Why cant i choose the religion for me?
2010-04-01 20:53:09 UTC
i really cant seem to decide why i should believe in jesus and christianity. but im also not saying i would be ready to abandon it because at the same time a part of me wants to try to accept jesus. im very very confused about what religion i am supposed to follow in life. its so hard for me to say im a christian when i never go to church or anything. i also keep having weird connections to islam and judaism. i really dont know what to do any advice?
77 answers:
2010-04-01 20:54:05 UTC
You don't have to follow a religion, because there is no need for you to. You just need to find what you are happy with and go for it.
2010-04-09 14:11:59 UTC
Test it.

It can take time to find your niche, and you may change as you learn and develop. SO, now you need to study, go to church, live the tenets of that faith and if you don't feel it fits, go to the next one. Take the time to find out where you want to be. If you are not going to attend meetings then it doesn't matter what you believe except to you. If you want the fellowship and knowledge a membership brings then it will take a bit of effort.

My grandparents searched for almost 20 years for the right fit, and that was just in the Christian community. They went from church to church, spending sometimes years deciding if that one was the one before they found the one for them (and there they still are 30 years later).

just FYI Christianity is very diverse. The common theme is belief in Christ as the Savior. Beliefs beyond that, morals, and standards of living, vary greatly. If you had a bad experience with one group, don't assume they are all like that.

And all of the ones you list believe in God and prayer, so try that. Ask God.
2010-04-09 09:26:10 UTC
Searching for an answer is normal, intelligent and understandable. Why do you have to accept Jesus? Are you being pressured or forced?

You do not have to follow a religion. My friend is actually an Orthodox Rabbi (I am a long damn way from being Orthodox, but friends are friends), and he tells people that if you are not Jewish, but you feel a conection to God, you should start with learning all you can about religion. He also reccomends something called the Noahide Laws. You can look them up on line.

Finally, if the connection is inside you, God will let you know when you are ready. Just be patient and keep studying.
2010-04-09 11:54:34 UTC
You should not be "choosing" your religion right now. You should be figuring out what you really believe and what your values are. Once you know what you believe and what you really want out of a religion, THEN you can research different religions and belief systems. You shouldn't try to fit the religion, you should try to find a religion that fits you. I've felt the same way as you many times. My beliefs didn't really fit perfectly into ANY religion and so I tried to mold my own beliefs, convincing myself that I believed in something that deep down I knew was imaginary. There are several religions that don't require you to accept the rules and dogma and superstition, but rather encourage you to find you own path by studying different religions that appeal to you. I really like Unitarian Universalism for that reason. Unitarians believe that all the world's religions can hold some truth and so a Christian Unitarian shouldn't be limited to the teachings of Christ, when Krishna and Buddha and Muhammad all taught equally valuable messages. You can accept Christ but at the same time recognize that God probably works through many religions. Humans impose arbitrary rules on themselves and so the original humanitarian message of the teaching is lost. Sometimes you have to strip away the dogma to see the real message.

Even an atheist can accept Jesus as a great teacher. Many atheists believe that Jesus' message was probably very progressive and peaceful but since he never wrote anything down himself, we don't have any way to verify what parts of the New Testament are based on his real teachings, and what is based on the writer's political/religious agenda. Muslims believe in Jesus as a prophet, Buddhists view Jesus as being a great holy teacher, and Hindus often accept Jesus as an incarnation of God.
2010-04-09 20:51:08 UTC
John 14:6

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life.

No one comes to the Father except through me."

John 6:44

"No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws (literally DRAGS) him..."

Matthew 20:16

...For many are called, but few CHOSEN.

1 Corinthians 1

27 But God has CHOSEN the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise, and God has CHOSEN the weak things of the world to put to shame the things which are mighty;

28 and the base things of the world and the things which are despised God has CHOSEN...

1 Peter 2:9

But you are a CHOSEN generation...

If God calls you to Christianity, follow him using the bible for instruction.

If God chooses you, accept him living in you by his spirit, standing firm till Jesus returns.

If neither occurs, keep away from other religions and live your life as decently as possible.

Romans 2

13 ...for not the hearers of the law are just in the sight of God, but the doers of the law will be justified;

14 for when Gentiles (ie non-Christians), who do not have the law, by nature do the things in the law, these, although not having the law, are a law to themselves,

15 who show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and between themselves their thoughts accusing or else excusing them...

Edit - S:

.....Set your alarm to awake up in the middle of the night a couple hours before dawn. This is the time of the day when there is nothing between God and his creations.....

Not so. God is accessible any time.

Romans 8

38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers,

39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation


will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
2010-04-09 20:07:05 UTC
First of all you must find/discover what you perceive as god, this will give you a starting point for your search.

I'm guessing that you want from religion the sense of community and the bonds that that form within a group of like minded think people. Most religions are social contracts with both subliminal and overt messages encompassing social, political, behavioral and control aspects.

I would recommend seeking out a Deism and a Universalist/Unitarian church. Deists believe in a non-persona, non-interfering god.

Don't be pressured by friends, family, or peers into accepting a following a belief system, find one that fits your own wants. needs, desires.

As an anti-theism atheist myself I have found no need for the regiment structure within religion, the practice and participation of them and even the belief in a god. My freinds/family and activities provide the sense of community I a as a social creature need and I find that natural explanations provide much better answers to life the universe and creation than the proposition that god any god did it.
Native Spirit
2010-04-09 15:01:28 UTC
My suggestion would be for you to study the religions you feel fit your personal beliefs closest. Take your time, do a lot of reading, and your decision will come to you at some point during your studies.

