Is the Pope scared that Stephen Hawking will prove that God doesn’t exist?
Brenda's World
2006-08-01 12:12:03 UTC
Hawking has done groundbreaking research on black holes and the origins of the universe. He proposes that space and time have no beginning and no end. On Thursday 15 June 2006, Stephen Hawking said that the late Pope John Paul II once told scientists they should not study the beginning of the universe because it was the work of God.

Hawking, who didn't say when the meeting was held, quoted the pope as saying, "It's OK to study the universe and where it began. But we should not enquire into the beginning itself because that was the moment of creation and the work of God." Hawking asked the Pope "Does it require a creator to decree how the universe began or is the initial state of the universe determined by a law of science?"

If the Pope genuinely believed that God created the universe, why was the Pope scared of science investigating the subject and proving that God existed. The truth is more likely that the Pope doesn’t believe in God and doesn’t want science to prove that fact.
29 answers:
Phil Knight
2006-08-01 12:14:41 UTC
It hardly takes Hawking to prove that god is fiction....
2006-08-01 12:43:49 UTC
I tend to agree with you... the Pope must had doubts concerning the creation of the Universe, otherwise he wouldnt mind the science studies. In my opinion, to Church is crucial that some questions remain unanswered, only then she can support the importance of God and the dogmas of Christianism.

I believe the creation of the Universe will be explained by science in the future, with rational arguments and facts, there are already some very interesting theories about that. But I also think that science are God arent incompatible, you just need to consider science as an instrument God gave Humanity to understand Cosmos and Life!
2006-08-01 12:21:59 UTC
I love Stephen Hawking! It goes without saying the man is brilliant. But he can no more prove God does not exist then he could that God does exist (to those that don't believe). Black holes, the "origins" of the universe can only be explained to a point. But how that VERY first atom was truly creation, he cannot. There will always be the "but how?"
2006-08-01 12:39:22 UTC
I don't believe the Pope was scared at all. The answeres to the Universe will not all be answered, maybe they weren't made to be by mere humans. To believe in God is not meant to not believe in science. Only to know that the world we live in is so fantastic that a higher power had to have a hand in it. Just look at its sculpture and beauty. No way was all of this the result of some long ago explosion or something. I can not speak for the Popes statement, however, I do believe that some times just believing in something better or something devine that brings peace to us, should not be ridiculed or simply dismissed as fear. Why do we feel the need to tear down something good or to pick apart something beautiful to see how it works? All in the name of science? It is only my opinion that I would choose to believe, and take with me through my life and death, peace of mind, the enjoyment of such a beautiful Universe, and to feel I was not alone instead of ripping at the seams with so called science to destroy something so wonderful that a hand and heart of God just had to create. Why do some people find it so much easier to believe in cold emptiness instead of, if not believing, but at least feeling some comfort in something more meaningful and presented to us out of love? Maybe I am alone in my beliefs, as I am sure the Pope felt quite often, but I like the view I have much better than relying on man made science.
Fantasy Girl
2006-08-01 12:19:39 UTC
Hawking is a brilliant man, no arguing that. However he is a theorist. His theories are insightful but until man gets out into deep space with the correct instruments to measure and test, what do we really know?

Just like NASA said when our satellites first past the outer planets of our solar system, they stated that 90% of what we thought about our own solar system was proved wrong once the data came back. That was just simple instruments and our own solar system.

The reality is we haven't even got near the surface to scratch it let alone know anything substantial about the vast universe. We don't even have a clue what is beyond the universe.

However those who have studied the bible have some idea.
2006-08-01 12:32:36 UTC
I don't think the pope is worried about that. He may just have meant to say that when you start learning too much about science without learning where the source of spiritual power lies, you might have a weakness for becoming dependent on physical science rather than also learning to develop spiritually. It requires integrity to use and learn about powerful scientific principles. From a Mormon point of view, we expect astronomy to prove everything God says about what He created. Have a happy day!
2006-08-01 12:26:24 UTC
I think the Pope believes in his God and maybe he is scared that

messing with creation will bring wrath on the earth before it is due.

