Why are some people in this section so ignorant, obnoxious, arrogant, etc.?
2012-01-07 03:23:21 UTC
I mean seriously? What is with all the hostility and put downs?

I've seen people in this section calling those who believe in a deity stupid, simple minded, etc.
I've seen people in this section calling those who don't believe in their Deity evil, sinful, etc.

The biggest I have seen is Atheism vs Christianity.

Atheist: Calling those who are christians/believe in a deity stupid, simple minded, saying things such as "Only idiots believe in a deity" or are what makes you (as a whole) seem arrogant, obnoxious, rude, and unable to accept a different view.

Christians: Calling Atheist/people who believe in a different deity sinful, doomed, saying things like "You are going to rot in hell for not believe in God and/or Jesus." makes you (as a whole) bigoted, unable to accept a different view, rude, and ignorant.

Throwing insults (on any side of religion) will only make you look stupid and not get your point across. Based on what I have seen in this section, Is it possible to be a christian and not be called stupid, or put down? Is it possible to be atheist and not make yourself seem ignorant and rude?

Isn't this section meant to educate others on different religions, spirituality, etc. and not "prove" who is right or wrong? I'm not even a reg. in this section and I'm already annoyed with the religion wars. Is anyone else annoyed with all of these religion wars/bashing/etc.?
Nineteen answers:
Church of Corinth
2012-01-07 04:08:43 UTC
There are those who would find your question hostile. There are those who would ask how your question educates others on different religions, spirituality, etc.

The truth is that religious beliefs are deeply held convictions that will not change over time unless challenged. There are people who honestly believe things that are not true. By that, I point to people who believe that the Bible says things that it does not say. But, until they are called upon to show us the evidence, they do not realize that what they believe is a lie (or propaganda).

I try to answer questions in a way that educates, but many questions are designed to elicit a different type of response. And, you should not be surprised when they do.

Many of the people on this forum are honest and courteous. They share their beliefs with others when asked. But, there is a group of people who have not yet matured to the point where they are able to do this. Many of them are teenagers who come to forums like this just to make themselves feel better about their own insecurities. Anyone who has been regularly on this forum for any length of time can probably give you the screen name of two or three such people.

Religion is important because it is what we believe about God. Christians, like myself, believe that there is no reason that anyone anywhere should suffer for all eternity when the solution to their sin problem is at hand and so easy. Others would dispute that the solution is easy or that it exists at all. Those people cannot remain unchallenged for the sake of people who are still seeking God.

I try not to attack people personally. But, I will attack their actions. And, I will attack their attempts to keep people from accepting the free gift of salvation from Jesus Christ just because they don't personally believe that it exists or is necessary. That may seem hostile to some.
2012-01-07 11:27:33 UTC
While I can't claim to be entirely neutral on the subject, being Catholic myself, I suppose its natural that sort of thing will happen when a lot of people who feel very strongly about opposing view points get together and discuss them, particularly being that the internet isn't exactly a haven for the world's great intellectuals.
2012-01-07 11:28:28 UTC
I'm a Christian.

However, I'm a sane and intelligent Christian who doesn't believe in fighting about religion. The Atheists vs. Christians fight has been going on since pretty much Christianity was founded, and to be honest I think people will always be passionate enough to keep fighting about it, certainly they won't stop on Yahoo! Answers. Just because we've moved on from Crusades to Internet flaming, it's the same old story...
2012-01-07 11:32:02 UTC
I don't believe name calling or judging another person is the way to go.

But my faith actually does say that atheists will go to hell. I'm not going to lie about it when asked this question.
Old Bookworm
2012-01-07 11:28:41 UTC
Because some people are ignorant, obnoxious, arrogant, etc, in the real world. Why would this section be any different?
2012-01-07 11:27:49 UTC
do you know how many times people have played mediator on here. how can this section educate you on religions? pick up the book and read it. its not gonna ingest your brain unless you want it to
2012-01-07 11:28:28 UTC
2 Timothy 3:1-5) But know this, that in the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here. 2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, self-assuming, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal, 3 having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness, 4 betrayers, headstrong, puffed up [with pride], lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God, 5 having a form of godly devotion but proving false to its power; and from these turn away.
2012-01-07 11:31:55 UTC
Don't let the door hit you on the azz on the way out, see ya.
2012-01-07 11:25:19 UTC
Its called freedom of speech in America, and long may it continue.
2012-01-07 11:27:18 UTC
People kill over their beliefs. Asking people not to take their beliefs so seriously is like asking people not to breathe.
2012-01-07 11:31:00 UTC
That's life, son.
2012-01-07 11:28:23 UTC
Because, they have a bigger past than they have a future.
2012-01-07 11:27:51 UTC
Yours is to forgive them...
2012-01-07 11:27:59 UTC
coz they are Atheist
Budialpha Bestari
2012-01-07 11:28:14 UTC
soooo.,.....its not a big deal
2012-01-07 11:27:17 UTC
because it's funny.
2012-01-07 11:26:53 UTC
Why are you so angry and mad?!
2012-01-07 11:26:13 UTC
Welcome to the reality of human existence
It Is Always Now
2012-01-07 11:34:47 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.