Why do Atheists mock those who believe in God?
2009-06-09 04:58:14 UTC
I find it offending that some people mock us Christians for believing in God...I see nothing wrong with it and it's not like we're being hypnotized to do evil things so why mock us believers?
57 answers:
2009-06-09 17:57:59 UTC
Actually, it's almost exactly like you're being hypnotized to do evil things.
2009-06-10 11:09:48 UTC
Its not that we mock you. I find that most atheists answer honestly, and christians take huge offence. Its not only that though, we mock you if you offend us as well.

Its a battle on here, its like a war, who can get the most thumbs up or down. I don't believe in god, and I won't lie, I think the belief itself (to an extent) is ridiculous, but I dont mock people.

There are those who do of course, but on here I think its simply because its more or less a battle between atheism and theism, and some people insult as a means of arguing. Not all atheists are like that, just how not all christians are closed-minded and mocking of us as well.
Jabber wock
2009-06-09 05:32:14 UTC
There's a difference between mocking a person, and mocking their beliefs.

If I state that I believe the moon is made of green cheese, or the sun orbits the earth, should my beliefs be 'protected' form criticism. Shouldn't any critic be allowed to pick their style, including mockery?


No belief is protected, whether a belief in god or in pixies, so is always up for disagreement. To do otherwise would be to have censorship or a ban on free expression - a much worse situation. That's what allows dictatorship and corruption to flourish.
2009-06-09 08:48:20 UTC
I mock al people with silly beliefs based on nothing but superstition and wishful thinking. I have a friend who believes in Big Foot. I laugh at her too. Don't take it personally. I used to believe in silly things too. I'm as much taking a piss at my own expense as I am at yours.

....and you are sort of being brainwashed into doing evil things. Bush and Cheney both believe the war they started was God's idea.
2009-06-09 06:39:47 UTC
For the same reason plenty Christians mock atheists. You believe something because you believe it is right - some people, atheists and theists alike, take it too far and start to think that anyone who doesn't believe the 'right' thing is, by default, a moron.

Also, some people bring it on themselves to be mocked by saying stupid things.
2009-06-09 18:32:39 UTC
Not all of us do. And wouldn't you think that we are offended when Christians mock us for our beliefs as well? It's a two way street. Why not be part of the solution?
Marc L
2009-06-09 17:54:21 UTC
Honestly, it's not all believers. Not even most of you. For the most part, the average, every day Christian is not unlike your average, everyday . You take care of yourselves, your families, and you actively seek to not hurt other people. Granted, I may feel your views are silly, but I'm not going to mock a person like that.

Then there's that small group of you. They aren't just Christians. They're Jewish, Muslim, whatever. They hate people who are different than them. They think that those who don't believe as they do not only will go to hell, but *deserve* to go to hell. They look forward to that day when the Messiah comes and wipes the rest of us out. Some of them go so far as to murder people that disagree with them. Others stop short of that, but seek to restrict the freedoms of those who differ.

I don't just mock those people. I oppose them. I call them to account, and compare what they believe to what they say they believe. My country was founded on the principles of individual freedom. That means I am free to believe as I choose, and free to act as I choose, so long as my activities harm no one. If you oppose that, than I do not like you, and will mock you, and vocally oppose you.
2009-06-09 11:09:20 UTC
Not hypnotized, brain washed. Or did you not read about the abortion dr being shot, and the witch trails. the crusades, the genocides of the native people's of america, the inquisition, Prop 8, etc.

Why do some christians mock atheists?
2009-06-09 19:04:05 UTC
For a lot of atheists, the idea of believing in god is foolish. They cannot understand the point of having "faith" in god when there is no tangible evidence that supports the existence of god. Maybe the phrase "invisible sky daddy" sounds insulting to you, and believe me I understand, but to an atheist, god is no different than santa claus, the tooth fairy, unicorns, the lochness monster, or Harry Potter. What feels like reality to you is fiction to an atheist. Simple as that. To an atheist, claiming god as real is not much different than claiming Harry Potter is real -- each have special books that discuss their lives and their morals... what is the difference? One book has magic wands and invisibility cloaks, and the other book has talking snakes and walking on water. To an atheist, taking the Bible as fact is ridiculious, hence, mocking.

