Joining the Jehovah's Witnesses was the worst mistake of my life?
2016-04-12 05:16:38 UTC
I was baptized at 17 and became a full-time dedicated preacher of the Good News. It was during this time that the "Millions Living Now Will Never Die" booklet written by Judge Joseph Rutherford was still being adhered to
Fast forward 50 years later and because I dedicated myself to preaching as a pioneer full-time I have very little Social Security built-up and depend heavily on handouts from other members.
I never married as the "End" was right around the corner and I would not grow old in this world.
To say I'm disillusioned would be an understatement.

Due to my failing health I can no longer preach much so my privileges of being an Elder in the congregation were taken away from me. I honestly feel my life I have been fooled into serving a group of men that will never have to experience what I'm going through right now.
They have it made living free in our headquarters known as Bethel in Brooklyn, New York. They will soon have an even better headquarters built in Warwick, New York.

I write this so others can be forewarned as to dedicating yourself to the Jehovah's Witnesses. Don't make my mistake and then suffer the consequences.
75 answers:
2016-04-12 15:59:03 UTC
As a Witness it saddens me to hear about your plight. Yes, a real Jehovah's Witness would not usually use the word "join" however, nobody has perfect writing specially if typing is not a common practice. I'm ashamed to call the other Jehovah's Witnesses that have commented on your situation, fellow brethren or even friends. It's shameful that some could actually say they are Christian and insult you.

It's pathetic but typical within the Organization. The member friends/brothers today gossip, backbite, and spread created theories on why some members are reproofed or even excommunicated whenever they hear announcements. Then there's the cliques, nepotism among Elders, and the constant putting down of those that are weak spiritually or are rarely seen in field service or at each meeting. Gee, I wonder why the Apostle Paul said we should welcome and accept the weak spiritually? It's sickening to see all of these happenings in the congregation when we are supposedly "the happiest people on earth." I guess this should come with a fine print that says "just don't cross us."

I've been in the "Truth" for many years now and also have realized that many things no longer add up.

As a true Witness I must concede and admit that our Organization has falsely espoused dates like 1975, Beth-Sarim 1925, and 1914 among other dates as when Armageddon would come. I would not be speaking the truth if I didn't admit to these.

I see that many current Witnesses have scolded you and even mocked you and then others quote the Fruit of the Spirit found in Galatians. It's clearly apparent that these people are the rotten fruit the Apostle Paul spoke of when referring to people's true character.

I'll also be first to admit that yes, our Governing Body will be first to tell the members to do all they can for the Kingdom and yet many of them have had children, gotten married, and did things they themselves discourage in the publications! Yes, the Apostle Paul did do this but it was optional not a commandment yet the Governing Body makes the friends feel guilty! It's also interesting that the Governing Body members have admitted cash flow problems and yet are building new facilities. What happened to "the End"? The Bible says nothing would be left standing and yet they are building new facilities?

And now recently they have come under intense scrutiny with pedophilia lawsuits including the Australian Royal Commission questioning Governing Body member Geoffrey Jackson while he visited that country.

I also understand why you choose to remain anonymous. Current Jehovah's Witnesses that are able to identify you would gleefully report you to your local Elder Body for coming on such a public forum to express yourself. Worse yet, they would gleefully report me for even sympathizing with you!

Take note of those comments that come from people we consider "Christendom" and who are supposedly "evil" and how they are more loving and sympathetic with your situation. It infuriates me when they make fun of you being an elderly 67 and how you are supposed to seek out help when you clearly say that you have.

I pray for you my brother and hope that you find inner peace and happiness with the cards we have been dealt from the loving Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses.
2016-04-12 11:55:00 UTC
Obviously you forgot Matthew 6:33 and 24:13. Jehovah's Witnesses is the true religion. How do I know this? It is by their fruits your will recognize those men (Matthew 7:16). And those fruits include the fruitage of the spirit (Galatians 5:22, 23). Also love will show who are true witnesses to Jehovah (John 13:35). Have you ever truly seen those fruits from anyone else? Perhaps you need a fresh study of the Bible.
2016-04-12 16:52:16 UTC
I think you got shafted, religion is there to control and manipulate. You probably lived your life, doing good deeds, never harming others (which is really what your God, and everyone else's God really wants, regardless of what the hate preachers preach) and yet you get to the end of your days and find yourself alone and feeling worked over. the fact that you 'joined' speaks more for you than those too blind to think, because it indicates that you believed, whereas those who didn't 'join' but were born into or evolved or accepted or became or whatever they did just did what they were told, without question. We were not born with the ability to think to waste that talent in the hope that whatever God you believe in wants a drone.

Do you want to see through differences and see the suffering beneath or do you want to accept what others dictate to you and walk away?

Being the Samaritan carries a heavy price, but we were not born sheep, to simply follow a charlatan's interpretation of God's will.

Be strong, you are well ******, but so is everybody else who fell for the mindless **** preached by the holier than thou's.
2016-04-12 08:34:04 UTC
Please don't post lies.

It's clear that you never were one of Jehovah's Witnesses, because even a JW in the middle of the forest in Congo would get help and support from Jehovah one way or another.

That's what the millions of publishers worldwide are there for, and what the organization makes sure of.

There a thousands of examples of full time servants who have been, and continue to be, taken care of in the best way.

If anyone wants to see facts and real experiences, all they have to do is visit and watch/read the interviews and experiences. Or go to any kingdom hall and ask any JW, young and old, of their experience.

**A note to anyone reading this thread: There are many false testimonies. Consider talking to real people rather than believing what you read.**
2016-04-12 06:28:46 UTC
The biggest mistake you could make in your life would be to reject God and Christ because of what a small group of men in America dictate. You have woken up to realise they were just dangling a carrot of Paradise before you, while beating you with the big stick of work, from behind.

