Atheists: Have you ever read the Quran and if so, aren't you amazed at all the things it knew before humansdid?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Atheists: Have you ever read the Quran and if so, aren't you amazed at all the things it knew before humansdid?
26 answers:
2011-11-18 11:36:25 UTC
how did it know things before humans did, if humans wrote it. please bury yourself in a hole
2011-11-18 11:37:14 UTC
NEVER confuse astronomy with Astrology

Likewise, Have you ever read the Mayan mathematical Construct and see how accurate their astrologist and calendar were?
2011-11-18 11:36:41 UTC
No, it is not.
2011-11-18 11:39:54 UTC
Yes, it copied it from the other books that came before it.
2011-11-18 11:39:56 UTC
just because someone knew a lot about astronomy and biology does not mean that if they make up a god and write a book about him that they are right...
2011-11-18 11:38:40 UTC
No. You're absolutely deluded. This argument has been used many times over by Muslims. The scholars who actually care enough to read the Quran have debunked all of its claims. Do your own research ~ you'll see...
2011-11-18 11:38:13 UTC
" astronomy and biology"

Because we all know that it describes the development of the foetus in the womb entirely correctly, and that it correctly identifies the moon as a simple 'mirror' of light from the sun rather than a silly light-producing rock.

Edit: 5001 points! HELL YEAH!
2011-11-18 11:48:19 UTC
you mean like the sun coming up from a spring--yeah right--great thing about mythology-is you can read anything you want into it--and then say it predicted science
2011-11-18 11:37:21 UTC
I haven't read the Quran.

What does it say about women?
The Brain
2011-11-18 11:37:51 UTC
yes i have read the quran and i never knew the sun set in a muddy puddle or stars are missles used to shoot at devils

you are aware that the supposed "science" in the quran was known to ancient man

why do you assume that ancient man was stupid? the persians and greeks were very advanced and they came before islam
Meatwad Gets The Honeys
2011-11-18 11:39:09 UTC
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Most of what you speak is NONSENSE that has been debunked a million times over.

Islam is a cult, like ALL religions, which was founded by a madman, terrorist, pedophile/rapist, torturer, murderer, and just all around bad guy...

Why is it that "believers" can read the same evil and nonsense and come to the conclusion that it is all sunshine, kittens, and love when it speaks of rape, beatings, and human rights violations?

- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -

► Definition of CULT

cult noun, often attributive \ˈkəlt\

1: formal religious veneration : worship

2: a system of religious beliefs and ritual; also : its body of adherents

► Sword & Seizure: Muhammad's Epilepsy & creation of Islam

During my childhood, I learned of the Prophet Muhammad's life in religious studies classes, and I was acquainted with some of his teachings. Later on during my undergraduate years, while working in Tehran's psychiatric hospitals, I had an eye-opening experience when I met a couple of schizophrenic patients who claimed to be the Messiah.

► 1000+ Mistakes in the Quran

► - The Challenge

I receive many emails from angry Muslims, who sometimes beg me, and sometimes order me to remove this site. I consider both, pleading and bullying, signs of psychopathology. Argumentum ad baculum and argumentum ad misericordiam are both logical fallacies. If you do not like this site and want me to remove it, instead of acting as a bully or as a victim, disprove my charges against Muhammad logically. Not only will I remove the site, I will publicly announce that Islam is a true religion. I will also pay $50,000 U.S. dollars to anyone who can disprove any of the dozen of the accusations that I have made against Muhammad.

- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -
2011-11-18 11:45:19 UTC
Im christian, but i will ask. Why would you expect to think that an atheist would think that the quran had all this scientific knowledge before it was discovered. All it sounds like is your adjusting your beliefs to justify the claim that all this scientific knowledge was in the quran.

i dont do that with the bible because i recognize that the Bible was written over a span of 1400 years in antiquity. The scientific method was just developed 500 years ago. therefore i dont claim theres any modern science in the bible because thats ridiculous. I see the bible as the infallible word of god written by men, but not a science manual. And why should it be different for the quran. The Quran was written in the 7th century

The biggest claim muslims use to say the quran is scientific is the claim that it has the Big bang theory. Well i simply ask, does it have the theory of evolution in it as well. If not, why not? I dont mean to sound offensive, because i get along very well with muslims and i see them as very good, decent people. But the claim that all this scientific knowledge was in the Quran before the Scientific method was developed is ridiculous
Karl Hungus
2011-11-18 11:41:55 UTC
Yes, I have read it. First, the Quran doesn't know anything, it is a book, just like the bible. There is no proof than any religion is the right religion. When someone comes back from the dead and we don't kill that person or lock them in the looney bin, then we might know the right answer. Until then, we'll just have to wait until we all die to find out.
2011-11-18 11:53:22 UTC
I've read it in several different interpretations. Alas, I don't know enough Arabic to read it in its original form.

Frankly, no. I don't find anything in the book regarding the actual nature of astronomy or biology which is the least remarkable. Moreover, I do find a lot of commentary on women as less than men, among other things, which is frankly reprehensible.

