Why do a lot of people hate Islam and muslims?
2010-01-05 08:51:15 UTC
I hear about a lot of people who hate Islam religion and muslims, I would like to hear your point of view on Islam and muslims?, and by the way I am a muslim from Egypt.
51 answers:
2010-01-05 10:05:38 UTC
I read the Old tastement and the new tastement ... and for those who say that Muslims believe in nonesense, I would say ffor them read the Quraan and see if it really teaches hatred ... nooooooo it doesn't at all ... don't start looking at Islam through CNN and fox news ... read the Quraan and you will find out that all what is said about it is TOTALLY WRONG. and yes it's the word of God.

yes, Quraan says we should fight, but in a war and to deffend ourselves only ...

I was raised Christian, and when I read the Bible, I found that it contradicts itself ... but when I read the Quraan I found answers to all the quistions I had and converted to Islam, and even changed my name.
2010-01-05 09:07:18 UTC
First I had to stop laughing at Red's response, but I digress. Historically, of course, there was a lot of fighting over the Holy Land, which is sacred to all three of the monotheistic religions. That alone still carries a lot of bad feelings between Muslims and Christians, and as Muslims and Jews are still fighting there, there is that also.

I don't think people paid much attention to Muslims in general until the hostage situation in the US Embassy in Iran in the 1970s. Of course, since then, there have been other attacks, etc. I am not saying that this only happens in Islam, but violence seems to be more prevalent and accepted in Islam. As a woman who was married to a Muslim for eighteen years, I have observed the public vs. private face of Muslims where I live, some who were very good friends of mine. Their world view included the praise of violence in private (9/11 comes to mind).

Because I am not debating who has done what to whom, I will agree that all three religions are guilty of violence against the others, but the majority of the recent violence of this century has come from Muslims. The days of an over all attitude of violence for Christians is long gone, though there are pockets (North Ireland), and with Jews, more so. I think the violence factor is the biggest reason for the distrust and/or hatred.

Also, as a woman, no matter how many times it is "explained" to me, I cannot accept that I would have to cover my body and head to keep a man's gaze away. He is an adult and should mind his own gaze. I should not be held responsible for his lack of control. There are those that tried to explain that Islam gave women MORE rights. I agree, it did give them more than they had prior to Islam, but it has stagnated and given them less than their modern counterparts around the world. I know the Qu'ran says a woman may keep all her money and a man must support the woman, but the reality is that most women are not allowed to work, or so restricted that the "benefit" of keeping their own earnings is really irrelevant.
2010-01-07 08:22:03 UTC
There are many reason.

- Some people erroneously equate Islam and Muslims with terrorism.

- Many people see the way most Muslim woman are treated and assume that all Muslim woman treated as second class citizens who must be subservient to men. This. This is seen as barbaric, especially in the western world.

- Many people in this part of the world (The U.S.A.) are Christians and perceive Muslims as following a false religion. However, because it is so closely linked to the Judeo-Christian religions it causes a lot of conflict, much the same way Christians tend to have issues with the Mormons.

- Some Christians also dislike Muslims because of the conflicts over Israel. In their minds, they believe that Israel has sovereign, or more accurately divine right over that area of the world.

There are a few other smaller reason, but all of them are just as ridiculous as the ones above.

There are those however who dislike or even hate Muslims and the Islamic faith for no reason other then they believe in a deity. These same people have the same dislike of Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, etc... and the followers of these faiths.

Personally, while I do not hate individual people just because of their faith (be is a choice, habit or family 'inheritance') I find all theistic faiths flawed and detrimental to humanity as a whole. So I have absolutely NO respect for Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Sikhism or any other theistic religion. That said, I have no personal issues with anyone who practices those religions so long as they don’t try and push their religion on me or others. Islam and Christianity are both very guilty of this. Christianity because of their evangelical and missionary beliefs and Islam because of the vast number of countries that promote Islam at the expense of other religions. But again, so long as an individual does not peddle their faith, I don’t hold their religious choices against them.

