Signs of the times?
2007-01-29 20:30:22 UTC
What events (in the last 20-25 years) in your option, show that we are living in the end times per the book of revelation?
Thirteen answers:
2007-01-29 20:45:20 UTC
Matthew 24... we are seeing it daily. Feeling the birth pangs daily.. just turn on the news and you will see most of it.

The Roman Empire coming back together, in 1992 (I believe it was)

The red heifer for one...

the persecution of Christians

The weather is a major part of the signs of the end.

Korea and Iran building nukes..

Nations turning against Israel

High cost of living.. high prices in oil, homes, food, etc etc.

the microchip in pets, and soon to be implanted in humans... some have already got them under their skin

Freedom being taken from us

children divorcing parents

people falling away from sound doctrine; look at the new religions that have come out of the wood work in the last two/three decades...

Introduction to the New World Order, by GHW Bush during his time in the White House.

the list goes on and on


Revelation has not come on the stages yet. When it does... the world will know who the Antichrist is... right now they are just guessing who it will be....

A key to watch for is the signing of the peace treaty between the Antichrist and many with Israel.
2016-12-03 10:34:04 UTC
Matthew 24:7 - states that there are earthquakes and famines and pestilences. Earthquakes have higher in pastime over the merely correct one hundred years.The words of Christ are authentic. The Bible is authentic and enable each and every guy be chanced on a liar. The atheists live in fantasy. With the global upward push in food cost and the upward push in inhabitants contained in the international, there would come a time at the same time as there is famine. Pestilences are turning out to be extra person-friendly with Aedes mosquito ailment, Chikungiya, chicken flu, West Nile ailment and SARS. Daniel 12:4 many shall run from area to area, and expertise will be higher. there has been an improve in international go back and forth by technique of planes, and expertise has been increasing hour by technique of hour. The words of Daniel become written about 2 1000's plus years from now, and he has foretold the problem now properly. the Bible also speaks of many pretend prophets and Christs. In united states there are various that pose as Jesus Christ. they are pretend. many faiths actually have arisen over the merely correct century, claiming to be the basic. There are also wars referenced in Matthew 24:7 that are taking position those days.
2007-01-29 20:38:43 UTC

Christ gave some events to recognize the end times.

In Matt.24:3-8, Mark 13:5-8, Luke 21:8-11.

Many shall come in my name (authority) saying I am Christ (Christian) and shall deceive many.

The best example of this is the so-called Rapture. This is a LIE which can easily be disproved by God’s Word. Christ returns at the seventh trump.

Wars and rumors of war.

Nation shall rise (rouse from obscurity) against (along side) nation kingdom against (along side) kingdom.

The words “shall rise” (eg-i'-ro) in Greek means “rouse from obscurity”.

This word “against” (epi) in Greek means “along side” not in opposition to.

Since 1990 (30) new countries have emerged. We now have the global market place or the global community.


Amos 8:11 Behold, the days come, saith the Lord GOD, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD:

This famine of hearing the words of the LORD is very apparent on TV. Maybe a verse or two then mans’ words for 20 minutes.


Aids, mad cow disease, bird flu and etc.

Earthquakes in diverse places.

This word “earthquakes” (seismos) in Greek means both “earthquake and tempest”.

Look at the hurricanes we have been having.

All these are the beginning of sorrows (birth pangs).

This word “sorrows” (odin) in Greek means “birth pangs of childbirth”.

The birth pangs of a new dispensation, and the contractions are getting closer together. The water may have broke during the tsunami of 2004.
2007-01-29 20:38:12 UTC
It goes a little bit before that. Israel became a nation. The rise of homosexuality, Nafta, Cafta, and the european union. The wars and rumors of wars. Earthquakes in diverse places (the sunami). Israel is the big one though, thats what seperates us from other times in history.
2007-01-29 20:36:00 UTC
Overpopulation, environmental ruinition, changing climate patterns, the food being less nutritious because we're overfarming the lands, everybody having the right to bear arms, the world economies on the brink of collapse.
'lil peanut
2007-01-29 20:33:50 UTC
Wars rumors of Wars. Floods
2007-01-29 20:38:04 UTC
Polar Icecaps Melting.......
2007-01-29 20:36:12 UTC
the cold war and the spreading of nuclear weapons
2007-01-29 20:34:56 UTC
Is that a Houston Astros sign?
2007-01-29 20:34:45 UTC
Floods and rumors of floors.
2007-01-29 20:36:17 UTC
None. It has all been happening since time immemorial
Sheriff of R&S
2007-01-29 20:40:51 UTC
none since wars, floods, disasters and such are a natural occurance.....
I speak Truth
2007-01-29 23:53:16 UTC
Approaching End Time:

The Countdown to the end of time is approaching, and the days are

ticking away!

Proverbs 14:12 says; There is a way which seemeth right unto a man,

but the end thereof are the ways of death.

Never before has mankind faced so many questions and so much anxiety.

The problems in the world today are so big, and the questions, so

complex, we are afraid to ask. However, when one looks at the

unsettling changes throughout the world, it's hard not to ask!

When we look at the events taking place in the world and around us,

we are faced with the question - Where is Mankind Headed?

When we look at National Disaster, one can't help but ask - Is the

Earth Sending Out A Warning or Wakeup Call?

Then there is the increase, spread, and rise of Religious Cults, New

Age Movements, and the Falling Away of many from Christendom, since

this nation was founded. Just as the Apostle Paul spoke of in 1

Timothy 4:1;

Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some

shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and

doctrines of devils;

With all that is taking place in the world, we can see that humanity

is, consciously, and sub-consciously searching for some form of

Spiritual Truth.

Which leaves us with the question; Is there Objective Truth? And if

so - Does Anyone Hold the Answer to Our Longing and Despair?

All these questions along brings us to one of the most important

question the conscious and sub-conscious mind is asking - Is the end

of time upon us?

When you look at the results of the increasing sales of End time and

Prophecy books, since 911, one can't help but see something is going

on, and questions are, indeed, being asked.

When we look at the continual increasing decline of morals in society

today, one can't help but ask - What ever happened to the one time

moral absolutes, of this Nation?

Are there Moral Absolutes?

Ask most of the people today and they will say; There is not just one

set of morals, and that people should agree to abide by a certain set

of laws, so that their morals can be modified. To some, morals can be

different; the laws should be only a basic guideline.

However, to some there is a moral awakening, but amidst this

awakening some are starting to question the things that's been handed

down traditionally, and that mankind is trying to seek within

themselves, what is right and wrong.

But then there are those who believe and live, as, there is no such

thing as moral absolutes! And that the one thing that should hold

true for all people is the Golden Rule - Do unto others as you would

have them to do unto you.

As we look at the world today, we have a world filled with questions.

Where are we headed, with all our scientific knowledge, and all the

immorality? Is there Moral Absolutes? Or, is there a God?