But is is more likely that since the Catholic Church historically kept their population under their control through illiteracy and once we started reading for ourselves this all began and what the Pope said is just a reflection of how far we have come since we were hundled up in churches being read to becuase we couldn't read or think for ourselves.
2006-08-01 21:59:54 UTC
I found the Pope's speech on the Vatican's website:

From what I can read, the Pope did not tell the scientists not to study the origin of the universe.

He said that he believed that science could not discover everything. That "certain aspects of our lives rise above and move beyond the material dimension and, while having deep roots in the material, surpass the understanding which the natural sciences are capable of providing."

With love in Christ.
mr nice
2006-08-01 12:17:12 UTC
Is Steven Hawking afraid that God will prove that the Pope doesn't exist??
Track Walker
2006-08-01 12:16:37 UTC
I'm sure that the Pope is not afraid that Mr. Hawking will prove that God does not exist. He may be concerned, however, that many Catholics may become disenchanted with their religion.
2006-08-01 12:20:53 UTC
Uh Oh......... you are treading on the Hollowed grounds of the Religious Dogmatic and they have the power of "Biblical Babble" that can refute anything and everything that Science can attest to.

Also, they can prove, beyond the shadow of the Holy Ghost, anything that they want to prove, no matter how bizarre using their "Biblical Babble".

So, I would watch my step if I were you before they Prove that you don't exist!!!! YIKES! *-)
2006-08-01 12:18:33 UTC
Hi,,, if you will find Dr. Hawking new book ,,,, sorry can t remember the name... he goes on and says that there is definately a higher being that created the universe as we know it....

good luck
2006-08-01 12:17:10 UTC
Pope Benedict XVI probably doesn't care what Steve's novel profess, only what is in his heart, in relationship to Jesus Christ.

I believe Pope Benedict is a highly educated man, learned in many areas of science, theology, and thought. He is a man of intellect and discovery.
2006-08-01 12:15:46 UTC
Steven Hawking can never prove a lie, unless he uses lies and deception to do so.

God does exist. Just ask Him.
2006-08-01 12:14:13 UTC
2006-08-01 12:17:28 UTC
Not to be rude or anything but I just can't for the life of me understand people who don't believe in God. Do you think that you wake your self up in the morning. the list goes on and on.
2006-08-01 12:29:04 UTC
He's good but not that good.

I hope he keeps working on it, he may just prove God exists, he's only off by 5%
2006-08-01 12:16:47 UTC
this is all theory and speculation... with today's technology, there is no way to prove or disprove anything, including the existence of God and black holes...
2006-08-01 12:16:09 UTC
yes, because god isnt real, all it really is, is your own immagination, and from your immagination you have your own heaven, so no there is no god, they claim that they have found noah's arch, so therefore, it must have been made up by someone and from there someone else put in what happened from their immagination and so fourth until they actually came out with the bible.
2006-08-01 12:21:00 UTC
The day he gets off his wheelchair is the day the pope should worry...
Shaun T
2006-08-01 12:16:16 UTC
You apparently didn't see Hawkings later retraction.
2006-08-01 12:23:30 UTC
thats the pope, talk to a christian pastor, a good one

and there is no proof of evolution
2006-08-01 12:14:52 UTC
Hes scared he'll beat him in an arm wrestle.
2006-08-01 12:15:04 UTC
no, he is scared that god does not exist. what hawkins does or does not prove is irrelevant
2006-08-01 12:16:40 UTC
I don't think he was scared, just saying that it is a waste of time.
Neil G
2006-08-01 12:17:45 UTC
well its a lot harder to prove that GOD doesn't exist than it is to prove that he does
2006-08-01 12:16:20 UTC
I seriously doubt it.
John Blix
2006-08-01 12:17:32 UTC
When it is all over, you will truly see how wrong you are.
2006-08-01 20:11:40 UTC
Brenda, God loves you more than you could ever know, and will heal your wounded spirit—IF you will let Him. He'll give you peace, joy, love, true happiness and eternal life—IF you will accept them. The path you're on is bringing you only bitterness, frustration, fear, and anger. Wouldn't you rather be happy?

