I need to know exactly what the unpardonable sin is? There is so many different interpretations about it on the internet!!?
2021-03-04 17:49:41 UTC
I really need to know what it is exactly, why does everyone’s have a different understanding of what it is? I want Jesus in my life and need him, but my uncertainty around what the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is makes me feel like I’m turning away because of my frustrations and not knowing. I feel like I know for sure that Jesus is real, I’ve seen spirits and may have seen the Holy Spirit but I can’t say for sure. I  get bad anxious thoughts about god and Jesus that I don’t want, and I just need to know what it is? I feel like part of me might of rejected, but I don’t want to
40 answers:
2021-03-08 14:31:10 UTC
[5 sins that are 99% - 100% unforgivable]

[1: knowingly & happily sinning & or being unrepentant.]

[2: cursing the one & only, God the Father.]

[3: willingly accept the “mark of the beast”, during the 7yr great tribulation.]

[4: adding-to or destroying the bible.]

[5: hurting children [preventing them from hearing the word of Christ, through murder, rape, torture, etc.,]

King James Version Bible

1 Peter Chapter 2

11. Dearly beloved, I beseech [you] as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul;

[ONE: knowing the sin is wrong but doing it anyway.]

Ecclesiastes Chapter 3

21. Who knoweth the spirit of man that goeth upward, and the spirit of the beast that goeth downward to the earth?

Hebrews Chapter 10

26. For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins,

2 Peter Chapter 2

21. For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they have known [it], to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them.

[TWO: cursing the one & only perfect, God the Father.]

Matthew Chapter 12

31. Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy [against] the [Holy] Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men.

32. And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the [world] to come.

Mark Chapter 3

30. Because they said, He hath an unclean spirit.

[THREE: taking the “mark of the beast” during the 7r great tribulation. All of humanity will be warned by flying angels, during the great tribulation, when that time arrives.]

Revelation Chapter 14

9. And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, if any man worship the beast and his image, and receive [his] mark in his forehead, or in his hand,

10. The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:

11. And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.

[FOUR: adding false information to the bible & or destroying it.]

Revelation Chapter 22

18. For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:

19. And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and [from] the things which are written in this book.

[FIVE: hurting children: preventing them from hearing the word of Christ, murder, rape, torture.]

Mark Chapter 9

42. And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea.

Matthew Chapter 18

5. And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me.

6. But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

Galatians Chapter 5

19. Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are [these]; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,

20. Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,

21. Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told [you] in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

Malachi Chapter 3

5. And I will come near to you to judgment; and I will be a swift witness against the sorcerers, and against the adulterers, and against false swearers, and against those that oppress the hireling in [his] wages, the widow, and the fatherless, and that turn aside the stranger [from his right], and fear not me, saith the LORD of hosts.

Ecclesiastes Chapter 8

11. Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil.

Revelation Chapter 22

14. Blessed [are] they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.

15. For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.
2021-03-06 15:07:42 UTC
When you don't decide to start obeying all of Jesus' sayings
The First Dragon
2021-03-05 20:50:04 UTC
I know how varied the answers are, but people don't look to the utmost.

What sin could not be forgiven?  Jesus mentioned also that it is better to be thrown into the sea tied to a millstone than to trip one of the little ones who believes in Him.

So I think this is what the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is - corrupting one of the little ones - or one under your authority or influence. 

A prime example would be a clergy member molesting a child or anyone under his care or authority.  That is an eternal sin because the perp is corrupting the victim under his authority as a man of God, and the victim may be turned away from the Church forever.  

When the Bible speaks of "the small " it can be referring to children, but also to those of lower position in society.

Mark 3:28-30 - Matt.18:  6 - Mark 9:42 - Luke 17:2
2021-03-05 18:12:15 UTC
There is only one unpardonable sin, and that is ascribing partners to Allah the Almighty [glorified and exalted be He]. All other sins He can, of His grace, pardon.
2021-03-05 14:07:05 UTC
God has given every responsible person an equal opportunity to choose Heaven, and the mere fact that *this* bothers your conscience proves that you did not commit the unpardonable sin. Feeling better already?

Jesus' opponents did not deny that He performed miracles but affirmed that He did it by the devil.

In fact, they called the Holy Spirit an *unclean spirit* and Jesus replied, "Therefore, I say to you, any sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit, shall not be forgiven." [Matthew 12:31].

