Can you answer this religious question?
Jeff Jiberson
2010-10-02 22:34:46 UTC
Can you prove that your religion is the "right" one? Don't get me wrong.. I'm a religious person, it's just that today I was thinking, why do we have so many religions? If all religions think that god chose that religion, then why do we have so many? I was thinking about Christianity, Islam, and Judaism and the fact that their all related somehow, but also so very different. Why? Why are they different? Why couldn't their be one religion that everyone followed? Why did everything branch off into their own separate ways?
Fifteen answers:
2010-10-02 23:43:44 UTC
I quote from the article cited below...

In the end, we see that ultimate truth about God can be found and the worldview maze successfully navigated by testing various truth claims and systematically pushing aside falsehoods so that only the truth remains. Using the tests of logical consistency, empirical adequacy, and existential relevancy, coupled with asking the right questions, yields truthful and reasonable conclusions about religion and God. Everyone should agree that the only reason to believe something is that it is true—nothing more. Sadly, true belief is a matter of the will, and no matter how much logical evidence is presented, some will still choose to deny the God who is there and miss the one true path to harmony with Him.

As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.

MARANATHA! Come, Lord Jesus, COME!
Thor is a loving God Too.
2010-10-02 22:51:44 UTC
There are many religions because ever culture created their own God. That's a fact of history. No one can prove their religion is the right one, because nothing stands out in any religion. All Gods need to be taken on the exact same blind faith and they all need humans to write their holy books. All Gods are invisible and can't be sensed in any way (feeling God doesn't count because every religion "feels God", so it is obviously a delusion). You should ask yourself, " Why do all the "fake" Gods have the exact same convenient identity concealing attributes as the one "real" God? The answer is obvious, all Gods are imaginary.
2010-10-03 00:59:47 UTC
Yes this is a good question, one that many ask, and it does make you wonder. However there is only one religion that God approves of, and that religion is the one that is following the example of Jesus, and the one that is following closely what the Bible commands.

The Bible is the Word of God, and whether we like it or not, or whether we agree or not, it remains a fact. So any religion that doesn't follow what is written in the Bible, or deviates or distorts the word of God, is not the True religion, that's the simple fact.

The reason there are so many different religions is because people have become followers of men, instead of listening to God. Mans traditions and theories have overshadowed the teachings of the Bible, and so many have become confused as to what is right and wrong.This is exactly what Mark 7:6,7 states....''He (Jesus) said to them ( the Jewish Pharisees and scribes) ''Isiah aptly prophesied about you hypocrites as it is written, this people honour me with their lips, but their hearts are far removed from me.It is in vain that they keep worshipping me, because they teach as doctrines the commands of men''

So Jesus plainly told those Pharisees that their worship was useless as they weren't worshipping God correctly.

Even though there are many religions who claim that they are teaching from the Bible, many have misunderstood or are misinformed about what the Bible actually states, the teaching of the Trinity is one such example.

Some religions have also incorporated pagan beliefs into the worship of God, to appease the pagan worshippers of long ago, this too has destroyed the purity of Gods high standards.

Unfortunately too people worship God according to their needs, and to what is popular, or what suits them.

However we cannot choose how we are going to worship God, we are mere humans what right have we to dictate how God should be worshipped. We can only worship God as He requires, only to what He commands. Gods standards are high, and He sent His Son to the earth as an example for us to follow. Jesus was humble, peaceable, merciful, kind, helpful and compassionate, He showed love to ALL. He raised the dead, healed the sick, helped the poor and taught anyone who would listen to the Truth about God his Father.

Satan too has blinded the eyes of many, and has mislead millions away from knowing and having accurate knowledge of who God really is, he has confused them, and instilled hatred and mistrust into their minds and hearts, so that they end up doing his will instead of the will of God.

In conclusion the ONLY religion of whom God approves is the one doing and teaching and putting into practice ALL that God has written about in His word ....The Bible
2010-10-02 23:01:09 UTC
No, I can't prove my religion is the right one. In fact, I argue that it's bound to be wrong.

No human mind is capable of encompassing the whole truth of the universe. We just don't have the capacity. We don't even have the capacity to encompass the whole truth of even one other human mind besides our own.

Furthermore, our minds develop entirely in isolation from each other, with our ability to communicate drastically limited. Words are inadequate to precisely express thoughts; two people can say exactly the same thing and mean completely different things by it. No two people are at all likely to believe exactly the same thing about anything important, except in the very small minority of cases where something can be proven. (E.g, mathematical concepts.)