And if there is a God, is he a God of Love? And if he's a God of

Love, why is there so much hurt and pain? And if there is a God, how

can we know that he actually does exist, and he's willing to reveal

himself to mankind?

In most of our chemical dependency programs for Alcohol, Drug abuse

and etc, in their steps to recovery programs they have removed the

mentioning of a Supreme Deity known as God and replaced him with

titles such as a Higher Power, Higher Truth, or Ultimate Truth.

Now, to some, as they would put it, there is an Ultimate Truth. But,

to others our Ultimate Truth, they believe is within ones self. They

say, everybody has it inside them, it's just a matter of listening to


Some says they believed in God when they were younger, they believed

in all the stories, and the commandments. But as they got older they

started looking at things more philosophically, and more in-depth.

And found there was so many questions they couldn't answer, and it

got to the point that they began to believe that there are not any

answers, and that you can't deny and can't confirm either.

However, there is a way we can achieve all the answer's mankind is

asking. For I believe the way God has revealed "Himself" to us, is

through the Bible. It's a revelation of "Himself" that's so unique!

I believe God's revelation of "Himself" to us in the Bible so unique,

from any other writings of mankind.

You might ask - Why do I believe this?

My answer would be - The one thing that is so exciting, interesting

and unique about the Bible, is Prophecy!

Why? You might ask?

Because, through years in my in-depth study of the Bible. I have

found that the Word of God is 100 % accurate concerning prophecy!

This no man can or could do!

Which brings me to our study of today - Approaching End Time. But

first, let's look at one example of accurate and precise fulfillment

of Bible Prophecy.

In the Book of Daniel we have the "angel" Gabriel coming to Daniel,

in Daniel's 9:25 saying;

Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the

commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the

Prince shall be seven weeks, and three score and two weeks: the street

shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times.

This is just one of the most remarkable prophecies of the Old

Testament, spoken some 5 centuries before Christ, and the angel

Gabriel makes an accurate and precise announcement of the exact day

that Jesus Christ was to permit "Himself" to be presented as a King.

Now, Messiah the Prince in the original is Mashiyach (pronounced) as

Maw-shee'akh and Prince is Nagiyd (pronounced) as naw-geed' or nagid

(pronounced: as naw-gheed meaning anointed, consecrated as King.

This shows us, that in, the original language, Messiah the Prince, is

indeed a King.

The time period is given as "seven weeks" and "threescore" (being 67)

and "two weeks." Giving us a total of 69 weeks. However, through

ancient recordings and the process of time, we have come to

understand these 69 weeks, are, in reality, weeks of years.

Now the ancient calendar used 360-day years.

So what Gabriel was saying to Daniel was, that from the going forth

of the commandment to restore and build Jerusalem unto the Messiah

the King would be 173, 880 days, between the commandment to Messiah

the King. The key to unlocking this prophecy is "from the going forth

of the commandment"

Now the commandment to restore Jerusalem was given on March the 14th,

445 B.C, according to Jewish historians and Biblical Scholars and is

recorded in the Book of Nehemiah, in Nehemiah 2:5-18.

Now the only time in the life of Jesus that he permitted "Himself" to

be "Presented" as a King was what we refer to in the New Testament as

the Triumph Entry, referred to by some as Psalm Sunday.

This is an event so important, that it is recorded in all four

gospels; Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, and is a fulfillment of the

Prophet Zechariah, of the Old Testament.

The Prophecy:

In Zechariah 9:9, we read; Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion;

shout, O daughter of Jerusalem: behold, thy King cometh unto thee: he

is just, and having salvation; lowly, and riding upon an ***, and

upon a colt the foal of an ***.

The Fulfillment:

In Matthew 21:1-5 we read; And when they drew nigh unto Jerusalem,

and were come to Bethphage, unto the mount of Olives, then sent Jesus

two disciples, Saying unto them,

Go into the village over against you, and straightway ye shall find

an *** tied, and a colt with her: loose them, and bring them unto me.

And if any man say ought unto you, ye shall say, The Lord hath need

of them; and straightway he will send them.

All this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the

prophet, saying, Tell ye the daughter of Sion, Behold, thy King

cometh unto thee, meek, and sitting upon an ***, and a colt the foal

of an ***.

On April 6, 32 AD, Jesus allowed "Himself" to be "Presented" as the

Messiah, the King, of the Books of Daniel and Zechariah.

In John 12:13 we read where the people - Took branches of palm trees,

and went forth to meet him, and cried, Hosanna: Blessed is the King

of Israel that cometh in the name of the Lord.

Now its time to get out your pen, pencils, paper or calculator.

From March 14th, 445 BC to April 6th, 32 AD is exactly 173,880 days,


That's, 69 weeks x 7 years / weeks x 360 days / years = 173,880 days.

Now, all of this (the Hebrew recordings) was translated into the

Greek language 3 centuries before Christ was even born! Which gives

us and remains still today, as just one of the "Incredible Evidence"

that Jesus Christ was exactly whom he said he was!

Now this numeric prophecy was so amazing, that skeptics, in the past,

came to the conclusion that the Book of Daniel must have been

written, after the time of Christ! It's the only way they had to

dispute the claim of Jesus, to be this Messiah of the Book of


But, thanks to the scientific field of Archaeology, and the discovery

of the Dead Sea Scrolls in 1947, these skeptic's mouths have been

stopped! We know for "certain" that the Book of Daniel's was written

several centuries, before the time of Jesus!

But, we need not look at ancient history to substantiate Bible

Prophecy - Just the Evening News!

For I believe we are living in the Approaching End of Time.

I also believe you can see Bible prophecy being fulfilled before our

very eyes by watching the evening news, in worldly events taking

place in the world.

Are we living in the Approaching End of Time?

As we continue this study, I will let you be the judge.

In this study our attention is directed, as you will see on the words

Frequency, Preparation, and Repetitiveness.

In Matthew 24:1-8 we read; And Jesus went out, and departed from the

temple: and his disciples came to him for to show him the buildings

of the temple.

And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say

unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that

shall not be thrown down.

(Note) This prophecy was fulfilled in 70 AD by General Titus and his

armies, and their attack on Jerusalem.

According to history it was believed that there was gold, in the

columns that supported the Temple of Jerusalem. And under General

Titus orders, every layer of stone was literally pulled part and

separated, in search of this gold. Fulfilling the exact word of

Jesus "There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that

shall not be thrown down."

The Encyclopedia Britannica states that the destruction of Jerusalem

by General Titus and his armies was so devastating that "there was

not a stone left stack on top of another." Here, we have a recording

of history, quoting, almost the exact words of Jesus, over two

thousand years ago!

Let's continue

The First Sign: The Environment.

When the disciple came to Jesus on the Mount of Olive, they asked him

for signs concerning the end of the age. In Luke 21:11 Jesus said to

them; And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines,

and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be

from heaven.

First we see in our evening news that earthquakes are "Increasing'

(the key word here is increasing) at an alarming rate, world wide in

the last 50 years or so.