So, you can put yourself at ease and be comfortable with who you are (as long as you realize that you do not belong to yourself...) 
2021-03-05 13:31:06 UTC
There's ONE unpardonable sin:  blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.  Nobody has the right to dispute that.  It's in the Bible.
2021-03-05 10:25:31 UTC
It's very simple.  It's failing to accept salvation.  It's unforgivable because it actually is failing to allow God to forgive you.
Your Word is a light to my roadway
2021-03-05 08:30:34 UTC
To blasphemy the holy spirit would be to attribute works done by God through his holy spirit to Satan as the scribes did when Jesus Christ was performing miracles by God's holy spirit and they attributed it to Satan, Mark 3:22. At Mark 3:29,30 it is then explained.
2021-03-04 22:02:38 UTC
It is rejection of God from your life, also known as blasphemy. Once He is no longer active in your life, you cannot repent of your sins, you cannot seek forgiveness, so you are doomed.
2021-03-04 17:52:24 UTC
The unpardonable sin is not wanting to be pardoned, neighbor.
2021-03-06 22:47:20 UTC
Attributing gifts and works of the Holy Spirit to any other also known as ascribing greatness to any other god than Almighty God. It is a complete denial and perversion of the truth. 

Btw good luck with "seeing" the Holy Spirit.

That is most unlikely. 

Those who welcome the Holy Spirit with an open heart and arms are those who accept fully that everything that comes from God IS good.

That is an irrefutable scriptural truth. It will be the same today as it was yesterday and will be tomorrow and thenceforth. 

Look through the scriptures and find scriptural passages which almost leap off the page at you and learn them for the greatest life skill of all.
2021-03-05 23:24:38 UTC
“Sin lies only in hurting other people unnecessarily. All other "sins" are invented nonsense. (Hurting yourself is not sinful - just stupid).”

Robert A. Heinlein (American science-fiction Writer, 1907-1988)
2021-03-05 21:18:53 UTC
It's rejecting Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior.  It's trying to get to heaven on your own merit.  The "spirits" you have "seen" are actually demons.  You probably see them because you or someone close to you is or has been involved with the occult.  Anxious feelings about Jesus and God (capital g please) are a result of unconfessed sin in your life.  Get serious with God.  Read the New Testament.  Start with the Gospel of John.   Pray every day for God's will and direction in your life. Humbly confess all known sin to Him and ask His forgiveness.  Ask Jesus into your life as Lord and Savior.  Follow Him.  If you are just looking for "fire insurance" and have no desire to serve God, you will never have assurance of salvation.  There are many carnal Christians today who are in the same boat with you.  Stop loving the world.  It's all going to burn up soon anyway.  Love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul and mind, and your neighbor as yourself.   Stay away from mega churches and televangelists.  Most of them are false prophets.  Connect with  a simple Bible-believing church.  
2021-03-05 18:40:58 UTC
Understand that ALL those who sincerely repent of their sins are forgiven. The infinite atonement of Christ has the power to forgive all repentant sins.

The unpardonable sin, or the sin against the Holy Ghost or the blasphemy of the Holy Ghost is committed when a person comes to know God with surety through the power of the Holy Ghost and then rejects God. He knows and hates God and fights against Him continually. He is like Satan who was cast out of God's presence in the beginning.

The plan of salvation extends beyond the grave where all will come to know God and will be able to choose to accept Him. A few hateful souls will never accept God and will be cast out of His presence by their own choice. The fate of the wicked is not an everlasting tortuous burning hell but is seperation from the light of God. This is called the second spiritual death, whereas the first spiritual death is our seperation from God that began when Adam was cast out of the garden. The atonement of Christ brings all back into the presence of God for judgement. Hell is a temporary existence where the rebellious (including rebellious Christians) suffer great sorrow for their offenses towards God. Most will then finally repent.

True Christianity, with all its spiritual gifts, is a revelatory experience that includes personal revelation. However, it is only manifest to those with faith or trust in God, which is sorely lacking in our religious environment. Thus, God witholds spiritual knowledge from the faithless so that they are protected from being liable for commandments that they are not capable of following.
2021-03-05 18:23:18 UTC
Based on the Christians I've talked to, you would have to actively reject the 'holy spirit' (which would first require that you had accepted Jesus, etc.)

