What do you think about evolution?
2007-11-25 15:26:29 UTC
Im clueless, but i think science is the answer to
Evoultion? Its sensable. But
Who knows so you should tell me what u think about it.
Help me wit facts and details (etc.)
thanks so much!
31 answers:
2007-11-25 15:30:51 UTC
Darwinism or Neo-Darwinism or what have you, generally refers to the idea that all life present on the Earth has a common ancestor… a tiny, simple, single-celled organism. I accept that evolution happens… finch's beaks change size and shape to some limited extent over time. I have no problem with evolution in that specific sense, and that is well-supported by evidence. Micro evolution is real. Call me an evolutionist if that is what is being talked about.

HOWEVER, the idea that a finch could, via the same process, become a giant purple snorklewhacker is not supported by any real evidence. It's only assumed to be true by virtue of the fact that finch's beaks change shape a little.

"Macro-evolution", which essentially refers to a simpler organism developing into a more complex organism is a whole different thing. There is absolutely no evidence of natural processes spontaneously producing the complex specified information we find in living systems. So no, I don't believe there is macro evolution ... There is no evidence for it!
2007-11-26 01:31:23 UTC
Thundercatt had a great answer and summarizes my position nicely on evolution. I'm gonna add a few more thoughts...

I've visited .

My biggest problem with that site (and with most arguments supporting evolution) is that the authors often make broad, sweeping statements, especially ones along the lines of: "The evidence for historical evolution -- genetic, fossil, anatomical, etc. -- is so overwhelming that it is also considered a fact." (that's an actual quote from ) Here's another one: "...There are tests that can determine whether or not the theory [evolution] is correct as it stands, and these tests can be made. Thousands of such tests have been made, and the current theories have passed them all."

...and yet, they provide very few, if any, examples. Think about it-- if evolution has been going on for millions of years... then why do we have virtually NO transitional fossils?? The closest example I've ever seen is Archaeopteryx, which is addressed in:

Transitional fossils in general are addressed here:

Or the authors fail to explain the reasoning that led them to their conclusions. When they cite references (and oh boy, do they cite a lot), those references are usually already biased toward evolution. Also, many of the methods used in evolution are questionable... for example, I've noticed that evolutionists often seem to play fast and loose with dating methods. (We can't even ascertain the exact year that a living man was born without his birth certificate, and yet scientists are telling me they can date fossils at *millions* of years.)

Even more distateful is that and a few other pro-evolution sites have come dangerously close to ad hominem attacks (This page, questions the credentials of certain creationist scientists).

In my experience, the creationist side of the argument usually does a far better job of relaying the present evidence to me in order to support their hypothesis, although they have used some fallacious arguments-- ie., moon dust and 'pleisoaurus' skeletons (which were most likely the remains of a basking shark). I've provided a few websites below. I'm sure you'll find more if you Google it.

Is macro-evolution possible? Yes. Is it probable? I doubt it.

And, macro-evolution is NOT a science. It's never been observed and cannot be repeated in the lab. (On that last point, you might have heard of the fruit-flies experiment.... see and scroll down to Icon 8.)

One last thought: Science isn't "the answer to everything." Not even close. There are a lot of things that science cannot explain: our conscience, our emotions, our free will, even the universe. Miracles happen. Weird stuff happens. ("weird stuff" here would refer to paranormal activity.) And science is wholly based on what we can experience in the _present_... which is pretty subjective at best. To try to take it into anything further would be faith. (I include both creation and evolution in that statement.) Science should be used as an evaluation tool and as a means for discovery, but it's not the ULTIMATE TRUTH (tm).
Paul Hxyz
2007-11-25 23:38:54 UTC
Evolution is real, testable, has been observed, and makes absolutely perfect sense if you understand how DNA works - DNA makes evolution a "slam dunk". Learn about DNA and genetics and you will understand why anyone that says that evolution is a lie is scientifically illiterate.

However I need to tell you this: I love science, but science can NOT answer everything. Science has its limitations. As long as it is used within those limitations, it works. When someone says something that is scientifically wrong, like they can prove the existence of God using science, we should be concerned because science can only work with what can be tested, and there is no test that can measure the existence of the supernatural. Science is a great and powerful thing, but it can't do everything.
2007-11-25 23:43:25 UTC
Science DOES NOT prove evolution. In fact, science supports the biblical story of creation better than it supports evolution. Surprising isn't it. A lot of the arguments evolutionists use to support the evolution theory have been discredited by prominent Christian AND non-christian scientists. Yet they still teach their dis-proven theory as fact in most schools and university's. It's worth reading up on it.

Check out these sites.

There are even books to buy:
2007-11-25 23:35:14 UTC
Funny how all these "Christians" are online all Sunday long !

