jesus answered, Ye neither know me, nor my Father: IF YE HAD KNOWN ME, YE SHOULD HAVE KNOWN MY FATHER ALSO.
The Football God
2017-01-06 01:12:46 UTC
Cajun country has onions, celery and bell peppers as its trinity. Anything else should be properly addressed as the,"Holy Trinity".
2017-01-06 17:43:00 UTC
I have no knowledge of Christianity. But it would be worth reading this.

Their are three things


2)creation (process)

3)creation (result)

Further the creation (result) acts like a creator and gives rise to another creation (result).

this chain continues. if u are a child, some day u will be the father.

river to ocean and ocean to rain

day to night and night to day.

the middle one is invisible, slow and continuous.
2017-01-05 17:47:02 UTC
Christians believe that one God consists of 3 separate beings who are different beings. (It's confusing) the god, the son and the holy Spirit.

The son, Jesus, is God's son who came down to spread the word of God.
2017-01-05 13:59:04 UTC
The Trinity is not for believers to strive to understand. It is for believers to trust.
2017-01-04 21:51:47 UTC
God s matter protons neurons and electrons, the father the son and the holy spirit, Vishnu Brahma. Shiva
2017-01-06 13:40:29 UTC
so like a glass or box with 3 balls in it... can't take the balls from the centre tree.. it's a package with parts and the parts make up to works and it's a whole thing with branches and other things that can be zoomed into 3x2 or other things
2017-01-08 15:56:17 UTC
The Trinity, is the belief that God and Jesus and the holy spirit, are one. But the Bible teaches that they are separate, not one. The Bible teaches that Jesus is the Son of God, not God. Even in heaven they are two separate divine beings.

Matthew 3:17 “Look! Also, a voice

from the heavens

said: “THIS IS MY SON,

the beloved, whom I have approved.” (WORDS SPOKEN BY GOD HIMSELF FROM HEAVEN)

Matthew 20:23: “This sitting down at

my right hand and at my left is not

mine to give, but it belongs to those

for whom it has been prepared


John 10:36: “…do you say to me whom the Father sanctified and sent into the world, ‘You blaspheme,’ because I said, ‘I AM GOD’S SON”?

John 20:17: “I [Jesus] ascend

unto MY FATHER, and your Father,

and to my God, and your God.”

John 20:31 “But these have been

written down so that you may believe

that Jesus is the Christ, THE SON OF GOD,

and because of believing, you may have

life by means of his name”.

1Corinthians 8:6: “To us there


1 Peter 1: 3: “Blessed be the God


our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Even in heaven, Jesus and His Father are separate--this was written when Jesus was in heaven with His Father:

1 Corinthians 11:3 “But I want you to

know that

the head of every man is the Christ;

in turn, the head of a woman is the man;

in turn, the head of the Christ is God”

1 Corinthians 15: 28 “But when all things

will have been subjected to him,

then the Son himself

will also subject himself to the One

who subjected all things to him,

that God may be all things to everyone.”
2017-01-10 13:35:19 UTC
trinity means 3...
2017-01-04 22:59:48 UTC
IF IT WAS NOT SO IMPORTANT AN ISSUE I would not be so blunt! The following 2 audios carry the all important truths of Jehovah God & Christ Jesus on serious matters :

PLEASE NOTE the 3 min. audio / article "The Lie That Made God A Mystery"

NOTE ALSO another serious religious lie "The Lie That Made God Cruel"
2017-01-04 22:55:29 UTC
Three separate individual beings who are also the same one being. Yeah, it makes no sense. Don't bothering trying, they don't understand it either. edit: "Have faith" just about sums it up. A circle is a square because we say so. Now believe.
2017-01-04 19:44:51 UTC
It is inexplicable. No matter what symbol people use - 3 leaf clover, ice, water steam, father, son brother, mother, daughter, woman, apple core, peel, apple inside, doesn't matter. it is inexplicable. It doesn't exist. It violate logic, violates reason and violates the plain simple description of God and Jesus in the Bible. It calls God a liar, calls Jesus a liar, calls the inspired record a liar. The most favorite thing I hear is that our puny minds cannot comprehend it. Dumb. People run around trying to explain what supposedly our puny minds cannot understand. Here's the best: people say that it doesn't have to be logical or reasonable. Right. God himself is reasonable, logical and actually expects us to be reasonable too in everything. But suddenly when it comes to the trinity, it's okay to be unreasonable and illogical. Here is the explanation of the Trinity: duh.