Also, many atheists ridicule believers because believers often ridicule non-believers for the same reasons -- neither can understand one another.
2009-06-09 05:07:33 UTC
i think that religion is good for some reasons , in that people try to love a good life by it and help others out etc, and for that i think that it has done good. however, when religion is used against people or to make people do stupid things (like terrorism for example) then i really resent it. that is the main reason i think that people are against religion becasue many will hurt others to try and fight for soemthing that doesnt exist. think about it though, do you really think that we can believe in soemthing that is so impossible and has most likely been invented long ago as means of controlling people?

i dont mind religion, and i certainly dont mock people who believe, however i think that they should stop trying to make people believe in something they cant and use it as an excuse to do evil things. :)
2009-06-12 22:22:58 UTC
If anything christians act so idiotically and believe such insane things that they mock any sane and halfway decent god that might exist.
Scott M
2009-06-09 11:42:10 UTC

Planned Parenthood bombings.

Witch hunts.

Selling "holy water".





Claims of moral superiority.

Disregard of non-Christians as "savages".

Efforts to force Creationism into science.

Efforts to force religious dogma into law.

If you are a Christian you believe in talking snakes and other animals, a worldwide flood that vanished without a trace, city walls that will collapse by people screaming at them, magic tricks, demons causing disease, and people coming back to life without any contemporary historian noticing, etc...

And you wonder why you are mocked?
Jess H
2009-06-09 09:44:54 UTC
If you think you haven't been hypnotized into doing evil things, you clearly don't know what your fellow believers are up to.
2009-06-09 05:13:16 UTC
Because Christians tend to influence the community around them.

We want our children to be able to stand up and take responsibility for the things that they do, and we believe that other people's children should do the same.

We don't like the current "anything goes" climate, and we say so, loudly. We insist on our right to vote according to our own convictions, and this they cannot stand.

They hate us because we have a God Who loves us, but they have rejected Him

We need to pity them, for we are the Children of Light, while they are still alone in the dark.
2009-06-09 11:46:05 UTC
For the exact same reason you mock those who are non-believers.
Mommy of Vin
2009-06-09 05:13:30 UTC
Because, in short, faith is retarded.

To have faith is to belief in something without any evidence. To accept things without evidence makes you gullible, easily tricked or deceived. Faith is not something to be proud is something that needs to be mocked, scorned, and ridiculed. We generally do try to debate with you guys and give Christians ample room to present evidence that they may think they have, but this "evidence" is usually more of the same retardation.

We see the negative effect your religion(s) have on our world and on humanity. You can hardly expect us to think Christianity should be respected when we are being told that we are filthy, useless humans needing forgiveness for petty mistakes made by us and our "ancestors" lest we burn in hell forevermore. You can hardly expect us to think Christianity has all the answers when we have to fight to keep science in the schools and superstition out. You can hardly expect us to think Christianity should be left alone when this system holds so many people in the chains of intellectual slavery.

Religion hijacks everything, and on top of that is utterly absurd.
2009-06-09 05:08:31 UTC
hmmm... you're making a very general statement there. i am an atheist... acutally i don't like that word, i have my own beliefs, they just don't fit in with any particular religion.

i don't mock christians i couldn't care less what anybody else believes in... each to their own!!!!

and you know how many christians have told me i'm going to hell because i don't "believe" in god????????????????? everyone is as bad as each other. get over it and stop making yourself out to be the victim!
Rebecca D
2009-06-10 11:07:25 UTC
why do those who believe in "God" mock Atheists?
Safe Sax
2009-06-13 00:51:39 UTC
Because you've never seen a god and yet you believe one exists simply because you were told to.
2009-06-10 17:31:19 UTC
Why do christians mock:

Atheists for not believing in their god?

Believers of other religions for not believing in the christian god?