Try going to the library and take out a book on evolution. It's not an easy subject to study.
2007-11-25 23:33:13 UTC
The idea that there is no God is mathematically impossible. Basic probability tells you that the odds of a blob of primordial ooze morphing into a man, regardless of how much time has passed, are so remote that mathematicians regard it as impossible. Emile Borel and Fred Hoyle are just two mathematicians who reject evolution on statistical grounds. The idea is a "Statistcal Immposibility". For example, it is theoretically possible that you could blow up a junk yard and all the flying pieces would land and form themselves into a Cadillac - that is possible. But the odds against it are so high that it constitutes a "Statistcal Immposibility". Same goes for evolution. That only leaves one possibility: God. There's your proof, mathematically arrived at.
2007-11-25 23:35:57 UTC
Living creatures evolve to adapt to changes in the environment and its resources.

So we see mammals fully adapted to live in the sea, such as dolphins and wales.

Mammals that fly, such as baths.

Birds that can't fly but learned to swim, such as penguins and Galapagos kind of ducks.

Fishes that crawl out of the water and fishes that fly.

Strange organisms living in the ocean depths producing their own light.

And so on.

The above does not exclude God's Creation.

It only tells us that the creation is still happening.
2007-11-25 23:52:23 UTC
Thought is not necessary--every Museum in the world contains the proof.
2007-11-25 23:39:42 UTC
It's a perfectly good TOOL for God to use. Of course, it doesn't work too well when Chance tries to play. The statistical odds of life evolving from random acids is on the order of 1 in 10^-27. That means it couldn't have happened even if the universe was 4X as old as it is.
2007-11-25 23:32:56 UTC
Well, since you are clueless, read and see what the opposing side has to say. You'll find enough holes poked in that theory to discredit it.

Evolution is the theory that certain people have been trying to prove in order to back up their doubt that God exists. They begin, not with an open mind, but with the end result they wish to find in mind already. From there, a web is constructed.
2007-11-25 23:31:37 UTC
It's rather obvious that plants and animals adapt to their surroundings and over the generations tend to even look alike, however, I do not believe there is, was, or ever will be cross-speciation.
Richard F
2007-11-25 23:31:43 UTC
There are little, if any, facts to support evolution, though my science buddies will disagree out of spite.

Think of it this way: If you do NOT believe in GOD, then you have to come up with some answer to the questions, "Who are we?" and, "Why are we here?" In this context, evolution makes perfect sense. I'm not slamming evolution....I am pointing out it is the #1 THEORY if you do not believe in God.

If you believe in God, issue is solved. God said He created us. Nuff said.

Edit: Folks, I'm not talking about the young/old earth debate. I'm talking about MAN. There are NO facts to support Darwin's theory of the evolution of MAN. It is merely a theory to suggest where Man might have come from. Before you slam me with a down vote, provide facts that man evolved from a mud puddle.
2007-11-25 23:42:02 UTC
St. Francis of Assissi is exactly correct. Evolution is a silly idea carried on by lazy thinkers and people who want easy answers.
2007-11-25 23:34:41 UTC
Its all a big lie. There are a lot of evidence that there really is a God. The more people try to say that the word of God is not true the more they prove that it is !!!!
2007-11-25 23:42:05 UTC
there is plenty of evidence for evolution (including macroevolution). it has been observed. the fossil records support it. the DNA evidence supports it even more than the fossils.

those who dismiss it either don't understand it or don't want to believe it.

here are two good sites:
2007-11-25 23:32:22 UTC
Well first there was a teeny weeny bitty little bug and it kept on evolving and evolving and pretty soon there was a giant dinosaur and it kept evolving and evolving until it turned into a turkey and humans kept evolving and they had a dinosaur for thanksgiving.
2007-11-25 23:32:55 UTC
That life evolved is a fact - the evidence for it is overwhelming. The process by which evolution occurs is called 'evolutionary theory'.

If you are serious about learning, try the link below:
2007-11-25 23:34:06 UTC
evolution is as much a law of nature as gravity.... when the concepts of gravity were introduced christians and catholics alike were hell bent on proving the scientist wrong... they are the same way when it comes to evolution... what they call god is far from all knowing, they fought to call the world flat, as well.... just more evidence of the lies they fight for...
2007-11-25 23:31:34 UTC
Evolution and it's process, natural selection, are voodoo sciences. Based on nothing really.

Ever since Darwin wrote his novel people have been trying to prove that it is true. Evolutionists are on Parr with Witches, Alchemists, Santa Claus, and the Tooth Fairy.

Btw, thanx to all for the thumbs down. And the odds of life simply happening are about 100 billion to one. That is a simple math fact.
2007-11-25 23:29:25 UTC
I've heard a lot of arguments against evolution, but I have yet to hear good ones.
2007-11-25 23:43:00 UTC
Muhammad: What absolute crap. Go read some real science.
Hera Sent Me
2007-11-25 23:31:33 UTC
Evolution is a fact, proven by, among other things, genetics and the fossil record.

