question for athiests?
2008-04-21 15:11:28 UTC
hey. So many (I know not all) atheists don't like christians because we can't prove what we believe and we (most of of I guess) don't believe in evolution, but creationism. So my question is, why do you care so much? Please correct me if i'm wrong, but athiests believe there are no gods, no heaven/hell? Right? If so and if that's true and there are no gods and no true religion then all of us with faith will just die and end up in the same place or lack thereof with everybody else?

So what's it matter if we have faith in this life? Is it because it appears that we're wasting our life on meaningless teachings and beliefs? Why not? Is that so offensive?
55 answers:
turtles all the way down
2008-04-21 15:17:41 UTC
I don't have a problem with people believing what they choose.

However, some Christians are making laws based on their religious beliefs, and I think that violates the basic principles of freedom on which the U.S. was founded. For example, Christians want to teach religious Creationism in science class. I have no problem with teaching parents teaching creationism, but public school science classes should be reserved for teaching science.

There are also Christians who want to make their religious beliefs about marriage into law. You often hear people saying that marriage is defined in the Bible as between a man and a woman, and therefore our legal definition of marriage should be restricted to a man and a woman. That's an attempt to impose Biblical law on modern society and I don't support it.
2008-04-21 15:24:56 UTC
I don't believe in a god and I don't have any problem with Christians or the religious. I can't speak for Atheists, only myself.

What I have a problem when someone else's belief system impinges on my rights. For instance, the fact the GW thinks that God is guiding him has led us into a terrible mess in Iraq and elsewhere. I'm also not thrilled when religious beliefs try to dictate scientific principals based on a holy book... or some absolutes or how "I" should live my life. Believe it or not, most atheists are quite nice and moral people, but I think they express themselves angrily on the web...

And yes, I'll admit that after being a Christian for the first 14 years of my life, I realized that the Bible might not be the literal word of a god. So since then, belief has seemed to me like something that people do because they've been conditioned or conned into it... I fully admit I may be wrong, and I've been there, so I harbor no ill will. Most of my friends are believers. I know this doesn't really answer your question, but you should know that not all non-theists are hostile, and you even say that in your question.

Bottom line - some people may feel like they need to defend their view point... they could be bitter about what it was like to be religious... Might be that they don't like it when someone isnt' being logical, that it hurts their brain. And sometimes it's because people see danger in blind belief, an actual fear of the results of blind faith... 9/11... or the milder versions that happen every day... children dying because parents believe in Faith healing, for instance.
2008-04-21 15:18:15 UTC
As an atheist, it doesn't matter to me if you have faith, it's something I'm envious of, actually. What I don't like is being told that I'm going to hell, and having Christians "shove" their religion and beliefs into my life. You believe in creationism - do you think it should be taught in public schools? A lot of Christians say yes, which is a prime example of imposing "faith" on the masses in a way which it shouldn't be.

Other atheists get frustrated with Christians, not because you're wasting your life, but because they believe you're ignorant, and it's a darn shame. It's like how some people feel about racism - those who are racist, are just ignorant, but they're considered ignorant because of their beliefs.

I hope that helps.
2008-04-21 15:20:25 UTC
I am not an atheist, however, let me explain why I like atheists so much. They help protect our religious freedoms by challenging laws that mix government and religion.

In this country, we have a tradition of separation of church and state. I do not like anyone telling me that I should believe in this god or that god. I especially do not appreciate the conservative, extreme, religious radicals trying to pass laws that impede my freedoms.

I don't mind if a person practices their religion, but when they pass laws that affect me, that is totally unacceptable. We need to keep religion away from government.