You can't do it by accident.
2021-03-05 16:33:22 UTC
It is sinning against the Holy Spirit.

To say it in simple terms, it is 'denying the known truth'.

So it is obvious that if we deny and avoid the 'truth' that we 'know' then we just CANNOT be saved!
2021-03-05 16:12:38 UTC
First- Jewish scripture is called the TaNaKh.  Xtians mistranslated it, added hell and evil beings of mythology, which is from the tree of the‘knowledge’ of good and evil, to create the false ‘old’ testament.

Judaism used mythology as a seal to protect Judaism for a time when it is safe to teach.

Judaism is the tree of life that humanity rejected.  Humanity chose Babylonian mythology of good and evil.

Scripture says God’s spirit hovers above the water.  That’s oxygen.

The unforgivable sin is to curse the Holy Spirit.


 1, 9 imprecation, execration, fulmination, malediction. 5 misfortune, calamity, trouble. 5, 6 bane, scourge, plague, affliction, torment. 13 plague, scourge, afflict, doom., 

If we damage the air on planet earth, nothing will save us from this unforgivable sin and everything will die.  Jewish people are supposed to teach, wake up the world from the delusions of mythology, and create world peace, like we should have chosen 3,500 years ago. We should have excelled at creating a utopian society but instead we became unnatural, violent, intolerant, greedy.  No one is having fun!

Wake up!

2021-03-05 13:00:47 UTC
The "unpardonable sin" (i.e. Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit) is rejecting Jesus Christ as Savior throughout one's lifetime and dying in that perpetual state of unbelief. The Bible says that you can KNOW you have eternal life through simple faith in Jesus Christ (1 John 5:13).

The Bible teaches that we are all sinners who deserve eternal separation from God in hell. But the good news is that the Lord Jesus Christ died on the cross to pay for all our sins and rose again (1 Cor. 15:3-4). Because of the shed blood of Christ, no one has to go to hell. All one must do to receive eternal life is to believe in Jesus Christ for that free gift! The moment you believe in Christ alone to save you, you are kept eternally secure and will go to heaven when you die no matter what.

"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life" (John 5:24).
2021-03-05 03:02:44 UTC
The answer is a bit complex, given all the misunderstanding that revolves around the topic. The biblical short answer is what is stated; blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. So what does that mean, really? Understanding is dependent upon understanding how one can blaspheme God the Father and even the Christ, and be forgiven, but why this; blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is not. 

Blasphemy is an insulting of God.  The Holy Spirit is that "part" of God that resides within a believer. However, a person in possession of the Holy Spirit was given the Holy Spirit with the knowledge that the person would not do this; the process involved pretty much assuring such a thing would not happen, even though theoretically possible. Or to word it another way, possible, but highly unlikely. It is highly improbable.

People can deny or blaspheme the Holy Spirit by denying what the Holy Spirit does with a person; the "function" He carries out in the life of a believer. For example, there are people and churches that believe Christians should keep and abide by the old covenant law; a law designed for the Hebrews who were "stiff-necked, rebellious, and faithless." Sabbatarian legalists use the argument that a Christian is not free to sin, and sin is believed to be the transgression of that law, citing a flawed translation found in the KJV. So when it is all said and done, they are claiming, without coming right out and saying it, you have to keep that law, as they interpret it, in order to be saved. But the Holy Spirit in a person is the proof of one already saved, so the belief you have to do something else; follow something else, insults the Holy Spirit by claiming as a result the Holy Spirit is inadequate and an insufficient guide in the life of a believer. One's salvation is strictly and solely a matter of faith only, in Christ only, and not a divided faith between God and the law to save you. The law does not save. The law condemns. The law brings about wrath. 

This, by the way, is the basis of the gospel; you are saved by/through faith, and nothing else. If you don't believe the gospel, and believe there is something else you personally must do to be saved even partially by/through your own effort, you are saying to God that His Holy Spirit is not enough to guide and direct your walk through this life. It comes down to believing what God says, without reservation. 
2021-03-05 02:59:21 UTC
Hi! It seems that David at your service is the only one who has correctly answered your question.

The unpardonable sin was some thing which could only be committed in the days of the Lord Jesus and then the later age of the apostles. The circumstances under which it was able to be committed back then don't and haven't existed since the passing of the apostolic age around 1900 years ago.