The only way for two people to have exactly the same beliefs is for one of them to stop thinking and let the other dictate them. (Even then, the communication barrier possibly prevents perfect agreement in thought; all they can manage is perfect assent of one to the other's statements.)

Under these circumstances, it's unlikely anyone has more than a small part of the truth. Any attempt to get others to conform to the same beliefs simply reduces the total amount of truth available, by forcing the conformists to let go of any truths they have found which differ from the standard. Each of us, in effect, has a personal, unique religion; it's only in a general classification of broad categories that we find ourselves lumped in with others.

If we all had exactly the same belief system, then the race as a whole would have much less of the truth available to us, because each individual is a repository of a unique subset of the truth.

As to why this is so: I'm a Christian. I happen to believe God made us this way: each of us partly wrong, and each of us capable of contributing a unique way of being partly right. (Those who object to the "God made us" notion are welcome to substitute for it the notion that we evolved this way as a race, because there is distinct survival value in combining the different understandings achieved by different minds. I'll take either notion, and I doubt there's a meaningful difference between them.) God seems to me to value diversity rather than conformity, at least with respect to human belief systems. Those who preach otherwise appear to have it wrong.
2010-10-02 22:46:40 UTC
There is one to follow and that is Christ, the Jews are still awaiting their Messiah, not realizing that their whole old testament speaks of Jesus coming and they somehow miss it. and the Muslims they are deceived in thinking that Mohammed was somehow the last prophet to come.

Jesus said many things that no other religion can claim, He said He was the SON of God the creator of the universe. and He said That He is the WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE and that NO ONE gets to the Father EXCEPT THROUGH HIM.
2010-10-02 22:49:45 UTC
You ask very good questions. We send missionaries from our church to all over the world to help answer that very question.

Basically, people are prideful- they do not always seek to do what is right, but to do what will satisfy their own pride.

Could I ask you some questions to try to help you - are you ready to do what God would want you to do, whatever that might be? If you were to learn the truth about whether there was a true religion you should join, would you be ready to join it? Do you believe that it's possible for you to learn this?

I'd like to share with you sometime how I know that it is possible for you to know the true answers to those questions. Email or i.m. me sometime.
2010-10-02 22:41:51 UTC
God created man in his image, and as soon as he could, man repaid the compliment. Some people need the pomp and circumstance of flowing robes, ornate fixtures, and solemn rituals, so they gravitate to Catholicism and other very structured groups. Others need the emotional release and attention of shouting and gyrating receipt of the spirit, so they convert to fundamentalist groups. There is a religion out there for everyone, even Scientology for Travolta.
2010-10-02 22:44:43 UTC
Christianity is proven by the many apparations over the centurys.the most famous at Fatima Portugal in 1917 when Holy Mary decended from heaven in front of a crowd of 80,000 people with a holy rosary in one hand and a holy scapular in the other hand,even the prophesy of fatima came true last month whwn the entire russian federation concecrated themselves unto jesus christ.Hears a blessing and a our father prayed just for you.Practice the holy rosary,pratice makes perfect.We love you all,the holy family.
Martina V
2010-10-02 22:39:09 UTC
I will never, ever try to prove that my religion is the right one. I have a religion, yes, but its only the right one for ME. Others can choose how they wish.

I've said this before, and most people get confused by it, but honestly, all religions and belief systems are the right one, as long as each person chooses them for themselves. And no matter a person's religion, or lack of religion, if at the end of the day they respected themselves and others, tried to live simply, and did for other people they did what everyone is supposed to do.
2010-10-05 15:24:42 UTC
Ok, we know we don't create each other and we don't come to this world from nowhere because when we die we must be going somewhere as well, hence there must be God, if there were many Gods, they would have fought over what to be created and what not to be, probably over who to die and who to live at the same time... so it's gotta be one God... if that God created us then there must be a reason... could we figure it out on our own? God made it easy and sent us messengers and prophets to show us the way and tell us why... so all the messengers and all the religions are from the same only God, so they've got to be complementary to each other, not opposing each other!!! then God must have said His final words in the last message, what is the last message? and how do we know it's the last one? I guess that would be the religion that believes in all messengers and all books equally... is there such religion? actually yes, Islam does :)

A True Muslim (man or woman) gets his reward for obeying Allah's orders (Allah means The God in Arabic) by going to heaven, where he/she are indulged forever in all the good things that were on earth and more, things no one ever dreamt of or heard about. The Holy Quran tells Muslims (men and women) there will be good food, good wine and sex in heaven for all, but not in the bestial way you may think of, but rather in a way that is satisfactory for everyone and better than what was on earth. Heaven is no heartbreak or injustice land.

