It is ludicrous to take an idiomatic and hyperbolic statement as literal and ignore the scores of EXPLICIT statements in God's Word which show that the earth will exist forever! By EVERY rule of exegesis this would be either theological dishonesty or ignorance.
The clause in Mk.13:31 is an idiomatic statement exactly like the saying "Until the wind stops blowing and the rivers stop flowing I'll love you." A native English speaker would recognize that the idiomatic statement is a hyperbole and does not literally mean that the wind will cease, but just the opposite; that because the wind will never cease I will love you forever.
However, non-native speakers find it very difficult to get the proper sense of idiomatic phrases and would not readily be able to understand that the above statement did not mean that the winds will NOT cease and that I will NOT stop loving.
The Expositor's Greek Testament says: "[HEWS HAN PARELQE] etc.: not intended to fix a period after which the law will pass away, but a strong way of saying never."
The Anchor Bible says: "This saying is certainly hyperbolic for purposes of effect." -Matthew, A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary by W.F. Albright and C.S. Mann. Doubleday, p.58.
Even more important the parallel account by Luke makes the meaning explicit by saying: "But it is EASIER for heaven and earth to pass away, than for one stroke of a letter in the law to be dropped" (Lk 61:17).
This is why Charles B. Williams in his The New Testament in the Language of the People reads: "For I solemnly say to you, heaven and earth would sooner pass away than...." (Mt 5:18) ftnote: Grk., until heaven).
So, to make the original meaning clear a capable translator would have to show that Jesus was using a hyperbole to say that it is "inconceivable" that the Law would not be "fulfilled."
No matter how hard we may search, we will find no Bible text that contradicts the fact that the earth is eternal.
It is clear that God said that the earth & humans on it will exist to eternity (Ps.37:29; Rev.21:3,4). God's original purpose for the earth was for humans to cultivate & live *forever* on earth (Gen.1:28:2:15). The earth's eternity is a repeated theme in the Bible (Mt.5:5; Ps.104:5; Ec.1:4).
An examination of the verses which state that the earth will exist forever shows that these are explicit & not symbolic. On the other hand, EVERY verse which is used in an attempt to show that the earth will be destroyed is actually in a symbolic context.
Any conclusion that the literal earth will be destroyed by referring to the use of figurative language is faulty interpretation. Any attempt to make these symbolic statements literal only causes a contradiction in God's Word which explicitly states that the earth and righteous humans will exist forever.
While this verse is not speaking of the governmental “earth and heaven,” other verses do use this phrase to denote governments. This is a well known figure in apocalyptic and prophetic contexts in the Bible.
Pulpit Commentary: "Heavens...are therefore made emblems of government... The shaking of the heavens imports the removal of such governments (see Isa 13:10; 24:23; 34:4; Jer. 4:23; Ezek 32:7,8; Dan 8:10; Joel 2:10,30,31; 3:15; Amos 8:9,10).
"Heaven: "Figuratively regarded. Wherever the scene of a prophetic vision is laid, heaven signifies symbolically the ruling power or government...and therefore, in Isa 65:17, a new heaven and a new earth signify a new government, new kingdom, new people."--McClintock and Strong's:
"you may take it for a rule, that, in...all the prophets, heaven, sun, moon, stars, and the like are taken for governments, governors, dominions in political states, as Isa.14:12-15; Jer 15:9, 51:25. Isa 13:13; Ps. 68:6; Joel 2:10; Rev. 8:12; Mt. 24:29; Lk 21:25; Isa 60:20; Obad. 4; Rev 8:13; 11:12; 20:11."--Dr. John Owen, Shaking and Translating of Heaven and Earth
The prophecies regarding the destruction of enemy nations all contained terminology stating that the "heavens and earth" would be "burned up," "removed," "destroyed," "melt," "rot away," "be rolled up," and "devoured."
All such verses initially had a fulfillment on nations and lands when the prophecy was first stated in OT times. Was the literal earth and heavens destroyed when Edom, Egypt, Jerusalem, Babylon or Assyria were destroyed? No, the terminology was figurative as many Bible scholars well know.
So we see that the words "heaven" & "earth" in apocalyptic contexts can refer to earthly governments/rulership and to inhabitants of the earth.