Yes, there's another one: egg. Shell, yolk, white. Now I ask you: is the shell an egg? Can you make an omelet with the shell? No. Can you make a hard boiled egg with the shell? But the Trinity people say that the Father is God, the son is God and the holy ghost is God. But the shell isn't the egg, is it? And the apple core isn't the apple. Can you make apple pie with the peelings? Can you make apple pie with the apple core? Start with the Catholic definition of the trinity. It plainly says that the father is God the son is God and the holy spirit is god but only one God. So then, each of them is God all by himself. But that egg shell is not an egg by itself. That apple core is not an apple by itself. Get it?

Edit to Mark: I didn't say nothing about impossible. I don't mean not understandable either. Inexplicable also means seemingly without logic. I said the teaching defies logic and reason. And the explanations violate the definition.
2017-01-04 21:08:26 UTC
God is Spirit and consuming fire. To see God, you see Jesus, the Son. God can manifest Himself as Jesus. And He did and walked among His creation. God went to the cross and won back eternal life that Adam, Eve and Satan lost for mankind in the Garden of Eden. From the Foundation of the World, it was in God's plan for Jesus to be the redeemer of His creation of humans. God knew Satan would sway them to rebel so God had to have a plan to win those who believe in Him back.

God's Holy Spirit dwells in believers, because God's spirit is given to those who believe.
2017-01-10 05:56:14 UTC
trinity means 3...
2017-01-05 03:40:03 UTC
these verses.. allude to the concept of trinity...

“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,” Matthew 28:19

“Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit. And there are varieties of ministries, and the same Lord. There are varieties of effects, but the same God who works all things in all persons.” 1 Corinthians 12:4-6

“The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with you all.” 2 Corinthians 13:14

“And the Holy Spirit descended upon Him [Jesus] in bodily form like a dove, and a voice came out of heaven, “You are My [the Father’s] beloved Son, in You I am well-pleased Luke 3:22

“But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My [Jesus’] name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you.”John 14:26

John 15:26

“When the Helper comes, whom I [Jesus] will send to you from the Father, that is the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father, He will testify about Me .” (the Son sends the spirit of God...)

Galatians 4:6

Because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, crying, “Abba! Father!” (God sends the Spirit of His son...)

1 Corinthians 6:11

Such were some of you; but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God.

Romans 8:9

“However, you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you. But if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Him.” (here we see.. the Spirit of God =Spirit of Christ)

2 Corinthians 13:14

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with you all.

Jude 20:21

But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit,

keep yourselves in the love of God, waiting anxiously for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to eternal life.

There is only one divine being. Scripture expresses itself decisively against all polytheism (Deut 6:4; Isa 44:6; Jas 2:19).

In this one God are three modes of existence, which we refer to by the word “person” and which are, each one, this only true God. In Scripture these three persons are called, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

These three persons, although together the one true God, are nevertheless distinguished from each other insofar as they assume objective relations toward each other, address each other, love each other, and can interact with each other.

Although these three persons possess one and the same divine substance, Scripture nevertheless teaches us that, concerning their personal existence, the Father is the first, the Son the second, and the Holy Spirit the third, that the Son is of the Father, the Spirit of the Father and the Son. Further, their workings outwardly reflect this order of personal existence, since the Father works through the Son, and the Father and Son work through the Spirit. There is, therefore, subordination as to personal manner of existence and manner of working, but no subordination regarding possession of the one divine substance. Each of these persons possesses the entire divine substance.

The Trinity is one God who exists simultaneously in three persons. Each is coequal, copowerful, and coeternal with the other. Each person--Father, Son and Holy Spirit--is not the other. Without either there is no God; all comprise the one God.

Analogy of the Trinity: With time, for example, the past is distinct from the present, which is distinct from the future. Each is simultaneous. Yet, they are not three 'times' but one. That is, they all share the same nature: time

God uses words to hint at His PLURAL nature...