No one can make this choice for you because it is such a personal one. Also, you don't sound confused to me, simply just say a little prayer and tackle this decision head on.

I think you will enjoy reading and studying about different beliefs, I certainly did! For me, the right path was Jesus...for you it may be Jesus as well... or maybe something else.... Good luck and Blessings!!
2010-04-09 18:13:04 UTC
It's tough picking a religion that are man made and appear to be only interested in money, power and control. When it comes to religions look past the cover. All I hear from religions is they are right and everyone else is wrong, makes me wonder why they don't want to answer questions. Love these quotes from our forefathers

The old lady who said there must be a devil, else how could they make pictures that looked exactly like him, reasoned like a trained theologian -- like a doctor of divinity.

-- Robert Green Ingersoll, from "Superstition" (1898)

The churches have no confidence in each other. Why? Because they are acquainted with each other.

-- Robert Green Ingersoll, quoted from the book Ingersoll the Magnificent, edited by Joseph Lewis, which does not cite references
2010-04-09 18:11:04 UTC
Read more, and be careful to choose reliable resources. Indeed, Christianity, Islam and Judaism are having some connections for many reasons. From my experience, I can say that all faiths on earth have something in common. I now believe that there is this truth which has many paths to reach it. These paths are what we call religions or faiths.

Being a believer is in itself a blessing. No offence atheist friends :)
2010-04-09 19:47:17 UTC
Prof. Daniel B. Wallace (wrote the textbook on ancient Greek & Greek translation) in an interview in the book "The Case for the Real Jesus" says "It's disturbing that when it comes to the Christian faith, people don't really want, or know how, to investigate the evidence", why don't you look at the evidence and then look at where your heart is.

Reinventing Jesus: How Contemporary Skeptics Miss the Real Jesus and Mislead Popular Culture

The Case for the real Jesus - Lee Strobel

Will the Real Jesus please stand up - Paul Copan

Jesus among other Gods - Ravi Zacharias

Jesus: Man, Messiah, or More? (8-Part DVD)

Jesus has always been controversial. Ever since He walked the shores of Galilee and the streets of Jerusalem, the questions have remained the same: Was He merely Jesus the man, the rabbi-teacher? Could He have been Jesus the Messiah of Israel? Or, most controversial of all, was He Jesus the Son of God?


One group of scholars is trying to clear up the confusion. For more than 10 years, they’ve studied key events in the life of Jesus.

Now to think about your heart, without your heart being right you aren't acceptable to God. In his book "The Greatest thing in the World", Henry Drummond talks about love and our relationship with God and where our heart is.

I got this one from a Church in Canada and found it to be along a similar path on where our hearts should be.

And there is always C.S. Lewis.

Mere Christianity/ Screwtape Letters
2010-04-09 20:36:50 UTC
Hi, may God bless you.

As you may know, all religions have seeds of truth, but there is only one truth.

I suggest you study history, morality and see which is better.

Jesus gave the Holy Spirit to His Church, I think you might want to take a look to the Church's philosophy, you will find it to help you a lot. Like Mother Teresa of Calcutta said: A smile is a gift, that you give to whoever you smile. Like Saint Thomas Aquinas says: Love produces in man perfect happiness. In effect only truly enjoys the one that lives in charity. You can learn from all is true, we have conscience, we have knowledge, but the established by God himself is the best of course and the way, the truth and the life. You might one to take a look to some investigations about miracles in the Church too: May God fills you with blessings.
2010-04-09 20:20:51 UTC
1. You should believe in Jesus. He was a real historical figure who has been commented on or heard of by many people of those times.

2. Christianity provides a loving God who only wants the best for you and to save you from your own natural wicked habits.

I would accept BOTH.
2010-04-09 19:13:06 UTC
I was forced into religion, was confused, upset. Dropped religion, now I embrace the universal truth in all religions and I am a spiritual activist.

Einstein said it best E=MC2 everything is energy in the universe. So God is within you and everywhere. Listen to your heart that beats like the drum of the ancients. Follow your conscience, and Look at nature as it represents the divine everywhere.
2010-04-09 18:35:09 UTC
Don't abandon Jesus because He would never abandon you. God will always be there for you, so be there for Him. Follow what He asks of you, speak to your friends about Him. Jesus sticks up for you when you do things that are wrong, so stick up for Him.

The above link is irrefutable evidence of Jesus' resurrection. It is an historical fact that Jesus died on the cross, and rose three days later.

"its so hard for me to say im a christian when i never go to church or anything"

Do you have parents or friends that go to Church? Go with them. Find a nice non-denominational church.

"i also keep having weird connections to islam and judaism."

Well, Islam took a lot of their beliefs from Judaism. Muhammed wasn't very original and he certainly wasn't a prophet of God. The Quran is verifiably false. Islam doesn't believe that Jesus died on the cross, they don't believe that He resurrected, and they don't believe that He is the savior of man kind.

Good luck.
2010-04-09 16:04:35 UTC
It's no use asking that question on here, you'll only get umpteen people telling you "Here's the answer: come over to us!"

Here's what you need to do. Figure out with yourself, maybe write it down on paper, what you believe in, ask yourself deeply what you think about the world, what you think about God, what you think about the values of these various religions. Then, learn as much as you can about as many religions of relevance as possible. Go to the churchs, gurdwaras, synagogues, mosques, temples, and so on and so forth, go on the internet, go to bookstores, keep patrolling R&S on yahoo answers (that's how I learn everything about religion,) and find out as much as possible.