In short, When Jesus was casting out demons from a man who was both blind and dumb, the Pharisees openly accused the Lord before all present that He was working the miracle by the power of Satan.

The Pharisees hated the Lord because He was a threat to their positions and He was gaining in popularity as well.

The Big difference here was that there was a two-fold heavenly witness present when the Lord was working the miracle.

Jesus had stated; "I am the Son of God" (witness one).

"The works that I do are not Mine but My Father's in heaven" (Witness two).

Under the Old Testament law, no one could be put to death on the testimony of just one person as it had to be on the testimony of at least two witnesses.

Here Jesus made the truth very clear when He stated, "If I had not done among them the works that no one else did then they had not sinned. Now that have seen both Me and My Father and hated both Me and My Father and now they have no cloak for their sin." (Here cloak means covering or forgiveness).

Please don't get stressed on this issue as It's one of Satan's favourite means of troubling people as I was a victim of his attacks on this subject also. All believers will experience "unwelcome" thoughts which Satan fires at is which we are told about in Ephesians 6:16 "Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith you shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked"

As a believer, I know full well that Satan is always attempting to knock be off balance as he does to any one who trusts Jesus as their Saviour.

Don't let any thing stop you from moving on with your faith as all your sin was forgiven when you first believed in the Lord Jesus and this is exactly what Satan doesn't want you to know. 

May the Lord bless you in every way. 
2021-03-04 20:21:38 UTC
Go to the source in Matthew 12 and Mark 3, Luke 12:10.  The exact circumstance cannot be duplicated today, therefore the sin cannot be repeated today.
2021-03-04 20:08:45 UTC
Take a deep breath and relax.  The unforgivable sin is much worse than simple blasphemy.  It is a complete and utter betrayal of Christ after having known him and God for oneself, knowing their love and holiness.  One would have to become another Judas Iscariot to qualify.  You don't qualify.
2021-03-04 19:40:41 UTC
You came to the forum at the right time.  I can show you exactly what the Bible says to answer your question.

As most people know, blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is the only unforgivable sin (Mt 12:31).

Here's what one has to do to blaspheme the HS.  Admit that Jesus did supernatural miracles, but attribute that power to Satan rather than God (Mk 3:30).  (Even atheists struggle blaspheming the HS because they won't concede Jesus did miracles or there is a God--or even that Satan exists for that matter.)

Simply flipping the bird at the HS and saying “F___ You!” can be forgiven.  The Jews crucified the Son of God and were forgiven when they repented and were baptized (Ac 2:36-38).  Harsh language against God is far less of a sin (Jn 19:11).  But the situation is significantly different when one mischaracterizes the miracles Jesus performed through the power of the HS.  Those miracles were designed to convince people that Jesus was the Son of God and through him be saved (Jn 20:30-31).  If a person gives credit to Satan for those miracles, what’s God supposed to do to convince them Jesus is the Son of God, provide more miracles?  There’s nothing God can do.  Because of their reprehensible attitude toward God’s power, their situation is hopeless, thus the sin is “unforgivable”.

If one even cares whether or not they blasphemed the HS, most likely they didn’t.  If one seeks true forgiveness from God, they should investigate the following passages: Jn 3:5,16; Lk 13:3; Mt 10:32-33; Mk 16:16; Ac 2:38; 8:26-39; 22:16; Rom 6:3-4; 10:9-10; Rev 2:10.
2021-03-04 19:17:58 UTC
Asking people a question about the Bible will always give you many different answers. The only way to know what answer is correct is by studying the Bible for yourself.

Luke 12:10 states that The unforgivable sin is to blaspheme against the Holy Spirit. To understand what this is you need to understand what the Holy Spirit is and what the Holy Spirit's purpose is in the Bible. This is a deeper study and not something that can be explained in a few sentences.

You need to understand about the Holy Spirit to understand what blaspheming The Holy Spirit is all about.

Luke 12:10“And whosoever shall speak a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but unto him that blasphemeth against the Holy Ghost it shall not be forgiven.”

Hebrews 10:26 “For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins,”
2021-03-04 18:36:13 UTC
Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. 

Not accepting Christ as your Savior. 

Dying without accepting Christ. 

Making Satan first in your life instead of Christ. 

