RELEGION IN BLACK . why relegion people wear black ?
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2006-02-09 05:51:10 UTC
RELEGION IN BLACK . why relegion people wear black ?
One answer:
2006-02-09 08:28:42 UTC
Some religious people wear black, like a lot of Orthodox Jews. It is because it is a modest color, it doesn't scream out at you like red would. I am not sure all the other reasons, but black is a solemn sort of color if you ask me. Seems very formal. Perhaps the wearers of black feel more sophisticated or something wearing it, and therefore feel reminded of acting correctly before God.

On the other hand, notice that not all religious people wear black. Hindus hardly ever wear black. They wear bright vibrant colors, and sometimes white for certain circumstances. Buddhist monks wear a nice bright saffron color. Taoist priests wear these wonderful multi-colored robes. And so on. I think the black-wearing tends to be more Western than Eastern.

Interesting question. I'm sure there's more to it, and it would be interesting to research.

Hmmmm, maybe this is why Westerners think more in black and white terms, and Easterners see things more like a spectrum of color. Just a crazy thought.

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