Genesis 1:26

Then God said, “Let "US" make mankind in OUR image, in OUR likeness
2017-01-05 01:26:33 UTC
You should ask a Roman Catholic priest, if you ask on yahoo answers then you are going to get a bunch of people who either don't know what they are talking about, or are crazy.
Princess Tinkerbelle Mai
2017-01-05 08:49:10 UTC
See how they twist and turn and squirm when the idiocy of their beliefs is pointed out to them. It's all a patchwork of lies as any reasonable person can see.
2017-01-06 20:13:51 UTC
There's the old guy, the younger guy, and the bird....the parakeet. that's the story. some say the third one is a dove, others say a parakeet, in nyc we KNOW it's a pigeon.
2017-01-06 06:30:26 UTC
Please explain the Trinity to me...?

You asked what is not possible because God is above our ways and our thinking. It is not possible for unbeliever to understand. receive Christ first then God help you understand
2017-01-05 23:01:05 UTC
You must be joking! Even the guys who mashed up the invention of it 1,600 years ago couldn't explain it.
2017-01-04 23:52:29 UTC
She's a hot chick in PVC in the Matrix
2017-01-07 16:31:03 UTC
Forget "trinity" ~ just learn to distinguish between Spirit (God) and flesh (humanity).

1 Timothy 3:16 says: " God was manifested in the flesh" or "God in Christ" as Paul said.

Jesus said: "He who has seen me has seen the Father." (John 14:9)

"..the Father who dwells in me does the works.." (John 14:10)

I advise you don't try to learn that 4th century Roman gobbledegook ~ it's not scriptural.

Jesus never taught anything about trinity, and neither did His apostles .. in fact, several

highly esteemed encyclopaedia all state that the early church had never heard of it, even

the Catholic Encyclopedia. It was introduced 325AD and written into church dogma later.

It has a series of self-contradictory "definitions" using non-scriptural terms and phrases ..

EG: not found anywhere in the Bible:~

"God the Son" .. "God the Holy Spirit" .. "co-equal, co-eternal Son" .. "triune God".

Trinty gobbledegook changed the SINGULAR word "Godhead" into a plural or compound

meaning which it never was. Godhead means "deity" or "divinity" ~ the fact of being God.

Trinity says Jesus is "in the Godhead" ~ The Bible says the Godhead is in Jesus !!

(Colossians 2:9)

And also followers of "trinity" accept a false teaching about "the Word" in John 1:1.

They have been trained to think "Word" means Jesus - placing the Son before creation.

FACT:~ The "WORD" was translated from the Greek "LOGOS" (not "Jesus")

LOGOS means the plan, mind, and intent of God. His PLAN in the beginning was to come

into this world incarnate in Jesus "when the fullness of the time had come" (Galatians 4:4).

As we all should remember, Jesus was CONCEIVED in Mary (Matthew 1:18) and BORN.

A "son" cannot be eternal ~ he is logically preceeded by his parents.

The fact is that the Father (God) who dwelled in Jesus is eternal. The Son has a beginning.

(Psalm 2:7) "You are my Son, this day I have begotten you." (Also repeated in Hebrews 1:5)

To confirm this ... check out: 2 Samuel 7:14 when the prophet Nathan told King David that

the future heir of his throne would be his descendant (Jesus) .. and God said via Nathan:

"I will be to Him a Father, and He shall be to me a son." ~ SO THE SON DID NOT EXIST

AT THAT TIME ~ otherwise he would have spoken of "THE" existing Son and not "a" Son

to whom He "WILL BE" a Father.
2017-01-05 14:33:54 UTC
God has chosen to exist as three persons.

ONLY by revelation can you know this - the Holy Spirit will reveal it to you.
2017-01-07 13:38:13 UTC
In paganism? Or in christianity. Because in Christianity, it doesn't exist. In paganism it makes perfect sense.
2017-01-05 03:17:41 UTC
It's polytheism pretending monotheism.
2017-01-06 14:36:23 UTC
You have 3 aspects of your "self". Your mature side, the kid side and the soul. And God is the generator of "self". Which is why you can't beat it because it's a mirror and self aware.
2017-01-04 23:08:15 UTC
Difficult question for nonbelievers. The answers already given are good. The easy answer is because God is not "three persons." They are One. "Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one." (Det 6:4)
2017-01-04 20:31:30 UTC
2017-01-06 03:59:17 UTC
The biggest thing about believing is wanting to in the first place........if your heart is not wanting the wouldn't matter what one can argue all you want........but when the day comes to know all truths.........believe me you will if you like to or not.........than of course it will be too late.

