In short no. It is a masonic body so you have to have some relationship - daughter, mother, neice, grand daughter, cousin, etc...
to some others:
* neither freemasonry nor Job's Daughters have real blood oaths, everything is symbolic... without the freemasons, there would be no USA, Hitler would have won WWII (how much would the world suck now had that happened???) and you wouldn't have the freedoms you have now - not to mention the free homes, schools, etc and the free hospitals from the shriners.... definately not a group to avoid, but to embrace
* Rami has a misunderstanding of how to become a Job's daughter
* Easter Star and Job's Daughters are two Masonic bodies for women.
* jonathan has been reading too much fiction... none of the groups he mentions are related, some don't even exist. none are luciferian (that stems from a joke played by Leo Taxil (read up on the Taxil Hoax) the only joke now is that some misinformed people still believe it!!!)