True Muslims are no terrorists, and Islam never calls for that, Islam means peace, it bans violence unless you were fought so you fight back, it only doesn't require Muslims to be cowards, and true Muslims understand this very well and never attack civilians.

Islam is the only religion that accepts freedom of religion and asks men to treat women gently like queens.

It's all in the Holy Quran and the right teachings of prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

If some people behave otherwise, then it's because people behaviour doesn't necessarily reflect the rulings of their religion always, for example, we can't (and don't) judge Christianity by Hitler or Madonna.

And that is another reason why there is heaven and hell after we die, heaven for the obedient and hell for the disobedient and/or oppressor, it's all going to be decided on the day of resurrection and judgement.

To be a Muslim, you must believe God is only one with no spouses or offspring, believe in his angels (servants not males or females), believe in all his religions, messangers and books equally, the day of judgement, heaven and hell and that everything is in God's hands and because of his will (good or bad).

Muslims believe God is the only divine who never dies, the creator who deserves to be worshiped, all prophets who came to earth are human messangers sent by him.

Muslims don't deny christianity, judaism, Jesus or Moses. They believe in them as the noble prophets and messangers of God, love and respect them so much.

We believe the birth of Jesus (messanger of God) was a miracle from God to us, being born by a mother only and with no father. God is the creator, he can do anything.

We believe Jesus (peace be upon him) is NOT dead till today; he wasn’t even murdered or crucified as most people think. God (most glorified) made the man who betrayed Jesus be killed instead by switching their looks for a moment. Jesus was left up to live in heaven until the end of days when he will come back to earth again, with no new teachings or messages but just to make justice prevail instead of oppression, fight the imposter who will claim to be God and (most important) to perform his last prayer with the Muslims announcing he's too a follower of the last prophet (Muhammad) as all people should... then he really dies like other Prophets and be buried (peace be upon them all). So we're waiting for you Jesus, Messenger of God, to bring the world peace and pray with us. That’s what prophet Muhammad told us and this is what I believe in, I’m a Muslim

Neither Islam nor the Quran have versions, Shias are not considered Muslims because they either don't believe in Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), or they object to God's will, so according to what's stated above they are not of the same true religion, so please don't use any of their speech as a trusted source about Islam. Actually Prophet Mohammad peace be upon him told that people will deviate from the true religion into more than 70 ways (like what happened to all religions), and only one way is the right one to follow (it's the majority: wide spread and well known), so the other minorities don't scare a true Muslim at all, he's been told about them 1431 years ago :) God the almighty has always protected and still protects the only pure ray of light to the end.

so how do we know it's true? what is said in the last message and what should we do? read the following, and you'll figure out for yourself:
Barna B. the Busy B.
2010-10-02 22:45:17 UTC
All those beliefs that are different from mine, are made up by heathens infidels and Alkaida.

Jesus Himself prayed for unity,

until peeps of other religions Repent and are Baptized They can go to Hell!
Rico Toasterman JPA
2010-10-02 22:38:04 UTC
Pantheism teaches that the totality of the universe is God. The way I sum it up is:

Take everything there is and add it together with everything there isn't (an important step, google zen mu for more info) and the total equals God. This totality is greater than just the sum of its parts. This totality is, in some way (although the term is too weak and anthropomorphic) aware of itself.

Since all other religions are part of totality, they are part of pantheism.

So I win <-------Does annoying touch down dance.
Poopy McPooperson
2010-10-02 22:39:02 UTC
Honestly, they branched off because there is no true, objective religion. If there was a really decent, good god he would show him/herself to us and let us all know what religion to follow. So we could stop killing each other about it. God is responsible for millions of deaths because he simply refuses to show that he exists.
2010-10-02 22:44:33 UTC
I'm not sure I could prove it right now; but don't they just sound like a lot of crap?

Isn't that good enough?

Do I gotta prove it?
2010-10-02 22:38:18 UTC
If you have a few minutes here are a couple very good videos on the subject that I think you'll find worth your time.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.