The One, who created the attributes of creativity and the process of creation before Beginning is rightfully, deserves to be called as God of all creatures.
The One, who ordained the steps and stages of the Process of Creation, including the organic order & composition of the creatures and___ made the energy as an energy and formed the matter with energy and___ demonstrated the Will in such a way that the Will has become a universe of rules and regulations___ doubtlessly___ has every right to be called and accepted as the Real and the Absolute Living GOD.
To know that who is the creator of God___ a simple way it this___ that we should try to know at first, that who is the creator of creativity?
Whosoever has created and ordained creativity, is the Real Creator. And now, when God, has already told that there is no creator except God and God alone, is the Creator of everything and Ordainer of every order. Then, we have no alternative but to accept and believe God as the Absolute Creator in terms of the preachings of Prophets.
Who is the creator of God? Perfect answer to this question, is given in the following compound sentence, in the form of another question___ a magnificent question:
If God is the Creator of creativity and the process of creation, the both, then how can be there any possibility of God’s creator?
And____ the same sentence is the most convincing, and the most rational argument, of the God-hood of God. The sentence penetrates in our minds and hearts, and we become positively convinced, that God is really existing as the One Alone God, and the One Alone Creator.
The real belief in the One Alone Lord is like that:-
•God must be believed as the One Alone Lord. By and by, firm refusal of the people-made unreal gods, is essential.
•No person or thing should be treated as a “likeness” or a “similitude” of God, the One Alone Lord.
•We should submit ourselves unconditionally to every Commandment of God, and the life should be managed, exactly, in accordance with God’s Will and God’s Commandments to avail God’s blessings.
•The Day of Judgement should be believed, which is ordained by God for the judgement of human deeds and which is, certainly, not too far to approach.
•To ensure the acceptance of God, we must adopt those ways, which have been prescribed by God and God’s Prophets. And___ this temporary life should be lead as a temporary life.
God created this universe and made it a home for the creatures. So that the creatures might pay thanks to God through worship and obedience and in turn they might receive God’s blessings.
Universe is a creation of God and behind it____ is God’s Almightiness. God created the needs___ the needies____ and all the things of needs. God is God____ God is need-free and Absolute Holy.
God is Almighty. God creates whatsoever God wills to create. Each and every creature of God is answerable to God and God is not answerable to anyone.
If the worshippers worship God and obey Gods commandments, it makes no difference to God. But on the other side, it makes a lot of difference to the worshippers if they do not worship God as they become empty-hearted and remain empty-hearted until and unless they resort to God.
If the sinners sin and disobey God, it makes no difference to God but the sinful life brings a lot of difference to the sinners as the sins necessitate the curse of God.
Curse is the God ordained result of sin
While blessing is the God ordained
result of virtue.
God has already judged the sinners and the righteous, in terms of their deeds through revealing the commandments and ordaining the ways to Hell and Heaven.
Key-point to receive the blessings of God___ is to become God’s dependent by all means____ through prayers_____ and patience ____ and trust in God.
God helps and guides aright to those who ask God for God’s help and guidance.
The people who do not believe God and lead a lustful life____ are always mislead to disaster.
The Bible itself, tells that what kinds of changes were brought therein to mislead the people of Gospels. Torah (the Law of Moses) says that God talked to the nation of Moses on the mount Sinai where God gave the Commandments in
Godly voice.
When people heard the voice, they did tremble in fear and awe. And, later on, they requested the Lord, not to talk to them, so directly again. Because to bear with the Godly voice, was beyond their tolerance. The Lord, of course, acceded to their request.
God’s Foremost Commandment was about God’s Absolute Aloneness.
God said:-
“Worship no god but Me”.
(Exodus, 20:3)
“I, and I alone, am God; no other god is real.
I kill and I give life, I wound and I heal,
And no one can oppose what I do”.
(Duet. 32:39)
That was the foremost Commandment, given by the Lord in Godly voice to the nation of Moses. Wherein God mentioned further:-
“Worship Me alone and whosoever
will worship the god, other than Me,
will be My rival. And, I tolerate no
rivals. I will curse the people who do so”.