Earthquakes of great magnitudes are written off by some saying; we've

always had earthquakes.

I say yes! This is true!

But, now we are seeing an increase in Major earthquakes!

What we need to do is, come to the "Realization" that these

earthquakes shaking the earth, is a part of the whole Prophetic

Design of God.

For the word earthquake / earthquakes is used 11 times in the New

Testament alone, and 5 times in the Book of Revelation itself.

Now, according to the USGS (US Geological Survey) an earthquake

registering 8.0 or greater on the rector scale is classified as

Great. Jesus said there would be "great earthquakes" in different

places or location.

Earthquakes of this magnitude are considered as enormous earthquakes.

Let us note here - There have been an increasing number of these

great earthquakes, starting from the 19thth and now into the 21st

century. So we can say for certain that this generation has been

witnessing an increasing rise in these "great" earthquakes.

When one looks at a geophysical map of the earth, it looks like a

hard boiled egg that's has been dropped on its end, one to many

times. For the earth is made up of tectonic plates.

In geology, tectonic is the "deformation" of rocks: relating to the

forces that produce movement and deformation of the Earth's crust,

and plates are any of the "segments" of the earth's crust that move

in relation to one another as defined by the theory of plate


There are many tectonic plates that tend to move along side one


According to geological research, it is along these tectonic plate

lines, that a major part of the earthquake activity occurs.

But, it is also interesting to note that it is along these areas

where a majority of the largest populations of earth are located.

What concerns me when I hear about earthquakes in our time is that we

can look back in time, and not recall that many happening!

So, is the earth speaking to us? Is the earth telling us to wake up?

When one thinks about it, it is as if the earth itself is sending us

a warning!

In Revelation 11:18 we read; And the nations were angry, and thy

wrath is come… and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.

Here we see that one of the reasons for the futuristic coming of the

wrath of God is to destroy them, which destroyed the earth.

Here we see how God knew that man if left unchecked, through

selfishness and greed would one day destroy the earth.

Today we watch and read about as mankind continues to ravage the

environment, giving no concern for future generations.

When we look at the continual cutting down of the forest trees, in

the name of progress, the pollution's of the Oceans, Seas, Lakes,

Rivers and Streams, and reports of the ozone, it's as if the earth is

saying help me, because mankind is depleting the whole entire earth!

It is a matter of fact that from the 19th and now into the 21st

century, we have done more to destroy earth than any generations


Consider one static, Al Gore, in his book Earth In The Balance

concerning species lost each year to extinction, we are expediently

destroying thousands of animals, birds and fish species each year.

This is a destructive trend that began in our generations!

Today, we are seeing catastrophic environmental effect in wetland

losses and topsoil loses.

And with the continuing cutting down of the trees of the forest, as

mentioned above, scientists know very well that atmospheric carbon

dioxide is increasing very significantly!

We know with certainty that the burning of fossil flue (the burning

of coal, oil, and natural gas) is causing significantly damages as

well to the earth biosphere.

Humanity, today is witnessing tremendous environmental destruction,

not due to population growth, but rather to a selfish and greedy

society, that has polluted our water, air, and land, and all under

the deceptive disguise of progress and advancement.

The Second Sign: The Ozone

One of the concerns that we have learned from scientists is the

depletion of the ozone, which increases ultra violet radiation, which

in-turns causes skin cancer.

What's interesting in this, is in the Book of Revelation it speaks of

sores breaking out on the flesh of those left behind after the


One can't help but wonder, if, what's taking place with the ozone is

preparing us, for something that is yet to come, written in the

Prophetic Design of God?

For years we heard the talks of nuclear weapons on our evening news.

For we all know how an exchange of nuclear weapons would dramatically

decrease the blanket that protects and shields the earth and that it

would be even more dangerous, for humanity to have any exposure to

the sun.

Already we are having skin cancer and so many other problems, which

have developed, because of increased radiation.

Former President's George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and Al Gore have

been speaking for years on the subject of how International

initiatives is needed to seek new solutions for ozone depletion,

global warning and acid rain.

The concentration of carbon dioxide in the air has increased to over

28 % since the Industrial Revolution.

Think about it - Reports are saying, Without ozone in the atmosphere

one would need a sunscreen with a protection factor of 500, and

still, that probable would not be enough!

Now, concerning the last days, we read in Revelation 16:8, 9, and 11;

And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was

given unto him to scorch men with fire. And men were scorched with

great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over

these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory…

And (they) blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and

their sores, and repented not of their deeds.

Without the ozone layer protecting us today, we would literally be


Add to this the continual trend of global warning and the greenhouse

effect, (which we will explain briefly for those unaware) it's not

difficult to see how the above prophecy could soon be fulfilled.

Global Warming, according to Encarta Reference Encyclopaedia

2003 "increase in the average temperature of the atmosphere, oceans,

and landmasses of Earth." And that the planet has warmed (and cooled)

many times during the 4.65 billion years of its history.

At present Earth appears to be facing a rapid warming, which most

scientists believe results, at least in part, from human activities.

The chief cause of this warming is thought to be the burning of

fossil fuels, which releases into the atmosphere carbon dioxide and

other substances known as greenhouse gases.

As the atmosphere becomes richer in these gases, it becomes a better

insulator, retaining more of the heat provided to the planet by the


The Greenhouse Effect is explained, according to Encarta Reference

Encyclopaedia 2003, as "the energy that lights and warms Earth comes

from the Sun." Most of the energy that floods onto our planet is

short-wave radiation, including visible light.

When this energy strikes the surface of Earth, the energy changes

from light to heat and warms Earth. Earth's surface, in turn,

releases some of this heat as long-wave infrared radiation," and this

energy is released back into the atmosphere.

If I understand this correctly, this heat transfer is creating an

equilibrium, an energy balance, where stability is attained. Other

words; This "balancing act" of nature, between the total amount of

heat that reaches the Earth from the Sun and the amount of heat that

the Earth radiates out into space, is important, to maintain a

climate that can support a wide variety of life - especially US!

Third Sign: The Weather

One of the things that concern's people today is the erratic changes

that are taking place in our weather.

Almost every day when we turn on our television or read a newspaper

we find that something is taking place in the world, where a great

catastrophe is or has occurred, mostly due to the weather. Be it

hurricanes, tornado, flooding, landslides, fires and etc.

All one has to do is read their Bible and see that these things are

exactly the types of things that Jesus spoke about! For they are

the "warning" signs, which would indicate that the time of Jesus

return was approaching. Now, there are several prophetic references

given in the scriptures which tells us of an increase in chaotic

weather conditions in the last days.

Take for an example the recordings of Mark 13:19, where Jesus says;

For in those days shall be affliction, such as was not from the

beginning of the creation which God created unto this time, neither

shall be.

Then we have the words of Apostle Paul who writes how the "whole

creation" groans and labors with birth pangs, eagerly waiting the day

of redemption.

See my web page at

In Romans 8:22 Paul says; For we know that the whole creation

groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.