2016-05-26 10:57:57 UTC
The government would do whatever means possible to stay in power, so they invade countries and cover it up with "terrorists" who claim to be Muslim but are extremely mislead and off the religion, therefore making Islam look like the exact opposite of what it preaches. There are currently no laws against religious hate, so the media and government take advantage. Terrorism doesn't have a face, anyone can be a terrorist. People who believe Islam is evil and a religion of violence are brainwashed, they're a zombie to the media, a puppet to the government, and an embarrassment to humanity. This terrorism is nothing but a war between those groups of extremists who label themselves "terrorist", and those people in power who label themselves "government".
space monkey
2010-01-05 09:06:32 UTC
Islam is okay as long as it remains "in the background". But the whole world can see what happens where it gets a real hold- where it becomes a theocracy, which is it's goal- to be a theocracy.

Not many countries where it is the majority are really great countries to live in, are they?

If the "good" Muslims don't join the fight against the medieval barbarisms of the extremists, what hope does the world have?

How do you, as a MUslim, explain this stuff that goes on??

Where is all the peace, love, and forgiveness? I pray that modern societies will join the fight against the medieval stuff.
2010-01-05 09:11:22 UTC
One cannot deny the following, which is why people in general are currently anti-Islamic, I would not use the word ‘hate:’

Some things you might like to know:

The King of Saudi Arabia has spent billions on building;

1) 1500 mosques.

2) 202 Colleges.

3) Almost 2000 schools.

All in non- Islamic countries.

In these, are taught that all other religions are worthless.

Such as the King Fahd Academy in London which has books carrying the 'stamp' of the 'Saudi Ministry of Education.'

The Regent Park Mosque; in London, has an upstairs section for 'women only.'

In that section, British women are taught to kill non-believers; Muslims who fall away from the faith, and homosexuals. They are further taught that it is necessary to avoid mixing with non-Muslims, too like them; too love them, too support them, or live amongst them.

The book shop next the Regent Park Mosque, contains many books which incite hatred, even in the 'Official Fatawa.'

A verse in the Qur'an in often cited:

"Those whom God has cursed, he turned into monkeys and pigs."

In a footnote under this it reads:

'It is said that the monkeys are the Jews. The pigs are the infidels of the table of Jesus, the Christians.'

In short, they are brain washed into this way of thinking, do anything wrong, and its bye, bye for them.

Furthermore, millions has been spent on copies of the Qur'an with NEW insisted words such as: Artillery, tank, aeroplane, Christian and Jews.

The above are 'facts,' nothing more.

And they say Islam is a tolerant religion!

Now while I acknowledge not all Muslims are like, please, understand why feelings are high within the general populace, one could hardly blame them.

Indeed, why is it that such individuals as your self do not speak openly against these Muslims extremist, I will tell you, the truth is you are sacred to for fear of your own lives. Now that is not a very good start, is it? Even the British Muslim Council does not speak out load enough.

No not hate, anti-Islamic maybe, but not hate. They say Muslims are not terrorist, but the fact is that most terrorist are Muslim!
2010-01-05 09:06:50 UTC
Because almost all terrorist attacks against innocent people in the last decade have been carried out by fanatics of the religion.

Because most Islamic countries are not open and accepting. Their laws are sometimes barbarous (stoning, whipping, beheading) Their customs sometime are barbaric (Honor killing, blaming women when they are the victim of rape)..

Because killing of people who disagree like Salman Rushdie and Danish cartoonists is not just tolerated, but actually endorsed by clerics and others.

Basically the most prominent face of Islam is of 14th century savages. Muslims have done that. Only Muslims can change that by repudiating and cleansing Islam of its fantical elements and backward thinking of allowing religious belief to rule as law.

There will be a backlash if Islamic terrorists pull off another large act. If it is nuclear, say goodbye to the middle east for a century or two.
2010-01-05 09:08:12 UTC
Why do many Muslims hate Jews and Christians?

For the record, I don't hate Muslims, just the religion of Islam. But I don't like any religion so I'm not picking that one above any of the others.

I do think we have more to fear from Fundamentalist Muslims than we do fundamentalists of any other current religion tho.

@Simon C:

"They don't realize that the terrorist extremists are a very, *very* tiny minority of Islam. "

The estimated population of Muslims in the world is about 1.57 billion.

If only 10%, which would be a "tiny" minority, are extremists, that still means there are at least 157,000,000!

That's not a "tiny" number no matter how you want to slice it. And I have a feeling the amount of Fundamentalists Muslims is much higher than that.
2010-01-05 09:02:13 UTC
Since you 're an Egyptian Muslim, you know that there have been recent incidents there where Muslims have kidnapped Coptic Christian girls and forced them to marry Muslims and convert to Islam.