My parents fell for the carrot on a stick trick, way back in the mid 1930s. This was only a decade after Rutherford's rallying cry, 'Millions Now Living Will Never Die' had been consigned to the backgkround. This was because the 'Millions' booklet said on page 88 that 1925 would mark the return of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and the faithful prophets of old. I doubt if that was brought to my parents' attention. Had you known it said that, would you have continued into your old age, through 1975 and all of that?

My parents died disappointed. That need not happen to you if you now respond to the good news that God will pardon your sins as an act of free, unconditional grace. Forgiveness for all your sins can still be found because of what Jesus did to achieve your pardon - you have but to believe and trust in Christ. Go to the fountain opened for sin and uncleanness and jump in - just as you are! Trust in what Jesus did to wash you clean! Discover the glorious reality that Christ has met every condition for our pardon; confess your sin to Him and find that pardoning grace. It is the most liberating experience in the world, and you are never too old to discover it!
2016-04-12 06:38:56 UTC
I'm so very sorry.

Listen, the most important thing to realize when coming away from something like this is to remember that God does not equal the JW organization. God loves you. So much so that He sent His Son to die in your place and offer you forgiveness and eternal life. All He wants is for you to come to the Son. Repentance and belief, being born again as a child of God, adoption into His family....that's what God is asking for. He made it simple, rather than you doing a bunch of works and preaching that will never compare to what His Son already did.

God provides. I know that will be a very hard thing to trust in, but He does. Jesus says, "Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." All you have to do is come to Him. He also says without Him, you can do nothing (John 15:5) and that all who come to Him, He will never cast out (John 6:37). He loves you more than you'll ever know and He just wants you to come to His open arms.

I will be praying for you and it is my prayer that you will look back at your years as a JW and be thankful that God led you to where you are for a purpose. Thankful that He has reached out to your heart. It is also my prayer that you will find peace and I sincerely hope you will pick up a good Bible (not NWT) and read the real message of it without JW dogma. You might be surprised how different it really is if you read it with fresh eyes. Wishing you the best and even if it's hard, trust in the Lord. He works out all things for good for those who love Him. (Rom. 8:28)

I am the gate. If anyone enters through Me, he will be saved. He will come in and go out and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly." John 10:9-10
2016-04-12 11:56:19 UTC
You are lost in darkness and have been influenced by Satan.Please embrace the Jehovah's Witnesses since they represent the truth and will lead you to Jehovah God.What you are living is Satan's influence on you but only Jehovah can save you.
2016-04-12 18:10:29 UTC
The JW's are a fake cult, founded by Freemason Charles Taze Russell, who's an illuminati member. They do a lot of mind control, & it's almost impossible to get out. I'm glad you saw the truth.

Please, start TODAY, to trust & believe in our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ, who died on the cross, was buried, & rose from the dead on the 3rd day, so that your sins can be blotted out, & you can go to heaven. Pray every day, read the KING JAMES VERSION of the Holy Bible, & fellowship with other believers. Watch out for cults, false doctrines, & false teachers.Our sins must be repented of, or we’ll end up in hell.

KJV bibles can be found online digitally for free download, or you can get one for $1 @ Dollar Tree or the 99 Cents Only store. Go to your Bible & read:

-Joshua 24:15

-John 14:6

-John 3:3

-2 Chronicles 7:14

-Romans 3:23

-Philippians 2:10-11

-1 John 1:9

-Psalms 14:1 & 53:1

-Proverbs 22:6

Get prepared. Jesus is coming back to judge every man according to his works, good or bad. This wicked system that we live in is setting us up for the New World Order & the AntiChrist. Question & pray about EVERYTHING. Don’t take the Mark of the Beast.

Scarborough Fair
2016-04-12 06:36:55 UTC
It saddens me every time I read about someone's life being damaged by this cult.

I will pray that you will find a satisfying life outside the cult. You still have time to get eternal life through Christ. You believed what you heard about Paradise Earth and never having to die. That's a lie, but there is eternal life in Heaven. You can get involved in a healthy church, one which doesn't use you.

God bless.
2016-04-12 19:22:10 UTC
Well, that's not really a question that's more of something Personal you're telling everyone. I personally, don't give a **** you left Jw's. I'm sure a lot do, but no me. Next time you have a question, ask. This is called, "Yahoo answers" not bitching about leaving some cult.
2016-04-13 13:20:01 UTC
I do feel for you. It amazes me that people do not understand that when they don't pay in to SS, they expect to get enough $ back when it's time for it. I don't know how many times I've told my children that if they want to go in the full time service there better be a member of the family supporting them so they can, but keep in mind that they have to have a job at some point in time. Common sense has to come into play at some point in life. I'd like to be out in service but I have to work to be able to pay my way through life. Jehovah God knows this. Do JW's make you not work, no, they don't. every talk I've heard about it says for the person to make sure it is something they can do, someone has to be pulling the wagon with you in it. It is the choice of every person. Every person on the planet has to have a balance in their lives. It's different for every JW. Some have unbelieving mates, I do & it's not easy at times as I am the owner of our business. But, don't blame being a JW for not having enough quarters in for SS. There is government assistance as well. You chose to serve Jehovah God. Who paid for you all these years while you were out door to door? You didn't ever think about what you'd live on as you aged? Balance is the key.