Be as informed as you possibly can be before going into a religion. Don't just accept the word of some random stranger on the street who says "My religion has cookies, believe in it, it's the truth!"
2010-04-01 23:24:11 UTC
I will tell you something.. If you take out the holy book of all religions and analyze it together you will be able to make a choice. I guarantee you that. You will find that Islam is the most complete religion in the world. It covers every aspect of human life starting from social, economical, environmental and you name it.. you will also find that it is the only religion which maintains a proper balance between spiritual and worldly affairs.. we pray five times a day to refresh our selves and at the same time do everything we can to live a proper life in this world.. just think logically when Christians says that Jesus was crucified to pay for all the sins of humanity.. then why should Christians even bother to live a respectful life. they can just believe in Jesus and live like an animal and go to paradise..

read the bible yourself and you will find that it is full of satanic thoughts and stories. the bible is a corrupt man made book that have been altered by the priests a million times over generations. we Muslims can proudly say that quran is the only true holy book in its original form and the efforts of Christians to refute this statement have always ended in failure..
2010-04-09 16:31:30 UTC
Follow the lifestyle example that Christ lived by to the best of your ability & chances are those decent qualities will be sought after & remembered by him when he's searching for his co-brethren at his return in the future. It's all in how you treat everyone else that will be the deciding factor as to whether you're considered a sheep or a goat. What was his last commandment given before he rose back into heaven? Love one another! Simple!
2010-04-09 19:58:00 UTC
Don't depend on comment ratings when it comes to religion on Yahoo Answers.

It's a war of ratings between Atheism and religion.

The religious will put a 'thumbs down' to all Atheists that disagree with religion.

The Atheists will put a 'thumbs down' to all religious people's answers when they tell you to 'speak with God'.

Why do you feel the need to join a religion?

I know you want a God (any God) to exist because you feel like there is one, but you cannot find a particular religion to relate to this God you believe in.

You can still believe your God without religion.

I'm an Atheist myself; i have nothing against people believing in a God because all human beings share the need to have a powerful force of love, a bondage if you will.

Why associate your love with religion though?...that's what seperates people and destroys love.

Whatever your choice, I hope you find what you're looking for.
Seidhr of Orlog
2010-04-09 18:43:47 UTC
Sounds like you need some study time.

Here i'll give you a break down of what I found.

Christianity is very much a Neo-Pagan religion.

Chrisitianity is a religion that evolved from Judaism (probably why you feel a connection to judaism, as well islam is a twist on judaism which might be why you feel a connection to that). Every christian knows that much. But what they do not know is why they say "Amen" at the end of a prayer or where it comes from.

Judaism was a religion created by Moses out of a relilgion known as Egyptian Kemetic Orthidox in which Amun, Amon, ...Amen... is the head God of. In fact Egyptian Kemetic Orthidox is the oldest Egyptian faith that believes in only one God. This is why christians still today say Amen at the end of a prayer.

Amun is the God of gods, King of kings and Lord of lords who created all, even the lesser gods. He is all powerful, all knowing and all seeing yet cannot be seen by even the lesser Gods. his glory and splender fill the heavens and the earth, his wisdom is higher than the heavens and deeper than the sea. It is he who fills the hearts of men and gives them the power to move the heavens and the earth and one man more strength than a crowd. It was said of Amun that his anger was feirce and a consuming fire but that his anger did not last past the setting of the sun and his mercy was more bountiful than his anger.

If you study the law given to the Jews by Moses and the description of God by moses what you find is a twist on Egyptian law, culture and faith. Which makes perfect since because Moses was raised in the egyptian palace to be able to be a Pharo. Now to be a Pharo was no small deed. A pharo was believed to be THE incarnation of the lesser god Horus, God of the sky of whom Ra is his right eye. That means you have to know Egyptian culture, belief, religion, magic, and law better than anyone else because as THE incarnation of Horus you are the one who made it all to begin with, or at least that is what people believed and you had to feed that belief. So it only makes since that Moses would lead the Jews using this same knowledge that he spent his entire life learning.

Well the egyptian faith evolved from yet even older faiths. I traced back as far as I could to still be able to be true to my own Herritage. Being German and Dutch I went as far back as Germanic, norse heathenism and stopped there. I know it goes back even further to some even older religions. In fact it is believed that Hoodoo is really the oldest religion that is still practiced today. But my ancestors are Germanic/norse indo-european tribes so I am a heathen because I believe whole heartedly that my ancestors help guide me and that there is more power where your ancestors are than there is anywhere else.

My ancestors beleived that to leave the faith of your ancestors was sacrelige and made you a coward. When the Christians invaded our lands we hung them from trees as a sacrifice to our Gods and named their Christ the White Christ. White being the term to call someone who was a fearful coward i.e. "why are you so pail? you look like you have seen a ghost!"

Eventually the Christians won and took over and tried to get us to give up our feasts and festivals but we refused. So instead they let us keep our feasts and festivals, but they cast out our Gods and Goddesses as whiches and demons and replaced them with their saints, and their christ and their God and made a mockery of our customs. And that is where you get your modern day easter, christmas, halloween and other "christian" hollidays which are still practiced nearly exactly the same way they were by my ancestors thousands of years before Jesus was even a concept, only now they are practiced by people who have know idea what they really mean in the name of the White Christ.
2010-04-09 20:41:37 UTC
Yer a flake. No commitment. But don't worry. You don't have to go to church or belong to any church at all to have a connection with God. Believing in him is enough. Or you could worship the Nordic gods. Or you could worship the Egyptian gods. Or you could worship the Greek/Roman gods. Or you could worship just about anything. No church or contact with others required, it's all between you and your deity/ies.
2010-04-09 20:21:53 UTC








2010-04-09 16:16:03 UTC
Well. I would definitely put you in the "undecided" category right now. I don't personally think that people need a religion to tell them how to live their life. Just do what feels right and don't let people tell you what to believe. Only you know what works for you. Email me if you want to talk about it or something.
JJ Bear
2010-04-09 18:45:09 UTC
If you have not asked Christ to be your Savior you are not a Christian, even though you may have been brought up in that environment. Just being exposed does not make one Christian and more than being exposed to school makes one intelligent. Being Christian takes an act of deliberate decision - it is never accidental.