Tell me, these girls were your sisters and Muslims, would you like it?

Muslims in Malaysia recently beheaded a cow and dragged it's head all around a proposed Hindu Temple site.

How would you react if we were to bring a pig into your mosque and slaughter it there and drag it's head through your own Muslim locality, where you could do nothing about it because we all had AK 47s and grenades, like you Muslims are fond of carrying all the time?

Three school going Christian girls were beheaded by local Muslims in Indonesia because they Christians.

How would you have liked it if these girls had been your sisters and Muslims?

I can give you literally thousands of such incidents that are always being done every day by only Muslims all over the World.

No other people are doing all this.

How can you expect us to respect you and like you and trust you, now?
2010-01-05 09:02:17 UTC
I don't "hate" people. I dislike certain beliefs and behaviors. As for Islam specifically, it makes me think of a local situation. A man claiming to be a Muslim plotted to plant grenades in a local mall. This man told a member of the local Islamic culture. The man told turned the wannabee Jihadist in. The locals weren't even sure what, if any, Islamic group the guy belonged to. I say blame the offender, not whatever social group and/or religion he/she claims.
2010-01-05 09:03:34 UTC
I've traveled in muslim countries and have muslim friends. I know that most of the muslims in the world are good people, some are wonderful people.

There is, however, the terrorist fringe who want to kill us. It's impossible to get along with people who want you dead. And much of the muslim world seems to tolerate terrorist activity, or even encourage it. Also, the hatred of Jews and of Israel in muslim countries is utterly crazy.

People of European and East Asian heritage know, on the basis of hundreds of years of tragic experience, that religion and politics don't mix. Government must be secular. Islam is theocracy, and will never be accepted by most of the world as a method of government. The idea that Islam is the best way forward for muslim countries is a serious mistake, as people in Iran are now beginning to realize.
2010-01-05 09:09:52 UTC
the whole holy war thing, some east vs west, terrorism (don't try to explain anything to me i'm just saying what motivates people), for that matter nation states thrive off of division and external threats, it's good media, sells lots of refridgerators, go figure. you got wars, terror, cultural divisions, racial differences, religious differences, whos wrong whos right, who started it, nations use treatment of women or people to help bolster the case for wars, perhaps individuals bicker about it in more civil times too, islamic law, cultural encroachment.

in one sense many islamic people wishing to change the culture of europe and to a lesser extent america do so through a peaceful free market. for the most part. indeed some do seem to push an agenda with terrorism. The west though pushes it's values and political ideas with open war and occupation. many muslims are in france are opening churches and winning this "cultural" victory in a largely peaceful basis. this is going to pis the french off even more.

They can't get an upperhand in middle eastern markets even by beating people over the head or through the head. yet muslims and muslim ideas are growing in europe and maybe thats what this is about. i do think though that the recent popularity of muslims is a consequence of our actions. giving this small minority a big spotlight and everyones looking at them. if they're dirty they may get caught but if not they have more attention, value and free promotional material,
2010-01-05 09:07:35 UTC
Because Islam is seen as one of the world's most dangerous religions today due to the influx of terrorism. Of course, this in no way justifies the hatred directed at Muslims, most of whom--as I understand it--are peaceful. After all, Christianity has its terrorists as well, and the farther back one goes into Christian history, the more horrors one will find. And yet it is Christians who seem to be the ones who are most actively anti-Muslim which I find rather hypocritical, all things considering. Yes, Islam is going through a troubled time right now what with terrorists killing people in the name of Allah, but there are still Christians who do the same thing to this day, and many, many more who slaughtered people for their god in past times.
The First Dragon
2010-01-05 09:06:41 UTC
I am a Christian and an American. I don't hate Islam or Muslims.

Some Americans are afraid of Muslims because of the terrorist attacks that have been in the news. Terrorist attacks are, by definition, frightening and vicious; and these attacks are being perpetrated in the name of Islam. Terrorists quote the Quran to justify what they do.

Naturally people hate terrorists.

Of course, most Muslims are not terrorists. I'm pretty sure that more Muslims have died in jihadist terrorist attacks than have non-Muslims.

Still, in America where the number of Muslims is small, people often don't know any Muslims. They judge Muslims by the news.

