Atheists: Explain this?
2013-04-20 19:13:57 UTC
After taking an anatomy and physiology course, it made it hard for me to believe we could be created by some sort of explosion in the universe (first of all, where did the universe come from and what caused the explosion)? Our bodies and minds were not just an accident, or coincidence. If evolution is the answer, then everything would have to evolve - organs included, right? So how could anyone live with a partially evolved heart or brain, or any organ?

Your whole body is evidence! Look at how your heart beats, your organs work. Look at how even the smallest tiniest little organisms in your body can become into something very powerful.

Look at the Sky, how is it holding up without any pillars? Have you ever imagined the sky falling? :o

Scientists have tried creating clones of animals for ages, did they succeed? Yes, how long? Not Long! day or 2 and they die! Compared to all the living people on Earth. Doesn't that make you wonder? Isn't that the largest evidence?
Imagine life as an exam, and God is the solutions that you will get after you have done your exam. You are not allowed to see the exam solutions till the end of the exam, does that mean that the solutions do not exist because you haven't seen them while you're doing the exam?

Nothing can happen in this world of its own,if you want to pour water in a glass,someone has to do it,you cant expect it to come on its own.same way even life some one has to control it,the rotation of the Earth around Sun cant happen on its own,god takes care of it. Why don't the oceans flood everywhere?

I'm not forcing you to believe but just explain this.
24 answers:
2013-04-20 19:27:06 UTC
God could have caused the explosion!

The sky is the atmosphere, which is 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, and less than 1% argon, water vapour, and carbon dioxide. (Off the top of my head!) Gravity holds it to Earth. I don't think it's possible for the sky to fall.

Just like our bodies function smoothly (usually), the whole universe is balanced. The laws of physics that God created hold everything together. Gravity keeps the Earth revolving around the sun. It's not really magic, unless you consider gravity magic. Oceans don't flood for the same reason your glass of water doesn't randomly flood. It's balanced. God created that balance.

God could have also been behind evolution. It's possible that all those extremely unlikely things happening in evolution could have been helped along by Him. I don't necessarily think that evolution is true, it's just a theory, but so is creation. Both require faith to believe.

It's important to remember not to keep God in a box. He is incredibly powerful and wise, and he does things that are completely beyond us. The universe is a vast, intricate place, and He made it all. You cannot always know His reasons for the things He does.
2013-04-20 19:44:26 UTC
You could say the same thing about an architectural arch. If you try to make an arch without any scaffolding, the arch will fall down. You can't do it. But if you try to make an arch with scaffolding or similar techniques, your arch will be built just fine. For things that seem irreducibly complex, this is invariably the case. The organism possessed an enabling system for the complex part that was eventually lost when the part could work without it and system became redundant.

Also, there is no such thing as partially evolved. That would suggest that evolution follows a linear path, that the animals today are 'more evolved' than animals (for example) thirty million years ago. But evolution doesn't work like that. There's no such thing as 'more evolved' or 'partially evolved'.

As to your claim about cloned animals, it is plain wrong. Sure, some die fairly soon after birth, but not all of them do. In fact, Morag the cloned sheep lived at least ten years, which is old for a sheep, and other cloned animals have lived for similar lengths of time. Feel free to look her up. Cloning is a new technology, and just like all other newly discovered technologies throughout history, we should expect some major setbacks at the start.

I'm not sure why you would mention cloning, though, unless you think that it somehow has something to do with only god being able to create life? In that case, you should know that we can now create life in a lab using synthetic ingredients. Here's the link - and it's from the BBC(British Broadcasting Corporation), who are considered a very good news source indeed:
2013-04-20 19:21:29 UTC
So basically what you're saying is "I find it hard to believe we were created by an explosion, yet I believe an all-knowing being who has never been proved to exist created us. We can't really know for sure why things the way they are, so let's just make God the answer to everything. I don't know **** about evolution and why we evolve."