(2 Timothy 3:1) But know this, that in the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here.
2016-04-12 10:32:22 UTC
Christianity is about joy not sorrow. It is about living life not monasticism (an import from the Eastern Church). It is about going forward as an entire healed society, not a factional mass. Jehovah's Witnesses, Latter Day Saints, Plymouth Brethren. They are all seeking to downgrade and undermine Creation with their mean-minded fictions.
2016-04-12 06:05:14 UTC
Sorry to hear that you are having a tough time but you are not alone. Joining the JW cult is the worst mistake for them all. Unfortunately, you have been fooled by men like every other JW. It's never too late to gain your mind and life back. I know several JWs that have been in for 50 plus years and are now waking up to reality and leaving the cult. Believe me, you will certainly find happiness after you leave this Anti-Christ cult.
2016-04-12 17:40:08 UTC
It's NOT the end of your life unless YOU choose it to be! I'm 70 yo: work part time and receive the equivalent of your Social Security, exercise, enjoy grandkids, theatre, dogs,gardening, hobbies etc. Open up your eyes, look beyond the cult! I did, not JW, another cult. Continue studying your Bible NOT NWT, praying, fasting etc. Help others, meet others, develop network of decent, caring, positive and community minded folk. IF you're NOT fibbing here, that is! I'm not certain you are legit, benefit of doubt given however.
2016-04-12 14:38:36 UTC
When an electronic project calls for a 100 ohm resistor to be placed at a point in the circuit it doesn t mean that there has to be EXACTLY a 100 ohm resistor there because such a resistor cannot be made. Can the resistor actually be 120 ohms or 80 ohms and the circuit still work properly? When anything is engineered there is a tolerance, or a range of values that will work. You have to step back and ask yourself what you are trying to accomplish in being you fear death? you have no friends? you want to try harder at finding the global optimum for your civilization? If you are just being a tape recorder and repeating what Michael Jackson in a priest habit is saying without questioning it then you have missed the boat. You can still love God/Buddha/Odin/Thor/Artemis/Hecate...etc without having to be exactly 100 ohms like everybody else. And if it s death you fear there is no worry thanks to quantum immortality.
2016-04-12 14:21:13 UTC
One does not "join" JW's you are baptized into the congregation. If you are old you only need to get just 15 minutes to stay active, and elders (my husband is one & he's old) do not HAVE to have an assignment in the congregation.

I think IF YOU WERE A JW you would know that, so I don't believe that you are really a JW...AND again, any JW would help out others, but ESPECIALLY an elderly ELDER....

Me thinks you make up a story................................
2016-04-12 07:47:21 UTC
Yep. They will toss you out, label you apostate and walk away but, haven't you, as a former elder caused that very same situation to happen to many many others? Not feeling sympathy for your being in a cult and abusing others when the teeth of the tower turn on you. You had to have seen the signs and chosen to ignore them.

Ex JW Atheist
2016-04-13 10:00:47 UTC
Humanity thrives on 'one-upmanship', each telling the other their 'truth', yet lacking the inner strength of looking deeply inward to face the true nature of their being. You all play your silly games of fear-tactics and lies! Be ashamed of your human dignity! Whether religious, atheist, spiritual or other, you seek power and control in the name of 'knowing the truth.' If Jesus stood by you and heard your words, he'd only confirm his, 'Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.' Wake from the masturbation of your ego seeking constant self-pleasure under the guise of 'selflessness' and 'joyful attitude'. Realize the great instrument of creation you are at this moment! You've exported all the great virtues of humanity to heaven at the cost of brain washing innocence- shame on you all for such pathetic weakness and insecurity in this privileged Life for elevating common sense and human dignity.
2016-04-14 15:29:57 UTC
What I don't understand is this: who stopped this man from seeking gainful employment in his youth? Not the brothers, they don't do that1

Our young people work secular jobs AND pioneer...they have youthful vigor and strength to do both.

I am having a hard time believing this...I worked and raised 4 children knowing one day I'd need to sit down and have a little something to fall back on. I also had an unbelieving mate.


2016-04-12 11:47:08 UTC
AMEN!! I was raised as a Witness. WORST RELIGION EVER. It kept my Mom in an abusive relationship with an awful man.... Me and my brothers gor abusedd as kids from this horrible person.... It ruined my childhood and I was never allowed to have friends in school cuz they were all "bad." I left at 21 years old. My entire family doesn't interact with me at ALL because of the "do not even say a hello" to a witness stupid rule.... Worst religion ever.
2016-04-13 14:49:20 UTC
Too bad you have caused yourself to become unhappy, and now try to blame it on an organization that has good intentions... those intentions being seeking truth and learning and following God's word the Bible. Never once have Jehovah's Witnesses preached that you cannot get married. They are not like Catholics which make priests remain single. In fact, they note that it is unscriptural to require ministers to have to remain single.

For you to claim that you didn't get married because of joining Jehovah's Witnesses is a huge lie and you know it. The Jehovah's Witness organization is full of married couples. So don't be silly! Stop blaming other people for your life's choices.

When you are one of Jehovah's Witnesses, you aren't forced to do anything. You are taught the Bible through regular meetings and it is left to you if you will choose to follow the Bible. Following counsel and guidance from the One who created us, is a good thing, not a bad thing. Now to some, because of rumors and untrue statements like those you made, they may not understand that, but if they knew the truth, they would.

Anyway, living a life according the Bible, is the best way to live life. It gives you the most self-respect and happiness.

All the choices you made, were YOUR choices, not someone else's. No one forced you to full-time pioneer, no one forced you to be an elder. No one forced you to, as you say, rely heavily on hand-outs. No one forced you to remain single. So stop spreading false lies. It's one thing to have regrets over the choices you make in life, but to blame others who had nothing to do with your decisions that were yours and yours alone to make, is such a cop-out! Your own actions have made you unhappy.

And those "hand-outs" you say you relied on? How about being grateful to people who gave you hand-outs. YOU chose to take and benefit from the handouts. You didn't have to. You could have worked and held a job like everyone else and earned your own living. Instead, you benefited from others, should you not be thankful?