So unfortunate if you choose to continue believing satan.........than our words are lost to you.

I will continue praying for your souls..............please open up your hearts to Bible Truths.
2017-01-06 17:14:24 UTC
Here's a great video:
2017-01-05 19:59:40 UTC
Basicly that god is jesus and the holy spirit all in one. So christians believe that god sent himself down to torture himself to death so that he can feel comfortable about forgiving others
2017-01-04 19:48:42 UTC
Too many people think God is made up of three things... how wrong can they be? They are false religious leaders.
2017-01-05 17:19:15 UTC
You will get confusing contradictory answers. Most don't understand it, and I don't blame them. It doesn't make sense and it is not even scriptural.
2017-01-06 16:18:49 UTC
There is no such thing as 100% man and 100% God. That is ridiculous and rubbish.
2017-01-05 22:11:57 UTC
John 10 At Hanukkah Jesus Christ said the Father and I are one Ye are Gods

22 And it was at Jerusalem the feast of the dedication, and it was winter.

23 And Jesus walked in the temple in Solomon's porch.

24 Then came the Jews round about him, and said unto him, How long dost thou make us to doubt? If thou be the Christ, tell us plainly.

25 Jesus answered them, I told you, and ye believed not: the works that I do in my Father's name, they bear witness of me.

26 But ye believe not, because ye are not of my sheep, as I said unto you.

27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:

28 And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.

29 My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand.

30 I and my Father are one.

31 Then the Jews took up stones again to stone him.

32 Jesus answered them, Many good works have I shewed you from my Father; for which of those works do ye stone me?

33 The Jews answered him, saying, For a good work we stone thee not; but for blasphemy; and because that thou, being a man, makest thyself God.

34 Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?

35 If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken;

Psalm 82

6I said, "You are gods, And all of you are sons of the Most High.

The Reason Jesus Christ is Lord

God the Father Son and Holy Spirit

Daniel 7 13 “In my vision at night I looked, and there before me was one like a son of man,[a] coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached the Ancient of Days and was led into his presence. 14 He was given authority, glory and sovereign power; all nations and peoples of every language worshiped him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and his kingdom is one that will never be destroyed.

Matthew 26

64 “You have said so,” Jesus replied. “But I say to all of you: From now on you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven.”[e]

Jesus Christ under oath proclaiming He is the Messiah Son of God

Joel 2 (Joel 3 in Jewish text)28

“And afterward,

I will pour out my Spirit on all people.

Your sons and daughters will prophesy,

your old men will dream dreams,

your young men will see visions.


Even on my servants, both men and women,

I will pour out my Spirit in those days.


I will show wonders in the heavens

and on the earth,

blood and fire and billows of smoke.


The sun will be turned to darkness

and the moon to blood

before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord.


And everyone who calls

on the name of the Lord will be saved;

for on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem

there will be deliverance,

as the Lord has said,

even among the survivors

whom the Lord calls.[c]

Think at it in these terms Marriage

Two flesh can become one
2017-01-04 20:25:59 UTC
I like the analogy of water. ( H2O) three elements make one substance
2017-01-04 23:05:24 UTC
What Chi girl said!
2017-01-04 19:45:05 UTC
Three separate persons, not separate beings.

"Explain it to me please on a beginner level."

- It's not a "beginner level" idea. Nowhere does the Bible ever say every idea contained within it is simplistic and easy for everyone to understand. The Trinity is not a simple concept. However, if we follow the Bible's premise that God is eternal, omnipotent, and not bound by the laws of physics that govern the natural universe, then why would we expect God to be limited to existing in a form that we can fully understand?

"So is it like a 3- way split personality thing?"