Other christians for not believing in their particular variant of christianity?
2009-06-09 05:10:33 UTC
Because they have nothing better to do than go on Yahoo answers and make fun of religion. I can totally understand mocking the crazy religious freaks that love to tell everyone they're going to hell and persecute anybody who doesn't agree with them... but everybody has the right to believe what they want. If you don't agree and you think God is a 'magical leprechaun' or whatever then so be it, but mocking religion is just as childish. Seriously, have some respect. Agree to disagree, and shut up about it.
2009-06-09 05:05:00 UTC
Anyone who believes the Earth is just 6000 years old despite all of the contrary evidence and refuses to even look at that evidence deserves all the mocking they get. But that's only a minority of god believers, isn't it?
2009-06-09 05:10:44 UTC
For several reasons:

A) Because we're tired of listening to your crap on TV, in the newspaper, or in political speeches.

B) Because the belief that there is someone in the sky looking down on you, who is at the same time forgiving and judgemental and who grants wishes in the forms of "prayers" and who sends those he does not like to hiss buddy the Devil is just plain ludicrous.

C) Because it's fun to watch you squirm under good sense.

D) Because Calvinists scare the crap out of me.

E) Because your religion can be used to justify just about anything.

F) Because when something is proven that contradicts your religion you either reject it (dumb) or use "context" to claim that your religion never said that in the first (dumb AND frustrating for the rest of us).

G) Because people have used Christianity to justify evil things done in the past.

I can continue to "Z-2351" if you wish...

2009-06-11 15:30:20 UTC
frankly you lost me at "being hypnotized to do evil things"

i think you are insinuating that we atheists are.
2009-06-09 05:10:29 UTC
Many atheists (including myself) find it sad AND laughable that there are people who can believe that there is a god who created the world in six days, made man out of dust, had everything perfect until a talking snake ruined it, sent his kid to save the day, created a universe and demands to be called perfect even though creating anything is born of imperfection, made a book that he calls his word yet that word is not only full of huge flaws but is also the cause of constant conflict, is petty enough to create humans for a lark, give them a crappy set of guidleines to follow, then punish them for not getting it right...

There's a lot more...need I go on? The God of the Abrahamics is infantile and adhering to that kind of faith is pure silliness.

I respect your right to believe it though...100%...I just think I should be allowed to giggle at it, lament it and challenge it.
Rook W.
2009-06-09 05:07:08 UTC
Because to somebody who tries to think rationally and logically, the idea of exalting "faith" - literally the acceptance of an idea without logical proof - seems silly. There's nothing wrong with believing in fairies either, but that won't stop people from mocking you if you do.

Also, belief in God has been used to justify countless atrocities, so it's not necessarily harmless. This is not to say theism leads to atrocities committed in the name of God, or that atheism is the only way to avoid committing those atrocities, of course; but think crusades. Think lesser jihad. Think the Spanish Inquisition. Think witch-burning... et cetera.
2009-06-09 11:04:37 UTC
but you ARE being hypnotized to do evil things.
2009-06-09 06:23:25 UTC
To believe in something that has zero evidence for its existence is silly.
2009-06-10 06:08:45 UTC
some believers need their opinions and beliefs to be scrutinised

some believers rationalise evil via their faith
2009-06-09 05:01:44 UTC
In fact, if you believe in your god that's your choice and I have no reason to mock you. If, however, you start to teach your beliefs in school or knock on my door with your beliefs or start a religious war about them, prepare to be mocked.
Robert R
2009-06-10 18:19:08 UTC
Um, I'm guessing you meant to name yourself "stop persecuting Christians". I hope.
2009-06-09 05:16:09 UTC
If you think you are not being hypnotised or indoctrinated then watch the documentary "Jesus Camp" and tell me what you think after that. It's just a more extreme version of church, where they tell you that unsubstantiated claims are facts, and even to question those facts is immoral.
Innocent Victim
2009-06-09 05:07:06 UTC
It's a way of trying to get you to see how ridiculous your belief is. It may fail to have the desired effect 999 times, but the 1,000th may succeed in opening a door of doubt in someone's mind.
Jamie D
2009-06-09 05:06:39 UTC
I'm afraid that's a bit of an unfair generalization, friend. I know many atheists who are perfectly willing to respect other people's beliefs, even if they don't share them. If you find someone else's views offensive, then tell yourself "They have a right to an opinion, even if I think it's wrong and insulting."