If you want to know God, tell Him and He will help you. He never refuses to reveal Him self to anyone who looks for Him.

John 14:6

Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life, no man comes to the Father but through me.
2010-04-09 08:27:03 UTC
Go With Non-Absolutes. Christianity AND Atheism are not Religions they are Dogmatic Philosophies of Absolutes, I Don't Care what your Religion as long as Christianity and Atheism is No More!!!!

And if You Love JESUS SO MUCH become Muslim!!!!

As A Jew let me tell you Right now you Don't Want to Convert to Judaism Because You will Find it Impossible, And Only Jews Truly enjoy Being Jewish, even then if You Become A Jew the Hole World will seek your Destruction.
2010-04-09 20:02:47 UTC
well it's a personal choice, I took some classes that spoke about religion in college and changed

what i was raised as. Studying different ones can help you and then you decide. Some people

believe in science and not religion. I am leaning more towards science.
2010-04-09 16:34:48 UTC
My dear you are not alone, there are likely many others who feel confused.

I challenge you though to instead of looking at this as a choice of religion look at it as a choice to have a real relationship with Christ.

Pray! Ask the Lord to guide you and to help you, I promise that if you reach out to him he will make himself known to you. Being saved and having a relatinoship with christ has nothing to do with religion.

I encourage you to read the Word of God and to pray and ask him to guide you will soon find your answer.

I can not tell you what you should do or what you should believe in this is a personal journey but I can promise that if you ask God for help he will guide you!
2010-04-01 21:08:31 UTC
Find something beautiful in the world..if you're like anyone else, you'll probably appreciate it. Direct this profound appreciation..this utter a direction that feels fulfilling. Ponder how every leaf on a tree, every pebble on the ground, every drop of flowing water or every cloud in the sky might have come about; break down the scientific forces to the chemistry of the perfectly synchronized harmony of every atom that somehow paints the picture of order and life. In this, you might find your God; the incredible cause of all this (it's gotta come from somewhere, right?). Find Him, then see where he leads you, whether to Christianity, Judaism, Islam, or somewhere else. Will this mover of the world be Yahweh...Allah...Jesus? All three? Get acquainted with the faiths that appeal to you, and consider their underlying principles.
Shooting Star
2010-04-02 04:18:41 UTC
I assume you believe in God in which case you may wish to consider the following approach.

Set your alarm to awake up in the middle of the night a couple hours before dawn.

This is the time of the day when there is nothing between God and his creations but the veil of the night and only the most sincere and dedicated can wake up and pray to God.

Get down on your knees and make a long sincere prayer to Him from the depth of your heart and plead with Him to guide you to the truth.

Tell Him that if He doesn't guide you, you may end up among those led astray. and that you are placing all of your trust in Him to guide you to the religion he wants you to follow.

Make this prayer often, in the night and even other times of the day as often as you can.

Then wait to see where you heart leads you as it will certainly be led by your creator.

Best wishes.
2010-04-09 16:23:09 UTC
People of each religion would say that you follow their religion.It is for you to choose the one you like most .It is your birth right Instead of seeking advice outside, why not take the advice of your parents who are the only people who would be most interested in your welfare ?
2010-04-09 17:14:36 UTC
Simple solution: kneel down in your room and then pray as follows:

--G-od, whatever is your name, please reveal Yourself to me so I will know for sure which religion I should choose.

Or you can try them all, but it takes a lot of time, and I would recommend to go to the higher source instead, much faster and that way you don't make offend Him! :-) Hope it help. Keep us updated, I'm curious.
2010-04-01 22:01:50 UTC
You are the only one who has to live with or die for your choice so you should be the one to choose. Start by getting to know God on a personal level by actually reading the Bible for yourself. Too many churches teach doctrines that are not in the Bible at all.
Higgs Boson
2010-04-09 19:39:32 UTC
Don't follow a religion at all, the whole concept obviously has you very confused. That doesn't bode well for your future.
2010-04-01 21:04:12 UTC
I have the same problems sometimes, but you don't have to go to chruch to be a Christian. You're a Christian when you repent for your sins and accept Christ into your heart. Going to church can be a good thing though because it gives you a chance to have fellowship with other people who want to worship God and are trying to figure out how to follow Him. You can get advice and grow deeper in your faith when you go to church. I read about other religions. I've read a couple of books by Karen Armstrong. She has a really good one out about Islam. I think it might be a good idea for you to read about Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. Go visit some churches. Talk to Christians. Ask them about their faith and start reading the Bible. It will give you a good idea about what everything is really about. Do the same thing for the other groups. Just remember that God loves you so much and Jesus is waiting...whenever you're ready to accept Him, He will be there.
2010-04-09 19:58:02 UTC
Just follow your autonomy. Religions come from other human being's minds. You're a human being with a mind. Why follow when you can lead?
2010-04-01 21:23:32 UTC
It is all about praying to God in the proper manner in which God wanted us to pray (I’m sure that is what you are looking for)