If we had a Muslim majority in this country (which could happen some day) would you like their religion become part of the ruling and governing party? I didn't think so. Let's put the protections back into our system that the recent administration and congress has been tearing away. It will backfire.
2008-04-21 15:19:47 UTC
Oh I don't mind Christians Christianity and much of what is involved with it.

just a couple of things: I don't believe the bible is the word of God , and I don't think there is a god. I believe that Jesus existed and he is the reason ppl should call themselves a christian. I believe that he had some very good Ideas where the corrupting world was going to and what he needed to do show the world what went on. I think he was probably one of the kindest individuals and it breaks my heart to watch today's christian make a mockery of the man and his death. I also believe that a lot of Christians never researched their religion and just sort of shout out loud what they have heard from others and I especially dislike the trolls who badmouth others for not believing or believing in something else!
the brilliant dance x
2008-04-21 15:18:49 UTC
well, i wouldn't consider myself an athiest, but i def. am not a very religious person, and find a lot of issues with Christianity and other religions. But i am def. not one to judge. If my friend is a Christian, i could care less, as long as they don't push they're beliefs on me/are still a good person! Religion does not matter to me at all when choosing my friends, nor does it affect whether or not i like somebody or not. i think many athiests don't like Christians because some Christians (not all) are very very pushy and sometimes very rude and judgemental. Then again, athiests can be the same way! But believe me, not all athiests dislike Christians, just like not all Christians dislike athiests. I think some athiests care so much because they group all Christians into the judgmental, pushy category, and just automatically hate them because of that.
Laura S
2008-04-21 15:17:56 UTC
I will answer this. I AM a Christian, but married to an atheist. He feels and I'm SURE most atheists do, feel like we try to thrust our religion upon them. While it is our commandment to try to spread Gods word, they don't understand or want that. Think of it this way. What are you? Mormon, episcopalian, catholic?? Well what if someone from another denomination came and try to MAKE you believe in what you believe. It would anger you. Our best way in teaching of Gods love is to show through action NOT by thrusting bible versus down their throats. It is offensive to them as it would be to you. Many MANY Christians have made the situation worse by trying to force their beliefs down the throats of others. Its almost cruel. Try to put it in that perspective. God Bless!

EDIT- Also as I'm reading these comments another thought came to mind. Christians (most of them) are EXTREMELY judgmental. I have tried to mold my life this way. Jesus hung with the lowest of the low. The prostitutes, bookies, thieves, yet still loved them. He didn't judge them or cast hatred upon them. Too many Christians do that. To answer some of the other comments about Christians trying to put Creationism into our schools. I think it should be an elective in High school. Teaching evolution isn't going to harm a Christian student. If anything, it will prompt them to question what they believe and hopefully make their own conclusions. I am a liberal Christian so to speak. Actually I am a Christian that is taking Jesus's cue. I believe in showing love to everyone. I have my own point of views. I think that evolution is a bit of a hoax, but that is only because I haven't researched it to its fullest extent. I've always wondered this though...perhaps the big bang was Gods way of creating the earth. I mean sure in the bible it says on day one he did this...on day two he did do WE know that one of Gods days wasn't in fact a million years? We don't know that. Heaven has no time, so how do we know that the beginnings of earth had time? Ok, I'm done with my ranting.
2008-04-21 15:35:37 UTC
I don't hate anyone... and I certainly don't hate any one who's done me no harm...just because of there beliefs.....There are many religions in this world and every single one believes that their one is the real one!!! Every body cant be right now can they? ............I just do not take part in any organized religion whatsoever and never will....... These stories have been written by man......... and there is no one alive today to let us know one way or the other if any of them were true......But I say live and let live!! What ever improves your life and helps you be a better person... then why not believe in your religion whatever it may be.....I do however believe there is a power greater than me, and that is through a personal near death experience......
2008-04-21 15:21:03 UTC
First of all I am a Buddhist. Some say its not a religion but a philosophy. I found that offensive but partly true and I still respect their opinions. I tried not to be too judgemental.

