Chritsians who deny evolution theory?
2009-10-26 03:59:32 UTC
are they - in effect - saying; 'my god is not omniscient/omnipotent enough to have thought of anything as complicated as evolution, as a way to produce mankind'?

or do they think that, if god had worked with evolution to produce mankind, then he would have explained the whole DNA replication process to a bunch of itinerant sheepherders to put in their scriptures?
Eighteen answers:
2009-10-26 13:34:04 UTC
Christians believe that the Word of God which is contained in the Scriptures are the true Words of God.

In the first book of the Bible, in Gen chapter 1 verse 1, God says,

In the beginning, God created............

The whole of the Bible continues on to provide us with a detailed account of Creation.

We believe that this is God speaking to us through His Word. We look around and can see the glory of God in His Creation.

Why then are you telling us to believe otherwise?

We are unable to believe in a theory, just a theory, which was invented by a sinner, who was created by God.

How can we believe in that which is a lie.

God cannot lie. God is always right.

Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.

Trust in the Lord, not a dead sinner who got lots of things wrong.
2016-05-22 03:58:50 UTC
Evolution is man made theory that is false. Science does not support it. A soul is simply your material physical body which dies, decomposes and turns back to dust. Did you mean Spirit? No Ape has ever turned into a Homo Sapien (human being) that is an absurd thing to say with absolutely nothing to back it up. There is absolutely no proof or record of this whatsoever. There isn't one single fossil found in the fossil record to demonstrate an ape in transition to a human being or any other species transition for that matter. Zero, nada, none, squat, zilcho! As far as Gravity is concerned you are completely incorrect to assume that Newton discovered gravity. He simply came up with formula that describes it. The law of gravity is very much dependent on whether God exists. If God didn't exist Gravity would cease existing and everything would break apart and fall into total chaos and destruction. If you ask evolutionists the question “what is gravity” most will reply by telling you how it works; i.e. two objects being pulled towards each other and that Isaac Newton determined the formula that describes it. However not one of them will be able to tell you exactly what it is, only how it works. The only way you can find out what exactly gravity is, is by reading the Bible! In the book of Job, in the Hebrew language, it is translated into English as “God hung the Earth on nothing”. That is the typical King James translation. However, they translated to the word “Nothing” from the Hebrew was a very bad translation because what it actually says in the original Hebrew language is “God hung the Earth on invisible bands of attraction”. There is no better definition of what gravity is than “Invisible bands of attraction”, and that was from the Bible 4,000 years ago! So here we have God telling us that he holds all these objects in Space, the Earth, the Moon, the Galaxies, through invisible bands of attraction. We use the word Gravity. The word in Hebrew is pronounced bley-ma. God accurately described Gravity and today most people can’t tell you what it is, only how it works. So again, the Bible has tremendous scientific truth in it, and the fact that its the most accurate book ever written, and that every prophecy that has so far come to pass, has done so exactly as it was predicted often thousands of years in advance, several being fulfilled in our time, then the only logical conclusion you can arrive at if you have studied mathematics and the law of probability, even only briefly, is that the Bible is pure gold and truth and that God exists and so loves us. No other religious book dared to make such bold and detailed predictions of future world events before they happened or present such scientific truths as you will find in the bible. Although they are claimed to be in the Koran an honest search and comparison and they will be found wanting.
Luke Obsidia
2009-10-26 04:06:39 UTC
As much as I congratulate theists who can accept evolution because it is backed by real tangible evidence, I still find a tiny fault in their attempt to reconcile evolution with the God of the Bible.

So let's say that Bible God used the process of evolution to develop the modern human in the form they exist today.

It still contradicts evolution because evolution is a Journey, not a destination.

And also, was God "guiding" evolution until the modern human arose, or was he just waiting to see what would happen?

Either way, I find it hard to believe that God said "Oh Look! Human beings have evolved to a certain degree of intelligence! Let me go down there and mess with them, establish myself, and establish my laws so that I may determine where they go after they die!"
a Real Truthseeker
2009-10-26 05:19:51 UTC
God could have created through evolution is he had chosen to.

But he chose to do it by creating in six days as described in Genesis. It couldn't be any more clear in the Bible that the intention of the Bible authors was to convey the meaning of 6 days.

There are some serious theological problems with evoluton. For example it puts death before the Fall; and many passages tell us that death is the result of sin. If death predates sin then why did Jesus need to die? It makes a nonsense of the Gospel.

Evolution also implies that God's 'very good' creation was full of death and disease - for that's what we see in the fossil record, which Christian evolutionists put before Adam and Eve.

You will find many good articles here which explain in much more detail why many Christians reject evolution.

Incidentally, people who say that 'evolution is proved', generally mean that they have evidence of natural selection and variation. Well creationists believe in that too!

Peppered moths, finches beaks, fruit flies, different breeds of dogs, and all the other textbook examples, are natural selection. They all have in common that they are downward, information losing changes. (Or information netural at best.)

