it is clearly "HIS" opinion
it is very definitely NOT THE SPOKEN WORD OF THE LORD.
it is my opinion, that facts are facts, if they are known they should not be Censored otherwise, it is leadership that brings false teachings into public view. but if the facts are limited to understanding, the conclusions can be something evil as well.
The bible clearly says: those that lead you cause you to err. Personal opinions are not the words of God and all people in the world are guilty of speaking their OPINIONs. many people claim their personal opinions are the will of the lord. when it is clear many millions of times, it is not.
however to defend Boyd K packer, there is an issue of faith that he brings up. and there is also the reliability of facts and the interpretations of those facts that must be considered in the balance.
i watched a pbs documentary on the history of the church and they came to an interveiw of 3 different historians. Each studied the same issues and each came up with a different conclusions. SO FACTS as they were discussed were NOT truth in probably 2 of them. so it also depends on their interpretations.
all general authorities too, are men, they are faliable. they are not infalible. the doctrines of the church have switched in many cases from revelation to tradtitions. and this makes falible men suseptible to incorrect translation and personal opinion as well.
it is written No man can have a Vision or a revelation for the church unless the church recognizes a person as one who is given the authority and the gifts to do so.
but it must also be recognized that men often hold office without authority even if it is said they have authority. Men have made errors in these two categories ever since Abel was called a prophet. and in 20 years as an active lds member, i only recognize ONE talk as being a revelation. from a general authority. MOst talks even at general authority level in my opinion are personal teachings and opinions. remember there is only ONE PROPHET for the entire world. and I have not seen any of them give a prophetic announcement since Pres Kimbal.
president Benson said something in Gen Conf when he said ALL is NOT well in Zion. yet since then several leadership authorities have said all things "are well in zion".
so i think there is some dishonesty on this issue.
disclaimer : i am well known to say somethings that are not politically correct and sometimes incorrect. i admit this but i am still a witness and NO man can take that away from me. NOR can most fulfill my mission or obligation thereof. my obligation will cease when i give my last breath.
there will be MANY things i will be in jeopardy of being judged, but I dare say it is my opinion that so will church leadership for the last 100 years.
i am not anit mormon and will never be. My personal revelation denies me this. but i am not one to be walked over like salt that loses its savor, nor will i be regulated and categorized to limit my truth. I will not be forced by anyone to walk on eggshells and be commanded to NOT break any of them.
I am not completely BLIND and do not bend to politcally correct leadership or suffer Peer Pressure to be politically correct.
I have kicked against the pricks, like a cactus needle, and i have had my life destroyed for sake of the name of jesus christ and for the gospel. but i will not stand by and let a priesthood be corrupted by priestcrafts and secret combination. I know the world is polluted thereof from.