God also mentioned to the people___ not to make & worship the images of God. God told them that nothing is alike God in the heaven or on the earth, or under the earth, or in the water.
It simply meant that God is not like anything at all and a thing or a creature can never be considered as God.
The Bible also tells us that God is Omnipotent. The Book of Genesis, in its 1st chapter, says:
“God commanded, Let there be light
And the light appeared”.
(Genesis 1:3)
It simply means that God can create whatsoever God wills. So, according to the Bible, it is very clear that God, our Lord, is All Alone and whatsoever is created____ is created by God, independently.
1.God is not a someone’s created god or a state or a stature or a person or a thing, instead God is an Absolute Creator.
2.God is the Creator of every system, state, stature, person & thing and nothing is alike God.
3.God is Supreme & Beyond of human intellect.
4.God is since ever and will remain forever.
5.God is the Creator of the cosmos and Ordainer of the Almightiness, Knowledge and the other Attributes.
6.God is the All-Alone Guardian of cosmic system, at all places, and at all times.
7.God is Infinite and Ever-Dominant over everything and everything is helpless and submissive before God.
8.God must be believed, in the same way, as God has commanded to believe.
9.None of the persons or things____ is God’s partner and God is the One Alone God. (Usage of the word “One” for God means, that no god is beside God. It does not mean that God is limited as “one” in terms of Mathematics).
10.God is Alone and the Beyond of everything. God is not some whole of certain components. Everything is creature and God is the Absolute Holy Creator of everything.
All of the human beings who claimed themselves a Prophets or Messengers of God___ they have always introduced God as the All-Alone God. The world has never been empty of such human beings, who had not been speaking of God____ the All-Alone God.
God has always been believed as One Alone God in every country and in every age. Prophets have preached about the All-Alone God. None of them has ever talked of duplicate or triplicate gods, or of a total or a whole of many gods, or of a man-god or of demigod, or of a creaturely-god.
Jesus (PBUH) said:
“No one is good except God alone”
(Mark 10:18, Luke 18:19)
And___ Muhammad (PBUH) said:
“There is no go save Allah”
(Al-Quran 37:35)
And___ God said on the Mount of Sinai:
“I ___ and I Alone____ am God
No other god is real”
(Duet 32:39)
If there had been some other god, or some creator of God, or some partner of God___ then___ the news of such a God would have been brought to us by someone. But the situation has never been like that, at all.
The Message of Monotheism alone has been repeated again and again, which is an undeniable proof of the fact, that there is no god but the One Alone God. God is our Lord and the Creator of the WHOLE but God is not a WHOLE or a component of the WHOLE___, which could be discovered by human intellect.
If to touch God through intellect___ had been a positive and a regular action___ then___ the question of “who created god?” would have been a reasonable question. But the situation has never been like that as nothing is alike God. God has always been believed as Supernatural and Super-Physical and Beyond of human intellect.
Those who believe in creaturely god and declare God as a whole___ as a father___ as a thing___ as a worshipper___ as a conjugal lover___ as a power of time___ as a living age___ as a person___ as an image or imagination___ and worship the same. They can, of course, tell that who created God or who is the creator of their creaturely God?
But if, even these people, did declare the question, as an unreasonable and absurd question___ then___ all of the people, must clear their minds from such type of questions and notions. By and by they must clear, all of the places of worship, from the idols and images of God. And___ they must immediately stop, their malpractice of introducing God, in creaturely terms, as the practice has already been declared, as hatred and enmity against God, not by some Prophet, but by the Lord, our God on the mount of Sinai:
“I ____ and I Alone___ am God:
No other god is real.
I kill and I give life, I wound and I heal,
And no one can oppose what I do”.
(Duet 32:39)
“Worship no god but Me.
Do not make for yourselves images of
anything in heaven or on earth or in the water
under the earth. Do not bow down to any idol
Or worship it, because I am the Lord your God
I tolerate no rivals”.
(Bible, Exodus 20:3, 4, 5)