I don't dislike Islam any more than I dislike Christianity. From my perspective, both are outdated religions born in the desert. Both, too, have a majority of adherents that are decent enough folks, with a small minority of violent sociopaths which twist their religion to fit their hate-filled visions.
2011-11-18 11:38:42 UTC
Name ONE thing the Quran knew about astronomy or biology BEFORE it was discovered by scientists first. This is how it goes:

1) Science discovers something by empirical evidence

2) A Muslim points out a fuzzy reference that, if you interpret it a certain way, makes a glancing reference to that something

3) Muslims claim the Quran knew about it first.
2011-11-19 12:07:16 UTC
They only appear good. It is a tactic that follows a higher purpose of infiltration of a country. They grow in numbers, being friends with you. Their odd behavior sometimes gives them away. And their many ridiculous rebuttals to accusations that the Quran is evil is laughable. I have heard many different excuses. A popular one is that the arabic version is much different than the translated one. Its amazing because that's a complete lie. There are actually people that can read arabic. And its been confirmed to be the same evil Quran. Use Google to search for Quran quotes and see for yourself what it's about. More than 80% of it regards ruthless violence against all people that aren't muslims. It has even stolen the concept of Hell as a place of fire for ALL non-muslims. Heaven in the Quran is the Garden Of Eden.

Plagiarism is very apparent here. It comes from Christian texts, Jewish Torah, some Indian and Persian texts. And that leads me to the next explanation by many muslims.

"The Quran was meant to succeed all other religions and that's why there are similarities".

You will here many different ridiculous reasons. But the worst thing of all is that you will hear these same lies coming from good samaritan muslims who are already perched in America. They do good works for all here. There was even a muslim man running a store that pulled a gun on a robber, then gave him some money and food. A statement he spoke later about the Quran has also confirmed that he is in on the lies regarding the Quran. His good deed was to create doubts about their evil.

They will do good. They will seem like the best people you know. And they will demonstrate the peace that exists in 10% of the Quran to fool the gullible. This is how they grow in numbers to take over a country. Mosques are popping up everywhere. When the time comes, they will send a big electromagnetic bomb over America that will kill electricity, cell phones, all satellite communication, gas pumps, etc. America is becoming completely dependent on electronic technology.

At that point, most americans will be stranded without any means for survival. The muslims have subs and nukes. They will start launching them over here and blowing up ports. They will go on suicide missions trying to kill as many non-muslims in every city across America. martyrs, mercy killings, beheadings, you name it.

Sound overly dramatic?

Don't take my word for it. Do your homework. How much do you really care about life and your country? Do you care about children? Do you know that there are hundreds of confiscated videos from islamic countries that show parents teaching their kids to hate non-muslims, especially jews and christians? These children call them pigs and vow to kill them someday. These are not "extremists" as the muslims like to say. These videos come from ALL walks of the muslim world, cinluding the peaceful ones. They show peace to each other whole heartedly. That's humanity. But their Quran is considered LAW to them. They must follow ALL of it. Their minds have been brainwashed to believe that killing is necessary and righteous. The Quran also shows them how to do it secretly and ruthlessly.

Anyone who denies this is either a muslim, or an idiot that chooses to follow candy coated beliefs instead of using their brain to know the truth. This isn't about religion. This is about a race of people with the intent of exterminating all races but their own. Sounds like its out of a science fiction movie. But this is reality. Many decades of evidence and circumstances that surround ALL muslims shows us that they are enemies by their own choice.

Don't be fools. If you see a mosque going up in your town, blow the damn thing up. Get them out before it becomes too late. The invasion is already here.
2011-11-18 11:51:57 UTC
lol, I think if I was a non-muslim and I read this if I was stupid then I would join in with the blind/deaf like answers. I thank Allah for making me a Muslim because I already see the truth.

There is science in the Qur'an, non-muslims retaliate by saying three of either:

(1) e.g. "yeahh, sun sets in a muddy pond" <- lol facepalm (this has been explained, it doesn't have to be explained because if you actually read that verse you'll see some common sense.

(2) Ancient people were smart back then. (What about the Big Bang?) 1400 years ago they knew this ?

(3) Copied from other books (alright kiddo .. :D...)

Do yourself a massive favour and check for yourself (for once in ya life)

And go onto here:

Thank you for your time.
2011-11-18 11:41:20 UTC
You know the Christians did all this nonsense years ago, trying to prove the bible had some worth by trying to match square pegs to round hole vagaries of verse with science etc.

They ended up looking totally stupid and stopped doing it. Well apart from a few backward lunatic fringe elements who haven't got the memo yet.

So do yourself a favour and STFU.
2011-11-18 11:43:17 UTC
LMAO derrr derrr derrrr........ Do you know that in that time the Arabs knew all about science before the western world did... Its a fact.. The quran is just a product of arabians
2011-11-18 11:43:58 UTC
The kuran proves it's good for a man in his late fifties to "consummate the marriage with" a nine-year-old.

The kuran proves it's good for a man to "awaken the conscience" of his wife by beating her.
2011-11-18 11:41:52 UTC
Yes, otherwise, I would never been able to pass the AP physics test.
2011-11-18 11:44:39 UTC
Its true because of its message of being true to yourself and treating others with dignity.
2011-11-18 11:40:40 UTC
Yes, twice. I was amazed and horrified that people believe what it says is okay.
2011-11-18 11:36:47 UTC
I have read the Quran, more than once.

There are some portions that seem to foreshadow later scientific discoveries.
2011-11-18 11:38:27 UTC
Yes I did read, it is really amazing, I recomment everyone to read it
2011-11-18 11:41:58 UTC
No, the bible was bad enough!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.