Anyway, perhaps due to your age and failing health, you are suffering from depression and that is why you are looking at everything so negatively, but if you took the time to think about all the good that you enjoyed in your life, you would be more grateful, rather than hateful.
2016-04-12 14:45:17 UTC
It almost seems like you concocted that story to provide a pretext for anti-JW types to crawl out of the woodwork and have a nice day out on Y!A ranting among themselves.

There is no question, and your privilege of serving as an elder would not have been taken away for the reason you cite.

Are you familiar with the phrase "argumentum ad passiones" ?

"Appeal to emotion or argumentum ad passiones is a logical fallacy characterized by the manipulation of the recipient's emotions in order to win an argument, especially in the absence of factual evidence."
2016-04-12 09:22:35 UTC
Wow look at the hateful JW responses which prove there is no love within that religion. They wouldn't know Jesus' love if He were standing right in front of them.
2016-04-12 15:24:29 UTC
I can see you are severely disappointed. You stored up spiritual treasures rather than material possessions. There are many brothers and sisters who are well into their 60's and 70's who were full time ministers in their youth that are doing well. What did you do differently than them? Why are you worse off than them?
2016-04-12 13:43:33 UTC
You are wrong--The dedication was to Jehovah and his son-- By listening to Jesus' real teachers is the same as listening to Jehovah and Jesus( Luke 10:16) by rejecting those teachers one rejects Jehovah and Jesus as well. Even in Jesus day--they were sure Gods kingdom was at hand then. So after 50 years, you are letting satan beat you. That is sad.

I see a lot of--ME(SELF) in your post--- a real JW does this-Matt 16:24--- so it was you that failed, not them.
2016-04-13 07:05:14 UTC
Sorry friend. You are not alone, there are many people who have also realised they have wasted years of their lives on this bogus religion and other religions.

But the pure gold here is the answers you get from jehovah's witnesses, their unkind replies show how most of them truly are and it's brutal but perfect for all the people reading so they can witness for themselves how quick they can turn on you and how they love to try and take heat off them by pointing out the negatives of other religions lol as if it makes it ok.
2016-04-12 05:51:30 UTC
man i bet i'll be in the same boat.

i don't want to ignore women just because the world. they are lonely too. try a dating site ... has lots of old people from america.

i'm virgin, and old, but i never reject anyone, i am just ugly and choice seems like a big deal.

don't fall from the faith in evermore--living yashua. move to a cheaper country :) if you got money. consider Jonah was in the whale 3 days and 3 nights. count from 1st day of light (gen 1) what happens? (5th dimension = alternate futures) how does passion of Jesus accumulate 3 days and 3 nights?

freedom of all possibilities of plans (6th) is there in first page of bible7.

consider with

consider mathematically 2 dimensionally surface of planet is without end. consider revelations/8 compared to rev 16

anyway sorry if you didn't want to hear it. even wankers online need to hear "come and drink" from Jesus in temple festival to stop their pornography addiction. :(

Genesis chapter 1 (time is fourth dimension (dimensional plane of existence) (God of existence))

1 Dimensions = Jesus Is Light

2 dimensional Continuous surfaces genesis/1-10.htm

3 dimensional Space (Perpetual trees)

4 dimensional Time

5 dimensional Hope for the Future's alternate possibilities of single moment

6 dimensional Future plans of freedom's all possibilities.

7 dimensional Future laws (Holy Bible is Jesus) consider all possible futures, then pick chosen futures.
2016-04-13 11:44:10 UTC
Joining the Jehovah's Witnesses was the worst mistake of your life, because they are a cult that leads to eternal torment in the lake of fire. Get away from them.


Jesus loves you! The truth is that believing in Jesus to take you to heaven, is the only way to heaven. / Jesus paid it all, so believe in Jesus, and you're saved. There is no chance to be saved after death. Jesus Christ is God, Jesus died on the cross to pay for all of our sins, and then Jesus resurrected from the dead. Nothing else pays for our sins, not works or deeds or religions or anything. So to be in heaven and not in eternal torment in the lake of fire, believe in Jesus Christ to take you to heaven. That easy! Tell Jesus right now that you believe in Jesus for eternal life, and you will be in heaven! Jesus loves you and wants to bless you now and throughout your life and forever!.
2016-04-12 11:38:23 UTC
You demonstrate you were never really having the faith reach your heart. True they advised those who could to nit marry. Just as Paul did the same thing. The point was fir ministers to devote mire effort into the many parts if ministry. Never not to marry period as the Catholics rank to their Clergies.

I personally knew I would never have the patience fir marriage or kids. Also I needed "days off" That would not be possible for decades after.

That was a personal decision, not shared by thousands if other Witnesses locally and around the world. My health was never that great. Now I am forced into Disability and depend from time to time on my spiritual family, who volunteer rather than being asked. I do not ever want to ask, but at times I must. For example, a few afternoons ago, while lying in my bed, I heard a sound identified as a gas motor. A fast lawn mower. By the time I reached my door a brother about 15-20 miles away had finished mowing my grass, loaded up and was taking off in his truck, on what would be one if the coldest nights of the month. He does that kind of thing as he has the time set aside for it. Me, I barely made the front door without collapsing. Maybe 30 feet.

I KNIW what Bible Truth is. I do Not need so.many hours put into the ministry. I know Jehovah does not count that way, but only as much as we individually can handle. No more.

I worked jobs for about 30 + years, before I got chest pains severe enough from going perhaps 30 feet. I could do no more.

I do not need sympathy. My life is my own and heredity. I have known this would be happening since I was 12. Just hoped I would not suffer so.much. but One thing I do excellent at is Lingering. How many people get fired from Hospice for living too long? True. They expect you to due within 6 months. I have lived a year and 4 months so far. Too bad I knew this too at 12.