Many different ways of saying the same thing.
2021-03-04 18:31:44 UTC
Blasphemy is defamatory, injurious, or abusive speech. Since the holy spirit has God as its Source, saying things against his spirit is the same as speaking against God. Unrepentantly resorting to speech of that kind is unforgivable.
2021-03-04 18:19:15 UTC
In Simple terms…. it’s being born again of the devils seed…… Making Satan lord in you life.

I won’t go through the scripture since you are already aware of them but check out the context.

(Take note of the reference to “Your Father” when Jesus was speaking to the Pharisees.)

It is unpardonable or unforgivable, because it cant be changed.

Just as a true Christian is born again of the Gods seed from Christ …there are a number of people who have committed themselves to serving Satan as their lord.

And it would shock you if you knew some of the people who are in that realm...... In return they are rewarded with power, fame, and the riches of this world.

I will get thumbs down for this from Christians, but I was in that world and it’s real.

Although, my best guess is ….that I was born again at an early age due to my upbringing and I had accepted Jesus as my savior, therefore I could not be born of the devils seed …. (two spiritual seeds cannot occupy the same vessel, and seed is seed, once you have it you cannot lose it) ….

Of coarse that did not stop the advisory from using me…. I did unspeakable things. God literally pulled me out when the devil was finished with me.
2021-03-04 18:12:50 UTC
It is dying without having believed in the Lord Jesus Christ.  You are not dead, so you haven't done it.  The message of the Holy Spirit is that believing in the Lord Jesus Christ is the only way to be saved.  See John 16:9.  So if a person spends their entire life speaking against this truth, and they die in unbelief, they can't be saved.  It is too late to be saved, after death.  But to be saved, believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.  That easy.  The Lord Jesus Christ is God, and He loves you.  Believing in the Lord Jesus Christ means being forgiven all sins past and future, and means going to heaven and not hell.  Death leads to immediate heaven or hell, and it is too late to be saved, after death.  All believers still sin.  See 1 John 1:8.  To be in heaven and not hell, believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, who is God and who died on the cross and shed His blood to pay for all of our sins in full, and who was buried, and who resurrected from the dead.  The only way to avoid hell is by believing in the Lord Jesus Christ, without adding any of your own works.  See Romans 4:5, 1 Corinthians 15:3-4, and John 3:16.
2021-03-04 18:01:33 UTC
Well Peter walked on water but deny Christ. He saw the power of Christ. A babe in Christ might not have had that experience as stated in Hebrew 6 that why James 5:19,20 may apply. That God judgment not mine or yours. So repent he might forgive. I ask him once if my sins were forgiven The holy spirit said look in the Psalms 32:02. Had a dream at night when I was sleeping a voice said Jesus Christ forgives you. My knee will bow and God will judge me. I hope he forgives me 
2021-03-04 17:56:45 UTC
The unpardonable sin is used by priests to get you to pleasure them. They will say you have committed an unpardonable sin however god may forgive you if you atone in equally unpardonable ways. They then have their wicked way with you and magically you are forgiven...
2021-03-05 23:39:18 UTC
I don't think it is something people know for sure, just like the end times if there is such a thing, people claim to know, they don't. Not sure what it means.
2021-03-05 18:45:00 UTC
What Is the Unforgivable Sin?

The unforgivable sin refers to actions accompanied by an attitude that keeps a sinner from ever receiving God’s forgiveness. How could such a disposition develop? God forgives those who repent of their sins, follow his standards in their life, and exercise faith in Jesus Christ. (Acts 3:​19, 20). 

So if you have some bad thoughts but try to do your best to get rid of these thoughts and hate them,  you can hope that Jehovah God understands you and will forgive you...

"As a father shows mercy to his sons, Jehovah has shown mercy to those who fear him. For he well knows how we are formed, Remembering that we are dust."(Psalm 103:13,14, NWT).

However, a person can become so set in following a sinful course that he will never change his attitude or conduct.

The Bible describes such a person as having “a wicked heart” that has “become hardened by the deceptive power of sin.” (Hebrews 3:​12, 13) Like clay that has been fired in a kiln and that can never be reshaped, the person’s heart has become permanently opposed to God. (Isaiah 45:9) There could never be a basis for such a person to be forgiven, so he is guilty of the unforgivable, or unpardonable, sin.​—Hebrews 10:26, 27.

  Some Jewish religious leaders in Jesus’ day committed the unforgivable sin. They knew that God’s holy spirit was the force behind Jesus’ miracles, yet they maliciously said that he got his power from Satan the Devil.​—Mark 3:​22, 28-​30.