The Theory of Evolution is Man's attempt to explain why there's evolution. So far, it's resisted 150 years of efforts to disprove it, and it's currently the best supported by evidence of all the major scientific theories.
Atomic New Theory
2007-11-25 23:31:20 UTC
It is a theory
2007-11-25 23:30:03 UTC
I think its cool
2007-11-25 23:31:08 UTC
i know that its a scientific theory.
2007-11-25 23:30:23 UTC
It goes on and on and on
paula r
2007-11-25 23:29:39 UTC
I believe in creation. I do believe,however, things do evolve. Before you ask, no, I see no conflicts there.
2007-11-25 23:29:11 UTC
You aren't going to find any facts in the theory of evolution

I must be a pretty damn smart primate.... oh yea, with a conscience.
Exodus 20:1-17
2007-11-25 23:29:48 UTC
I don't think very highly of evolution at all.

Here is science that has NOT been disproven:

GOD bless
Ruby Girl
2007-11-25 23:29:00 UTC
You asked this question twice.

God created earth, then it all came from that. That's my opinion.
2007-11-25 15:36:20 UTC
The more we advance on the road to science in all directions, micro and macro, the arguments in favor of an intelligent designer become increasingly eloquent. The origin of the "laws" of nature and the precise values of the "constants" necessitate intelligent design. The precision in the "mix" of constants that were necessary preconditions for the universe to evolve and for life to emerge provide mathematical evidence in support of the "God" hypothesis. The odds of obtaining these "constants" without putting "intelligent design" in the equation is one out of 10,000,000 to the power 124. To see how impossible it is, compare this number to the total amount of subatomic particles in the whole universe, which has been calculated to be 10 to the power 80 (Hoyle, Wickramasinge 1985).

Given the exact "mix" of these "constants", we can logically deduce from inductive premises that they were "intelligently" set by one source, i.e. one God. The "oneness" of this source is observed by the uniformity in the workings of these laws of nature all through the universe, the common origin of everything in the universe and the blueprint of life all across the species.

Faced with such scientific evidence, justice demands that we acknowledge the creator. These facts make clear the assertion that Atheism is a "faith" based religion, with blind "belief" in nature as the "deity" to be evoked as an excuse for every "cause" that cannot be empirically explained. In this age of science, God is a fact. .

This paper DOES NOT present in any way the Christian Creationists position on humankind's origin. The Koran does not set a time of 6000 years for the creation of the world neither does it support the unscientific ideas in the Bible.


The Universe consists of billions of galaxies and each galaxy has a vast number of stars. To study a galaxy, scientists record light from it on a strip of film. If the galaxy is moving away from our galaxy, the lines on the spectrum will be towards the red end of the film, this is called red shift. By this mechanism scientists conclude that with the exception of a few nearby galaxies, all the galaxies are moving away from us, and the further away they are the faster they are moving away.

The Universe's expansion, discussed above began with an explosive event, called the "big bang". In 1965 a type of radiation called the "Cosmic Background Radiation" was discovered (also called the microwave background radiation) by Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson. All regions of the sky send the same amount of this radiation to the earth. This was the breakthrough for the big bang theory. Long before 1965, scientists had predicted that we should be able to find energy remaining from the Big Bang. They had now factually confirmed the faint remnant of the energy produced during the explosive birth of the universe. This radiation has a temperature of 3K (therefore it is also called 3K radiation) and it is very close to the value predicted by scientists before it was discovered.

This radiation is much different to the radiation coming from a particular portion of the universe since it cannot be increased or decreased by pointing an antenna and is uniform from all locations to the earth.

In 1948, the "steady state theory" was advanced which now has fallen out of favor and which was completely knocked out by the above discovery of 3K radiation. Scientists today accept the Big Bang theory as being the most reliable with the most evidence to back it up. However, they do not know what CAUSED the big bang. The standard big bang theory does not explain what caused the big bang. Thus, scientists face a reality. Without God, the Big Bang is an impossibility. "Do not the unbelievers see that the skies and the earth were one unit (joined together), then we split them apart..." Koran 21:30 To clarify some terms: If it is said that the universe is OPEN, it means it will expand forever. If it is said that it is closed, it will not expand forever. Whether a universe will expand, depends on if its average density is less than or equal to its critical density.

Our universe at present according to estimates has less than 20% of the density of matter to stop it from expanding. Essentially, it will continue to expand.

The universe is not beginning-less. It was "born" out of the big bang and had a beginning. Some people maintain the unscientific idea that the universe is beginning-less like the steady-state theory. This has been proven wrong according to the Second Law of Thermodynamics. In a closed system (by closed here we mean one which does not take energy from the outside- this is different to the closed definition given above), entropy (a measure of the degree to which a systems energy is unavailable to perform useful work) increases with time. To restate this: In a system which doesn't take energy from the outside (like our universe), entropy increases with time.

If the universe had existed forever, we would see maximum entropy (complete disorder) which we do not see at all, something referred to as the fate of excessive expansion.