I wouldn't be surprised if many Egyptians have some misconceptions about Americans and Christians.

The Muslims I have known in the US have been, mostly nice people. Not all of them have been nice, of course. But most of them. And I find that I have a lot of values in common with them, and they are often patriotic Americans.

Don't pay too much attention to adolescent morons who say stupid things on Y!A.
zaxtor z
2013-10-17 13:34:22 UTC
Because Islam is a hate crime.

is extremely sexist.

They execute homosexuals, Atheists and or people resigning that cult.

I don't hate Arabs nor people following that religion as long they don't hurt anyone else.

Goes same. as I hate Christianity but not Christians except the bigots and the bad guys etc.
2010-01-05 09:00:25 UTC
Why didn't you stop the people who flew planes into our buildings. They went to mosques. And from what I have heard they got their marching orders from the imams in those mosques. Why don't you excommunicate or something all those freaks that do these things. And as a side note, right after 9/11 there was dancing in the streets in ALL muslim nations.While Americans were jumping to their deaths from the top of the world trade centers.So, clean up your own house before you ask us to stop how we feel towards you.Of , course you do have a problem, if you critizise these freaks they will cut your head off and show it on al jazeera.
2010-01-05 09:02:11 UTC
I'm Christian and my best friend is a muslim,but the conflict between the various religions and their followers will always be exploited by people filled with hatred and ignorance.Why do muslims tolerate violent behaviour towards women and children?Rape within marriage is ungodly, as is slavery.Good luck
2010-01-05 08:54:43 UTC
9/11 immediately comes to mind.

Fort Hood

The underwear bomber ...

You asked, "Why do people hate Islam and Muslims?" I gave you examples ... Before the first Gulf War, I don't think many Americans ever gave much thought to anyone (or anything) in the Middle East. You went about your lives, we went about ours.

However, there was a SCUD missile attack on the USS Stark, and 23 American boys were killed, including my friend and classmate, Rick Weaver. He died after saving several crewmates, and for some reason, it bothers me that he was wearing the watch that his mother and I had sent him for Christmas.

After the attack on the Stark, Americans suddenly sat up and took notice. All too soon, after Iraq's invasion of Kuwait, we were at war. For nearly 20 years now there's been a pissing contest, the end of which is nowhere in sight.

Personally, I don't hate anyone. Not even Muslims. What I detest is your religion, and what it stands for. There is no peace in Islam, and you are sorely misguided.

Why not take some time and read what appears at the following link. While I don't expect it to change your mind, it may help you to understand why so many of us feel as we do.
2010-01-05 09:00:06 UTC
kaboom. Basically. That sums it up.

9/11, ft. hood, Dallas (that was foiled), the guy that tried to blow up an airplane and failed miserably, basically all that comes to mind.

Oh, and world domination, destroying the Christians and the Jews and the "infidels" in general. I thought Allah is the "god of peace" so why are so many Muslims so violent?

Jihad here, Jihad there. Really, it's hard not to dislike a race/religion/people that has been trying to destroy everyone else since History practically began.
2010-01-05 09:00:46 UTC
The Islamo-fascist attacks on 911 and even the 09 attempted attack on Christmas does tend to leave a bad taste in one's mouth. From what I can see, Muslims want all Americans dead.
2010-01-05 08:58:28 UTC
People hate what Islam stands for.The current state of Islam sees its religion as a political project - Islamism. This holds that no society is legitimate unless it imposes sharia law. It has no doctrine of tolerance and it rejects democracy with its secular and Christian ethics.
2010-01-05 09:02:58 UTC
Islam teaches its followers to be intolerant of and prejudiced against people who do not convert to Islam. That is a dangerous approach to social interactions and often leads to conflict and even war.
2010-01-05 08:59:51 UTC
Ignorance and prejudice.

Man hates things he does not understand and things that are different.

It takes less energy to hate than it does to learn and try to understand.

Many Christians, Muslims and Jews profess their love of God as they see him/her. But they condemn anybody that sees through different eyes.

If God is peace and understanding why is it that the more someone professes their faith the more they condemn everybody that does not see it their way.

One who has discovered truth does not demand that others agree. The goal of making everyone a member of the same religion or political ideology is an egotistical fantasy born of immature understanding
2010-01-05 08:57:01 UTC
Ignorance and fear.