In this we see that just as a woman's labors pangs "Increase"

in "Frequency" and "Strength" as the time of delivery approaches. So

to, does the Bible tell us that Creation will groan and labor with

Increase Frequency, and Strength.

Since the 19th and into the 21st Century, we have been witnessing a

remarkable litany of highest floods, longest droughts, most severe

wild fires, and worst heat waves ever recorded.

Research shows that since the 1980's, hurricanes have struck various

areas with alarming frequency, and with the most recent Tsunami and

hurricanes Katrina and Rita, and the recent earthquake in Pakistan,

We can't help but ask - Is this sending the world warnings?

The Fourth Sign: Famine and Pestilence

Among the many prophecies that Jesus gave as the "signs" of earth's

conditions, before his return was also famine and pestilence. In

Matthew 24:7 we read… and there shall be famines, and pestilences,

and earthquakes, in divers places. We've already seen the increase of


According to Encarta Reference Encyclopedia 2003 concerning

famine. "It is estimated that each year between 5 and 20 million

people die of starvation…"

And as far as pestilence (which is defined as something breading

infectious diseases.) Three of which everyone is aware - AIDS, West

Nile, and the most recent one the Bird Flu.

AIDS is an amazing virus that has struck in our time.

However, medical scientists are concerned, about viruses in general

and how they are gaining immunity to antibiotics. With viruses

gaining immunity to antibiotics, we could be hit with a virus that

would make the Bluebonnet Plague be like a walk in the park.

According to Encarta Reference Encyclopedia 2003, "more than one

million U. S. residents and as many as 21 million people in other

countries have been infected with the AIDS virus."

According to reports, there have been at least 12 new life-

threatening viruses to emerge since the middle of the 1990's. We have

viruses and infections that have hit Africa and other places, that

the medical doctors don't know what to do! And its not a matter of

becoming immune to the antibiotics, the antibiotics have no effect on

the diseases whatsoever!

So there is great concern for the Church to reach as many as possible

with the gospel, no matter what the cost may be. Because we are

living in an age, that is exactly as Jesus foretold.

We have been hearing of the tremendous famine that's been hitting

different parts of the world, along with the many viruses we have not

found the cure or antibiotics for!

These are all "Signs" of the approaching return of Jesus Christ!

We have just touched bases on some of things happening in our world.

Events and happenings, that in themselves is pointing to and

signaling the soon coming of Jesus to gather up his Church, out of

the world, before the earthly condition we have touched on, is

released, on the world, on a much larger scale.

We have seen the devastating effects of the environment, earthquakes,

famine, pestilence, the depletion of the ozone, is having on the


Some would say it's easy to predict these things!

However, I ask - can you possibility explain the "Increase"

the "Frequency" or the "Repetitiveness" of these things worldwide?

It's as if the earth is being prepared for something greater!

The Fifth Sign: Technology

How could possible 4 thousand years ago a Prophet record so

implicitly the technology that is taking place worldwide today, when

it didn't exist back then?

Among the prophecies of Daniel's concerning the last days, (and the

angel does specify) the "last days.) He speaks of people moving about

to and fro, and how knowledge would increase.

In Daniel 12:4 we read; But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and

seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and

fro, and knowledge shall be increased.

In the morning, afternoon or evening, most of us get in some type of

vehicle of transportation and head off down the roads, highways or

interstates for some reason or another. But, never realizing the

vehicle someone or we sticks a key in to crank was prophesied, many

years ago by an angelic messenger, in, the increment of knowledge.

For the increasing of knowledge, is the vehicle by which came the

arrival of Technology.

The television or radio we watch or listen to daily was prophesied,

in the increasing of knowledge! The Planes we see continuously moving

across the skies was prophesied, in the increasing of knowledge! The

computer and software I am using this very moment or the one you are

using to read this, was prophesied, in the increasing of knowledge!

Most of us can remember back or read about a time when it wasn't like


Think about it? In some form or another, millions of people are

moving about to and fro, because of the increase of knowledge. which

gave birth to technology.

And through the technology of the computer, look at the vast

explosion of knowledge on the Internet!

Most of the information I obtained for this study was researched

through the use of the Internet. Just, an example of how knowledge

though the Internet is, beyond what anyone could ever imagine!

Today this increase of knowledge is exactly as the Bible foretold.

According to the angel to Daniel, whose words were recorded some 25

hundred years ago, where we would see a time when people would

literally travel around the world, and knowledge would increase.

It is interesting to look back in time, to the life of Abraham or

David in ancient times, when communication consisted of some form of

hand written message. When humanity traveled at the speed of donkey,

horseback, camel, elephant or boat, and when humanity clothed oneself

with a livestock and an agronomy economy.

But then, we can look back to the time of George Washington, not so

long ago.

We communicated through? Some form of hand written message. We

traveled? At the speed of donkey, horseback, boat, and etc. And we

still clothed ourselves with? Livestock and an agronomy economy.

But here we are in a short period of time, where we communicate via

satellite, at the speed of light, travel at the speed of sound, and

create the very atoms and molecules that we desire for synthetic


It's incredible to sit back and think about how the speed of

knowledge and technology has indeed enriched our culture, from a

knowledgeable and technological point of view.

Technologically, we have come so far in our advances in such as short

period of time, that to some, it's impossibility not to see us going

even further, even, if it does cause some form of set back!

Science has even told us that in general human knowledge, we already

know about 50 times more, the knowledge, that we knew, just a Century


Right now the Worlds Community is a Global Community - Its nothing

now to call or communicate from one side of the world to the other,

in a matter of seconds. Just a 100 years ago, you were not able to do

this. But, it's nothing today, to get on a computer, and communicate

to someone on the other side of the world.

And through the advancement and the increasing of knowledge and

technology, today, we see less and less of Money, being carried

around. Everything mostly, is credit card, debit card, where buying,

selling, and even banking, is a large part conducted online. Some or

even looking forward to a time when cash will be no more.

As we watch the explosion of Technology and Knowledge as well as the

Transportation, and Communication Revolution, so many never realizes,

it's the Fulfilling of Prophecy, and a Sign to the approaching coming

of Jesus, and the end of time. Recorded by Daniel, announced by the

Angelic Messenger Gabriel, from God?

When one looks at the over-all picture of the advancement of

Knowledge and Technology, humanity, is destroying this planet called

earth - it's humanity, it's air, its land, its animal life, its sea,

and all the life within it - All in the name of Progress and


Now this isn't saying that the advancement of knowledge and

technology is bad. However, one must also look at it another way!

What God means for the good, Satan manipulates for the bad.

When we look at the overall damages being done to the earth, with all

of humanities misuse of this advancement of knowledge and technology.

We can see Satan's footprint's of manipulations, through humanities,

ignorance and greed, destroying the world, and playing right in to

the hand of Satan, as seen throughout the Book of Revelation.

In reality, God has the world under his control! Always has and

always will!