If the universe is infinite in spatial extent then light from infinite number of stars would always be pouring down on the earth from the skies. A simple mathematical calculation would show that the sky would never be dark under such circumstances. The paradox can ONLY be solved if we assume a finite age of the universe (a beginning). In such a case which corresponds to reality, we are only able to see the light which has had time to travel across space to earth since the beginning of the particular star from which it comes (Davies :46).


1. The Flatness Problem in Cosmology:

The actual density of the universe is average amount of matter or mass-energy per unit of space. If the actual density of the universe is greater than a particular critical density then the universe will eventually stop expanding. Since after more than 10 billion years of expanding, the universes actual density is pretty close to its critical density, scientists conclude that at the time of the big bang, these two figures must have been very close to each other. They do not know why this was so. If it had not been so, and the actual density differed from the critical by even a tiny amount, either way, our universe would have ceased to exist after only a few million years.. This is termed as the flatness problem. They do not know why both the figures were where they were supposed to be to make our universe still exist after 10 billion years.

The Koran talked about the "expanding universe" as well, fourteen centuries before scientists discovered it:

" And the sky, we built it with might and We cause the expansion of it." Koran 51:47

If the universe had been expanding too rapidly, the clouds that formed the galaxies would have been spread thin and pulled apart before gravity could dominate... On the other hand if the universe had started out expanding too slowly, it would have come to a halt and started to re-collapse with galaxies falling towards each other (Gribbins, Rees: 17)

If we push back to the earliest time at which our theories of physics can be thought to have any validity, the implication is that the "density-parameter" was set in the beginning, with an accuracy of 1 part in 1060 (10 followed by 60 zeroes). Changing the parameter, either way, by a fraction given by a decimal point followed by sixty zeroes and a one; (0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001) would have made the universe unsuitable for life as we know it. (Gribbens, Rees: 18)

We are reminded of the "Flatness" of the universe, its smoothness in this statement of the Koran:

"[It is God] who has created the multiple skies, one separate from the other (as layers). You cannot see any flaw in the Merciful (God's) creation. Look again, can you make out any rifts?" (Koran 67:3)

2. The Horizon or the Isotropy Problem:

At around 300,00 years after the big bang, all parts of the universe, even separated by more than 20 times the horizon distance, and expanding in opposite directions, in causally disconnected regions (i.e.. no cause or physical effect could pass from one region to the other), began to expand with the same expansion rate and temperature.

No natural explanation exists to explain how a chaotic explosion, the big bang resulted in a uniform expansion pattern among causally disconnected regions, expanding in opposite directions. Calculations indicate that when the universe was a trillionth of a trillionth of a trillionth second old, it consisted of 10 to the power 80 causally disconnected regions, and no physical effect could have traveled from one region to another and yet 300,000 years after, cosmic background radiation proves that they all started expanding with the same expansion rate and the same temperature.

The Koran informs us of the uniformity of cause in the early universe

"... And He (God) inspired in all the heavens their mandate (Koran 41:12)."

"And He (God) raised the sky and set the balance. (Koran 55:7)."


Calculations by cosmologists indicate that matter in the early universe was uniformly distributed and hence gravitational contractions (contraction is opposite of expansion) in an expanding universe could not have taken place due to natural circumstances unless some special features were built into they system about one second after the big bang by intelligence. If the big bang was a chance event what we would see would be a disorderly arrangement of matter with no galaxies and no order. An intelligent designer controlled things ".....and we decked the skies of the world with lamps.... Such is the measuring of the Mighty (God), the Knower." Koran 41:12 Einstein's General Theory of Relativity leads scientists to conclude that in its earliest instant, the universe was infinitely dense where its diameter was zero, i.e. nothing:, yes the universe was nothing at one time. God creates out of nothing, just as the Koran suggests.


There can be natural and sufficient reasons for some physical characteristics of the universe but not all. Without suitable constants, life as we know it wouldn't have existed and there would be no one to wonder about the cosmos.

Consider this analogy by a Canadian philosopher, John Leslie, suppose you are facing execution by a fifty man firing squad. The bullets are fired and you find that all have missed their target. Had they not done so you would not have survived to ponder the matter. But realizing that you are alive, you would legitimately be perplexed and wonder why ( Gribbens, Rees 271).

1. The law of conservation of mass and energy

: The mass-energy in the universe neither increases or decreases. Therefore the total amount of mass-energy in the universe has been the same and will remain the same. If someone were to figure out the mass-energy total in the universe and give it a figure say X, no natural explanation can exist on why it is X and not X+100 or X-100 and so on.

2. The Constants

: There are no natural and sufficient reasons why all of the universes constants have the values they have. If they had different values, life would cease to exist. However they have the values they have regardless of any physical necessity if we take God out of the picture. Examples like, the Planck's constant, the speed of light, the electron charge, the gravitational constant. These constants with the exception of the gravitational constant have not varied more than one percent since the start of the universe and are same throughout. The gravitational constant has varied around ten percent.