They don't realize that the terrorist extremists are a very, *very* tiny minority of Islam. Instead, they just assume every single Muslim they meet hates the USA and wants to kill them.

Their previous government (Bush) caused that kind of thinking to become mainstream among the US population.

@taffygirl: "Because not all Muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslims."

You are incorrect. There are terrorist groups from just about every major religion, and there are terrorists who have no religious purpose at all, but rather political causes. I'd suggest you read your Bible more if you believe God is displeased when people murder. There's several cases where he specifically instructed the people to kill entire populations: men, women, children, and even the babies. Your beliefs don't exactly fit with your Bible.

@GambitGrrl: "The estimated population of Muslims in the world is about 1.57 billion.

If only 10%, which would be a "tiny" minority, are extremists, that still means there are at least 157,000,000!

That's not a "tiny" number no matter how you want to slice it. And I have a feeling the amount of Fundamentalists Muslims is much higher than that."

10% is not a tiny number, but thankfully it's only a number that you made up. Not to mention that fundamentalists are not the same as extremists.

If the number of extremists was only 1% of the Muslim population, it would be 15.7million. Since the numbers are *nowhere* near that high, we'd be talking about less than 0.9%. Likely it would be in the 0.1% range, judging by how many have been killed in the world (Iraq combatants are not all extremists, so those numbers don't all count).

In most major cities you would find more people than there are Muslim extremists in the entire world. That's the reality of it. That's how few out of 1.57billion there are.
2010-01-05 08:59:56 UTC
Islam is the third part of the parable Jesus said when all three part rise together then the kingdom of God comes so we all fight against God when we fight one another. Holy Writing is a book spoken of as coming into being when the end comes look it up on line.
2010-01-05 08:58:30 UTC
i don't hate either, i just believe that they along with a lot of so called christians are misguided in their beliefs. but Christ died for and loves all people including the muslims and those of islam and the so called christians.
Buddhiak Udayadiwakara - බුද්ධික
2014-07-16 07:38:39 UTC
hey ..some ppl comment like idiots ...muslims are 100% wrong all over the world . they are the real killers . SUPPORT USA AND ISRAEL .!
2010-01-05 08:58:04 UTC
I have no idea, but people think I should hate Muslims and Palestinians cos I'm a Protestant from Northern Ireland. I watched Ross Kemp last night about Gaza/Westbank and hearing a girl telling him about her parents being blown up by Jews nearly reduced me to tears, I hate the way Yanks and Jews treat the Palestinians and soon as america is bankrupt the better cos the Jews will have no help!!!!
2010-01-05 09:00:58 UTC
Because a lot of Muslims hate people not of their faith.
Don't look at me!
2010-01-05 09:00:26 UTC
Their treatment of woman. If the woman were treated completely equal I would be fine with Muslims (Except extremists of course)
2010-01-05 08:57:29 UTC
It is a common occurrence for those who have traded their allegiance with God for an allegiance with a gang, read man made organizations, to hate all those who aren't gang members.
2010-01-05 08:55:38 UTC
Because of their attitude towards us "infidels" AND the fact that they want to have anti-blasphemy laws throughout UN countries, basically making their awful religion infallible by stripping us from freedom of speech.

Ask the Irish.
2014-02-18 05:32:16 UTC
This is what i found out about Quran/Islam:
2010-01-05 08:58:21 UTC
I think what you state is intentionally false. I think you only want to invite hate? Sorry, I never accept invitations to hate anyone...
2010-01-05 08:55:30 UTC
I don't hate muslims or islam, but I AM convinced that islam is wrong, and muslims are following a false belief system.
2010-01-05 08:59:08 UTC
same reason they dont like christian's or jews all three of those religions came from the same people who believe in 10,000 year old fairy tales
2010-01-06 09:03:40 UTC
I hate all of you people. To me you're barely excuses for human beings.

I hate your intolerable arrogance, in that you infest foreign countries to look for higher wages and a better standard of living and then spew your medieval Shariah in our schools and courts and media trying to tell us how superior your Dark Age laws are to our own.

I hate your stupidity, in all the Jewish conspiracy theories you make up and believe and spread, however ridiculous, even conspiracy theories for your own terrorism and violence.

I hate your cliches, which you're fond of sticking in any argument about Islam however irrelevant--"Islam is the fastest growing religion," blah blah blah.