Like wise, atheists choose not to believe in any religion and not just Christian. We should respect their opinions and not to be judgemental about it. Is it because religions are so judgemental that drove people to become atheists? Just a thought.
2008-04-21 15:21:11 UTC
there's nothing wrong with you have your faith. My problem is that too many Christians try to force their beliefs on others because you think you are right. Also you are completely ignoring evolution as false but you never give a reason why you think its false besides that its not what you were taught. YOu can't say that evolution is wrong because its not your belief, its a fact.
2008-04-21 15:22:38 UTC
If religious people are content to live their beliefs for themselves and not inflict them on others I don't think there would be many issues. I believe in freedom of belief. I don't hate Christians! I have Christian friends and family that I care for very much. The problem comes when many are not content to live thier faith based beliefs and not try to inflict them on others. Pharmacists who refuse to fill a woman's legal birth control prescription are imposing their choices on others. I support their right to not use birth control but not to affect another's choice to use it. I support your right to reject the evidence of evolution because it conflicts with something you choose to believe based on no evidence but faith. I don't think you have the right to try to prevent valid science from being taught or interject faith based ideas without evidence into science classes. I think Christians have the right to not be homosexual or marry a member of the same sex. I don't think you have the right to prevent gay people from having civil or secular marriages or some equivalent. These are just a few examples. So its a matter of where your beliefs tread on others rights, especially when your beliefs are not factually based but things you chose to believe on faith.
Nico Cataldo
2008-04-21 15:17:24 UTC
im an atheist and i like christmas and dont mind religion too much. I just dont like it when other people use religion to prove something or use it to get ahead like conservative republicans do. if there was ever a group of people i disagreed with more then it would be evangelicals in the bible belt. They try to push there stupid backward ideas on everyone else in the country and make america look bad.
2008-04-21 15:17:18 UTC
First off, the majority of Christians accept evolution. Creationists are a vast minority.

We get upset with fundies because they attempt to oppress human rights, corrupt education and spread bigotry in the name of their religion, which obviously affects us all during life.

I don't really care what someone believes, but the extremists have to be argued against, as they cause harm to society.
2008-04-21 15:21:14 UTC
Not to be disrespectful to Christan's, or any of any religious background. Religion gives us an aspect to hold onto in case of death. The suddenness of death, and no continuation onto a second "afterlife" scares many. I believe that the topic should rest upon personal opinion. If you believe in a divine power, so be it. If not, that is perfectly fine. What doesn't make sense, is one side pushing their argument on another, and trying to prove themselves right. That is unjust, and no side can claim for pure background. All areas of any religion have corruption embedded inside, along with blank spots in which no one can explain.
mia 2012
2008-04-21 15:19:14 UTC
i dont hate christians let you belive what you believe

you could be right i wont judge what u believe

i just cant belive somthing i havent had any proof of

but if you can than more the power to you

i mean maybe ther is a god and a hell and a heaven and maybe when good christians die they go to heaven and atheist go to hell

or maybe those who believe go to heaven and those who dont go to what they belive is the after life

so maybe all religions are right maybe many gods co-exist and maybe we all end up some where

some just choose to follow what they believe and not be swayed by maybes or being scared into faith by maybe if i dont believe i WILL go to hell

i choose to be not judgmental and let all believe what they wish to belive and when we die we will see whos right

but until then lets all just get along
2008-04-21 15:20:23 UTC
It's because as Christians we live our lives as Christians. Most Christians push their beliefs onto or into people and places they shouldn't be. and the same goes for atheism.... It's just people backing their religion, or choice to lack religion. Both think they are right and both are going to live their lives by their beliefs..... it's just human nature.... no way around it.. and it's been going on since people had the ability to think for themselves.... which in some people has yet to be discovered.
2008-04-21 15:21:53 UTC
I have nothing against anyone of any religion. While I may not subscribe to a religion, I do understand that religion can provide people with a lot of fulfillment. That's great.

What makes me angry is when people try to push their religon's morals, ideals or philosophies on to me and my life. I don't need someone else's bible to tell me how to live my life, or what is right and wrong.
2008-04-21 15:17:56 UTC
It's because we want your attention here, on earth. We want you looking out for the living world and things like that.

Spending a great deal of time worried about the status of your relationship with some being living off in space somewhere distracts people from real life issues.
2008-04-21 15:27:49 UTC
"atheists don't like christians"

That is so far from the truth it's laughable BUT it's the way fundie 'think'.