The evolution of man from amoeba requires a huge net increase in genetic information. No mechanism for this has been observed. Evolutionists propose that mutations are the mechanism. However all observed mutations are information neutral or lossy. Yet evolutionists have the nerve to tell creationists that we are not scientific, when their own 'science' is contradicted by observation!

It is not quite as simple as speciation either. (Evolutionists often claim that speciation is proof of evolution.)

We label tigers and lions as different species. yet they can interbreed (producing ligers and tions). So clearly lions and tigers are descended from a common big cat ancestor. Possibly all cats alive today are members of the single big cat kind.

Remember that God created animals and plants 'after their kind'. This is emphasised repretedly in Genesis, where the expression 'after their kind' is used something like 10 times. Almost as if God knew that evolutionists would come along saying they know better than God how it all came to be :)

What we observe today is entirely consistent with plants and animals reproducing after their kind. God in his wisdom, created plants and animals with huge genetic diversity and the ability to adjust to different environments. The single big cat kind has given rise to lions that live in dry hot desert, to siberian tigers that live in very cold areas, to pumas that live in tropical rainforests. How cool is that. That's like writing a computer program that can reproduce itself and can adjust itself to unknown future conditions.

But note that this speciation is a downwards process. Lions and tigers have less genetic information than their ancestors. They are more specialised.
2009-10-26 04:50:16 UTC
No, we are saying that God is not a liar.

He said he made "each according to their kind"

Simple...he did not need to go into detail about how each kind were made just so. He merely stated the basics that they needed to know...if we were the products of evolution he would have made some some of reference to it.

DNA replications process? DNA shows us conclusively that we are made according to the specification for humankind!
netbook (suspended)
2009-10-26 04:04:14 UTC
"Tamper with the Book of Genesis and you undermine the very foundations of Christianity...If Genesis 1 is not accurate, then there's no way to be certain that the rest of Scripture tells the truth."

Literalist minister/theologian John MacArthur, in Eugenie C. Scott, "Evolution vs Creationism: An Introduction", (University of California Press, 2005), pp. 227-8
2009-10-26 04:13:53 UTC
Yes God is powerful enough to have created everything how ever He wanted. And He chose to make man from the dust of the ground and breathe life into his nostrils. We do not deny that evolution occurs so that a species can survive it's environment. We do not believe that species evolve into another for two reasons. One, that is not how God made us, and two, there is no evidence to the contrary.
2009-10-26 04:30:59 UTC
I think what they are saying is that human beings evolving from single celled organisms (wherever they came from) is simply hugely implausible.

What's itinerant sheepherders (shepherds, I think you mean) got to do with it?

What's DNA replication got to do with it?
2009-10-26 04:10:53 UTC
1. My God gets things right the first time. He doesn't need a sloppy and inefficient method like evolution.

2. The people back then had no powerful microscopes. What is the point of telling them about DNA?

I'm confused. According to atheists, who wrote the Bible: power-hungry priests that wanted to use religion to control the masses, or ignorant shepherds who didn't know anything about logic, history, and science? After you have explained that, then I would like to see some support, because I don't like bare assertions.
2009-10-26 04:12:05 UTC
i am a christian and i believe its in gods plan that his creation is able to adapt o and strive on this do i believe in a dog evolving into a cow? no but i do believe he created all living things and just like we change and grow in spirit and life according to are situations and experiences to survive what the devil has planed.We also grow and change from adaptation to evolution to continue to survive because god created life to worship him in heaven but at the same time blessed all creation with the gift to evolve on the planet
2009-10-26 04:10:02 UTC
Gosh , who is this god person mentioned above.If he can do all that in 7 days maybe he could help me finish my house by next thurday.
Ms. Jessica
2009-10-26 04:05:41 UTC
I find it amusing that you specified that the sheepherders were 'itinerant'.
2009-10-26 04:03:32 UTC
he very well might have but the idea of it would have blown their minds. how would they tell that story? God with a hammer and a chisel changing man as time goes on????
2009-10-26 04:06:41 UTC
I evolved from a non believer to a born again believer, so I am a believer. I changed from dark to light which makes it seem so right.

Where was dna w hen all the soldiers were being slaughtered in vietnam, Evolved into flag burning cowards?
2009-10-26 04:05:16 UTC
I think the main problem they have with the theory of evolution is that if someone as moronic as you can exist, it seems like that whole "survival of the fittest" argument falls apart.
2009-10-26 04:03:58 UTC
in effect we say we believe what God said - no evolution - is true. God didnt need evolution to take place. hes too powerful. he made the universe from scratch!
Moh S
2009-10-26 04:06:08 UTC
There is no such thing is evolution my friend, God said "let it be eath" and BANG it happened
2009-10-26 04:03:25 UTC
You have certainly put to death the word Christians.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.