OK, my credentials (or shortcomings, as you may prefer to think of them)
Bach Sci in Physics
Fundamentalist Christian (which means that I believe what the bible says)
SO, which is true?
First, let's be specific and limit this to the very specific area of species evolution (not any old evolution) of humans from monkey-like animal ancestors.
Now, the bible *does* mention that animals existed before humans. This is important, no matter what "side" you choose, because in this aspect both the bible and the theory of human species evolution agree.
Human species evolution, in a nutshell, is a scientific theory (yes, it is most definitely *still* a theory, not a fact as some would love to mislead you to believe). This theory claims that human species "evolved" from earlier, non-human species. By evolution, they mean that the genetic makeup of humans is so significantly different from that of the previous species that, in fact, the earlier species was a type of animal that would be considered by modern standards to be an entirely different species of animal from humans. This "evolving" of a new species from a previous species is known as speciation.
To date, no verified example of speciation has been witnessed and recorded (for any living organism), though *some* scientists claim that speciation has occurred. Most so-called "examples" of speciation include such things as breeding for specific traits, cross-breeding, and intentional (human-caused) genetic mutation, which are *not* examples of speciation as described by the theory of species evolution. In other words, these are not natural and, in the case of breeding and cross-breeding, do not actually lead to the creation of what most zoologists consider a new species.
However, I wandered. The important point is: no scientist has ever witnessed speciation to, or from, human. Understand that
1) To *prove* that humans evolved from other species, a human must be recorded evolving from another species.
2) To *prove* that humans are evolving into more evolved species, a human must be recorded evolving into a new species.
As long as this evidence is lacking, human species evolution *cannot* be proven.
That being said, there is a **LOT** of circumstantial supporting evidence for human species evolution. The example with fossils: *if* our dating of fossils is accurate (and this, also, has not been proven), then fossil records overwhelmingly (but not universally) tend to show that humans first existed several thousands of years ago, and that before that time animals similar to, but a different species from, humans existed. The *general* (but *not* universal) trend of the fossil record is that more "primitive" animals existed first, and that these more "primitive" animals were replaced by later animals that had advantages in size, brain case size or other physical features that **might have allowed them** to replace (eradicate) the similar animals that existed prior to the more recent species.
In other words, the general trend in the fossil record is
1) early, monkey-like animals
2) later, more human-like animals with the abilities of erect walking, opposable thumb and large brain cases that the earlier similar animals did not have. No more fossils of the earlier animals.
3) even later, humans, larger in size, larger in brain case size and more erect (and thus more adept at long distance running and reaching high) than earlier similar species in the fossil record. Again, the earlier species are no longer present in this later fossil record.
The fact that the fossil record **tends** to show that the later, "more evolved" species replaced the earlier, "more primitive" species over time lends considerable support to the theory of human species evolution.
Now, the bible. As mentioned, it *does* say that animals existed prior to man. This is important because it answers your question about dinosaurs and "cavemen" (which, by the way, were also homo sapiens for the most part): the bible does **not** suggest, or even hint, that they did not exist.
However, what the bible *does* say is that all of life was created in 4 "days."
plants (verses 11-12)
then sea creatures and flying creatures (verses 20-22)
then land animals (verses 24-25)
then man (verses 26-27)
Note that this is the same order that the theory of species evolution suggests (flying creatures instead of birds - referring to flying insects. I won't go into why here, but flying insects is an accurate translation in place of birds.)
The problem is this: the bible says that this occurred over a period of 4 "days".
I won't go into this issue at length. I will give the most basic evidence: the sun was created on the 4th day of creation. As we all know, the *length* of a day is determined **entirely** by the rotation of the earth with respect to the sun. Since the sun was created on the 4th "day" of creation, we can be pretty certain that these days were **not** days of 24 hours duration! There is much more to this, and I feel the argument is *very* sound that the bible creation "day" is much, much longer than 24 hours.
SO, there are two problems which cause *some* to think that species evolution disagrees with the bible
1) the most well-supported theory of human species evolution claims that the evolution of man took place over millions of years - not 4 days
2) the bible claims that man was formed by God from dust of the ground, without any mention of previous species
*if* you believe that the bible means a creation day is a 24-hour day, you can only believe in human species evolution if you believe such a thing could occur within a four-day period and that the theory behind our fossil dating is faulty.
*if* you believe that the bible means that God literally formed humans, like a pot, manually from dust of the ground on the moment (i.e. without any intervening steps), then you cannot believe in human species evolution.
*if* you believe that God formed man from the dust - and all of the *rest* of animal and plant life as well, from "dirt" or (to use the common term) "primordial ooze" (soil and water), and that there *were* intervening steps, then you *can* believe in human species evolution. In other words, you can believe that God formed man from the dust **by means of** species evolution.
*if* you believe that the biblical creation "days" are much longer than 24 hours each, then you can believe that the dating that scientists use for fossils is also reasonably accurate.
SO, it *is* reasonable to believe that *both* the bible *and* the theory of species evolution are accurate.
MY belief is that the creation days *are* much longer than 24 hours. However, knowing something of scientific theories, I only believe that species evolution is *most likely* the mechanism by which God created man. In other words, that species evolution (IF it has occurred) is under his guidance. I know that by far more scientific theories are proven false (and discarded) than are proven accurate. I know better than to put my faith in a scientific theory - even one as well-supported (but NOT proven!) by the evidence as species evolution.
HOWEVER, the bible account can *only* be accepted on faith. That is the primary support. It is true, there are facts which discredit the theory of species evolution, but by far the bulk of evidence supports that theory, which is why it seems so likely.
1) it *is* reasonable to accept the theory of species evolution as the most likely mechanism by which humanity has developed
2) it is *not* reasonable to put your *faith* in the theory of species evolution, as scientific theories neither require nor are improved by faith
3) it is not *unreasonable* to put your faith in the bible, as the bible contradicts **no known (proven) fact**
4) however, there is far more evidence supporting the theory of species evolution than there is supporting a creation in seven 24-hour days by God, "creationism", in which all species are claimed to have been created within days of each other.
SO, it is quite reasonable to consider species evolution a likely theory, it is *not* unreasonable to also believe the biblical account, and it is *not* *unreasonable* (just unlikely) to claim that species evolution has not occurred.
IF you believe in the bible, *literally*, this does not need to stop you from supporting such scientific theories as species evolution.
Jim, http://www.bible-reviews.com/