Story: A Man who did not know how to read or write revealed a book 1400 years ago, in this book you will find stories of Adam and Eve, Abraham, Noah, Moses, Jesus and his virgin mother Mary and much more. All in vivid detail which cannot be found in any other book in this world, this book has not been tampered with or altered even since it was revealed

Take any subject matter in this world and you will find the answers in this Amazing Book,

How could a man who did not know to read or Write reveal such amazing details without Devine Help?

do not be influenced by what you see in the media or what others say, Simply talk to God in the way you know and ask him to guide you to the right path and then Read the Quran with an Open Mind

God willing you will be shown the path of righteousness, The same path that was thought by Jesus, Moses, Abraham, Noah and all the prophets who came to this world

Peace be with you
2016-10-14 06:55:28 UTC
babies, anyplace they are interior the international, are in no place to insurrection against their mom and father or communities. In a number of those international locations, women and young babies have actual no determination notwithstanding. those are places the place ten 12 months olds could be beheaded, women are robotically stoned to dying for 'adultery' (which includes being raped, by making use of the way), youthful girls could be undertaking to acid assaults, stoning, or perhaps being shot at (as interior the modern case in Pakistan) basically for desirous to have an preparation. Jewish or muslim babies are in no place to refuse to be circumcised, are they. Even in my area of Sydney, Australia, we see young babies who placed on the hijab etc. generally, they might say that it is their very own determination, however the actuality is that young babies advance up in an environment the place it is the norm, and that they might see it as desirous to be like Mum or Aunties, and the virtues of donning it are emphasized of their non secular upbringing. some little women of Indonesian history in my street do placed on the hijab. different women, of generally center jap history, tend to undertake it as young babies or youthful married women. They continually say that it is their very own determination. it is the comparable with people like the Amish interior the USA, or the unique Brethren, the place the ladies do not decrease their hair, placed on very long skirts, and placed on little headscarves to cover their head whilst they bypass out. Why will not be able to their elect their very own faith? Why will not be able to Mormon babies elect their very own faith? of direction, as adults, they are able to elect to bypass away their faith, in the event that they like to. even though it is not incredibly ordinary for women and young babies to do this in the time of international locations the place women have not got any rights, and oftentimes will not be able to even bypass away their very own residence until a male family members member is with them. a greater advantageous question so you might contemplate is, why is there no democracy in those styles of international locations. How do people from greater democratic international locations motivate those styles of communities to alter? Do endure in suggestions that those people are not allowed to examine something different than the Koran. it is their complete way of life. And in many places, there is severe hostility in the direction of non muslims, and that they suspect they have the best to kill any muslim who defects from their faith, or comes to a decision to alter their faith.
M. Knight ♥Sunnah Defender♥
2010-04-07 08:40:44 UTC
First, I would say that a man without religion is like a shell without nuts. So, atheists are usually living their life with no purpose and are like turning in a void circle. I recommend not to go that way (though it's ur choice).

Second, and in brief, this state of indecisiveness is a good feeling that will urge you to start a quest for what you seem to be lacking: peace and inner comfort. Now you are like in an intersection where you should read about different religions and see if you can find your peace of mind in any. I recommend you read the Holy Quran and Torah and why not Hindu or Buddhist scriptures and I'm sure you will find what you were lacking all this time.I am a Muslim and though I feel happy and comfortable with what I believe in, I read the Bible and I'm willing to read Torah too when I find it.

May God lead you to the Right Path, Amen
2010-04-01 21:00:23 UTC
Try as you may, only God can supply you with the conviction and the insight into Christianity (see: John, chapter 6, verse 44). Apart from that, you are on your own unless God decides to make you one of the elect [Christian] in this present life. If not, then, there is always the next one where you will be given a shot at it, at the return of Jesus Christ to the earth, once again. Should you be convinced, that you are being drawn to Jesus Christ, by the Father [God], then, you still have free moral agency (called "choice") to either, accept or reject the calling.
2010-04-09 15:52:06 UTC
it's your choice.

But be careful, follow what you believe has all the answers. Study them and get different opinions. If you really desire the truth you will find it.

Use prayer a your tool to find this truth too.
2010-04-09 12:40:27 UTC
Clearly you haven't landed on the RIGHT ONE - perhaps additional searching, studying and prayer are needed. Once you find the TRUTH that hits HOME you will know immediately. I know I did!
2010-04-01 21:05:32 UTC
It is hard to choose on this web site when there are so many divergent opinions, and the

Atheists are / have been on a strong campaign to take as many to hell with them as possible. Oh yeah, they don't believe in hell, yet this is what they are doing.

So, the way to find God is to seek him with all your heart and you will find him. Pray asking for forgiveness and for Jesus to come into your life and change you and help you and guide you into all truth. Not hard unless it seems hard for you, but God created us with a free will and you can do this in spite of all the weird, and bad voices that you might hear.

Send me an email if you wish and God bless you.
2010-04-09 07:54:07 UTC
I hope you notice my answer.YES,Religion is a MUST.

Im not going to convert you into my religion r something.But I'll give this link.READ IT.You'll be able understand better.

Good luck.
2010-04-09 16:31:52 UTC
you should read the 3 holy books.

the book that you find it logical and your brain can easily accept it. is the one you should follow.

