Christians: Will you ever forgive Lucifer?
2013-01-15 20:41:42 UTC
Sometimes It takes tough love. Practice what you preach and just forgive. What about Lucifer's side of the story? Why cant you forgive?
Fifteen answers:
2013-01-15 20:45:24 UTC
Satan is NOT a fallen angel, spirit being or rival god. Satan IS one's own evil inclination that humans are challenged to master because survival alone was not enough of a challenge for humankind.

Yeshayahu- Isaiah - Chapter 14

12. How have you fallen from heaven, the morning star? You have been cut down to earth, You who cast lots on nations.

Isaiah 14:12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

The original Hebrew text has No Lucifer !

xtians changed it to promote their own agenda

Every person who ever lived is now in hell. Hell is the grave.

Hell - Hebrew word - Sheol, literally pit for the dead, grave. The dead are conscious of nothing. Hell is the grave, none born miss it.

Hell is not a place of eternal fiery torment. The church stole that concept from the Greek myths (see Hades, River Styx) to control their people in life and in death. Dante's Inferno and Milton's Paradise Lost served to fuel the church's fire.

From as many times a day as I type this, I say it has not only worked well for them in the past, but keeps working for them now and will continue to do so in the future until people begin to challenge them and search for the true definition of hell as being the grave.

Tehillim - Psalms - Chapter 139

8. If I ascend to the heavens, there You are, and if I make my bed in the grave, behold, You are there.

KJV - Psalms 139:

8 If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there .

xtians changed it to promote their own agenda

Most people who have read the Bible only in English think they know what it says.

But do they?

Translations from the original Hebrew have often changed the text’s intended meaning in significant ways. Take, for example:

* “The Lord is my shepherd”—the modern concept of shepherd is not what the biblical authors intended

* “Thou shalt not covet”—coveting is not what’s forbidden in this commandment

Where did things go wrong?

The problem began with the King James Version of the Bible (KJV). Commissioned in 1604 by King James of England and published in 1611, this literary classic still forms the basis of most biblical translations in English, including that of the Jewish Publication Society (JPS). This is problematical, first because English usage has changed so much in the past 400 years, rendering some of the original translations inaccurate; and second, because the KJV translators made serious translation mistakes that have been retained in contemporary English translations.

In short, the biblical shepherd was a “hero.”

By substituting “hero” for “shepherd,” we can make sense of the rest of the Psalm. “The Lord is my hero; I shall not want.” In other words, since God—like a ro’eh —is powerful enough to provide protection, guidance, and security, I’ll have nothing to worry about.

xtians changed it to promote their own agenda

The Story of ET - the xtian delusion of complete translation

Bereshit Bara Eloheim Et - IN A BEGINNING G-D CREATED ET. These are the first words of Torah, Genesis 1:1, ET was not translated by christian translators, they had no understanding of its meaning, so they just left it out. (So much for the thought voiced in Deuteronomy 8:3 that man lives by every word of G*D - for the translators stole G*D's words from you - no big deal to them !) ET is spelled Aleph Tav. Aleph Tav is an abbreviation for the ALPHA-BET. Aleph is the first letter of the ALPHABET and Tav the last. So in a beginning G-d created the ALPHA-BET. And G-d did this before creating the heavens and the earth. G-d used the letters, the building blocks, to create the world. Also the original Hebrew was written without vowels, an alternate reading of Bereshit Bara Eloheim Et - is For the sake of Torah and Israel. Which would make the first line a dedication to those whom it was written.
2013-01-15 20:58:20 UTC
Lucifer didn't want forgiveness, he wanted sin. God offered it to Lucifer but he rejected it.

Understand, Lucifer decieved 1/3 of the angels in heaven. This type of deception doesn't happen in a split second. It took time and throughout all that time, God gave Lucifer opportunity to repent. He refused, not comes the judgement.

Away with Lucifer. yes, away with him
2013-01-15 21:02:36 UTC
Did you know that in the Latin Bible , Jesus was called "lucifer"?

2 Peters 1:19 /20 .

In English we called him the daystar .

In Greek we called him phospherous .