But, he never control anyone. That's why he created the

first man and woman, with the ability to have spontaneous

relationship with him, and with the ability to act independently of

his will!

It was because of Love and Through Love, he wanted man to rely on

him, which they did, and he provide for them, all in the name of


However, Satan appears on the scene, with jealousy, because earthy

dominion or ruler-ship over the earth was granted to man (who was

God's representative of himself on earth) instead of him. It was

through deception, he sat out to obtain this dominion for himself, to

sat himself up as ruler.

With God knowing what Satan would do, he before hand gave man a law,

a law to provide for man a way, to continue in the fellowship and

relationship he had with God.

However, when Adam violated God's law (not Eve) he severed the

fellowship and relationship he had with God, through disobedience,

and in-turn, introduced sin and disobedience into the human race, and

forfeited his earthy dominion, handing it, title deed, over to Satan.

Which, in-turn sat Satan up as ruler and god of this world that the

Apostle Paul speaks of in 2 Corinthians 4:4. Here we read; In whom

the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe

not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the

image of God, should shine unto them.

Satan is and has been the god of this world ever since mans fall from

God's grace! This Jesus himself did not deny in Matthew 4:8-10, in

his three temptations from Satan, a.k.a., the Devil.

Here we read; Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high

mountain, and showeth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the

glory of them; And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee,

if thou wilt fall down and worship me.

All Jesus said to him was; Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written,

Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.

With Satan as god of the world, he wants to control the world,

everyone and everything thing in it. However, even amidst his own

foolish thinking, he knows, whose really in control! And therefore,

the Spiritual Warfare humanity is engaged in!

With this, one can't help but wonder, with destruction that is taking

place in the world, if the advancement of knowledge, and technology,

is all God's doings?

For Satan was an anointed cherub call Lucifer, who was created "Full

of Wisdom" and "Perfect in Beauty" according to the prophet Ezekiel.

In Ezekiel 28:12 we read… Son of man, take up a lamentation upon the

king of Tyrus, and say unto him, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Thou

sealest up the sum, full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty.

Any of us familiar with Bible study knows the king of Tyrus was the

unseen force, working behind the scene (on a spiritual level) in the

life of the prince of Tyrus, and was none other than Satan, himself,

aka, Lucifer!

Satan as Lucifer, fell from God's grace, because of sin, and the

result Ezekiel tells us in verse 17… Thine heart was lifted up

because of thy beauty, thou hast corrupted thy wisdom by reason of

thy brightness:

Satan corrupted his wisdom, by simple forgetting, he was a created

being, and it was God, who created him!

Now, even though Satan corrupted his wisdom, he still possesses

the "fullness of wisdom" he was created with! This you must never


Satan is not dumb! He's not dense! He is not ignorant! He is the most

intelligent being God ever created "Full of Wisdom."

So, with all the advancement of knowledge and technology, one can't

help but question - Is all of it God's doings, or does Satan have a

hand in it as well? These are two questions, we will never find the

answer for on this side of eternity.

What we do know is what God does that is good, Satan deceives and

manipulates for the bad, Where the same is holding true for the

advancement of knowledge, and technology.

God uses the advancement of knowledge and technology to reach the

lost world with the Gospel of Jesus.

However, Satan uses it for destruction, just as Jesus tells us in

John 10:10, where we read; The thief cometh not, but for to steal,

and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and

that they might have it more abundantly.

I believe, the advancement of knowledge and technology, Satan is

using and manipulating, to achieve (his foolish thought) his goal of

controlling the world, and having the world under his power of

authority, that we read so much about in the Book of Revelation.

In the Book of Revelation 13:16-17 we read; And he causeth all, both

small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in

their right hand, or in their foreheads:

And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the

name of the beast, or the number of his name.

How will Satan accomplish his goal of controlling the world, and

having the world under his power of authority? The answer is simple

when you think about it! It's through the advancement of knowledge,

in technology.

Here, we are being told, it will not be through money, but an assign

mark, called the mark of the beast, on the right hand or the forehead

of a person.

At the time this prophecy was given, man had no imagination, of how

Satan would accomplish this!

But, today, through modern technology, not only do we see this as a

potential, but, the "conditioning" for it, is happening right before

our very eyes today!

It's interesting here for me to note that, in our day, there is a

technology, that any world dictator of the past would have dreamed of

having in reach of their hands.

And that is the electronic abilities, but which one could control all

commerce, within a nation, or possible, the whole world, by a "cash-

less' transaction, with barcodes, implantable chips, and the such.

Were already hearing and reading about how people can have a silicone

chip implanted in the flesh of their pets to identify them if they

are every lost or stolen.

All of these things that are happening technologically, fall right

into the what the Bible tells us will take place, in the last days,

where no man, woman, or child, will be able to buy or sell, unless

they have a certain mark!

Is it possible that an identification chip implanted in the flesh, be

the means that is used for and by Satan, to accomplish world control?

There are many signs that the Bible tells us of, that truly

identifies, our generation, as the first one, that one could say, is

in the last of the last days, and God's time clock on humanity, as a

whole, is ticking down!

We have already seen how the Bible tells us, in the last days, how a

man will arise, who will control the world.

Now, anyone knows to do this, one much have a lot of technology to

accomplish this, and part of what he controls is all banking and

commerce! No body could have done this, in the past. But, someone is

coming and he's gonna control the world, and the technology to do

this, is here today!

The Sixth Sign: Communication Technology

In Matthew 24:14 Jesus says; And this gospel of the kingdom shall be

preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then

shall the end come.

When we consider that over two thousands years ago, many nations,

including the North and South America, were not yet discovered. In

this, it is remarkable, that Jesus made such a declaration.

But, only since the 1980's have the fulfillment of this prophecy been

possible, through the deployment of global communication satellites,

and other communication technology, the gospel is indeed now being

preached to every nation.

There are several things we come upon in the Book of Revelation, that

is interesting, and we need to take note of. The first is recorded in

Revelation 14:6, where John says; And I saw another angel fly in the

midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them

that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and

tongue, and people,

Here we have John seeing an angel flying through the heavens, having

the everlasting gospel, and he's proclaiming this gospel to the

entire world.

Now, it not so far fetched, to look at the communication satellite

networks, that we have established, for worldwide communication, and

realizes, that, we can now communicate worldwide, via these

satellites, in the heavens above.

Where, just as a man who control the world, could govern the

activities of the world, so to is the technology in place, where the

gospel to, could be preached to the entire world, during the

tribulation period.

The second interesting note is recorded in Revelation 11:3-9 we read;

And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy

a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth.

In Revelation 11:3-9, this section of scripture we have two of God's

witnesses, during tribulation. We read here, how they will be killed

and their bodies will lie in the streets of Jerusalem on display, for

the people to rejoice over, for three and a half days, and how the

entire world will be able to see them.

In verse 9-10 we read; And they of the people and kindreds and

tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies three days and an

half, and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves.

And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them, and make

merry, and shall send gifts one to another; because these two

prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth.

