God created all humankind.
He are all at different states of spiritual unfoldment.
We sometimes Believe in God and sometimes we do not.
We are all different, but are we waiting for God or is God waiting for us.
There are no real Atheists actually.
if an Atheist's child was in a car accident and waiting for the answer from the surgeon then sitting there he is prayer, or wishing to God that we knew how !?? truly wishing that he could.
And at the final moment of life for the Atheist his last words being:-
Dear God save my soul..if I have a SOUL.
Who are the Atheists ? Ha! Ha! I see no Atheists Ha! Ha!
All are potential devotees of lovers of the Eternal verity that is GOD.
Fear not that they mock and ridicule, they will one day see the light, but for most it will takes years of pain and suffering before that day will dawn- You may have spent years building up a great tower of Faith, yet they will all come and try and tear that tower down in five minutes flat, and the one question that they will try and used to do this will almost always be;-
Right ! if there is a God then why is there so much suffering that bloodshed here on Earth.
Just read the following that keep the Faith :-
Concerning the Nature of Human Suffering:-
And the Laws of Action and Consequence.
The easy mistake of literal interpretation of Scripture is very easy to make, let us now take one example of where a literal interpretation occurs and how a deeper understanding of an example will help us to understand the true nature of Human suffering :-
In the New testament Jesus spoke, and said:-
Now upon superficial reflection we can interpret the literal meaning to be:-
The farmer sows the field and if this be corn or wheat he shall surely reap the rewards of hard work and have a bountiful harvest; extolling the merits of hard work.
But although this be quite fine an interpretation it does not touch the true depths and truth of what the Son of God was trying to convey in this, one of the most important passages of the New testament as personally spoken by God Incarnate as Man- the living and Eternal Christ.
The deep Esoteric hidden significance the Living Christ was trying to convey in the verse:- That which a man sows so also shall he reap, was the Great Spiritual Laws of Predestination or Divine providence, also known in modern times as the Scientific laws of Cause and Effect.
You must try to understand that Gods holy principles of Life cannot be easily understood by the average man. Jesus understood this and saw the immense difficulty in trying to teach these great spiritual truths of his Father to the people at large....it was due to this fact that he hid the mysteries of God and life in the form of Parable for the common man to understand.
Jesus looked around him and used those aspects of ordinary life in Judea at the time to teach the people the secrets of life in parable. for example he looked at the simple farmer.
That which a man sows so also shall he reap...Seems simple enough YES?
What our Lord was trying to teach as the unrevealed truth of Life hidden inside this parable was:-
There is the immense field of Life we must all tramp through from the cradle to the grave...
As we move through this field we are all acting like the farmer in the field sowing good DEEDS and bad DEEDS constantly....
What the Lord Jesus is trying to teach here and most Theological Colleges will not teach you is that all these good and bad deeds will oneday come back down on your head and you will have to pay full recompense for your actions and you wont even have to wait for hell before you begin you recompense..Just pick up the newspaper or tune on the Television and see for yourself....but dont let those fools tell you that there is no God when we have brought our own misery down upon our own heads.
The Angels may weep, but God gave us a free Will to be as HE - Co-creators; in the vast expanse of Terrestrial Space…but that Will once acted upon not only defines us as Human beings, but determines the true consequence of our actions..... There no use blaming God, or saying that things are so bad that God does not exists.
In the East this Principle of cause and effect is known as the the Laws of karma. Mentioned thousands of years before even it was made mention by Lord Jesus, because this law existed since the birth of the Universe…So do not be so fast to put down other religions, because you do not know what your going to find there….One of the reasons the Government has made it illegal to put down others peoples religious beliefs.
This law of cause and effect states that every action must have its resounding reaction.
Or for practical purposes, that every action has its corresponding Consequence.
This law operates in all the dimensions and is as such a Spiritual as well as a known Law of Physics.
Nobody can escape this Law