A Question To The Mormons On Here, Especially Those Who Said Vot Could Ask Them Qs.....?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
A Question To The Mormons On Here, Especially Those Who Said Vot Could Ask Them Qs.....?
Sixteen answers:
2009-10-09 20:06:31 UTC
Vot I just have to say you're a nice JW and that at least you didn't try to interrogate the Missionaries too much.

I like to think of the Book of Mormon like an extension cord that you plug into the Bible. It helps to clarify verses found within the bible. I doubt any LDS would say, let's just toss the Bible out. But LDS don't just rely solely on just Book of Mormon, we also have to plug in D&C, Pearl of Great Price to get a good view of everything.

A few months ago I was studying for a Temple prep class and the instructor had me dig out scriptures from the Bible, the Book of Mormon, D&C and Pearl of Great Price. It's was awesome seeing how various verses corresponded with each other., for example I was looking up verses in regards to the judgment, the plan of salvation etc. and how they all fit together from all these sources.

As for the Missionary knowing you had a NWT. Well maybe they did see the magazine or maybe something else prompted them to say what they did. Anyway if you're curious you should ask them how did they know you had a NWT? I am sure that answer would be interesting as well.
2009-10-09 11:34:24 UTC
Yeah, interesting question. I'm sure you are aware of some defects in the way that the Bible was translated and that it sort of inherited as it was passed down and re-written over the centuries.

I feel like that's more of the exception then the norm (in my own opinion). Maybe you're aware or not, but Joseph Smith did do an "inspired translation" of the Bible, in the which he corrected some of the errors and clarified some of the passages in the Bible. But even then, it was a small # of changes compared to the overall size of the Bible.

Now for the Book of Mormon. Assume for a moment that the story about how it came about is true. Compiled by a number of prophets. Sealed up for about 1400 years. Translated by another prophet into English. (With a few minor orthographical alterations since then)

Theoretically the text should be more intact.

Also, I don't believe there are not any unexplainable contradictions between the Bible and the Book of Mormon. On the contrary, the two books seem to support each other quite nicely.
2009-10-11 10:16:22 UTC
Yes they have the joseph smith foot notes in their bibles by the way and the catholic bibles has at least five mroe books then the KJV bibles, I bet joesph smith bnever thought about that??? anyways, they claims that they put back (footnotes) what was taken out and I claim, it was never taken out, I get a rhema from God without the joseph smith footnotes so need to add to deu and revelations that warns not to add to these books anyways. We do nto need a second witness to jesus, (the book of Mormon) we already haev the bible. That is enough.
2009-10-09 11:51:24 UTC
Mormons accept both the bible and the Book of Mormon and we are taught to study them. However, there is more emphasis placed on the Book of Mormon.

The bible is compilation of books by an unauthorized group of men a few hundred years after Christ. Most of the books in the bible were not written to us. They were writtern to someone else. We are like dogs under the table getting scraps of information while the ones who were meant to receive the information know full well what it means. The bible is not intended to be an instruction manual for running a church.

The Book of Mormon on the other hand was recorded, kept and translated at the commandment of God. It is written to us. Again, it is not an instruction manual for running a church. That function has always been placed upon prophets.
2009-10-09 11:37:32 UTC
Bottom line - "We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly. We also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God" (KJV)

It's as simple as that. As I (and any other Mormon/LDS you meet) will tell you. Curiously the only people who seem to see, read or find contradictions in the two books of scriptures are anti-hate spewing critics of Mormonism. I see none. The Book of Mormon only clarifies truths found in the Bible and adds no new or outrageous doctrine either.

WAY too long and verbose a question for this forum I must say - sorry.
2016-04-07 03:38:38 UTC
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Darth Yoda
2009-10-09 11:27:51 UTC
We have the Articles of Faith that helps clarify what we believe. I will tell you one of those articles of Faith right now. It says all it needs to.

We believe The Bible to be the word of God, as far as it is translated correctly. We also believe The Book of Mormon to be the Word of God.

I may not have quoted it accurately, but it is close enough. I hope this helps you.

Edit: Oli, we do not change with the times. We simply continue with what God already taught. The doctrine is all still the same. You really should check your facts before spouting nonsence, please.
בַר אֱנָשׁ (bar_enosh)
2009-10-09 11:56:58 UTC
Thanks. My own question for Mormons is what happened to those "golden plates" from which the Book of Mormon was translated?