Failing that, let them know, in a positive fashion, that you find their views offensive.
2009-06-11 05:26:53 UTC
I think the word you are grasping for is persecuting, but frankly, that is not happening.
2009-06-09 05:01:53 UTC
Why are you so hell-bent on getting our respect? I accept you, I tolerate you, I respect you as a person (but all this whining is eroding it quickly). Just don't ask me to respect the fact that you think an unexplained undetectable magic man in the sky created us all based on a dusty book and anecdotal stories, because I do not.
2009-06-09 05:01:17 UTC
It's not really hard to mock people who sincerely believe in a magical God who created people from dirt.

Plus I usually only mock scathingly when they interfere with the rights of other people, such as attempting to ban the valid teaching of evolution in public schools or the legal recognition of same-sex marriage.
2009-06-09 08:03:08 UTC
Honey, I rip everyone, don't take it personally when your ripped, just fight back.
2009-06-09 11:54:25 UTC
Probably because what you believe in is retarded.
neil s
2009-06-09 05:08:30 UTC
Faith flew planes into buildings, it's not a legitimate basis for belief.
2009-06-09 05:01:38 UTC
Why do those who believe in God mock atheists? Wah, stop persecuting us.
2009-06-11 02:44:15 UTC
Because I'm a jerk.
2009-06-09 05:01:33 UTC
Keep it private, don't mix it with public lives and secular poltical system, and educational system, don¨t use it for legislation and i will shut up

Believing in imaginary things is childish
The Canadian Atheist
2009-06-09 05:00:38 UTC
For the same reason that you'd mock someone if they told you they believed in a magic Leprechaun who, lives in the sky and grants wishes to his followers.


After all, there is as much evidence to suggest that the magic Leprechaun exists, as the deity you claim is real...
2009-06-09 05:03:00 UTC
I ridicule ridiculous beliefs.

Edit: Kdanley, I realize you are not very bright, but the bible itself proves the bible wrong. Direct contradictions in the order of things in a perfect book either indicates the book isn't perfect or it was written entirely by man.
2009-06-09 18:43:06 UTC
Because they are stupid,and can't to anything better than live,and go to Satan when they die. :) I am religious.
2009-06-09 05:18:40 UTC
Atheist are fools.

The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good. (Psalms 14:1 KJV)

EtymologyFrom French athéiste (athée + -iste) < Latin atheos < Ancient Greek ἄθεος (atheos), “‘godless, denying the gods’”) < ἀ- (a-), “‘without’”) + θεός (theos), “‘god’”)..
2009-06-09 05:02:04 UTC
"it's not like we're being hypnotized to do evil things"



More Crusades,

Westboro Baptist Church,

Anti-Gay demonstration and legislation

We could do this all day, son
2009-06-09 05:17:33 UTC
God created all humankind.

He are all at different states of spiritual unfoldment.

We sometimes Believe in God and sometimes we do not.

We are all different, but are we waiting for God or is God waiting for us.

There are no real Atheists actually.

if an Atheist's child was in a car accident and waiting for the answer from the surgeon then sitting there he is prayer, or wishing to God that we knew how !?? truly wishing that he could.

And at the final moment of life for the Atheist his last words being:-

Dear God save my soul..if I have a SOUL.

Who are the Atheists ? Ha! Ha! I see no Atheists Ha! Ha!

All are potential devotees of lovers of the Eternal verity that is GOD.

Fear not that they mock and ridicule, they will one day see the light, but for most it will takes years of pain and suffering before that day will dawn- You may have spent years building up a great tower of Faith, yet they will all come and try and tear that tower down in five minutes flat, and the one question that they will try and used to do this will almost always be;-

Right ! if there is a God then why is there so much suffering that bloodshed here on Earth.