It should be noted at this point that these constants have been there since the beginning of the universe, a time before life appeared. These and other strange laws of nature defy any natural and sufficient reasons for their existence, the only valid explanation left is that they were set by an intelligent designer: "... the measuring of the Mighty (God), the Knower." Koran 41:12 According to the principle of sufficient reason stated by G.W. Leibniz, No fact can be real or existing and no statement true unless there is a SUFFICIENT reason why anything is the way it is and not otherwise. Whereas scientists face an enigma here, which threatens the edifice of their work, the followers of the Koran face no such enigma at all. God is the sufficient reason. The cause of the constants: "To Him submits whatsoever is in the heavens and the earth." (Koran)


The numerical values that nature has assigned to the fundamental constants, such as the charge on the electron, the mass of the proton, and the Newtonian Gravitational constant, may be mysterious, but they are critically relevant to the structure of the universe that we perceive. As more and more physical systems from nuclei to galaxies have become better understood, scientists have begun to realize that many characteristics of these systems are remarkably sensitive to the precise value of the fundamental constants. Had nature opted for a slightly different set of numbers, the world would have been a very different place and we would not be here to see it (Davies 1982). All the constants in the heavens and earth have been subjected to make sure that life and humanity came to be. This is a fact given the current state of evidence. There is no natural explanation as to why the constants have the values they have. They have been set with a purpose in mind, with intelligence and subjected to make sure that the universe evolved in the way that it did and life and humanity came to be. Do they [the disbelievers] not see that God has subjected for them whatsoever is in the heavens and the earth.. (Koran 31:20) i) All protons in the universe have a positive charge of 1.6 X 10 to the power -19 coulomb. This causes the various protons in the atoms to repel one another, but at the same time they stay together since the attraction is 100 times stronger than the repulsion.

Now the proton has a mass that is 1836 times that of an electron. YET for some mysterious reason the charge on the electron is the same as the proton, 1.6X10 to the power -19 coulomb. Suppose the proton had a lesser charge than what it actually does, there is no reason why it shouldn't have, there is no natural explanation on why it does, then the attraction between protons would be much more than we see with present figures and they would collide more. This, scientists say would lead to the stars using up their thermonuclear fuel in their cores much faster and dying out in about 100 million years. On our planet it took about 3 billion years for life to appear. If the lives of stars were 100 million years then life could exist nowhere on the universe. An intelligent designer put the figures where they were supposed to be, at 1.6X1019.

ii) The Strong Force: The neutrons and protons in the nucleus of the atoms are referred to as nucleons, since they exist in the nucleus. If the neutrons and the protons are separated by more than a hundred billionth of a centimeter, there is no mutual attraction between them. However when separated by a distance of less than ten trillionth of a centimeter, the feel a strong force of attraction. This is termed as a Strong Force or Strong Nuclear Force.

Scientists calculate that during the first few minutes after the expansion began, roughly 25% of the hydrogen in the universe was converted to helium. Scientists say that if the strong force had been any more intense (which requires a shift in a trillionth of a centimeter or less), all of the universe's hydrogen would have been converted to helium. In such a case life would never exist for 3 reasons:

i) No water without hydrogen.

ii) Hydrogen is necessary for proteins and nucleic acids needed for life.

iii) Stars that have only helium are extremely short lived and could never reach the three billion years figure that our system took for life to appear.

What if the strong force were a little weaker by a trillionth of a centimeter or less, things just wouldn't exist as the protons could not stay together in the cores of atoms. It is an acknowledged fact that if the Strong force was not between 0.1 f and 2 f (where f is the strong force constant) life would not exist and nor would any order like we see it. The difference between the two figures is less than microscopic and there is no explanation on why the numbers were where they were. That happening by chance is by itself, other things being constant, and one in one million. When you take into account all the other constants, the figure gets so small that to believe that life originated without an intelligent designer becomes more absurd than a myth.

The law of conservation of mass and energy discussed earlier makes it impossible to attribute a natural cause to the start of the universe. The energy had to come from somewhere. God provided the energy whose radiation we still receive. "...Whenever He (God) decrees a matter, He says Be and it is. (Koran)." After exhausting all the other alternatives, the only hypothesis that is supported by facts is that God created the heavens and the earth.

At Planck time (which is 10 to the power of negative 43 seconds, i.e. 10-43) which was a microscopic fraction of the first second after the universe began to expand, all the matter that we observe in the universe was less than a tenth of a millimeter across in volume. According to the black hole theory, the gravity of this singularity would be so massive that apart from a faint type of quantum radiation nothing at all could escape from it. Astronomers know that no natural cause could have caused the explosion of energy given the gravity of the singularity. No known natural force could have overcome even a tenth of the gravity of the singularity at the time of the big bang. "...and We split them apart." (Koran 21:30).