Quran is very nice book to read and the brain and heart can easily accept it .

thats why alot of peole converts to Islam every day.

advice : read
2010-04-09 18:48:10 UTC
of course you want to accept jesus, because that's the accepted thing now-a-days

I would suggest educating yourself on christianity so you never fall victim to their lies
2010-04-09 18:23:51 UTC
religion is a mistake


I'm a free minded believer in Jesus
2010-04-01 20:59:26 UTC
Hey, a lot of people dont even adhere to that "calling" of the Holy Spirit. That desire you have to want to accept Jesus does not come from you, anyone else or anything else, it is of God. Accepting Christ as your Lord does not require a lot, really all you need to do is acknowledge Him and the fact that He did come down from Heaven through the virgin, Mary and died on the cross for our sins and just invite Him into your life. If you dont know the words to say, that is okay because God knows your heart. JUST LET HIM IN. That is the best decision that could ever be made in a person's life
2010-04-09 15:18:22 UTC
Pray to Heavenly Father to know what religion to join
2010-04-09 19:09:27 UTC
You havent killed yourself nor crashed your car into another because of him soo yes you do need christ pal
2010-04-07 20:54:11 UTC
Religions other than Christianity fall short in one way or another. Either in continuation of belief in the true living God. As in failure to see the promised Messiah as approx. 300+ prophecies in the Old Testament which only Jesus fulfilled and the continued following the will of God since that time. Or several religions not believing in any god or Creator at all. Humans are certainly not worth the time to worship. Genetically we have been in decline since Adam. So today's human is nothing special as for worship.

So which of the 40,000 claiming to be Christian should you choose? Get a pen and paper, a copy of the Bible and a matching Concordance. Begin with one side of the paper writing beliefs and doctrines that several religions have to save time. Acknowledge that only the religion that has God's approval is worth pursuing as life only comes from the true living God and Creator.

Then look in the concordance for key words of the belief. Then see what the Bible says about the belief. Example: Immortality of the soul is a doctrine many religions teach. what does the Bible say?

Under "soul" about first will listed Gen. 2:7 which identifies what a human soul is. "God proceeded to form the man out of dust from the ground and to blow into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man came to be a living soul." Notice a man became a soul. It was not add-on equipment.

Then you will come across Ez.18:4. "The soul that is sinning—it itself will die." Does it strike you that saying a soul can and does die puts a serious dent in "immortality"?

There then comes a question of do all souls sin? Putting the list of "soul and sin" together, one of the entries will be Romans 5:12 which clears up if there are any human souls who do not sin. "That is why, just as through one man sin entered into the world and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men because they had all sinned—. " From this we learn that all humans have come from Adam and share inherited sin. Reading further reveals only Jesus, by not having a human father, did not inherit Adam's sin.

What does this all mean? Obviously according to the Bible, "immortality of the soul" is a false doctrine. Looking it up on the Internet for the basis of the belief reveals it came into Christian religions from Greek Plato's teachings/ pagan teachings.

1 John 3:18 shows the only acceptable worship to God is: "Little children, let us love, neither in word nor with the tongue, but in deed and truth." At Galatians 1:7 we learn that all true pure worship must agree with the Bible. Not even the words of angels is to be taken for granted as the words of God. "But it is not another; only there are certain ones who are causing YOU trouble and wanting to pervert the good news about the Christ. 8 However, even if we or an angel out of heaven were to declare to YOU as good news something beyond what we declared to YOU as good news, let him be accursed."

So on your paper, cross off that belief and all those religions which accept it. Do that for several beliefs and you will quickly thin out the list. The one you have left, whose beliefs and teachings all agree with the Bible is the right choice.
2010-04-01 20:57:46 UTC
Just pick what you want to believe in there is a history where Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all pretty much comes from the same place. It all came out of pagan origins and it was corrupted to fit their agenda at the time. Look it up for yourself. You don't have to be anything you don't want to be.
2010-04-09 14:24:03 UTC
read some more of the bible and then realize the fallacies in it... i did and i looked at paganism... particularly wicca... and i'm happy that i did... look at me now... happy... except when i'm away from the people i so care about...
2010-04-09 21:00:49 UTC
Pray to God and have him show you the way.
2010-04-01 21:00:01 UTC
Religion is not what God wants,He wants a personal relationship with you!

I am a chrsitian and thats what its all about!

I recommend going to a calvary chapel and talk to the pastor or an elder.

I got Saved when i was 16 :]

& ive had a personal relationship With Jesus and its been the best thing ever!
2010-04-09 11:58:37 UTC
Just make up your own just like every other religion ever recorded on Earth.
Queen of Sheba
2010-04-01 21:33:00 UTC
Might as well go for Judiasm because its the mother of the other two religions, both of which tried to wipe it out.

Jesus, sadly, was a rabbi, a reform Jew who the Romans murdered then used to start a new religion. One that would suit their needs which basically was to keep them in power and give them world dominion. thus the espansion of the Roman Catholic Church took over where the expanse of the Roman Empire left off.

Islam is a relgion invented by Mohammed who was an Arab who hated his cousins, the Hebrews. He was descended from Haggar, , the mother of the Arab peoples, a household helper of his wife and half sister, Sarah.

Haggar wasn't a sweet person because she almost let her son Ishmael die alone in the desert when she could have at least stayed beside him and comforted him.

Nor was she very observant, because she hadn't noticed there was a well of water nearby them while she was letting him die.


Probably she was sore at Ishmael because he got them both kicked out the household for sexually playing with his little brother, Isaac. (In English it says he mocked him but in Hebrew the word used connotes sexual mocking).

Anyway, Mohammed hates the descendants of Isaac for throwing their matriarch out into the desert.

