female masons?
martheena b
2008-01-31 20:42:20 UTC
can a woman who it not a relative of a male mason become a jobie
Nine answers:
2008-02-01 13:36:12 UTC
In short no. It is a masonic body so you have to have some relationship - daughter, mother, neice, grand daughter, cousin, etc...

to some others:

* neither freemasonry nor Job's Daughters have real blood oaths, everything is symbolic... without the freemasons, there would be no USA, Hitler would have won WWII (how much would the world suck now had that happened???) and you wouldn't have the freedoms you have now - not to mention the free homes, schools, etc and the free hospitals from the shriners.... definately not a group to avoid, but to embrace

* Rami has a misunderstanding of how to become a Job's daughter

* Easter Star and Job's Daughters are two Masonic bodies for women.

* jonathan has been reading too much fiction... none of the groups he mentions are related, some don't even exist. none are luciferian (that stems from a joke played by Leo Taxil (read up on the Taxil Hoax) the only joke now is that some misinformed people still believe it!!!)
2008-02-01 01:16:38 UTC
I am afraid the requirement is to be the relative of a Master Mason-though, often times this doesn't just mean that your dad is a Mason. Perhaps one of your uncles or grandfather was a mason. Look into, and ask your relatives. At the very least, you can write them at this site and ask them for their help. The Rainbow girls ( a very similar organization with masonic roots) is open to anyone, and maybe you would be interested in joining them. I wish you the best, and if you need further help, feel free to e-mail me.
Eric S
2008-02-01 14:37:19 UTC
Are you talking about Job's Daughters? You have to be related to a Master Mason, and be between the ages of 10 and 20.
2016-10-03 07:44:25 UTC
dedicated husband is stable. he's a Mason and that i'm an jap famous individual. the two companies are priveleged and altough we are married we in no way communicate what is going on. usually the dedication is lifelong.
2008-01-31 20:46:15 UTC
a jobie?

They have the Order of the Eastern Star...if that's what you're refering to when saying jobie than yes.

I think it's funny that guys can join OES but girls can't join FM
2008-01-31 20:46:10 UTC
No. You must at least be widowed to a Mason and not have children.

It's a thing passed on by death and trust only. =\
۞ JønaŦhan ۞
2008-01-31 20:53:58 UTC
Freemasonry/Templars/illuminati/CFR/Round Table Groups/Bilderbergers/Trilateral Commission/Priory of Zion/Bohemian Grove/B'nai B'rith/skull and bones/Rosicrucian

All these secret societies are Luciferian regardless of what the lower initiates are told, they're purposely deceived, into thinking it is harmless fun.
2008-01-31 20:46:28 UTC
being a mason is hard work, chiselling stones and carrying them around the place. Are you sure you're up to it?
2008-01-31 20:46:05 UTC
My dad was a mason.

So I did alot of research on it.

It's basically a modern form of Gnosticism.

It's a hodgepodge of Christianity mixed

with various religions.

It's a forerunner of the "Mystery Babylon Religion"

in my humble opinion.

They try to claim that it is nothing but a harmless

social club that does lots of community service.

However they have blood oaths and many secretive

ceremonies that are similar to witchcraft.

They themselves refer to mason practice as

"The Craft". I recommend people stay away from it.

BTW the "Shriners" are part of it

and just as avoidable.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.