2012-01-07 03:23:21 UTC
I've seen people in this section calling those who believe in a deity stupid, simple minded, etc.
I've seen people in this section calling those who don't believe in their Deity evil, sinful, etc.
The biggest I have seen is Atheism vs Christianity.
Atheist: Calling those who are christians/believe in a deity stupid, simple minded, saying things such as "Only idiots believe in a deity" or are what makes you (as a whole) seem arrogant, obnoxious, rude, and unable to accept a different view.
Christians: Calling Atheist/people who believe in a different deity sinful, doomed, saying things like "You are going to rot in hell for not believe in God and/or Jesus." makes you (as a whole) bigoted, unable to accept a different view, rude, and ignorant.
Throwing insults (on any side of religion) will only make you look stupid and not get your point across. Based on what I have seen in this section, Is it possible to be a christian and not be called stupid, or put down? Is it possible to be atheist and not make yourself seem ignorant and rude?
Isn't this section meant to educate others on different religions, spirituality, etc. and not "prove" who is right or wrong? I'm not even a reg. in this section and I'm already annoyed with the religion wars. Is anyone else annoyed with all of these religion wars/bashing/etc.?