The viewing of their body's by the entire world would have been

impossible in past generations.

However, because of the worldwide communication systems we have

today, through satellites, where one could be sitting in their living

room, watching television, and see some event like this, as its

taking place in Jerusalem.

The bottom-line here? In the past, the fulfillment of this prophecy,

would have been farfetched! But today, it's a practical reality!

In the Bible, we have so many prophecies, concerning the last days,

that no body could have dream of ever happening in the past. But

today, because of the advancement of knowledge, and technology, we

can now, in our generation, see, how they could be fulfilled or

brought to pass.

In Revelation 13:15 we read; And he had power to give life unto the

image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak,

and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast

should be killed.

Here in Revelations Chapter 13, we are reading about the false

prophet, the second man, the assistant to the Antichrist, who backs

the Antichrist, and who performs miracles and such. It's interesting

here to note that one of the things he does is he sets up an image of

the beast (antichrist) and he makes this image walk and talk.

Looking back a hundred years ago, you couldn't dream of this


But, today, in the advancement of knowledge and technology, we can

see it happening, before our very eyes.

Today, we have a whole body of science, in the field of Robotics that

is developing so rapidly. It is this generation that is witnessing

the birth or the giving life, to human-like robotics.

We can see it in the toys we now buy for our children, that act, and

speak, just like a human being.

And, Hollywood, in a way, has been paving a way, for our acceptance,

in human-like machines, through the movies, in shows like the Million-

Dollar man, and Ro-cop, and etc.

But let's not stop there! One of the biggest that's has hit world

news and reporting for years has been Genetic Engineering and

Cloning, successfully!

According to Encarta Reference Encyclopedia 2003, On March 7, 1996,

the periodical Nature carried an account of the cloning of a sheep by

the use of a new technique, at the Roslin Institute near Edinburgh.

A year later the same periodical had the story of the one successful

live birth resulting from the experiment (29 births had been

attempted), of a lamb now six months old, known as Dolly.

The birth of Dolly, without a father, from the extraction of a cell

from an adult female sheep, caused a great sensation in the media.

Also, on February 23, 1997, according to Encarta Reference

Encyclopedia 2003, it was announced; by a team of Scottish scientists

led by Ian Wilmut, raised a number of ethical issues. The cloned

mammal, a sheep named Dolly, seemed to open the theoretical

possibility that human beings could also be cloned.

So, we can see today, that the technology is in existence, and that

our society, is being condition, to or for the possible worshipping

of a human-like image.

The Seventh Sign: Nuclear Weapons

Looking back to Matthew 24:21,22, where on the Mount of Olives, Jesus

gave his disciples a confidential briefing, and in this briefing, he

pointed out… For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not

since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.

And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be

saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.

It's interesting to make note, that the technology to make good this

prophecy did not exist, until our day and time. If we take from the

time of the Roman Empire, and up to the time of the Civil War, for

example, the technology to wipeout the entire world, was not a

realistic projection.

But, today, we have the technology! For, our advancement of knowledge

and technology, has indeed, caught up with these prophecies.

Every political leader on planet earth, makes his decision under the

cloud, of the possibility, of setting off a global nuclear war, that

could indeed, destroy all flesh!

When we read the prophecies of Zechariah 14:12, in the Old Testament,

we can't help but take into consideration, he is speaking of a

nuclear fall-out, or war! Their flesh shall consume away while they

stand upon their feet, and their eyes shall consume away in their

holes, and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth. This is

exactly what nuclear weapons do!

We continually hear concerning the need and the talk of settling

peace, in the Middle East! But there's not peace. It's all for the

purpose of gaining territory inside Israel, to destroy Israel.

When Yasri Arafat was here, he spoke of peace in one breath, and

waged war against Israel, in another, behind closed doors.

Satan's final conclusion, for Israel, is to wipe them out! It was

seen in the days of Hitler, and is still being heard and read about

in the news today.

But, Israel is not a nation that will go down without using their

ultimate weapon, their nuclear weapons! They have nuclear weapons and

we all know it, and they will use them!

For me, I personally believe a nuclear exchange will take place in

the Middle East, and the nations as a whole, including the US, will

be pulled in!

Even NATO, believes for certainty, a nuclear exchange will take place

in the Middle East, it's just a matter of time!

The Eighth Sign: False Prophet, Preacher, Teachers.

In Matthew 24:4-5, Jesus says concerning the last days; Take heed

that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am

Christ; and shall deceive many.

This has been happening around the world, and even in our time, and

in various nations, including the USA, where religious or spiritual

leaders are proclaiming, that they are Christ, and are deceiving


See for a list of Messiah

Claimants from all religions.

However, we all remember back to 1978, and Jim Jones, who claimed to

be the reincarnation of Jesus Christ.

Where the mass suicide, by members of the People's Temple, in

Jonestown, Guyana. Who, on the orders of their leader, more than 900

followers of the cult, mostly Americans, took poison and died.

In the US, we had David Koresh of the Branch Davidians, of Waco

Texas, who claimed to be God, where, in 1993 a confrontation between

U.S. government agents, resulted in the death of more than 80

Davidians, including about 20 children. Four federal agents also


In 1994, 53 members of the International Chivalric Order Solar

Tradition (commonly called the Solar Temple) died in suicides and

murders at two villages in Switzerland and at a site near Montréal,

Québec, Canada. The Solar Temple members believed their deaths would

result in the transit of their spirits to another planet. More

members of this cult died of suicide or murder from 1995 to 1997.

In 1997, where we had the largest mass suicide in the United States

occurred when 39 members of the Heaven's Gate cult killed themselves

in Rancho Santa Fe, California.

Members of the cult believed that through suicide their souls would

leave their bodily containers and would travel to a higher realm.

Part of their faith stemmed from a belief in UFOs. They believed a

UFO spaceship hidden behind the comet Hale-Bopp, which was then

approaching Earth, would transport their souls.

Then we have Louis Faracon, who in his own words claim to be the

modern day Messiah.

In Matthew 24:24, Jesus says; For there shall arise false Christ's,

and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch

that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

These are just an example, and the list goes on and on. However, the

major movement, that's been sweeping the earth is the New Age


According to Encarta Reference Encyclopedia 2003, the New Age

Movement is; a utopian vision, an era of harmony and progress.

Comprising individuals, activist groups, businesses, professional

groups, and spiritual leaders and followers, the movement brought

feminist, ecological, spiritual, and human-potential concerns into

the mainstream in the 1980s and 1990s.

Creating a large market in the United States and other countries for

books, magazines, audio- and videotapes, workshops, retreats, and

expositions on the subject, as well as for natural foods, crystals,

and meditation and healing aids.

Often seen as resurgent paganism or Gnosticism, the modern movement

has more recent roots in 19th-century spiritualism and in the 1960s

counterculture, which rejected materialism in favor of Eastern

mysticism and preferred direct spiritual experience to organized


Techniques for self-improvement and the idea that the individual is

responsible for and capable of everything from self-healing to

creating the world, have found applications in health care and

counseling as well as in sports, the armed forces, and corporations

and have provoked debate in religious and other circles.