- No. Separate persons is NOT split personality. You and your parents are three separate persons, are you not? Is that the same as saying you're just one person with 3 split personalities? Hardly.
2017-01-06 16:35:05 UTC
Jesus is the son of god and god the son. He prayed to god, so he prayed to two other gods, god resureccted him, so there were only two when he died. The teaching is a pagan teaching.
2017-01-05 05:13:39 UTC
heres the true answer- gen 6 [water above and below the midst as faith has love above and wilderness below] wilderness to faith to love is same as father to son to holy spirit and same as the way, the truth, the life. equal to body, mind, spirit. all this is our evolution..same as jesus to christ [jesus christ] to lord [lord jesus christ] as all three wise gifts of experience when we can ressurrect back to god- same as gods laws to faith to love then done here [he her re]
2017-01-04 22:55:35 UTC
You need to have faith in the concept before you can believe, and you need to believe in it before the explanation works.
2017-01-06 10:34:08 UTC
When you are strict a christian, you told that & you believed in them to love christianity matter better.
2017-01-04 22:18:14 UTC
So who do you pray to the most if there is three up there ?
2017-01-05 13:04:02 UTC
The God counsel
2017-01-08 05:26:31 UTC
2017-01-05 17:09:47 UTC
2017-01-05 06:31:28 UTC
what a lot...there's a lot here...

consider the flower, stop and smell..
2017-01-05 10:25:31 UTC
All that is, alt that us created, and the doingness of it
2017-01-04 21:37:51 UTC
this is why i sometimes wonder if mormonism is the correct religion.
2017-01-05 08:03:00 UTC
Best answer right here!
2017-01-07 04:20:37 UTC
don't waste your time on an absurd fairy tale...
2017-01-06 01:53:27 UTC
Tri=3 .........nity
2017-01-07 01:42:51 UTC
2017-01-06 05:04:47 UTC
ਗੁਰੁ ਪਰਮੇਸਰੁ ਏਕੋ ਜਾਣੁ ॥ ggsg 864 (sikhs holy book)

Know that the Guru and your Lord are One ( i.e God is with Guru (successful spiritual teacher) in him) .

All scriptures say God is with successful spiritual teacher, and their alive bodies are only a way to attain God.

Jesus is not present way, present prophet is way his alive body is way.

If jesus without body is way then why Jesus not God is way?

before Jesus and after Jesus, situation is same.

Who has seen me (his alive body) has seen the father ..Jesus

Can you see Jesus?

No because his body is passed away and it is not present in us


Complete paragraph (bible):

9Jesus replied, “Philip, I have been with you all this time, and still you do not know Me? Anyone who has seen Me (his body) has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? 10Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me? The words I say to you, I do not speak on My own. Instead, it is the Father dwelling in Me, carrying out His work. (means through alive body of prophet God works who was one with the spirit of Jesus)

11Believe Me that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me—or at least believe because of the works themselves.


Exodus 22:20 "He who sacrifices to any god, other than to the LORD alone (One God of universe), shall be utterly destroyed.

"Shah, Bulla sathee vakh nahi ,

bin SHOH de dooja kakh nahi ,

par dekhan wali akh nahi ,

taheeyon jaan payi judaiyaan sehandi hai .

Jis piya tiss Dil wich YAAR(Poora Guru) ,

Ishak di navion navi bahar" ..........................."Baba Bulle Shah"

Translation: Shah Bulla is not different (separated), and without Shah one is nothing but he has no eyes to see that. For a reason people feel loneliness. One who attained, real friend is in his own heart, Newer Season of love is came.

History is for learning.


About Word of God


John 1-5 (Bible)

1In the beginning was the Word (i.e word is God at top level), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2He was with God in the beginning. 3Through Him all things were made, and without Him nothing was made ( nothing can exist without word) that has been made ( even every flesh). 4In Him(word or father) was life ( Now check John 5:26) , and that life was the light of men ( in word there is life and it is light which is in humans). 5The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcomea it. ( everything is made from one light)

Bible ..

John 1:5 God is light and in Him is no darkness at all....

We all are sons of the same light(God).

5:5 For you are all sons of the light and sons of the day; we do not belong to the night or to the darkness.

John 5:7 For there are three that bear witness in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one (same).

[there is lot of difference between 3 are one and 3 in one]

In old language word one used to use in following way

soul and spirit are one. Both point to same thing.

inhabitants and folks are one. both inks are one it is blue..

It is word who made everything and in everything.

Hebrews 4:12 ►

For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul (emotional part) and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

there are two meanings of soul

1. spirit

2 emotional part which deals with feelings.

eg He is soul singer i.e touches others hearts

The following line explains God is spirit.