Consider this law in science:

Occam's Razor

: "When giving explanations, it is better to give a simpler explanation that assumes the existence of fewer unproved things." Apart from providing even more credibility to what we've established above this idea throws more light on:

i) Why there is just one God and not "gods" given the organization and the uniformity in the universe. The fundamental postulate of Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity states this unity of law phenomena in nature. Consider what the Koran says in 21:22.

: "If there were in them (the heavens and the earth) other gods beside GOD, there would have been confusion in both." (Koran 21:22)

ii) If there were more than one God then different parts of the universe would not have worked with such uniformity as they did and as is always the case (when two or more create something), parts of the matter in the universe would have originated at different times. Yet scientists and laws are agreed on that the big bang was when all energy and matter originated in the universe. Koran 23:91 states:

" There has never been any other god besides God (Allah). Otherwise, each god would have declared independence with their creations, and they would have competed with each other for dominance. GOD be glorified; far above their claims." (Koran 23:91) .


After exhausting all the other alternatives, the only hypothesis that is logically deduced from empirical evidence provided by nature, is that an intelligent being created the heavens and the earth. This being cannot be "human" or like anything in the natural world, so to speak. The attributes of the universe that "necessitate" design (discussed above) as well as the attributes in us that "necessitate" design (discussed below) cannot be the attributes of a creator otherwise "it" would need a creator as well.

Thus, if the creator is "different" than creation, in the attributes that "it" possesses, the question "Who created God?" becomes logically meaningless. Intelligent design would apply only to things that were non-existent and then came into being and contain specific attributes that necessitate design. Thus God has to be eternal, unchanging and unlike creation.

"Say: He is Allah (the God) the One. God, the eternal, absolute. He begets not, nor was He begotten and there is nothing like Him (Koran 112)."



The Planck Constant is fixed at 6.6 X (10 to the power of -23) erg per second. It is a figure that shows up in all major equations used by nuclear physicists. The energy used by anything is always some multiple of Planck's Constant. There is no natural reason why the Planck's Constant is where it is, it could be a lot higher or a lot lower, but it has been balanced at this level without any natural reason.

The PC (Planck's Constant) appears in an important formula used to determine the "Fine structure Constant." The formula is e2/hc where "e" is the electron charge, "h" is the PC and "c" is the speed of light.

If the Planck's constant had been greater by just 0.00000001, all the stars in our system would be red. If it was lower by just 0.00000001 all the stars in our system would be blue. The problem with red stars is that they never erupt as supernova and if there are no supernova there are no higher level elements that are necessary for life. If there were no supernova, there would be no Carbon to start carbon-based life like us. Blue stars on the other hand burn only for a short time, i.e. around 150 million years. However, it took nearly 3 billion years or more for life to emerge on earth. 150 million just would not cut it. The constant was set by the designer to make sure that life emerged when and where He decided.


The speed of light is set at 3X(108) meters per second. It is an important constant which figures in Einstein's famous formula E=mc2. "E" is the energy produced when matter is converted to energy in thermonuclear reactions in stars. If the speed of light had been just a tiny fraction higher (and there is no natural reason why it isn't) then thermonuclear reactions would produce over 10,000 times more energy and all the fuel in the star core would be used up much quicker. Stars would die out much sooner than the 3 billion years it took for life to emerge on earth. Hence life would never have happened.

On the other hand if it was just a little tiny fraction lower, the early universe expansion would have been much slower and long ago the universe would have suffered a gravitational collapse. So both ways there would be no life. An intelligent designer who had life as the goal set the constant.


Neutrons have a constant mass of 1.67 X 10-24 grams. When outside an atom a neutron is very unstable and quickly decays into a proton and electron. Inside the nucleus it is stable and does not decay. Suppose that the mass of the neutron was 2% greater than what it is now (and why should not it have been?) neutrons would rapidly decay and an atom would become unstable. As a fact, no higher elements would exist which are necessary for life. The only element in the entire universe would be hydrogen.

On the other hand, if the neutron had a mass less than its current mass by a tiny fraction, the protons would become unstable. This is because now the protons would have a higher mass than neutrons in the nucleus and they would decay into neutrons or positive positrons or pions. According to physicists, if the neutron mass was 0.998 of its present mass, the decay of protons would make the existence of atoms impossible. There would be no life. The designer had life in mind when He set the balance. "...He (God) has set the balance." Koran 55:7

Donald Page of the Princeton Institute of Advanced Study has calculated the odds against the formation of our universe without God putting in the necessary constants. And the figure comes out to be one out of 10,000,000 to the power 124. To see how impossible it is compare this number to the total amount of subatomic particles in the whole universe, which has been calculated to be 10 to the power 80.

Beginning-less is illogical, philosophically speaking

If the universe was not created then it must have existed for an infinite time in the past. However, us being in the present make such a statement preposterous. It is not possible to cross an actual infinity. No matter how much you count or how much time passes, there would still be more to count or more time to pass. This is what the definition of actual infinity is. It is nonfinite it has no room for growth. If the past were infinite, then to get to the present moment, we would have had to cross an actual infinite. In the language of math and logic this is gibberish. It is just like saying that you can jump out of a bottomless pit. This concept throws light on the attributes of God, the creator also. The one who started this, himself must have had to be logically speaking, timeless and unchanging.