Still I KNOW a few things you apparently have forgotten. At least I hope you have and nit never learned them. That would be a complete waste if a life. I know Jehovah does not judge harshly, but on a curve. He KNIWS exactly what we can do and never ask a for more. Living under the rule of God's Kingdom us not a right. Only a privilege from Jehovah. Through Jesus and his Ransom sacrifice he paid for it.

I know I am free from fear the rest in Satan's wicked system are gripped by. The natural disasters and the breakdown of people into animals must happen as Satan's system reaches its end. At the absolute perfect, proper time, Jehovah will give Jesus the signal for his angelic armies to begin Armageddon.

I KNOW no salvation or hope will come from any human governments, false religion not human sciences. Only by God's Kingdom, the heavenly based government. In fact, ALL the human governments are lead by the demons to the battle lines if Armageddon--against God's angelic armies. WRONG SIDE according to Revelation 16:14, 16.

Before that I KNOW all of the world's false religions will be destroyed by those sane human governments. Already they are getting really charge d by false religions still trying to direct them, after they can no longer deliver people to governments as they once did. Much sooner than they imagine those governments will strike. Revelation 17:15-17 gives the account. In 16, notice all that will be left is a small bloody stain. In 17, see it was God who put the idea into the hearts of governments to do all this. I know this was brilliant, by having one part of Satan's wicked organization destroy another. Without his angelic armies exerting themselves. Beautiful.

I know I want to live after then, under God's Kingdom rule. Preferred to 've resurrected then.

I DO NOT KNOW if I will make this. None of bus do unless we are mentally ill. Paul hoped but was not assured until death. Jesus confirmed twice in Matthew 10:42; 24:13 only, "he who has endured to the END US the one who will be SAVED." Not in the middle of life, for one can change like the one posing this question. I would NEVER CLAIM to be better than Paul.

Mist if ALL, I KNOW I hate Android and Google keyboards.
2016-04-13 07:34:25 UTC
Maybe instead of having devoted yourself to Jehovah's witnesses, the people, you should have just devoted yourself to Jesus. People are imperfect. Why did you lose your Elder privileges? I'm sorry you are being treated unfairly.
2016-04-13 03:41:20 UTC
A lot of people, in the US,and many other countries who accepted the pressures to simply preach, to accept the pressures to avoid so-called higher education, and so much more - a getting very old. Many of these have no means, or very very limited means of supporting their own livelihood. Many of these have discovered that the brotherhood of the Wt is no brotherhood, of family-like organization where people assist each other to survive.

If someone stops going to the meetings, the interest of the congregation also seems to stop. I guess the account from Acts where someone was resurrected because of her deeds of mercy has been forgotten, the words of James has been forgotten:

27 Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, to keep oneself unspotted from the world.
2016-04-13 12:25:30 UTC
IT SURELY WAS A SERIOUS MISTAKE ! Application to all who wish to worship Jehovah God as Christ made clear to the Samaritan woman at the well is as follows:

(John 4:22-26)

“22 You worship what you do not know; we worship what we know, because salvation begins with the Jews. 23 Nevertheless, the hour is coming, and it is now, when the true worshippers will worship the Father with spirit and truth, for indeed, the Father is looking for ones like these to worship him. "

24 God is a Spirit, and those worshipping him must worship with spirit and truth.”

25 The woman said to him: “I know that Mes·siʹah is coming, who is called Christ. Whenever that one comes, he will declare all things to us openly.”

26 Jesus said to her: “I am he, the one speaking to you.””

YOU ARE BEYOND a mistake please note:

(Psalm 19:12, 13)

“12 Who can discern mistakes? Pronounce me innocent from sins I am unaware of.

13 And hold your servant back from presumptuous acts; Do not let them dominate me. Then I will be complete, And innocent of blatant sins.”
2016-04-12 21:27:22 UTC
It's never too late though to make amends and turn to the truth... Matthew 11:28

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

the NWT is a mistranslation of God's word and if you read the many other translations you will see it if you believe in your heart that Jesus will show you the truth..

Man(or Organization) will NEVER be enough, Never be adequate to save you.. they will always fail you and always forsake you because they are men... God alone saves.. through grace alone...Ephesians 2:8

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God--

a gift is always free and if it requires you to "DO" something then it is not a gift...

Jesus alone is the ONLY way to salvation.. turn to him... and He will redeem you...

JOHN 8:24 says... YOu will die in your sins if you do not believe that I am he... please take this opportunity and reach out to Jesus so He can save you... not the organization...
2016-04-13 13:04:24 UTC
I studied for a few months until I realised that like my original faith, Baptist, then a brief flirtation with "new born" was all the same and someone somewhere was conning me into giving money. I found it funny that they didn't even serve tea after meetings, those tightwads!
Hannah J Paul
2016-04-12 08:11:14 UTC
" I write this so others can be forewarned." So you mean you do not actually have a question. You are just using this as a platform from which to 'warn.'

With all respect, due and otherwise, you served (if indeed you did) for all the wrong reasons. You are not disillusioned so much as merely selfishly uninspired. I think possibly Judas was uninspired as well. After all, he walked with Jesus, served as a disciple, served as an apostle, learned at his feet and then somewhere along the way, decided he wanted more pay. Know what I mean? Jesus saw something good in him when Jesus chose him. But something else ended up blossoming in his heart. Greed, I should imagine. No matter. He ended up being the son of destruction. But imagine how his conduct made Jesus feel – a traitor right in his bosom.