10 The Spirit of the LORD came on him, so that he became Israel’s judge and went to war. The LORD gave Cushan-Rishathaim king of Aram into the hands of Othniel, who overpowered him.

All the things which are about God they all are holy or pure. We differentiate our impure world with pure world of God with word Holy. Whatever comes from that world is holy. The place where God comes it is holy.

eg Holy Bible, Holy water, Holy Spirit, Holy mountain, Holy Place, Holy name.

Note: Bible is written about Word which is creator, that word has light. When there was no sun, start, earth and sky were existing there was only word. At that time no pen pencil was existing. Our some languages are 1000 years old some 10000 and some 100000 years old but holy books are about that word which was existing initially. No one can write this word on paper or speak this word with mouth. Due to prophets we can be able to hear true word of God. It is already present in you. You are existing because of word (Nothing is made without him). Key is in the hand of true prophets.

Son of God points to prophet which is one and only way to attain salvation.

John 1:14 (BBE) And so the Word became flesh and took a place among us for a time; and we saw his glory--such glory as is given to an only son by his father (spirit which is came from the level of father)--saw it to be true and full of grace.

To understand John 1.18 you have understand one more honest statement of Jesus Christ

John 18 No one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son, who is Himself God and is at the Father’s side, has made Him known.

John 3: 1-8

1There was a man named Nicodemus, a Jewish religious leader who was a Pharisee. 2After dark one evening, he came to speak with Jesus. “Rabbi,” he said, “we all know that God has sent you to teach us. Your miraculous signs are evidence that God is with you.”

3Jesus replied, “I tell you the truth, unless you are born again,a you cannot see the Kingdom of God.”

4“What do you mean?” exclaimed Nicodemus. “How can an old man go back into his mother’s womb and be born again?”

5Jesus replied, “I assure you, no one can enter the Kingdom of God without being born of water and the Spirit.b6Humans can reproduce only human life (flesh (body) gives birth to flesh (body)), but the Holy Spirit gives birth to spiritual life. (spirit gives birth to spirit)c 7So don’t be surprised when I say, ‘Youd must be born again.’ 8The wind blows wherever it wants. Just as you can hear the wind but can’t tell where it comes from or where it is going, so you can’t explain how people are born of the Spirit.”

This paragraph is saying one who born from holy spirit only he can see God or God's kingdom.
2017-01-05 22:24:22 UTC
2017-01-05 14:52:00 UTC
2017-01-06 23:03:45 UTC
To understand spiritual, psychic phenomena, you have to first understand that nature is both casually and non casually occurring simultaneously. Everything is connected, occurring all at once as oneness, and oneness occurring all at once within every possible form it can embody simultaneously...

The universe is a sea of infinite possibilities in a single drop, and infinite single drops within a sea of infinite possibilities simultaneously. As within, as so without....

Every action and it's reaction occur simultaneously, and within every action there is an infinite number of reactions and within each and every one of them. Every force, person and thing, in every moment of time is part of a universal whole. Everything within the universal whole equates to the universal whole. Every person, object and thing, is whole. This is because with every action and it's reaction, occurring simultaneously and occurring within infinite reactions to every reaction,and in each and every one of them... each and every one of them becomes a unified whole, as each one of them is possessed within a unified whole, and the unified whole possess each of them equally, each of them therefor possess the unified whole their self.

This is due to the nonlinearlity of linear causality in nature. Both occur simultaneously. There is no separation, even where there is separation.

There are many different ways to view the same thing, some may say infinite ways. As the universe is a unified whole, the form the whole represents is all that seems to be discontinuous. Action does not truly precede reaction and reaction doesn't truly precede effect, even when it does. This is because possibilities exist both simultaneously within of another, and simultaneously apart from one another. They exist parallel to each other, and as one, as a unified whole, simultaneously. There is an infinite number of reactions for every action, and within each and every one of them...

Every action and it's reaction occur simultaneously, and within every action there is an infinite number of reactions and within each and every one of them. Every force, person and thing, in every moment of time is part of a universal whole. Everything within the universal whole equates to the universal whole. Every person, object and thing, is universally whole. This is because with every action and it's reaction, occurring simultaneously and occurring within infinite reactions to every reaction,and in each and every one of them... each and every one of them becomes a unified universal whole, as each one of them is possessed within a unified universal whole, and the unified whole possess each of them equally, each of them therefor possess the unified whole their self. Every person and object and thing, and every moment in time is there for God.