Holistic thinking has influenced attitudes about medicine, the

environment, the family, work, regional planning, and world peace,

among others.

Ideas frequently associated with the New Age movement include

anthroposophical teachings, inner transformation, reincarnation,

extraterrestrial life, biofeedback, chanting, alchemy, yoga,

transpersonal psychology, shamanism, martial arts, the occult,

astrology, psychic healing, extrasensory perception, divination,

astral travel, acupuncture, massage, tarot, Zen, mythology, and


Jesus said in John 14:6; I am the way, the truth, and the life: no

man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

What we are seeing in our generation, and over the past 50 decades,

is the majority of society, are interested in and following after the

metaphysical, mystic and cultic, dimension, at an alarm rate.

But, it is something that has been happening in every nation around

the world.

Today, the concept is that God is everything!

Because people have embraced this eastern metaphysical worldview,

and, in so doings, they are turning to Yoga, Meditation, Out of Body

Experiences, belief in Crystal Consciousness and etc.

Spiritualism which was at one time consider pagan in the past, but,

are being embraced today as the New Spirituality, and is literally

being embraced around the world.

In 1 Timothy 4:1, Brother Paul writes; Now the Spirit speaketh

expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith,

giving heed to seducing (or deceiving) spirits, and doctrines of


Many years ago, while, searching for the truth in spiritualism, I got

involved with a girl, that introduced me into altered state of

consciousness. There are many ways to reach an alter-state of

consciousness. There are drugs, psychedelics, practicing yoga,

hypnosis and etc.

With me, I jump into metaphysical spiritualism with both feet! Went

as far as past life regression, through, hypnosis. And found myself

as small boy in back of a wagon, fleeing across the landscape, with

others around me, from warriors and servants of a wicked king, in


In this vision of my past life, I even saw a vision of this king from

neck down, and the type of clothing he was wearing. I then started

researching this vision, at Oxford book store, and found the things I

saw in the vision was correct and true, in every detail, even down to

the color and type of garments the king was wearing.

With my ancestry being from Ireland, I swallowed this deception for a

time, hook, line and sinker! Looking more into hypnosis, and then


And in so doings, forgetting my Biblical teachings and up-bringing,

concerning spiritual intellectual beings, the fallen angles, along

with their leader Lucifer, that's been roaming the earth, before the

fall of man.

When we see the word's devils, demons, wicked and evil spirits in the

Bible, we often think of them as hideous looking creatures, thanks to

Hollywood, and others. Never realizing these are words and terms,

that is used, Biblically, to identify, their nature, characteristic,

and attributes, not their appearance!

For they are fallen angelic beings. Who possess the ability to

manipulate the mind, the thinking and thought process of mankind, and

the ability, to possess humans, as we read so much about in the four

gospels, (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, as well as the book of Acts)

that the Jesus himself, encountered, and dealt with.

These, are spiritual intellectual beings, of whom it would be

nothing, for them, to reveal the life, and events of someone from the

past, creating an illusion, that we are that individual in another

life, for the simple purpose of leading someone astray from the

truth, we have in Jesus!

For as I continued in this, newly found form, of spiritualism, I was

unaware that the Lord was leading me into a deeper understanding of

the meanings and truth, about these vision.

Because I come to realize, that in a normal state of consciousness,

the human spirit, the spirit of man, operates the human brain.

However, in an alter state of consciousness, you've released or

loosen that connection, where as, allowing these seducing or

deceiving spirits, the fallen angels, to impose themselves, setting

off the neurons in the brain, creating a world of believable,

illusions. It's as simple as that!

Whereby the results is as the Apostle Paul tells us… giving heed to

seducing or deceiving spirits, and believing and following, the

teachings or doctrine of these fallen angels.

Even a close follower of Jesus, (the Apostle) Peter, thinking, was

influenced by another form of Satanic power of influence.

In Matthew 16:20-21 we read; Then charged he (Jesus) his disciples

that they should tell no man that he was Jesus the Christ.

From that time forth began Jesus to show unto his disciples, how that

he must go unto Jerusalem, and suffer many things of the elders and

chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised again the

third day.

But then in verse 22 we read; Then Peter took him, and began to

rebuke him, saying, Be it far from thee, Lord: this shall not be unto


In verse 23 we see Jesus, response to Peter… But he (Jesus) turned,

and said unto Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence

unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those

that be of men.

Now, we all know that Jesus wasn't calling Peter Satan! So, what was

Jesus doing? He was addressing the one who had the ability and did,

manipulate the thinking process of Peter! Satan!

This type of satanic activity, has been taking place down through the

years, right before our very eyes, by some, who committee's some

hideous, shocking, and terrifying act, or brutal murder, because they

heard voices, or the voices was controlling them, or the voices was

telling them to do it!

Satanic activity of this nature is written off, by mental illness, or

mentally insane!

One of the biggest things, which, been happening, for years and in

our generation of today, is channeling. The communicating with spirit

beings! Channeling has been introduced into the medical and business

communities as well.

Must we be reminded what God Word says? In Deuteronomy 18:9-11. Here

we read; When thou art come into the land which the LORD thy God

giveth thee, thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of

those nations.

There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his

daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an

observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch, Or a charmer, or a

consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer.

The Apostle Paul tells us how some in the Christian church, and in

the name of Christianity, would be involved in this form of

deception… Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter

times some shall depart from the faith…

Paul is talking here about many people that would be lead astray from

the gospel, through spiritualism, and this is what we see taking

place today.

In 2 Timothy 3:1-5 Paul writes concerning the last days. Here we

read - This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall


For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters,

proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,

Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers,

incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors,

heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;

Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such

turn away.

One of the greatest deceptions taking place in our time, has and is

happening in the name of Christianity, as people are embracing a form

of Christianity, through extra Biblical experiences, as signs and

evidence of salvation, including solutions as, healing waters,

healing oils, prayer cloths, prayer beads, and etc.

This list to goes on and on! But are used to show we are living in

the last, of the last days. Because, a form of godliness and

spiritualism, has been sweeping this nation for years.

Just as the Apostle Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians 11:12-15, where we

read - But what I do, that I will do, that I may cut off occasion

from them which desire occasion; that wherein they glory, they may be

found even as we. For such are false apostles, deceitful workers,

transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.

And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of

light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be

transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be

according to their works.

Today our world is filled with satanic activity, existing under the

cloak and disguise of Christianity!

What we are seeing in all these movements, is the Lies that man will

believe, once they have rejected the truth!

The words of Christ are being fulfilled right before our very eyes!

They are the signs showing we are living in, the last, of the last

days, according to Jesus!