We evolve depending on what is happening. For example, monkeys evolving to be bipedal because they had to hunt and travel long distances where there were no trees. Where the hell do organs even come into this? It seems you have this prejudice against athiests for no reason, yet all they are, are just people with different beliefs than you. Stop being such an ignorant *sshole and accept that others have beliefs different to yours.
2013-04-20 19:17:19 UTC
In objects of known origin, there are certain features—specified complex information—that occur only in those made by an intelligent designer (or an intelligently designed program). So by the normal analogical reasoning we use in science, when we see these features in an object where the origin is unknown, we can likewise conclude that this object had an intelligent designer.

“These features are those that an archaeologist would use to determine whether an object was designed by an intelligent designer, or that a SETI devotee would use to argue that a signal from space came from an intelligent alien, or whether a ballot or card game was fixed, or whether a sequence of letters was the result of intelligence or monkeys on a keyboard.

“In the first two cases above, it would be perverse to complain that the archaeologist didn’t discuss whether the object’s designer itself had a designer, or that the SETI researcher didn’t tell us who designed the alien. It would be even sillier to argue from this that we should simply drop the idea of design, and conclude that the object or hypothetical space signal had no designer.”

@pure atheist , another misinformed comment on the appendix by an unscientific atheist

recent paper published in the journal Comptes Rendus Palevol by evolutionary biologist Heather Smith and immunologist William Parker and colleagues, the challenge that the appendix presents to the evolutionary paradigm just got a whole lot harder. That’s because the appendix now joins a long list of other features in living things (e.g. the capacity for powered flight) that evolutionists say arose independently not just once (a big enough stretch to credulity on its own) but multiple times.

“Appendix evolved more than 30 times” ran the headline in ScienceNOW, which opened its report of the announcement with this paragraph:

“The appendix may not be useless after all. The worm-shaped structure found near the junction of the small and large intestines evolved 32 times among mammals, according to a new study. The finding adds weight to the idea that the appendix helps protect our beneficial gut bacteria when a serious infection strikes.”
2013-04-20 19:20:16 UTC
"We" were not created by an explosion, the universe was.

"So how could anyone live with a partially evolved heart or brain, or any organ?"

That's not how evolution works. And you know bacteria is alive, right, and bacteria doesn't have a heart or a brain.

Evolution says we've become a better species over time (millions of years) due to weeding out the stuff we don't need (like our tails, which is why we have tailbones.)

"how is it holding up without any pillars"

The law of physics, I would guess, though I don't really understand that question.

Just because you don't understand something doesn't automatically mean a supernatural being did it, it just means you need to look a little harder to figure it out.
2016-08-11 06:00:11 UTC
Hrm, flaw in your query >>> Most who answered, their answers were not even their possess ideas, possibly from books???? >>> yes the ideas ARE based upon some thing that any person has established and so they had been read out of books. What's someone simply supposed to sit down down and say "this is evolution" and just hope it's the proper answer? The point of science is to take a position what if, scan the inspiration, and both prove yay or nay to that concept. And yes those ideas were recorded in books, it is known as history, and it's good to write down... In spite of everything the bible is an interpretation of a story that anybody a long time ago wrote down.... So you may also no longer buy the truth that some persons will learn a science e-book, and "get it" and "purchase" the strategies in the ebook etc.. But that is the place belief methods come from, research and suggestions of different persons that are either tested or extended upon. (Even your bible is headquartered upon that). The foremost factor though is that scientists dont simply say "that is right and the whole lot else is unsuitable" nonetheless religion does, and on account that there are a couple of 1000 "religions" on the earth (one in every of which is referred to as scientology) they can not all be proper, so how are you going to be certain Christianity is the correct one if you happen to dont query it?
2013-04-20 19:20:00 UTC
A person can live with one lung, or half a brain, they could be missing a part of their heart, they can live with one kidney. But the big bang theory states that the universe didn't just appear out of no where but it was always here, atoms and molecules continued to collide until it caused an explision to push matter and anti-matter out that is when the evolutionary process began on earth after it cooled down. Several single celled organisms decided to ban together and work as a unit which sparked evolution. Hope this helps in your understanding of the big bang theory.
Variable 46
2013-04-20 19:34:48 UTC
I wouldn't even know where to start, but I have to wonder what sort of school you were attending where you took your science classes. And if it was at a legitimate university...uh, not to be rude, but were you paying attention? Because your question has a lot of misinterpretations in it.