Ishmael was an archer, not a religious man. He was really good with weapons, due to his mother who thought of weapons constantly, the way she described distance was by how far an arrow could reach.

The original Jews were genetic descendants of the children of Israel who wrote the original Bible. Mohammede hates them and even discredits the Bible saying its a lie because it says God chose his cousins as his people.

God sort of farms humans like we do chickens or cattle in both the Arab and Hebrew religions. Its like one flock of chickens fighting to be the favorite of a farmer.

Anyway, Mohammed got made at the God of Abraham so he went with Allah, the moon god, instead. Then he recited his own book, since he couldn't read or write himself. Its called the qu'ran, and in it he commanded his followers to kill off both the Jews and the Christians. (Read it. Its in there and any Muslim who denies it hasn't read it themselves.)

Perhaps the best way for you to choose the best religion for you is to develop a personal relationship with the creator of the universe, who has no image. This is the true God who created the planets and all life everywhere.

The thing about the God of Abraham is He fathered Jesus and created the moon, So you might as well honor that creator of all other gods.

But remember he is both mal and female, and called male because the culture Abraham came from was a male dominating cattle oriented culture.
Jennifer S
2010-04-09 17:38:45 UTC
Follow your heart. < Hahaha.
Squashed Orange
2010-04-09 16:19:27 UTC
Read the Bible and then decide. That's what I did.
2010-04-09 18:51:54 UTC

Ask God to show you the truth.

If God is real. He can show you himself.
2010-04-09 17:18:58 UTC
Please don't give up on Christianity. And go to church, then you'll know why you believe it.
2010-04-09 15:41:34 UTC
islam is the way.

it is not just a religion but it is a way of life :)
2010-04-01 23:56:07 UTC
Let’s talk frankly. Almost never do non-Muslims study Islam until they have first exhausted the religions of their exposure. Only after they have grown dissatisfied with the religions familiar to them, meaning Judaism, Christianity and all the fashionable “-isms”—Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism (and, as my young daughter once added, “tourism”)—do they consider Islam.

Perhaps other religions do not answer the big questions of life, such as “Who made us?” and “Why are we here?” Perhaps other religions do not reconcile the injustices of life with a fair and just Creator. Perhaps we find hypocrisy in the clergy, untenable tenets of faith in the canon, or corruption in the scripture. Whatever the reason, we perceive shortcomings in the religions of our exposure, and look elsewhere. And the ultimate “elsewhere” is Islam.

Now, Muslims would not like to hear me say that Islam is the “ultimate elsewhere.” But it is. Despite the fact that Muslims comprise one-fourth to one-fifth of the world’s population, non-Muslim media smears Islam with such horrible slanders that few non-Muslims view the religion in a positive light. Hence, it is normally the last religion seekers investigate.

Another problem is that by the time non-Muslims examine Islam, other religions have typically heightened their skepticism: If every “God-given” scripture we have ever seen is corrupt, how can the Islamic scripture be different? If charlatans have manipulated religions to suit their desires, how can we imagine the same not to have happened with Islam?

The answer can be given in a few lines, but takes books to explain. The short answer is this: There is a God. He is fair and just, and He wants us to achieve the reward of paradise. However, God has placed us in this worldly life as a test, to weed out the worthy from the unworthy. And we will be lost if left to our own devices. Why? Because we don’t know what He wants from us. We can’t navigate the twists and turns of this life without His guidance, and hence, He has given us guidance in the form of revelation.

Sure, previous religions have been corrupted, and that is one of the reasons why we have a chain of revelation. Ask yourself: wouldn’t God send another revelation if the preceding scriptures were impure? If preceding scriptures were corrupted, humans would need another revelation, to keep upon the straight path of His design.

So we should expect preceding scriptures to be corrupted, and we should expect the final revelation to be pure and unadulterated,for we cannot imagine a loving God leaving us astray. What we can imagine is God giving us a scripture, and men corrupting it; God giving us another scripture, and men corrupting it again … and again, and again. Until God sends a final revelation He promises to preserve until the end of time.

Muslims consider this final revelation to be the Holy Quran. You consider it … worth looking into. So let us return to the title of this article: Why Islam? Why should we believe that Islam is the religion of truth, the religion that possesses the pure and final revelation?

“Oh, just trust me.”

Now, how many times have you heard that line? A famous comedian used to joke that people of different cities cuss one another out in different ways. In Chicago, they cuss a person out this way, in Los Angeles they cuss a person out that way, but in New York they just say, “Trust me.”

So don’t trust me—trust our Creator. Read the Quran, read books and study good websites. But whatever you do, get started, take it seriously, and pray for our Creator to guide you.

Your life may not depend on it, but your soul most definitely does.
2010-04-01 21:01:53 UTC
You don't know enough about any of it. You need to do some research first to help you with your decision.
.•°★Rae Rae☆.•.™
2010-04-01 20:56:09 UTC
Well if you want to dedicate your life to Christianity you should start going to churches then.

Read up on the bible, get more information from your bishop, priest, pastor ETC to see how you can dedicate your life to the Lord, you could visit Christian websites, there are a bunch of ways on how to start living your life as a christian.
2010-04-02 02:03:45 UTC
peace be upon u

donot be sad

everything will be ok


why to not believe in JESUS pbuh

we muslims believe in him and love him but as a prophet

i hope these links help u or give u some new knowledge at least

Jesus In The Quran

Who Is Jesus ?