Plus you should bathe in the warm glow of support that you are getting from fellow JW-detractors. I mean that sincerely. They are so very sorry; it saddens them; they are praying for you; they are sorry to hear this; they are greatly saddened. So let that wrap itself around you and comfort you the way you were NEVER comforted while being a JW. Because imagine: these people right here don’t know jack-squat about you. They cannot even call you by any name because you have a blue face, are wearing a bowler’s hat and go by Anonymous. But they are WITH you. And why are they with you? Because they don’t like JW’s. And their dislike is absolutely fine and acceptable. But despite the very real fact that they have absolutely no way of verifying any aspect of your ‘warning,’ they are WITH you! They are FOR you! So embrace it.

So you are gone now. Well done and good! You should never stay with a group or parents or children or spouse who make you feel you got nothing out of the relationship. By all means, people should inspire you to new heights of obedience and gratitude and . . . Social Security benefits. Because whatever benefits you - irrespective of anything else - is the primary concern, yes?

Hannah J Paul
2016-04-12 08:19:03 UTC
Wow. Seriously? It took you 67 years to get smart? But the witnesses are the dumb ones? Well let us know how it works out for you. What church you go to I mean. It should be interesting.
2016-04-13 00:21:28 UTC
I think its bad joining Jehovah Witnesses because you cant give blood and worst of all you cant celebrate you wont get gifts I.e. A car from your dad
2016-04-13 03:10:06 UTC
You're not the first one to admit it. I'm surprised you weren't intimidated by them into lying about your time with them, though.
The teaching of Darren Henry
2016-04-13 08:41:17 UTC
You were suppose to be working for god.i will say a pray for you that your body be heal.stop doing the 3.i dont know you but when pray for ypu the 3 come up.ask another question explaining your illness
2016-04-13 06:19:35 UTC
The following list of unloving and hateful responses from current Jehovah's Witnesses confirms what many people already know about this cult and prove our Lord Jesus' words in Matthew 7:15, 16. Where's the love you profess you hypocrites?:

"Things don't add up with your question because if you did work that there would be SS for you, maybe you worked under the table, cash jobs but never claim taxes on them, if that's the case then you were being dishonest, not something witnesses do, they pay their taxes.

No your story sounds fabricated, something an apostate or a really stupid person would try to pull off."


"Obviously you forgot Matthew 6:33 and 24:13. Jehovah's Witnesses is the true religion. How do I know this? It is by their fruits your will recognize those men (Matthew 7:16). And those fruits include the fruitage of the spirit (Galatians 5:22, 23). Also love will show who are true witnesses to Jehovah (John 13:35). Have you ever truly seen those fruits from anyone else? Perhaps you need a fresh study of the Bible."


"Please don't post lies.

It's clear that you never were one of Jehovah's Witnesses, because even a JW in the middle of the forest in Congo would get help and support from Jehovah one way or another.

That's what the millions of publishers worldwide are there for, and what the organization makes sure of.

There a thousands of examples of full time servants who have been, and continue to be, taken care of in the best way."


"If what you are saying is true; the only way that your situation could have developed and left you unprepared in your elderly years; is if, you were a part of a congregation where the leadership is unskillful. (Proverbs 11:14).....

However, you yourself bear a degree of blame too because I am sure that you saw where your health and finances were heading long before it reached the point where it is now. (Proverbs 22:3)"


"Since the writing style is the same in both the "question" and the first "Anonymous" answer, I'm going to guess that what we have here is someone with two accounts, who has an ax to grind.

So, grind away, you will neither hurt nor help Jehovah's message. ... He can reach right hearted people no matter what you do, or don't do."


"You are lost in darkness and have been influenced by Satan.Please embrace the Jehovah's Witnesses since they represent the truth and will lead you to Jehovah God.What you are living is Satan's influence on you but only Jehovah can save you."


"Your very first sentence reveals the fact that you are not, in fact, one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Any genuine witness of Jehovah God would know that there is no such thing as "joining Jehovah's Witnesses".

The clear inaccuracies in the rest of your palaver reveal a dedication to apostate websites rather than to Jehovah God."


"One does not "join" JW's you are baptized into the congregation. If you are old you only need to get just 15 minutes to stay active, and elders (my husband is one & he's old) do not HAVE to have an assignment in the congregation.

I think IF YOU WERE A JW you would know that, so I don't believe that you are really a JW...AND again, any JW would help out others, but ESPECIALLY an elderly ELDER....

Me thinks you make up a story."


"With your hate, you sound like you might or could be the below, are you.

Apostasy is abandoning or deserting the worship and service of God, actually a rebellion against Jehovah God. Some apostates profess to know and serve God but reject teachings or requirements set out in his Word. Others claim to believe the Bible but reject the religious organization they belong to.

Not only do they abandon the their faith but they then “beat” their former associates, using public criticism and other methods to hinder their work; the efforts of such apostates are devoted to tearing down, not building up."


"It almost seems like you concocted that story to provide a pretext for anti-JW types to crawl out of the woodwork and have a nice day out on Y!A ranting among themselves.

There is no question, and your privilege of serving as an elder would not have been taken away for the reason you cite."


"You demonstrate you were never really having the faith reach your heart. True they advised those who could to not marry. Just as Paul did the same thing......

That was a personal decision, not shared by thousands if other Witnesses locally and around the world....I KNOW what Bible Truth is. I do NOT need so many hours put into the ministry. I know Jehovah does not count that way, but only as much as we individually can handle. No more."


"With all respect, due and otherwise, you served (if indeed you did) for all the wrong reasons. You are not disillusioned so much as merely selfishly uninspired. I think possibly Judas was uninspired as well.... But something else ended up blossoming in his heart. Greed, I should imagine. No matter. He ended up being the son of destruction. But imagine how his conduct made Jesus feel – a traitor right in his bosom.