But, let not stop there, for we have seen the rise of satanic cults,

and activity, which have also, infiltrated the music industry as


Like the Rock group Kiss - Knights in Satan Service, and others,

where it has and is invading the cultures of our youth, and our youth

doing such hideous and horrible things! Because they are being

influenced, and drawn into seducing and deceiving spirits, satanic

influences, activities and the such, unaware!

One, who influenced the Rock music culture in the last 60's and early

70's, was Anton Szandor LaVey, Founder and High Priest, of the Church

of Satan, as well as a writer, occultist, musician, and actor.

He was the main star of Rosemary's Baby. Among his writing's was the

Satanic Bible, and the founder of Satanism, in the US.

LaVey began presenting Friday night lectures on the occult to what he

called a "Magic Circle" of associates who shared his interests,

several of whom was from the Rock music culture. Where later sexual

activities, was permitted as well.

Some attending his services was the killer Charles Manson and the

unknown, at the time, Marilyn Manson.

LaVey emphasized the need for a religion, which worshipped the

individual as a carnal beast with desires that needed to be


This is a large part of what Rock music is, and have been all about.

LeVey who stated in a live interview, that "all religions are coming

around to Satanism, and we are at the throbs of a new satanic age,

the evidence is all around us, all the need to do is look at it."

LeVey, who viewed "Satan" not as a literal deity or entity, but as an

historic and literary figure symbolic of Earthly values.

There has been, and still is, this fascination for the occult,

because, they do not have, the truth of God in their hearts! They as

well as the church, are looking for something, they can see, feel and


Since the founding of this nation alone, in the process of time, we

have been witnessing, a rise and increase of, Fortune Telling,

Hypnotism, Magicians, Dungeons & Dragons, Ouija Board, Tarot Cards,

Astrology, Witchcraft, and the list goes on and on!

This Nation as a whole has been sinking, further, and further, away

from God Consciousness, because of the acceptance, and influences, of

Satan, that has invaded, society,

And, in so doings has allowed, the decrease of morals and ethical

values, where, a lot, can also be attributed to parental up-brings.

We as adults to our children, have tendency to say one thing, but

live another. We tell are children one things, but in our life, we

show them another! It's the old saying, "Do as I say, not as I do."

Looking back to 2 Timothy 3:1, the Apostle plainly tells us,

concerning the last days; This know also, that in the last days

perilous times shall come.

What are these Perilous Times, Paul is speaking of?

In verses 3-5, he continues - For men shall be lovers of their own

selves, covetous, (meaning lovers of money) boasters, proud,

blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,

Without natural affection (meaning unloving) trucebreakers, false

accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,

Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of


Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such

turn away.

All these things listed here are showing a moral decline, in the

world, as a whole. Paul said, that in the last days… is this not an

indication, by the decline of the morals of this nation alone, that

we are indeed, living in the last days?

This nation alone has been witnessing the increase, and acceptance,

of pornography, and abortion. But, its been occurring worldwide! We

as a generation are indeed a world of lovers of pleasure, as we give

lip service to God!

One area, is the continual increase of child prostitution!

According to World Watch in August 1995, in India, its been reported

400,000 children, was being prostituted, in Brazil 450,000 and in

Thailand, 800,000 and the numbers have been continuing to increase!

On December 16, 2005 according to CBS News web site, titled Crackdown

On Child Prostitution, 19 people was arrest and charged and more than

30 across several states, in a coordinated crackdowns against child

prostitution in the United States.

Charges have been filed in recent days in Florida, Michigan, New

Jersey and Pennsylvania, and others are expected, according to a law

enforcement official that spoke on condition of anonymity because he

was not authorized to talk about the topic before Gonzales'


Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and FBI Assistant Director Chris

Swecker announced the recent arrests a news conference in Washington

today, saying that the operation has identified more than 30 child

victims, bringing the overall total identified to more than 200 since


Also, list in the same report; A grand jury in Camden, New Jersey,

indicted eight people Wednesday on charges they conspired to recruit

girls to be prostitutes in Atlantic City, Las Vegas and New York,

according to court documents. The defendants managed a prostitution

ring that also extended to Florida, Georgia, Massachusetts,

Pennsylvania and the District of Columbia, the indictment said.

Matthew Thompkins and five others were arrested Sunday and are in

custody in New Jersey, the official said. Thompkins had a central

role in the conspiracy, the indictment said.

In Detroit, a grand jury charged four Ohio residents with forcing two

girls, 14 and 15, to have sex at a truck stop in Michigan. The girls

had been held as virtual prisoners in Toledo, Ohio, where they were

told to address one defendant, Deric Willoughby, as "Daddy," and

taken to hotel rooms for prostitution. Their payments were eventually

turned over to Willoughby, the indictment said.

Two other defendants, Jennifer Huskey and Brandy Shope, are adults

who also worked as prostitutes, the indictment says.

A fourth person, Richard Lamar Gordon, is identified in the

indictment as a truck driver who took the girls from a parking lot in

the Toledo area to the Michigan truck stop and had sex with one of

them. He has not been arrested, the official said.

In most child prostitution case, they are under the age of 16! Or,

consider the fact, that the legalization of abortion, became

widespread in the 60's, and according to Planned Parenthood, and

their web-site, today tells us, an estimated 80 million women have

unintended or unwanted pregnancies each year. Of those, 45 million

end in abortion.

Other words; This generation is killing 100,000 thousand babies and

more every single day! Certainly, we are as Brother Paul says…

Without natural affection, an unloving generation.

In Matthew 24:37-38, Jesus givens more warnings to the sign of his

coming and the end of the world saying;

But as the days of Noe (Noah) were, so shall also the coming of the

Son of man be.

For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and

drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe

entered into the ark

Back in the days of Noah, before the flood it was a time that the

earth was filled with corruption, and with violence. In Genesis 6:11

we read; The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was

filled with violence.

Today, as we listen the news, we here of the crimes that is taking

place on a daily bases. One can't help but see that Jesus prophecy of

earth's condition, a picture of the days of Noah, is also being

fulfilled, right before our very eyes.

One of the things that almost every one is seeing today, is the

violence, the terror, terrorism, child molestation, the rapes,

teachers having sex with students, and the over-all immorality that

is taking place in our society, and around the world.

That also includes Political Leaders, Spiritual Leaders, Teachers,

Child-care workers, and etc.

As the spirit of man cries out, consciously and subconsciously, what

is happening in the world?

In Romans 1:21-32, the Apostle Paul referring to the children of

Israel, in Old Testament times, reveals to us, something humanity and

this nation, needs to take to heart.

In verse 21, we see they knew God, but gave him no glory, neither

were they thankful, for the things he had done for him. They changed

the glory of God, like many in the world are doing today, and started

worshipping, idols images, and thinking within themselves, that the

were wise, but in reality, they were foolish!

Wherefore, we read how God gave them up! He gave them up to…

uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their

own bodies between themselves: For they, in their foolish thinking

was worshipping the Creature, i.e. Satan, instead of God!

Because of whom they were worshipping, Satan in their foolishness,

and ignorance. We rea

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.