"we (most of of[sic] I guess) don't believe in evolution, but creationism"

You're so WRONG!

Cretinism is only believed in by USian fundie - MOST of the world’s Christians know evolution is the correct explanation because ALL the facts support that fact.

"Is it because it appears that we're wasting our life on meaningless teachings and beliefs?"

Not at all - someone has to do the McJobs.

Nah - it has more to do with the fact y'all want everyone else to believe as you do AND y'all want to pass laws restricting US in what we do.

If you'd get out of our schools and ALL levels of government we wouldn't have a problem with you BUT your president only went to war on Iraq cos he IMAGINED his invisible sky critter told him to - that right there is seriously weird and in any other country he'd have been sent to the asylum for the mentally unhinged BUT USians cheered and clapped him.

Carl C
2008-04-21 15:16:47 UTC
Maybe we think that if all the time, effort, and MONEY that is spent on a lot of superstitious mumbo-jumbo was instead used to improve mankind in general, then the world would be a much better place?
Dharma Nature
2008-04-21 15:15:26 UTC
Faith is okay although I still think you are wrong. It's when faith becomes dogged insistence that the faith equals fact that we start to have a problem.

Yes, I have a problem with people wasting so much of their lives on meaningless beliefs. It would be callous and cruel to let people waste the only life they have on a lie.
T Leeves
2008-04-21 15:16:07 UTC
You have the wrong idea of why some christians aren't liked very well. I'm a strong believer in letting people believe what they want...until it gets preached to me as if I've never heard "the word" before. Then I get a little peeved.
2008-04-21 15:16:24 UTC
actually I lack belief in a god. I care because Religion tries to say it is a science and so on. this question gets asked a lot, a simple search would have answered this
2008-04-21 15:16:13 UTC
I think you will get a pretty harsh, straightforward, scathing answer to this one. Belief in God is not the problem. Belief that you have the Divine authority to MAKE others believe in God is. I'm sure lots of others have typed the same thing by now.
Pangloss (Ancora Imparo) AFA
2008-04-21 15:15:32 UTC
I don't mind if you believe that an invisible pink unicorn created everything. When you call it a "scientific theory" and try to push to get it taught in schools though, we're going to have a problem.

Ditto for using your religious beliefs to deny homosexuals the right to marry.
Empress Kat [Atheati]
2008-04-21 15:15:59 UTC
I don't hate Christians in any way. Never have, never will. I do disagree with your beliefs, but that is your choice.

What I will not tolerate is your beliefs being forced on me. I don't know what country you're from but in the US there is a constant battle with Christians wanting to keep god in government. I don't think it belongs there and I don't want it there.
2008-04-21 15:19:59 UTC
Christians are very powerful people.They influence Evey part of my life. Mostly for the good. I think you are mixed up with the word hate and disbelief in your own interpretations of what is good for eveyone.
Fear Evolved
2008-04-21 15:16:40 UTC
I don't dislike Christians at all, and I don't care that you have your faith. The only time I do care is when it's jammed down my throat or attempted to be made law.
2008-04-21 15:16:04 UTC
Its not offensive its just that when people tell me pray to god and everything will be fine I think their complete fools I dont mind if your religeous cause it does bring people together and gives people something to strive for but just dont shove it down my throat. But I dont walk around saying " Oh you believe in god your an idiot" You know. So what ever what do we know anyways were still alive right lol.
2008-04-21 15:15:30 UTC
I DONT care if you believe.. I DONT care if you have faith... I DONT care if you waste your life on meaningless teachings...

really... it doesnt bother me in the least... of course I do believe it lowers the learning curve a tad but... for the most part Im a live and let live kind of lesbian.

Love god?? Good for you!!

2008-04-21 15:16:49 UTC
Because rather than quietly worship in your own churches and in your own way, some of you keep trying to impose your beliefs on our schools, our courts and worst of all, on our Constitution.