Plus you should bathe in the warm glow of support that you are getting from fellow JW-detractors. I mean that sincerely. They are so very sorry; it saddens them; they are praying for you; they are sorry to hear this; they are greatly saddened. So let that wrap itself around you and comfort you the way you were NEVER comforted while being a JW. Because imagine: these people right here don’t know jack-squat about you. They cannot even call you by any name because you have a blue face, are wearing a bowler’s hat and go by Anonymous. But they are WITH you. And why are they with you? Because they don’t like JW’s. And their dislike is absolutely fine and acceptable. But despite the very real fact that they have absolutely no way of verifying any aspect of your ‘warning,’ they are WITH you! They are FOR you! So embrace it.

So you are gone now. Well done and good! You should never stay with a group or parents or children or spouse who make you feel you got nothing out of the relationship. By all means, people should inspire you to new heights of obedience and gratitude and . . . Social Security benefits. Because whatever benefits you - irrespective of anything else - is the primary concern, yes?"


"You sound like a shameless apostate!"

2016-04-12 10:52:36 UTC
I agree, but this is one mistake you can change. Good luck on having a real life again.
2016-04-13 02:52:04 UTC
Your big mistake is you misjudge the good things about the beauty of life.

Life is just a story like this:

Well I take it you live in the US, every state has programs that can assist you.But I don't understand, you didn't work for those years, how did you live? Things don't add up with your question because if you did work that there would be SS for you, maybe you worked under the table, cash jobs but never claim taxes on them, if that's the case then you were being dishonest, not something witnesses do, they pay their taxes.

No your story sounds fabricated, something an apostate or a really stupid person would try to pull off.

If you don't get SS check out SSI, each state has the minimum a person can receive and if you are getting the minimum there is all kinds of programs that can help plus all doctors, hospitals and all medicines are free. I know a person that has the minimum and she pays $167 a month for a one bedroom in a neighborhood where 1bd go for $700 plus a month.

No you are totally ignorant of what's available or you are making this up. Either way you can fix it, go to Senior Services or Social Services and they will fix u up, or stop your lying.

and this story:

The biggest mistake you could make in your life would be to reject God and Christ because of what a small group of men in America dictate. You have woken up to realise they were just dangling a carrot of Paradise before you, while beating you with the big stick of work, from behind.

My parents fell for the carrot on a stick trick, way back in the mid 1930s. This was only a decade after Rutherford's rallying cry, 'Millions Now Living Will Never Die' had been consigned to the backgkround. This was because the 'Millions' booklet said on page 88 that 1925 would mark the return of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and the faithful prophets of old. I doubt if that was brought to my parents' attention. Had you known it said that, would you have continued into your old age, through 1975 and all of that?

My parents died disappointed. That need not happen to you if you now respond to the good news that God will pardon your sins as an act of free, unconditional grace. Forgiveness for all your sins can still be found because of what Jesus did to achieve your pardon - you have but to believe and trust in Christ. Go to the fountain opened for sin and uncleanness and jump in - just as you are! Trust in what Jesus did to wash you clean! Discover the glorious reality that Christ has met every condition for our pardon; confess your sin to Him and find that pardoning grace. It is the most liberating experience in the world, and you are never too old to discover it!
2016-04-13 00:55:31 UTC
Well I take it you live in the US, every state has programs that can assist you.But I don't understand, you didn't work for those years, how did you live? Things don't add up with your question because if you did work that there would be SS for you, maybe you worked under the table, cash jobs but never claim taxes on them, if that's the case then you were being dishonest, not something witnesses do, they pay their taxes.

No your story sounds fabricated, something an apostate or a really stupid person would try to pull off.

If you don't get SS check out SSI, each state has the minimum a person can receive and if you are getting the minimum there is all kinds of programs that can help plus all doctors, hospitals and all medicines are free. I know a person that has the minimum and she pays $167 a month for a one bedroom in a neighborhood where 1bd go for $700 plus a month.

No you are totally ignorant of what's available or you are making this up. Either way you can fix it, go to Senior Services or Social Services and they will fix u up, or stop your lying.
2016-04-13 20:19:47 UTC
Religion is a system designed to control the minds and hearts of men.
2016-04-12 13:51:45 UTC
So pleased to read that you have seen a measure of the light.

There are many churches that would gladly welcome you, and give loving support.

God is a God of grace not of demands for hours spent in obedience to a cult.

You are in my prayers.
2016-04-12 12:59:18 UTC
You can come back to Jehovah, and be his friend !

If you started pioneering with 17, in the time when br. Rutherford wrote many books, so you must be now about 105 or 110 years old. Have you a bit demenz ?

We are sure, Jehovah will not forget what you have dan for him.

We have also a sister with 106, and she is doing what she can for Jehovah.

By the way, I found the truth, when I read the books: Life, Light, Creation, etc.

I was born as a protestant.
2016-04-12 20:02:05 UTC
Your worst mistake was not converting to Judaism.
2016-04-12 21:42:58 UTC
With your hate, you sound like you might or could be the below, are you.

Apostasy is abandoning or deserting the worship and service of God, actually a rebellion against Jehovah God. Some apostates profess to know and serve God but reject teachings or requirements set out in his Word. Others claim to believe the Bible but reject the religious organization they belong to.

Not only do they abandon the their faith but they then “beat” their former associates, using public criticism and other methods to hinder their work; the efforts of such apostates are devoted to tearing down, not building up.
Uncle Thesis
2016-04-12 09:32:52 UTC
You sure did make a mistake.

And to think it was totally, 100%, completely their fault.
2016-04-12 05:55:56 UTC
Then one good thing can be said--your witness to people here on this forum, should help others, since it is heartfelt and thank God you got it right before dying in this cult.

God knows and do understand your situation and all false prophets will be held accountable for their indoctrination to the innocent sheep of God.