The Odds:

Roger Penrose in his book, The Emperor's New Mind (1989) states: This now tells us how precise the Creator's aim must have been, namely to an accuracy of (1010)123. This is an extraordinary figure. One could not even possibly write the number down in the ordinary notation: it would be one followed by 10123 successive 0's. Even if we were to write a zero on each separate proton and each separate neutron in the entire universe- and we could throw in all the other particles for good measure- we should fall far short of writing the figure needed (as quoted by Denton 1998:9) The Koran informed us of this century earlier: "If you were to COUNT the blessings of God towards you, you can never encompass them (14:34)"

DNA: Mark of the Creator:

Some atheist scientists who were unaware of the wonderful program, the complex mechanism of RNA and DNA were of the "outmoded" opinion that due to favorable physical influences, chemical compounds were able to spontaneously combine in an organized fashion and hence, were by magic, able to produce the fantastic complex which we call a cell, and then even more fantastic complexes like rudimentary living organism.

Wow, given that all their intelligence and directed efforts to date have been unable to form one single living cell in the laboratory, shows how much credibility we need to give to this fairy tale.

Indeed for the smallest macromolecules of a cell to form as a result of repeated attempts, such enormous quantities of matter would have been processed that they would have filled colossal masses on the scale comparable to the volume of the earth itself. Contrary to this we see beauty and harmony in nature and variety of all created things. Chance is totally inconceivable.

Oparine a modern Russian biologist who is a well-known materialist, rejects outright the theory of chance in the formation of life. An article:"The current state of the problem of the origin of life and its future perspectives" states from him, "The entire network of perpetual preservation and reproduction of the totality of conditions set by the external environment. This highly organized orientation characteristic of life cannot be the result of chance (as quoted by Bucaille 1987)." The statement atheists make is tantamount to saying: "Iron ore and coal at high temperatures spontaneously formed steel particles and then those steel articles without any intelligence involved by magic formed the Eiffel Tower and other structures (Bucaille 1987)." This statement sounds stupid, but saying that a cell formed by itself is even more atrocious because a cell is much more complex than any steel structure that human intelligence (not chance) has built.

In his book, The Origin of Life, Oparine draws particularly relevant comparisons to convince the lay man of the illogical nature of theories pointing towards chance. In 1954, he wrote: "It is as if one jumbled together the printing blocks representing the twenty-eight letters of the alphabet, in hope that by CHANCE, they will fall into a pattern of a poem that we know. Only through knowledge and careful arrangement of the letters and words in the poem however, can we produce the poem from the letters (page 52)."

Each cell in the human body has a "program" analogous to a computer program written down, so well organized and regulated so as to function properly, the slightest malfunction leads to deformities and monstrous growths [cancer is the case in point]. Each cell functions like a computer programmed to perform specific functions. It is common knowledge that a computer will only function if it has been programmed.

Without programming, you would never see what you see on this page. A fact that implies the existence of a programming intellect, that provides the information necessary to operate the system. The programming intellect for the billions of living cells, unvarying and uniform in his essence of programming is the One God. "He (Moses) said (to pharaoh), "Our Lord is He who gave to everything its creation, moreover guided it." Koran 20:5 There is a genuine enigma among the community of biologists: The origin of the genetic code and how it increases in information which leads to more and more complex structures. The only valid explanation given the intelligent nature of the messages contained in the DNA is that an intelligent designer was involved. We call him Allah, the God.


The break between the living and non-living is the most fundamental of all discontinuities seen in nature. Natural Selection failed to explain this discontinuity, just as it failed to explain the discontinuity between species which biochemistry made clear. Stanley Miller in the 60s, in his attempt to simulate creation of life in the early earth, failed many times in his "intelligently designed" experiments before he succeeded in obtaining some amino acids, the building blocks of proteins. However, we are deliberately not told that he manipulated various scenarios of the early earth and not just one. Neither are we told in popular science textbooks that he failed many times before he succeeded. His experiments were intelligently designed and not random chance, which make this entire effort worthless as it belies the basic premise of life evolving without intelligence. To form proteins from amino acids is a bigger problem than forming amino acids, however, our professors don't encourage us to think that no trial and error experiments were going on in the early earth using chemical beakers and flasks. Do we ever stop and think that intelligent experiments are being designed and used by these pseudo scientists to deny that there was any intelligence involved in the origin of life?

The "soup-theory" mentioned briefly above is the most in thing among all the theories of the origin of life in the scientific community. However, it poses many questions and big problems and hence just like the pre-Miller times, it still remains an enigma.