The Qur'an and the Bible in the light of Science? ( 1 of 4 )

to All christians

Islam And Christianinty

The True Message of Jesus Christ

Understand ISlam

Islam, the Religion of Ease

Beliefs of Islam

Proving ISLAM
2010-04-09 14:16:18 UTC
you don't have to follow a religion-

they are all just fairy tales anyway.
2010-04-01 21:59:06 UTC
In my opinion- to which I feel I am entitles- only a fool will say, THEY DON'T KNOW WHY they should believe in Jesus!

1. You have to be a functional illiterate- can't read The Bible and understand what is written there.

The Bible was written for the understanding of simple and unsophisticated folks. Those who introduce complications into Bible Religion in general, and The Gospel in particular, are trying to confuse you, so that they can deceive you. This includes Jesus' supposed Disciples:

2nd PETER 3:15-16.

15. And account that the longsuffering of our Lord is Salvation;

even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the Wisdom

given unto him hath written unto you;

16. As also in all his Epistles, speaking in them of these things;

in which are some things hard to be understood,

which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest,

as they do also the other Scriptures, unto their own destruction.


MATTHEW 11:25-30.

25. "At that time Jesus answered and said,

"I thank thee, O Father, Lord of Heaven and Earth,

because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent,

and hast revealed them unto babes.

26. "Even so, Father: for so it seemed good in Thy Sight.

27. "All things are delivered unto me of my Father:

and no man knoweth the Son, but The Father;

neither knoweth any man The Father, save the Son,

and he to whomsoever the Son will reveal Him."

28. "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

29. "Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me;

for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.

30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."

If something is being laid on you that is HARD to understand, IT IS NOT THE GOSPEL.

Someone is trying to DECEIVE you. Jesus' Burden is LIGHT and EASY.

2. The Purpose of True Religion is to lengthen the worshipper's life- not to shorten it.


19. I call Heaven and Earth

to record this Day against you,

that I have set before you Life and Death,

Blessing and Cursing: therefore choose Life,

That both thou and thy seed may live:

20. That thou mayest love the LORD thy God,

and that thou mayest obey His Voice,

and that thou mayest cleave unto Him:

for He is thy life, and the length of thy days:

that thou mayest dwell in the Land

which the LORD sware unto thy fathers,

to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give them.

JOHN 8:47-53.

47. "He that is of God heareth God's Words:

ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God."

48. Then answered the Jews, and said unto him,

"Say we not well that thou art a Samaritan,

and hast a Devil?"

49. Jesus answered,

"I have not a devil; but I honour my Father,

and ye do dishonour me.

50. And I seek not mine own glory:

there is One that seeketh and judgeth.

51. "Verily, verily, I say unto you,



52. Then said the Jews unto him,

"Now we know that thou hast a devil.

Abraham is dead, and the Prophets;

and thou sayest,



53. "Art thou greater than our father Abraham,

which is dead?

and the Prophets are dead:

whom makest thou thyself?"

If you obey The Gospel the way Jesus said, YOU WILL LIVE FOR EVER.

This is plain language as it gets. If you can give any example of someone who kept Jesus' saying and died, that means he was a liar or whoever reported this to you lied.

Only a fool would follow CHRISTIANITY, because Christian religion has ALWAYS consisted of MAKING UP FALSE DOCTRINES and PRETENDING that FOLLOWING THEM is "Keeping Jesus' Saying." I have no doubt in my mind as to what those who do that are trying to do: They are committing suicide, and taking as many people along as they can telling them that everything is all right.

Does anyone other than Jesus promise you ETERNAL LIFE? I mean, as Jesus did: RIGHT NOW.

Not on some future date AFTER YOU HAVE DIED. That is NOT what Jesus promised!

That is exactly why ALL of Jesus' Disciples rejected his Doctrine: They could not believe that it would work as he said it would. If you want to die, select any means you want, or continue in your current course of disobeying Jesus and mocking his Ministry with clueless "friends" from Hell.
2010-04-01 21:02:19 UTC
you can choose assuming you're of age.
2010-04-01 21:00:27 UTC
Jesus loves you! He DIED for you!

1 cross + 3 nails = 4given!

Please go to this website:
2010-04-01 20:57:06 UTC
2010-04-01 20:58:51 UTC
I'm Agnostic. What it means is I don't know what I believe. I am fine with what others believe unless they try to push it on me. Then I get pissed lol.

Not to interesting

Wiki up agnostic
2010-04-01 20:57:00 UTC
See and hear the link below ( MP3 ), and I hope you will understand why Jesus came to die in our place.
2010-04-01 21:01:47 UTC
The god of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all have one thing in common: Bloody-fisted terrorism.

Religion is utter bullshit. You're far better off without such mind poison.
2010-04-01 20:55:35 UTC
Start by reading the Bible. When you get stuck, ask someone for clarification. When you get the answers from the Bible then you have found the right religion.
Eclectic Heretic
2010-04-01 21:00:10 UTC
Get away from ALL 3 of the "Abrahamic" religions. Their god is a jealous, mean-spirited SOB. Find a belief system with a kinder, gentler god or gods. Buddhism (no gods, basically) and Hinduism (many gods, but all are manifestations of the one god) come to mind.

Blessings on your Journey!
2010-04-01 20:58:13 UTC
Read the bible...that's far more than enough to convince any sane person that Christianity is false and that the god of the bible is pure, undiluted, black-hearted evil.

Distance yourself from such mind control cults before it is too late.
2010-04-01 20:56:48 UTC
You could try being agnostic, which recognizes god(s) but doesn't specify.
2010-04-01 20:54:26 UTC
if you dont know then just follow whatever ur parents follow

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.