For example, the Big Bang was NOT an "explosion."

Did your science class discuss single-cell organisms that live WITHOUT organs as we understand them? No heart, no brain? Have you ever heard of a paramecium, for example? If you didn't discuss protozoa in your science courses, then their overall content is highly suspect.

Did your science class discuss other simpler life forms that live with organs that in comparison to humans would appear to be incomplete? Like for example, did you learn that even complicated organisms like amphibians have a heart that would be "incomplete" by our human standards (only one ventricle...and, uh, you do know what a "ventricle" is, right?).

Did you learn anything about the kinetic motion that is involved in keeping our atmosphere aloft, and the difference between solid, gaseous and liquid states that keeps the "sky" from falling?

As far as "nothing happening in the world on its own," have you ever learned anything about "cause and effect," and that the cause of modern effects is pretty well understood, scientifically speaking?

As for the spin of the Earth, have you ever heard of gravity, angular momentum, orbital mechanics?

And as for history, how would you define an "age"? Scientists have been experimenting with cloning for around 40 years, max. Is that an "age" to you? Scientific progress in these sorts of fields happens over the course of decades and not months, you know. We have yet to cure cancer, for example, and have been trying over a longer period than we've been trying to make clones. And THAT is your largest evidence?

Your question suggests you don't understand even the rudiments of some very basic science, and it casts serous doubt on your claim that you "know a lot about evolution." You don't even seem to know that "evolution" is NOT a proper noun and isn't capitalized.

This answer will do nothing to change your mind about anything, of course, but please consider that you're NOT doing your side of this argument any favors by posting such an apparently uneducated diatribe.
2013-04-20 19:33:53 UTC
You claim to "know alot about Evolution," but your questions are proof you've either never studied it even at a Middle School science level or you're just being a troll.

Organs do evolve. There is no such thing as a "partially evolved" organ. They're always functional for the organism at every step. They just change over time. Our distant ancestors were fish. Fish have fully functional hearts. They're just different than they became in us.

Clones of species such as sheep made by science have lived just fine.
2013-04-20 19:17:30 UTC
The sky doesn't need to be held up.

It's held down by the mass (gravity) of the earth.

As for the brain, the brain evolved from the core (the brain stem) outwards. So plenty of animals are living with 'part' of a brain -- evidence of that is everywhere.

Cloned animals have been living for years, now.

Nothing is under control of anything other than the laws of physics. Nobody has to hold it into place.

I'm not saying that there is no divinity, simply that none of the things you're saying need a divinity to exist.
2013-04-20 19:26:50 UTC
Good keep studying one day it will come clear to you.

I still am a Christian good and how well did you search and study religion. Many stories passed down from generation to generation have taken on a life of their own Two quotes that have different meaning to different people

Good Christians, like slaves and soldiers, ask no questions.

-- Rev Jerry Falwell,

What's his point just follow the leader?

Before accepting any belief one ought to follow reason as a guide, for credulity without enquiry is a sure way to deceive oneself.

-- Celsus (ca. CE 170),

This guy says ask. So Christians say believe atheists say search.
2013-04-20 19:34:41 UTC
Riddle me this, if I was to play poker with 52 standard poker cards and we play forever and I get a staight flush on one of those hands, is that a coincedence that they ended up like that, luck, or did the daler arrange them in that order for me? The same principal can be applied to the Universe and life. If we get a straight flush and we were the only one, then we would suspect that something helped, but if their is an infinite amount of deals(or in this case an infinite amount of planets) then all of a sudden our hand is not as unique as we first thought.

