How has the course in miracles brought you closer to God?
2006-07-23 12:25:25 UTC
Describe the wonderful peace that passes all understanding that this wonderful teaching has given you.

Testify to the miracles it has allowed you to experience.
Nine answers:
2006-07-23 12:28:06 UTC
I see no miracles
2006-07-23 12:44:05 UTC
I really don't need a course in miracles. This has happened in my own life so I believe. I have a wonderful peace that passes all understanding because I have seen the works of the Holy Spirit and experienced them. About 4 years ago my right arm was diagnosed by specialists as having such muscular damage I would never be able to use it again. Also my range of motion was to be just bending my elbow and no shoulder motion whatsoever. I happen to know the same Jesus that healed 2000 years ago still does the same today, because I have full range of motion in my arm. Absolutely no pain., I know my Lord can heal when no other can. When you have a personal miracle it is different that seeing one.
2006-07-23 12:28:54 UTC
Not as good my the course on miracles I have:

FAQ: Why aren't more miracles done to convert people to Christianity?

"When only a miracle leads a person to acknowledgment of God and to adoration and piety, he acts from the natural and not the spiritual man. For a miracle infuses belief by an external and not an internal way, thus from the world and not from heaven. The Lord enters man by an internal way, by the Word and by doctrine and preaching from it. As miracles close this way, no miracles are done today" (Divine Providence n. 131).

Man is not brought by external means to think and will, thus to love and believe what pertains to religion, but the man brings himself and compels himself to do so. Self-compulsion is not contrary to rationality and freedom. (Divine Providence n. 129).

"Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me."

-- Rev. 3:20 KJV

Miracles do not induce faith. "That miracles are of this nature can be clearly established from those performed in the presence of the people of Judah and Israel. Although they beheld many miracles in the land of Egypt and later at the Red Sea and others in the Wilderness and particularly on Mt. Sinai when the Law was promulgated, nevertheless, in a month's time while Moses tarried on that mountain, they made themselves a golden calf and hailed it as Jehovah who had led them out of the land of Egypt (Ex 32:4-6). Again, it is plain from the miracles done later in the land of Canaan; nevertheless the people fell away time and again from the prescribed worship. It is equally plain from the miracles which the Lord did before their eyes when He was in the world; yet they crucified Him. (Divine Providence n. 132).
2016-12-10 17:56:02 UTC
Fasting replaced into some thing that replaced into achieved in Bible cases. It replaced into meant to be a sacrifice for God. besides the undeniable fact that, fasting is a few thing it somewhat isn't any longer mandatory at present as a results of fact their are maximum of alternative counsel on the thank you to coach your love, appreciation, and devotion to God. stay a competent life loose from the "works of the flesh."--Gal. 5:19. stay to do "God's will."--a million Tim. 2:3,4. Be style to "orphans and widows."--James a million:27. "practice like to a minimum of one yet another," your brothers and sisters.--John 13:35.
2006-07-23 12:28:59 UTC
He has blessed me with the knowledge and capability of understanding what love without reason can do for a lost soul.......

Never again will I doubt His love for for me this was a miracle (when it was needed) strangely it has not left me......
2006-07-23 12:36:38 UTC
All Christians should read this uplifting short story of a minister overcoming depression.
2006-07-23 12:35:33 UTC
When i was little... there was a demon that lived in a white house on the other side of the metal chain link fence of my school playground... it used to scare us kids ( including my big sister ) nite... i just suddenly woke from a dream and looked out my big window to see this smoke, misty like demon walking on thin air and into my bedroom. Its eyes were siwrls of different colours with blackness behind these swirls... it was like it was trying to hypnotize me... he stared at me and stared... i was soooooo scared i hid my head under my covers ( complete dread i will n ever forget, it was like being in a horror movie )...and i whispered in a scared voice, " Go away in the name of Jesus Christ " i said this over and over agian. I didnt know what it meant but i was told if i ever see it, say that... i did and it was gone!! it disappeared like smoke!! i told this story at my baptism on june 11th this year, and i am happy to share this with you....when this happened i was only 5-6 years old. I was so scared...i jumped out of bed when i seen he was gone and i just wanted to run get out of there... and so i went to my stair case....there were about 26-28 steps ( i used to go down on them with my bum and count them )...somebody carried me down those steps... i leaped in the air to get away fast i was so scared :( and i only touched about 3 steps... how? how am i not dead?!! is because God loves me and has a plan for me... God bless you in the name of the Lord, Jesus Christ my saviour.
Peter B
2006-07-23 12:34:19 UTC
A Course in Miracles is a demonic text that was dictated by demons to an atheist psychologist. It is in no way in harmony with scripture. It denies the deity of Christ and it is a weapon of the enemy.

I would advise you to avoid it unless you want to tricked by evil.
Sean T
2006-07-23 12:30:51 UTC
Sorry sonny, there are no miracles. Merely thing YOU can't understand...

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.