Just read the following that keep the Faith :-

Concerning the Nature of Human Suffering:-

And the Laws of Action and Consequence.

The easy mistake of literal interpretation of Scripture is very easy to make, let us now take one example of where a literal interpretation occurs and how a deeper understanding of an example will help us to understand the true nature of Human suffering :-

In the New testament Jesus spoke, and said:-


Now upon superficial reflection we can interpret the literal meaning to be:-

The farmer sows the field and if this be corn or wheat he shall surely reap the rewards of hard work and have a bountiful harvest; extolling the merits of hard work.

But although this be quite fine an interpretation it does not touch the true depths and truth of what the Son of God was trying to convey in this, one of the most important passages of the New testament as personally spoken by God Incarnate as Man- the living and Eternal Christ.

The deep Esoteric hidden significance the Living Christ was trying to convey in the verse:- That which a man sows so also shall he reap, was the Great Spiritual Laws of Predestination or Divine providence, also known in modern times as the Scientific laws of Cause and Effect.

You must try to understand that Gods holy principles of Life cannot be easily understood by the average man. Jesus understood this and saw the immense difficulty in trying to teach these great spiritual truths of his Father to the people at was due to this fact that he hid the mysteries of God and life in the form of Parable for the common man to understand.

Jesus looked around him and used those aspects of ordinary life in Judea at the time to teach the people the secrets of life in parable. for example he looked at the simple farmer.

That which a man sows so also shall he reap...Seems simple enough YES?

What our Lord was trying to teach as the unrevealed truth of Life hidden inside this parable was:-

There is the immense field of Life we must all tramp through from the cradle to the grave...

As we move through this field we are all acting like the farmer in the field sowing good DEEDS and bad DEEDS constantly....

What the Lord Jesus is trying to teach here and most Theological Colleges will not teach you is that all these good and bad deeds will oneday come back down on your head and you will have to pay full recompense for your actions and you wont even have to wait for hell before you begin you recompense..Just pick up the newspaper or tune on the Television and see for yourself....but dont let those fools tell you that there is no God when we have brought our own misery down upon our own heads.

The Angels may weep, but God gave us a free Will to be as HE - Co-creators; in the vast expanse of Terrestrial Space…but that Will once acted upon not only defines us as Human beings, but determines the true consequence of our actions..... There no use blaming God, or saying that things are so bad that God does not exists.

In the East this Principle of cause and effect is known as the the Laws of karma. Mentioned thousands of years before even it was made mention by Lord Jesus, because this law existed since the birth of the Universe…So do not be so fast to put down other religions, because you do not know what your going to find there….One of the reasons the Government has made it illegal to put down others peoples religious beliefs.

This law of cause and effect states that every action must have its resounding reaction.

Or for practical purposes, that every action has its corresponding Consequence.

This law operates in all the dimensions and is as such a Spiritual as well as a known Law of Physics.

Nobody can escape this Law
2009-06-09 05:06:14 UTC
Because it is fun to watch you whine afterwards.
mysterious ghost
2009-06-09 05:01:06 UTC
we just think its funny that you can beleive in something that theres no evidence that it exists

you would think it was funny if i belived in santa wouldnt you?
2009-06-09 05:06:42 UTC
If they didn't, then they would prove the Bible wrong.

" 3 ¶ Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts,

4 And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation." 2 Peter 3:3-4

If only atheists could keep quiet they could have debunked the Bible!
2009-06-09 05:00:51 UTC
If Christians didn't want to be ridiculed, why do they have such ridiculous beliefs?
2009-06-09 05:01:02 UTC
Because they don't understand it, and people tend to mock what they don't understand
2009-06-09 05:03:49 UTC
feel bad for them, in the end thay will see,
2009-06-09 05:02:58 UTC
simple because they don't, they don't see god, so they think people who believe in him are well just stupid, when in fact it is they :)
2009-06-09 05:00:57 UTC
cuz its stupid

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.