I wrote a speech about this for my school project:
Abortion is the murder of innocent lives, no less than the holocaust, 9/11 or the Jonestown murders. If you don’t want the baby or cant take care of it give it to a family that can there are lots of women out there that would give there life to be a mom but just cant due to conceiving problems.
Every year 46 Million abortions take place a year that’s Approximately 126,000 every day. Majority of abortions take place at 1-3 months old. At 1-3 months old the brain emits waves which register on an electroencephalogram which is the legal standard for determining if someone is alive after birth. Also by two months old every organ is in present and in place, everything found in an adult human being can now be found in this tiny embryo which is about and an inch and a half long.
Some of the mothers excuse is that they can’t cope with it financially and mentally however if the person can't afford the baby, then adopt it, that way it will have a chance in life.
Fertilization is the exact moment when a new human being comes into existence, this one celled life which has inherited 23 chromosomes from each parent which contains the entire genetic code for every detail of individual human development.
A quote from a professor at Harvard University of medical school: “Scientifically it is a fact of nature that human life begins at conception and it is very incorrect to say that biological data cannot be decisive”
We therefore know when life begins we must decide at what point in the development of that life we as a society will confer rights of personhood and the most fundamental of which is the right to not be murdered
Many women use the excuse rape as a valid reason to abort a child however:
There are women who are raped and become pregnant; the problem is that they were raped, not that they are pregnant.
There are women who are starving who become pregnant; the problem is that they are starving, not that they are pregnant. There are women in abusive relationships who become pregnant; the problem is that they are in abusive relationships, not that they are pregnant.
The question of rape:
Rape is an act of violent assault against an innocent woman HOWEVER
Abortion is an act of violent assault against an unborn innocent child
Why is one life protected and the other is is not? Nobody agrees that a rape based conception is grounds reason for killing someone after birth however the majority will justify such violence before birth. Incest and rape account for less than 1% of all the abortions performed in the U.K. Aborting a child conceived through rape simply extends the pattern of violence and victimhood. It will not take away the memory of the rape which is sadly something the woman will bear for the rest of her life.
A common question being asked in our society today is: Why are kids killing and harming each other and why are kids killing themselves, many reasons are given but not many answers are given, here is an answer:
Abortion teaches violence; it is because those who have grown up in a society which grants mothers the legal right to massacre their unborn child will see human life as disposable and just as much value as litter. We should not be shocked when young people of today resort to violence to solve their problems when some individuals in our society embrace violence to solve our own problems by unplanned pregnancies
Having an abortion it may damage the long-term physical and emotional health of women who have an abortion.
A common view is that Human life occurs at conception, but fertilized eggs used for in vitro fertilization are also human lives and those not implanted are routinely thrown away. Is this murder, and if not, then how is abortion murder? However the child that is about to be aborted was lucky enough to live other than the millions that died if the others did die it is not a legitimate excuse to abort a perfectly healthy child. Another view is that if the child is going to be born with severe defects then it is ok to have an abortion, this statement is very false since the child with the severe defects is still a human being and still deserves to be treated like any other human and live regardless of severity of a disability, if you do not want to look after a disabled child then you should just give the child away to adoption at least that way the child will have a chance at life.
Another mistaken view is that stress was greatest prior to an abortion, and that there was no evidence of post-abortion syndrome. However 90% of women regret their decision and many women can become depressed because they aborted the child.
Conclusion- right and wrong-Must stop
There is a line between right and wrong, and it becomes crystal clear when you observe the murder of defenceless children. The doctors that make money out if it should be deeply ashamed. Abortion involves a level of cruelty no compassionate person could ever accept.
Of course saying all that I am also pro choice, you know it's all upto the woman.