THAT'S what I find offensive.
2008-04-21 15:15:50 UTC
It's not that we don't like Christians, we just don't care for those Christians who don't have enough humility to admit when they're wrong about something.

Go ahead and have all your faith lass. I don't care if you do. What I do care about is if you don't get the point that we'd really really like to be left along about your "Good" News. And please stop teaching your religion as if it were science.
2008-04-21 15:15:14 UTC
You do what you want, I have no objections to what other people do with their lives and hope the same courtesy is bestowed upon myself. And who said we didn't like Christians? I have a lot of Christian friends, some of my family is Christian and I love them to death.
A Rose by another name
2008-04-21 15:15:10 UTC
What's an athiest?

Sweetie I don't give a rats patootie WHAT you believe. What is offensive to me is trying to put those beliefs into our laws. One huge thorn for me is trying to pass off your creationism as some sort of science to be taught in schools.
2008-04-21 15:14:37 UTC
I don't mind a bit if you have faith. I'm happy for you, really. It just doesn't work for me when religious beliefs are pushed into schools and government. Those can be learned at home and in church.
2008-04-21 15:21:57 UTC
atheists think that, because there is no documented historical proof that jesus christ did his miracles and that god is real, then it is made of BS, and that christians are evil liars who try to persuade everyone to join there "evil" way. that is why christians like us must have faith.
2008-04-21 15:19:54 UTC
believe what ever you want, its fine with me just stop pushing it on other people who have their own beliefs and stop calling people heathens and deluded cause we don't be live in what you do its really annoying also i its annoying when you hate people for thier choices likegay people just leave them alone its thier life choice
2008-04-21 15:15:31 UTC
No, it's because people that have the same faith and beliefs as you, write and change laws that all have to follow.
2008-04-21 15:16:21 UTC
religion and faith is the cause of war right now. how can you say it has no effect on my life. im in danger because of religion
2008-04-21 15:15:58 UTC
I do not care what you believe in.

I just want you to keep it out of the laws and the schools. Is that really so much to ask?
christina c
2008-04-21 15:16:29 UTC
we don't hate christians!

you believe in what u will, and stop trying to convert us!

as long as you do whats right and dont harm yourself or others,,, religion isn't imp
Link strikes back
2008-04-21 15:15:01 UTC
They do not want religion dressed up as science and taught in the classroom.
2008-04-21 15:18:31 UTC
i don't care and i have lot of christian friends....and everyone has the right to do practice their religion...
Gramma Lo
2008-04-21 15:15:19 UTC
I am athiest and I am speaking for most athiests that I know .. I don't hate christians. That would be like hating those who believe in the Sasquatch.
2008-04-21 15:15:28 UTC
i dont think there is a heaven or hell.

but something has to happen right?

i think you just come back as a new person or some crap like that.
2008-04-21 15:13:49 UTC
It's not your faith, it's your actions.

If you are trying to destroy science education, revise American history, overturn the Constitution to fit your beliefs, then I oppose you.

If you worship in peace and recognize the importance of separation of religion and government, then you are my friend.
2008-04-21 15:14:17 UTC
I have no problem with people believing in god.

I have a problem when they think their belief in god gives them the right to impose their own arbitrary moral values in the form of laws restricting peoples' freedom and to stifle progress in areas of science and society.
Cirque de Soleil (Is bored)
2008-04-21 15:14:44 UTC
I have nothing against believers, don't label me as a ***** because I'm an athiest!
Pennsylvania For Barack Obama
2008-04-21 15:14:11 UTC
Because you silly creationists are trying to put your crazy creation belief into our public school system.
Blithe H. Christ
2008-04-21 15:13:40 UTC
Religion affects my day to day life

...that's why I care so much
2008-04-21 15:15:12 UTC
I don't give a ****, it's your life - waste it how u wanna
2008-04-21 15:15:10 UTC
i wouldn't step out my door without God in my life.
2008-04-21 15:14:13 UTC
atheist is spelled incorrectly
2008-04-21 15:15:05 UTC
I'm not atheist, and I don't get them either.
2008-04-21 15:13:43 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.