Also you come to the question: Who created god. No matter what, humans can't even fathom such a complicated problem as is the universe and its origins.
2013-04-21 00:20:43 UTC
You claim to be Christian but preach against the church so which sect or cult are you following?!

The Pope, Catholic Church, Church of England and mainstream churches all accept the big bang and evolution!

Lord Carey the former Archbishop of Canterbury put it rather well – “Creationism is the fruit of a fundamentalist approach to scripture, ignoring scholarship and critical learning, and confusing different understandings of truth”!

Nice that christians and atheists can agree and laugh together even if it is at fundie expense!

But behind the laughter is the despair at the fundamentalists striving so hard to destroy christianity by turning it from a religion to an ideology!

Surveys suggest that 29% of American christians are so extremist in their beliefs that they fall well outside of the accepted bounds of christianity!
2013-04-20 19:22:40 UTC
"After taking an anatomy and physiology course, it made it hard for me to believe we could be created by some sort of explosion in the universe "

Egypt's first born. Amalikites, Flood. She bears sent to murder 42 children.

Yeah, lot easier to swallow "a baby murdering dictator god did it" isn't it?

I don't know anything much about evolution, but I have common sense.

They cut out my appendix when I was 11. Seems it is a useless organ. I have not missed it.
2013-04-20 19:17:24 UTC
"After taking an anatomy and physiology course, it made it hard for me to believe we could be created by some sort of explosion in the universe"

That's good.

If after taking courses in anatomy and physiology, you held the belief that our bodies are the result of "some sort of explosion in the universe", I'd say there's something seriously wrong with you.

Now, it's true that a large percentage of the atoms in our bodies were formed through stellar nucleosynthesis in the cores of massive stars, and that these atoms were indeed delivered to what is now the Solar System through "some sort of explosion in the universe" (and some of the atoms were actually formed in the process), this is not something you would learn in a biology class.

Evolution, now that's something you *should* have learned in a biology class. I'm sorry your teachers failed you.
Caribbean Man
2013-04-20 21:58:20 UTC
Your reasoning is not much different to that of technologically primitive peoples living in remote jungle locations who, after encountering humans with modern technology, think to themselves:

"This must be magic and these people must be gods! How else could it be possible for them to fly in the air with these huge metal chariots that are too heavy to budge with the hand when they are on the ground? And how else could it be possible for them to instantly paint a perfect replica of something with their tiny black boxes that make a flash? This is obviously not natural. This must be magic and they must be gods!"

It's called argument from ignorance. Because you can't comprehend how it is possible for a seemingly impossible feat to occur, you resign to ascribing magic or the supernatural as the only logical explanation. Reality is not limited by your lack of knowledge or comprehension. Just because you lack knowledge or comprehension of how something can occur naturally doesn't mean God did it. It just means you lack knowledge or comprehension of how it can occur naturally.
2013-04-20 19:17:03 UTC
So, you took anatomy 101 and physiology 101 and now you are an expert on Cosmology and Physics? You are a genius.
Hitch Slap
2013-04-20 19:19:45 UTC
In other words you have no idea how evolution works. Just as geologists don't waste their time debating flat-earthers, there's no point in trying to convince you either.

"I know alot about Evolution. Raised by a atheist dad, but I still am a Christian." We can see right through you.
2013-04-20 19:24:13 UTC
your correct. the process of G.O.D. Generation, Observing and destruction is carried out perfectly throughout the universe, which forms our reality. GOD is beyond the material realms of science.
2013-04-20 19:17:10 UTC
2013-04-20 19:14:58 UTC
Good, you took one science course.

Now try taking a course on evolution, and human evolution.
2013-04-20 19:26:59 UTC
I think you fell asleep in class and, like a lot of kids, you weren't paying attention when your dad was talking to you.
2013-04-20 19:15:43 UTC
It's called evolution over millions of years. We are all stardust.
some guy
2013-04-20 19:17:26 UTC
you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, do some more research before you ask stupid questions

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.