Just move on and thank God for opening your eyes and get to know who God and Jesus Christ truly is.
Kilroy J
2016-04-17 05:45:26 UTC
See what happens when you stop your daily bible reading?

Look at all the bitter twisted people here who were too lazy to take in daily spiritual food.
2016-04-14 14:54:18 UTC
Thank you for sharing. Maybe someone will be saved a life of misfortune because of you.
2016-04-12 17:43:23 UTC
Yes. It must be either a late-realization or after-thought.

Good Q.
Evangilizing The Lost
2016-04-12 06:00:17 UTC
I'm greatly saddened by your life story and hope others take heed.
Olive Garden
2016-04-12 12:32:06 UTC
Most likely apply for any govt social assistance that you know and entitled of. Have always faith in God.
Sheltie Lover
2016-04-12 20:07:39 UTC
Since the writing style is the same in both the "question" and the first "Anonymous" answer, I'm going to guess that what we have here is someone with two accounts, who has an ax to grind.

So, grind away, you will neither hurt nor help Jehovah's message. ... He can reach right hearted people no matter what you do, or don't do.

Remember: He said he could make rocks cry out if necessary.
2016-04-12 19:56:51 UTC
If what you are saying is true; the only way that your situation could have developed and left you unprepared in your elderly years; is if, you were a part of a congregation where the leadership is unskillful. (Proverbs 11:14) This happens in various places due to a lack of seasoned brothers in your midst. However, you yourself bear a degree of blame too because I am sure that you saw where your health and finances were heading long before it reached the point where it is now. (Proverbs 22:3) This is not to say that I do not feel for your situation; because I really do. I wish that you had sat down and talked to a few of the brothers that you are comfortable with and shared with them your plight and how you feel, before posting them on this medium.

However; let it be known that the congregations of Jehovah's witnesses are secretly under attack. (Acts 20:29) There are many individuals in the congregations of Jehovah witnesses, who are there undercover to spy on our freedom and to create division; so as to destroy the organization from within. Due to their presence and advancement in the ranks; new music and a watered bible has been introduced; which has caused the Christian congregation to regress in brotherly love, assistance for the elderly and teaching abilities. (Galatians 2:4) Sadly, at present, the undercover spies are having great success in defaming the House. Despite this fact, there are still faithful brothers and sisters in some of the congregations of Jehovah's witnesses.
2016-04-12 15:56:26 UTC
You sound like a shameless apostate!
2016-04-12 15:54:18 UTC
You still have time to be a Christian in a different denomination.
2016-04-15 13:11:18 UTC
It sounds like you did not have a good experience.
2016-04-12 11:21:04 UTC
Praise God you are free and telling people about your freedom
2016-04-13 05:23:41 UTC
It gets even worse. JW is a non-Christian cult that denies a literal hell, the deity of Christ, the Trinity, and nearly every other major doctrine taught in the Scriptures. They also believe in salvation by works. You should separate from them immediately.

Knowing for sure that you have eternal life is the single most important issue in life. All people are separated from God by a sin barrier that no human effort can overcome (Isa. 64:6; Rom. 3:10, 12, 23). All human beings are born without spiritual life (Eph. 2:1). That is why Jesus Christ, who is eternal God Himself, came in human flesh so that He could suffer and die in our place - as our substitute - on the cross of Calvary. He died on the cross to pay our sin debt in FULL and rose again (1 Cor. 15:3-4). When we believe in Jesus Christ for our eternal life He has promised to give it to us:

"Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me has everlasting life" (John 6:47).

"Most assuredly, I say to you, he who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but has passed from death into life" (John 5:24).

To "believe" is simply to be convinced that it is true (Rom. 4:21) that you cannot in any way contribute to your own salvation and instead you trust Jesus alone to give you that life freely - a gift of unconditional eternal life. It means to believe His promise to give eternal life to all who believe in Him for that life. It really is that simple!

The Gospel of John is the only book written for the sole purpose of showing people how they can have eternal life (see John 20:30-31) and it mentions the word "believe" as the sole condition 98 times!

This link helped me when I was struggling with my salvation:
2016-04-13 16:02:00 UTC
Youve already got 74 answers so far, so what can I say that hasnt already been said?
2016-04-12 12:53:52 UTC
I agree
2016-04-12 18:51:43 UTC
Cults are no fun
2016-04-12 12:53:09 UTC
they represent the truth
2016-04-12 05:33:05 UTC
Thank you,& may God bless you..

Your message is received,& it saddens me.

You will be in my prayers;Good Luck
brother trucker
2016-04-12 05:57:38 UTC
All of us who were once JWs salute you.
2016-04-13 09:26:19 UTC
"If anyone desires a religion other than Islam (submission to Allah), never will it be accepted of him; and in the Hereafter He will be in the ranks of those who have lost" (Koran)
Pearl L
2016-04-12 16:22:31 UTC
ive never been involved with that church and never will
2016-04-13 04:09:05 UTC
Yes it was. Joining Christianity would be a mistake in itself since God doesn't exist and Jesus never existed but joining the JWs is even worse because they're one of the worst denominations. Don't forget about the JW child sex abuse scandals. Anyone who is a member of the JW church is supporting pedophiles.

And if that Millions Living Now will Never Die book was written in 1925, there aren't that many people left nowadays who were born then. It was 91 years ago. Most people living then have died. A few decades from now there will not be a single person alive who was born in 1925.

It's just another JW lie like when they said the world would end in 1914 and 1925 and 1975. Anyone who falls for that lie multiple times in a row is an idiot.
2016-04-12 05:33:33 UTC
Not if it gains you eternal life.
2016-04-12 05:20:34 UTC
2016-04-13 13:52:47 UTC
they can burn in hell
2016-04-14 16:50:17 UTC
Duh !

Sorry. I had to go with my first instinct.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.