We have in existence pretty old copies of the Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek writings that make up the Bible. That way we can see how accurately the translations are translated.

But how can anyone be sure that the Book of Mormon was translated correctly if the sources have disappeared?

By the way, I have read the Book of Mormon in the past. I found it suspiciously identical to the King James Version in some places, including the old English.

"We believe The Bible to be the word of God, as far as it is translated correctly. We also believe The Book of Mormon to be the Word of God."

Just change "The Book of Mormon" in the above statement to "The Holy Qur'an," and Muslims say the same thing.
2009-10-09 11:43:01 UTC
The original Bible is just as accurate as the Book of Mormon; but alas, the Bible as it exists today has suffered through many translations and is corrupted. Not wordy, just simple.
2009-10-09 11:02:37 UTC
Come on Vot, even JW's believe there have been some mistakes made in various bible translations. Why do you use a NWT vs the KJV or a NIV or a CSV or the NLT??? Are there differences between all these bibles? Yes!!! So it is safe to say that there MUST be some mistakes. The Book of Mormon claims to only have had ONE translation from ONE source. All copies in other languages have been made from that original translation.

So to answer your question, yes.

EDIT: And let me turn the question around on you. If there is a difference between the NWT and the KJV which one do you believe and why? Do you always believe one to be more accurate than the other?

EDIT: No one is saying to toss out the bible. And really, I've never encountered a situation where I've said, "oh that's completely inaccurate [about a bible verse] so let me see what the Book of Mormons says". The Book of Mormon is more often, clarifying rather than replacing. There is no "A" and "B" as you put it. It's all "A".
2009-10-09 19:27:16 UTC
Ask yer daddy about that, maybe he will tell you:-)
2009-10-09 11:38:28 UTC
This one scripture ALWAYS BOTHERED ME.

REVELATION 22:18 “I am bearing witness to everyone that hears the words of the prophecy of this scroll: If anyone makes an addition to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this scroll; 19 and if anyone takes anything away from the words of the scroll of this prophecy, God will take his portion away from the trees of life and out of the holy city, things which are written about in this scroll.

20 “He that bears witness of these things says, ‘Yes; I am coming quickly.’”

“Amen! Come, Lord Jesus.”

And EVERY TIME something like that is in the scriptures and a different religion blatantly has to explain that THE BIBLE IS WRONG, that sends RED FLAGS.

Go on ahead and tell me that the "personality that can create humans from dust, an orderly universe, and conduct miracles in men I have seen, cannot

protect his words ESPECIALLY some of the FINAL, read the end of the book to see how it turns out, and

that says, DON'T ADD OR TAKE AWAY from this book.

If God can preserve this book through ALL of this, and HUMANS he can certainly MEAN what he says.

Also, think about this, IF GOD had those words written as prophecy and warning, didn't he KNOW that's what some would do????

I don't know. If I am going to trust God's words EVEN if they don't make sense and NOT BE DISAPPOINTED when put to a test, I am going to believe them all and then wait to see WHY he said that.

This is ACTUALLY getting fun finding out WHY he said and did and warned the way he did.

It is even helping me with some of the commands I struggle with. At least I KNOW to trust him in those as well.
2009-10-09 11:38:32 UTC
Did you get your answer?

Yes, they believe the book of mormon over the Bible. How sad is that?

The mormon church changes with the times. Tomorrow they won't believe what they do today.
2009-10-09 11:07:36 UTC
Different Mormons believe differently. You should be aware that there is many translation problems with the bible.
Just a guy
2009-10-09 11:04:50 UTC
consider for a moment that a person convicted of crimes involving scams convinced people that he found gold plates that contained a story of an iron age people that lived here and vanished...and the gold plates also vanished. then he bought a document written in Egyptian from a traveling antiquities dealer. this was "translated" into the pearl of great price..woops it was later found to be a common funerary document. and on and on fraud fraud fraud. generation after generation ignores everything ....and here we are even considering details of this?

It is like asking if a star trek photon torpedo is more powerful than a star wars photon torpedo.
2009-10-09 11:30:39 UTC
my brother in law showed me a web site about mormons that talks about Kolab A place where the supposed god of their religion resides. It says that the men when they die will inherit their own personal planet and become a god themselves.Now I know many people post stories about other religions but i was born into that faith and women really are just there for men's usage. but they seem to hide behind a facade of Christianity when really jesus has nothing to do with it...........................PASTER FART, MAY JEHOVAH REBUKE YOU AND SILENCE YOU!!!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.