I) The "dawn-rocks" of Western Greenland, the earliest dated rocks on earth, considered to be about 3900 Million years old (dating from about 400 million years after the formation of the earth) don't show any trace of abiotically produced organic compounds. Sediments from various parts of the earth dated between 3900 and 3500 million years old also show no signs of any abiotically produced organic compounds. Like is the usual case with evolutionary theory by Natural selection, paleontology doesn't support it.

ii) In the Presence of oxygen, any organic compounds formed on the early earth would be rapidly oxidized and degraded. It is for this reason that advocates of the "soup" theory suggest (without any geo-chemical evidence to support what they are conjecturing) an early earth without oxygen. Only such an atmosphere would protect the compounds, which would then collect as the "soup". However this poses further problems. Without oxygen, there is no ozone layer in the upper atmosphere, which protects the earth from a lethal dose of ultraviolet radiation. In such a scenario, any organic compounds formed would break down in an instant. The empirical absence of organic compounds in Martian soil proves this. The late Carl Sagan recognized this when he stated that in the absence of oxygen, a lethal dose of ultraviolet radiation would reach the earth in 0.3 seconds.

iii) The presence of water inhibits amino acids from joining to form proteins, since amino acids dissolve readily in water. To overcome this however our ingenious atheist scientists have tried to "invent" another scenario. Sidney Fox says that the amino acids got washed to a hot pan like land. However, experiments have shown that heating amino acids gives no proteins but a dark tar. However, they did some other manipulations by mixing and matching one part of three different amino acids to a beaker of purified amino acids they managed some joining among them. However, that did not yield any proteins but a chemically different product, which is now, called proteinoid. The scientific community has thrown this theory out the door. One of the strongest critics of this theory was Stanley Miller.

Hoyle and his colleague Wickramasinge calculated the odds of the random formation of a single enzyme from amino acids anywhere on the early earth's surface as being 1 in 10 to the power 20 (add 20 zeros after 10 to appreciate how impossible it is to get one enzyme anywhere on this earth from amino acids given the soup). But wait there are not only one but two thousand enzymes, so the chance of obtaining all of these randomly would be 1 in (10 to the power of 20) the whole thing to the power of 2000. The number for the odds, is so small that it cannot be distinguished from zero. It could never have happened even if the whole universe was soup. Biochemical systems, like blood clotting, vision, and many functions of the cell are Irreducibly complex. Many systems backed by proper enzymes triggered by catalysts work together, automated to precision, working towards one desired goal in synchrony, to generate the result needed. No gradual system can ever explain their origin. If one part is missing, the whole system fails. If one part is crude the consequences are disastrous. If we scan the literature that seeks to explain the development of these systems based on evolution by natural selection, there is none. Darwinism at the macro level requires faith, as there are no scientific facts to support it. (Behe 1996).

Perverted Standards:

The human eye cannot see x-rays, electricity, magnetic fields etc, yet no man of science would dispute with their existence based on fact and proof. Yet, with just as much or more proof on God being the creator, the same scientist makes the excuse, "We cannot see him."

If today we were to receive even one intelligent message from space, scientists as a whole after confirmation would conclude that yes, intelligent life in space has been confirmed. Yet, when millions of intelligent messages are found in our DNA, the same scientists don't even look at it in consideration of an intelligent creator. Dogmatic scientists today have perverted standards. An example of these perverted standards are theories like the "multiple universe" theory. It is stated [as an escape from reality and the enigmas scientists face when they seek naturalistic explanations] that an infinite number of universes exist; however we only see ours. The rest do exist somewhere else and all the possible combinations of constants are tried [by chance] and we were the lucky mix, so we are alive to ponder the universe. What they do not realize is that in order to escape from the conclusion of one intelligent designer they are evoking infinite invisible universes that can never be verified. Occam's Razor makes all this conjecture fall face down. The fact is that the world owes its being to something other than itself. The laws of nature did not create the universe since they cease to exist at the earliest point in creation. The laws of mechanics did not originate the laws of mechanics because when the universe was a singularity, they did not exist. The laws of evolution (whatever they are) don't come about through the laws of evolution because in order to work they require a preexisting order and preexisting entities


This paper DOES NOT present in any way the Christian Creationists position on humankind's origin. The Koran does not set a time of 6000 years for the creation of the world neither does it support the unscientific ideas in the Bible. The Koran does not validate the Bible nor the scientific errors contained in the Bible.

" O Assembly of Humankind and Jinn. If you can penetrate the regions of the skies and the earth, then penetrate them. You will not penetrate them except with power.. (Koran 55:33)

"If We were to open to them a gate to the sky and they were to continue ascending therein. They would say, 'Our sight is confused as in drunkenness.. (Koran 15:14-15)

Astronauts in this century have experienced the opening of a gate to the sky. The experience is just as was described in the Koran centuries earlier: Confused sight as in drunkenness, a feeling of being bewitched. Once above the earth's atmosphere, the heavens no longer have the azure appearance we see from the earth. The human observer above the earth sees a black sky with the earth surrounded by a bluish halo... a completely new spectacle.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.