I hate all of you people. To me you're barely excuses for human beings.
I hate your intolerable arrogance, in that you infest foreign countries to look for higher wages and a better standard of living and then spew your medieval Shariah in our schools and courts and media trying to tell us how superior your Dark Age laws are to our own.
I hate your stupidity, in all the Jewish conspiracy theories you make up and believe and spread, however ridiculous, even conspiracy theories for your own terrorism and violence.
I hate your cliches, which you're fond of sticking in any argument about Islam however irrelevant--"Islam is the fastest growing religion," blah blah blah.
I hate that you breed faster than any other religion in the world, like rats and lice and moths, and then try to convince us infidels that you're growing because multitudes of us are flocking to your religion.
I hate the fact that you cut off the hands of thieves, stone adulterers to death, behead homosexuals, persecute Christians in their ancient homelands, and murder any one of you who grows a brain and decides to leave the religion as a mortad.
I hate that you read the Bible to hunt for any at-a-glance error, but b*tch and moan about how anyone who finds mistakes in the Qur'an isn't "interpreting" it correctly, or "taking it out of context," or "not reading with enough eeman."
I hate how you persecute, imprison, intimidate, and murder anyone who criticizes Islam, even fellow Muslims, whether in your shithole countries or abroad in ours.
I hate how you forcibly convert Arab Christian girls, torch churches, make it next to impossible legally for them to be built, ban Christians from preaching, go on random machete attacks on Christian villages whenever there's a rumor of a Muslim girl getting raped. I hate how a Coptic church in Egypt might have been standing for 1,200 years, but that wouldn't stop a bunch of Muslims from building a mosque 30 feet away from it and pointing all their loudspeakers at the Christians.
I hate how you compare your "situation" in the West to that of the Jews during World War II, when you're the most vicious, most rabid anti-Semites on earth.
I hate how you supported Hitler during World War II, how you gave refuge to Nazi war criminals in the 1950s, how I've seen more of you praising Hitler than I have neo-Nazis.
I hate how f*cking backward you are denying evolution and teaching that the moon was split in two and that Muhammad flew from Mecca to Jerusalem on the back of a unicorn overnight.
I hate how honor killings, vicious attacks on Jews and gays, bombs in buses and subways, burning ten thousand cars in riots whenever Israeli athletes come to compete in European events, female circumcision, crackdowns on freedom of speech, and recriminalizing blasphemy were all unthinkable in our countries before you infested them.
I hate how you twist our equality and hate speech laws to try to criminalize cartoons you don't like or any negative remark about your sick, dastardly faith.
I hate how you're unlike all our other immigrants in that you think you can take over our societies. I hate how you're offended at anything non-Muslim in front of you, even Christmas trees or piggy banks, and try to get them banned.
Even if you personally are not like that, most of your brethren are. I must have met a thousand of you scum-suckers in my lifetime, and I can count the ones who proved me wrong on the fingers of one hand.