2009-07-24 13:14:58 UTC
1. We don't believe in god
2. why would we thank nothing? It is almost like you guys thanking Santa Clause when you don't believe in Santa Clause.
3. Don't we do the work ourselves? Why would I thank god for something that we choose to do? That doesn't make any sense. Why would I thank god for the job I did. Wouldn't I thank myself instead? I say if there is a god I say lower the ego and let out some air before you pop.
4. Why is it so important to him to be thanked? Uhhh did Adam and Eve say thank-you? I don't recall it saying in the bible that they thanked the god for anything yet Adam and Eve were the first to be created and designed by god himself. If they were the first then why were they not the first to say thank-you? This confuses me.
5. Isn't it a waste of time, like Praying to say thank-you? Couldn't I get more of the job done if I instead did the job rather than stopping for at least like ten, twenty, or maybe even thirty seconds to thank a guy I know isn't there?
6. Isn't god all knowing? So if I am happy with the idea can't he see the smile on my face or at least read my mind? Why do I have to pray, OUT LOUD when he can read my mind?
7. Why do I have to thank god? Thank god for purposely putting me in this prison cell known as the body so that I would eventually get hungry and turn on animals so that I could eat them. It is like a convicted man who has been found guilty of war crimes thanking the judge for sentencing him to death. Why would someone say "thank-you?" What kind of guy is this? I mean if you think about it if we get hungry enough we might turn to cannibalism. Seriously this is one of the design flaws within us. Hunger. If god could remove that maybe I could say thank-you if he also removed the design of the impulse of murder which some psychopathic killers have.