In latin we called him matuta (son of the morning) or LUCIFER

lucifer extoria in cordibus vestris (not exact spelling )

So according to the scriptures , Jesus was recognised by the Father God as Lucifer !

When we finish a prayer ; In the name of the Father , the Son , and the Holy Spirit ; Amen , the word Amen can be as a noun be affiliated with the Egyptian god Ammon Ra , or Amen .

This god is also identified with Jupiter

The word Devil can be connected Diabolos

The word Dia is an etymological derivitative of Jupiter . Bolos means to throw .

So even the ending of your prayers are affiliated with the devil !

And the Father God , also said in the Bible that we will stop using Baal as his name

"You will no longer call me Baal"

Baal is another name of the Devil , yes ?

So to summarise , Jesus , the Father , and the ending of your prayers "in the name of the Father , Son and Holy Ghost , all can be related to Lucifer , Baal , and Diabolos (jupiter).

Religion uses the good cop , bad cop theory to have you submitt and obey .

" you better come under our umbrella and obey us , or the big bad boogy man gonna get you "

Ring any bells ?
2013-01-15 20:51:51 UTC
Lucifer committed the UNFORGIVABLE SIN. There is NO forgiveness for him from anyone. Which is precisely why he works so very hard to take as many with him into destruction as he can, while he can.
Wellll... hello then!
2013-01-15 20:54:43 UTC
You dont even know what the hell your talking about!

If it wasnt for Gods protecting you right now,.the devil would kill you in an instant!

It would be wise of you to read Gods and Jesus the Holy Spirits description of the devil and his charactor in the only book God wrote;the King James bible.

Thats the book by the way,the devil doesnt want you to look into!

Anybody who agrees with the devil has willing agreed to take on his ways and Gods going to throw them all into the lake of fire in the end,its a done deal,the devil knows that and wants to take as many people into there as he can.
2013-01-15 20:47:37 UTC
We weren't called to forgive Lucifer but to forgive those who were deceived and motivated by that monster.
Antie Pantie
2013-01-15 20:45:08 UTC

"What about Lucifer's side of the story?"

What about it? I'll make this easy for you, but Lucifer is essentially the Dog who tells you to believe he always lies.
2013-01-15 20:44:07 UTC
We are to forgive one another. That is who Jesus was talking to in his sermons: people.

Humans err, often out of weakness. Lucifer is deliberately deceptive and manipulative.

Learn the difference.
2013-01-15 20:51:27 UTC
Lucifer lives inside you, and every time you talk trash about Christians, we dont respond with hate, thats love.

When that happens, Bible teaches us that Holy Spirit is resting upon us when you talk garbage about us.

Glory to Jesus !!!
2013-01-15 20:43:34 UTC
Forgive Him for what? I have nothing to do with Lucifer. My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ whipped his **** and put him under my feet. Provided I'm in Christ.
Tormentrix Demonica ™²
2013-01-15 20:53:37 UTC
Forgive him for what exactly? Something that supposedly happened long before your existence. As far as I'm concerned, it's nobody's business.
2013-01-15 21:02:57 UTC
***** Do your eyes still see walking trees?

the evidence: On Paul's 'Epistles' -----

*These letters have no allusion to the parents of Jesus, let alone to the virgin birth.

*They never refer to a place of birth (for example, by calling him 'of Nazareth').

*They give no indication of the time or place of his earthly existence.

*They do not refer to his trial before a Roman official, nor to Jerusalem as the place of execution.

*They mention neither John the Baptist, nor Judas, nor Peter's denial of his master …

*These letters also fail to mention any miracles Jesus is supposed to have worked, a particularly striking omission, since, according to the gospels, he worked so many ...

*** Good intention, unethical ***
2013-01-15 20:51:39 UTC
HELL NO!! I will be one of those stomping his troll $@! When this all comes to a head. He kills, rapes, abuses, defiles, deceives, accuses, mocks, tricks, steals, tortures, victimizes, humiliates, and destroys people! Then he causes people to blame God for all of his actions (some of them come on the Y!A board askng the same questions and accusing God). HE WILL PAY!!!
2013-01-15 20:50:17 UTC
2013-01-15 20:43:52 UTC
Jesus is Love!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.