I hate that you breed faster than any other religion in the world, like rats and lice and moths, and then try to convince us infidels that you're growing because multitudes of us are flocking to your religion.

I hate the fact that you cut off the hands of thieves, stone adulterers to death, behead homosexuals, persecute Christians in their ancient homelands, and murder any one of you who grows a brain and decides to leave the religion as a mortad.

I hate that you read the Bible to hunt for any at-a-glance error, but b*tch and moan about how anyone who finds mistakes in the Qur'an isn't "interpreting" it correctly, or "taking it out of context," or "not reading with enough eeman."

I hate how you persecute, imprison, intimidate, and murder anyone who criticizes Islam, even fellow Muslims, whether in your shithole countries or abroad in ours.

I hate how you forcibly convert Arab Christian girls, torch churches, make it next to impossible legally for them to be built, ban Christians from preaching, go on random machete attacks on Christian villages whenever there's a rumor of a Muslim girl getting raped. I hate how a Coptic church in Egypt might have been standing for 1,200 years, but that wouldn't stop a bunch of Muslims from building a mosque 30 feet away from it and pointing all their loudspeakers at the Christians.

I hate how you compare your "situation" in the West to that of the Jews during World War II, when you're the most vicious, most rabid anti-Semites on earth.

I hate how you supported Hitler during World War II, how you gave refuge to Nazi war criminals in the 1950s, how I've seen more of you praising Hitler than I have neo-Nazis.

I hate how f*cking backward you are denying evolution and teaching that the moon was split in two and that Muhammad flew from Mecca to Jerusalem on the back of a unicorn overnight.

I hate how honor killings, vicious attacks on Jews and gays, bombs in buses and subways, burning ten thousand cars in riots whenever Israeli athletes come to compete in European events, female circumcision, crackdowns on freedom of speech, and recriminalizing blasphemy were all unthinkable in our countries before you infested them.

I hate how you twist our equality and hate speech laws to try to criminalize cartoons you don't like or any negative remark about your sick, dastardly faith.

I hate how you're unlike all our other immigrants in that you think you can take over our societies. I hate how you're offended at anything non-Muslim in front of you, even Christmas trees or piggy banks, and try to get them banned.

Even if you personally are not like that, most of your brethren are. I must have met a thousand of you scum-suckers in my lifetime, and I can count the ones who proved me wrong on the fingers of one hand.
Zero - Atheati Maverick Hunter
2010-01-05 09:05:08 UTC
Well...9/11, suicide bombers, oppression of women in some extreme cases....Fox News.....
2010-01-05 08:54:39 UTC
All we hear about muslims in the western world is that they have blown up another building or are protesting against our freedoms. That's why.
2010-01-05 08:54:51 UTC
I love Muslims. They wont eat bacon, so there is more for me.
2010-01-05 08:56:08 UTC
we dont hate muslims it is they have a misguided religon that is false we dont hate muslims but the religon that has misled them i know and like alot of muslims
Whoa D
2010-01-05 08:54:22 UTC
Why do a lot of muslims hate America and Jews?
2010-01-05 08:55:46 UTC
Because they are persecuting Christians around the world right now.
2010-01-05 08:54:27 UTC
I don't hate muslims, I just think they believe in nonsense, just like christians.
2010-01-05 08:54:59 UTC
A bunch of tent dwelling tribes who hate anyone who is not Muslim. Kaboom!!!!
2010-01-05 08:56:43 UTC
Because not all Muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslims.

Your so-called Bible, the Qu'ran teaches hatred to those who are not like you. You think you are pleasing a fake God when you commit a suicide bombing on innocent people.

God is not pleased when we commit murder. He wants us to walk in love, not hate.
2010-01-05 08:55:29 UTC
They have shown themselves to be just as murderous and dangerous as any fundamentalist Christian.
2010-01-05 08:56:01 UTC
i don't hate them

they're just another religion in my eyes
Higgs Boatswain
2010-01-05 08:55:21 UTC
Because a lot of people are afraid of things they know nothing about.
2010-01-05 08:55:38 UTC
Because they're stupid and believe everything the media feeds them.
2010-01-05 08:53:44 UTC
Durka durka durka mohammad jihad!!! *boom*

Basically that.

(I think it's fair to point out, I don't hate anyone who happens to be Muslim, I just hate Islam itself for the results it's given us)

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.