This is due to the nonlinearlity of linear causality in nature. Both linear and nonlinear causality occur simultaneously. There is no separation, even where there is separation. There are many different ways to view the same thing, some may say infinite ways. As the universe is a unified whole, form may seem separate and continuous but there exists a nature, simultaneously where nothing is separate even that of which is separate. That is the non casual nature of cause and effect, action and reaction.

It's much like a fractal pattern, the smallest part of it, contains the whole. Only this fractal pattern exists within infinite variations, combinations and diversity, all together, at once and simultaneously.

However, unlike a fractal pattern, it doesn't contain any smallest part at all, as all parts are equal and as one. Instead infinite possibilities simultaneously exist as a void...

This void contains every possible form of every possible form. In this void all forms are discontinuous, formless, only potentially with form, possibly with form. Simultaneously, all forms are formed by this void, instantly. There is no true separation of forms in the void, as everything is non casually connected, simultaneously the void allows for separation of forms. Because the possibilities inside of possibilities are infinite, possibilities and forms within the void, as well as their separation are not clearly defined. You could say all that is, is nothingness with the infinite potential and possibility to be infinite quantities of something inside of something else, infinitely...

We could look at reality as action and reaction, and as cause and effect. For if there wasn't any reaction to action, nothing would ever occur.

Every action and it's reaction occur simultaneously, and within every action there is an infinite number of reactions and within each and every one of them. Every force, person and thing, in every moment of time is part of a universal whole. Everything within the universal whole equates to the universal whole. Every person, object and thing, is universally whole. This is because with every action and it's reaction, occurring simultaneously and occurring within infinite reactions to every reaction,and in each and every one of them... each and every one of them is a unified universal whole, as each one of them is possessed within a unified universal whole, and the unified whole possess each of them equally, each of them therefor possess the unified whole their self. Every person and object and thing, and every moment in time is there for... God.

I am God, you are God, we are all God. God is an eternal being. You could say that nothing is occurring.Universal causality is eternal, without beginning nor ending..You could see the universe as nothingness, with the infinite potential to be somethingness inside of something else.

Nothing ,essentially is really there, you're just more likely to be there, than you aren't likely to be there...So, nothing is real even when it is real. Nothing is really there.

I am God, you are God, and you could also say that you are my God and I am your God...

This is because everything is non casually connected in this void of nothingness, with infinite potential and possibility to be something within something else.

This void makes form possible, even when simultaneously there is no form within it. It contains absolute form, yet absolute formlessness, simultaneously for each and every form. Every form is simultaneously absolute and absolutely formless. Every form is God, and formless simultaneously...

These concepts are directly related to spirit phenomena. Unlike the changing nature of reality, the spiritual is unchanging. There are other words used to commonly explain the spiritual nature. The previously discussed, void for example. The spiritual nature is also the quantum field.It can also be referred to as the collective unconsciousness.

This realm of spirit occurs simultaneously to other realms, such as our own. The realm of spirit is non casual. Paranormal events are events of this realm, that exist beyond logic, and falsifiablity. Our reality is mostly linear, and so the likelihood of something super natural occurring that is outside of linear and casual events, is highly unlikely. You could say that there is both a very high improbability and probability of one experiencing such an event simultaneously.

Mediums, psychics who readily experience these things are nothing short of a statistical anomaly

Some people think that this void, this spirit is light. Perhaps it is. It could be considered all the vibrations of the universe, all of it's energy, I like to look at it as possibilities. But, essentially it contains all of the following. Every particle in all of it's possible states, every state of energy, every frequency and every vibration. It's all of these things. You could even call it The Force...

So, in reality all of these things are more like symbols than they are actual given realities, symbols all expressing the same unity and forces within all things. I see quite often different terms used to describe the same process of phenomena in nature.I believe that there is no real separation of these terms that they all show an awareness into the true unified nature of reality equally and simultaneously. It's only in our consciousness that we view them separate and apart from one another.

Lifetimes stream together in an endless stream of Light. Parallel worlds, other dimensions. ALL interacting and communicating without the time barrier. .
2017-01-04 23:02:07 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.