Some people ask themselves: "Have I committed the unforgivable sin?”

If you sincerely hate your past course of sin and truly want to change, then you have not committed the unforgivable sin. God can forgive even repeated relapses into the same sin as long as your heart has not permanently hardened against him..

"Come, now, and let us set matters straight between us,” says Jehovah. “Though your sins are like scarlet, They will be made as white as snow; Though they are as red as crimson cloth, They will become like wool."(Isaiah 1:18, NWT).

Some people feel that they may have committed an unforgivable sin because they are troubled by nagging feelings of guilt. However, the Bible teaches that we cannot always trust our feelings. (Jeremiah 17:9) God has not authorized us to judge anyone​—even ourselves. (Romans 14:​4, 12) He can forgive us even when our own heart still condemns us.​—1 John 3:​19, 20.

More information about it you can find in the website
2021-03-05 17:55:50 UTC
Why do yo need to know "exactly", the interpretations of a deluded, irrational fear? 

Are you an atheist pretending insanity to joke with believers?

Or are you a practicing psychiatrist in training? 
2021-03-05 11:05:44 UTC
No matter what sin you commit, if you Truly feel sorry for it, and you Truly repent of it, God will forgive you.

HOWEVER, there is ONLY ONE sin that you can't possibly ask for forgiveness for AFTER you have committed it.

SUICIDE is NOT forgiven to any person who commits it. Because there is NO way to repent of it, AFTER it is done.
2021-03-05 10:53:55 UTC
Read the text

Matthew 12:31-33 KJV — Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men. >>>Whosoever speaketh a word against<<< the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but >>>whosoever speaketh against<<< the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come. Either make the tree good, and his fruit good; or else make the tree corrupt, and his fruit corrupt: for the tree is known by his fruit.

"Whoever speaketh against" the Holy Spirit commits blasphemy.




the act or offense of speaking sacrilegiously about God or sacred things; profane talk.

The Pharisees had just accused Jesus of working with the devil. That was blasphemy.

Matthew 12:24 KJV — But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, This fellow doth not cast out devils, but by Beelzebub the prince of the devils.

Anyone that tells you that blasphemy is unbelief calls God a liar. Thats blasphemy which is unrepentable. Unbelief is repentable.
2021-03-05 03:28:35 UTC
The world empire of false religion has swamped the internet and the world with false teachings some even demonic 1Tim 4;1-5  If you  are sincere on learning the one and only truth you will find it on jw-org They emphasise the sancity of Jehovahs Name Pray for the Kingdom to come with Gods will being done Encourage faith in Gods Son and they accept him as the son do not accuse him of being the Jehovah which is displeasing to Christ The demons know Jehovah and they shudder If you are sincere you will be strengthened to stand against them James 2;19 Jehovah plainly announced Jesus as His son    To accuse Him of lying would be sinning against Gods spirit Math 3;17
2021-03-04 23:39:21 UTC
Basically is is denying yourself the right to have your name written in the Lamb's Book of Life which happens when you become Born Again when Baptize.....for in the water is God's Holy Spirit....some on yahoo say just believe or it happens by the laying on hands......You can try to enter that way but it would be sad to find yourself left out because of following their belief.....even Jesus had to be Baptize by John to receive God's Holy Spirit only he was given the Spirit without measure and by his name in Water we become Born Again... such a simple action to have great results..... 
sego lily
2021-03-04 20:49:03 UTC
It is giving credit to the devil for the works of God
Doug Catholic
2021-03-04 20:44:38 UTC
The unforgiveable sin is to deny or demean the saving power of God. If a person maintains that position until death, forgiveness of sins becomes virtually impossible and eternity will likely be spent in "The Smoking Section". 
2021-03-04 18:04:31 UTC
Blasphemy is using the Lords name in vain, e.g. OMG, or G damn it.  If you are seeing spirits, or talking to spirits, that isn't a good thing.  It's called necromancy and the bible says not to do it.  Exodus 20, The Ten Commandments, if followed can set you on the right path, also reading Matthew 24 will open your eyes.  Matthew 24 is a prophesy of what will happen before the second coming, and is unfolding right now in the world.  Earthquakes in divers places, raining down fire and brimstone, e.g. Italy's Etna.  Check it out, see for your self in the KJV bible.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.