Here’s what others have said to your anti-Christian ravings—

“I don't think you're quite clear on what the word "proof" means, nor are you familiar with religious thought other than the blanket statements your deluded mind thinks apply to everyone in the world.”

“You are ridiculous…And you did not prove anything.”

“If you wish to speak intelligently on this subject…”

“By the way, I used to be where you are in thinking, though not as shrill.”

“This is not proof of anything, except people trying to imagine that their intellect is superior to that of the ALL KNOWING GOD… I don't know any of these people, nor do I trust them.”

“This is proof?? You better examine what the definition of proof is..”

“1) What is your question?

2) How much research have you put into this?”

“I don't want your stupid rhetoric, but do you know, Kaiser Wilhelm, Hitler, Mussolini, Castro, Idi Amin, Mao Tse-tung, and all the despots of the world were in tune with your ranting. Even Saddam Hussein.”

“To me it sounds as if your "scientific" theory is made up.”

“As your finger points at us there are four pointing back at you”

“You’re a dreamer! Get lost!!!”

“That’s just nonsense. Your research is just make-believe”

“That makes no sense what so ever…you need to go brush up on your logic please!”

“You are day dreaming again.”

“I don't see how that is proof one way or the other.”

“I'm still waiting for the proof...Not a very intelligent way to prove a point by starting your argument with "IMAGINE."

“I don't think you understand what the word "proof" really means. At best you offer conjecture.”

“Then why don’t you stay out there with the stars”

“This is the stupidest question I have ever heard.”

“What a stupid example of trying to disprove God and religion.”

“That question made absolutely no sense.”

“It’s pure cowardice to try to tear down someone else's courage.”

“Get a life - and go read a book so you'll stop being so ignorant.”

“…on what basis do you assert that the vast reaches of space are uninhabited by sentient beings? …how do you know…? You don't; it's a presupposition that tells me a lot about your a priori assumptions”

“I didn't even read your whole question to tell your crazy”

“Sorry, I missed the part where you provided any proof that God doesn't exist....? Actually I think you said, "more proof", indicating that this was a follow-up to previous evidence. What proof do you have?”

“U r completely screwed up!!!! U r very unwilling to c it coz u r so unbelieving n bitter wid life!!!!

Get a reality check!!!!”

“And just how does that disprove anything about God?”

“If that makes sense to you and you think it is "proof" of your have much bigger problems than can be solved in this forum.”

“The next time you have a lucid moment please investigate the writings of historians…”

“Chosen Ignorance... following their insanely blind theories... because they refuse to see the truth... they prefer lies instead...."ignorance is bliss"

“Want some proof that you are stupid? Read your own comments.”

“Why are [you] atheists so disrespectful to the religious by calling us "brainwashed zealots"?

“Go search the questions here from so called "normal people" and then say who is hateful and venomous (like [your] question for example).”

“I tend to see the opposite: that atheists tend to be hyper-sensitive, very like to respond to a question with an insulting answer, and often are devoid of critical thinking skills.”

“You have conveniently ignored all of the atheist wackos and *******…on this board. Not that you are biased or anything…”

“You aren't interested in true debate. You are only interested in annoying Christians.”

“I do not believe most atheists are fair minded people because they spend their time attacking Christian beliefs and insulting Christians with negative characterizations about their intellectual capabilities…”

“Most of your posts are aggressive and insulting towards Christians.”

“Of course, you are not biased, or anything, are you? You don't, perchance, have an agenda of your own?”

“With your constant attacks, you show that you DO believe in [God]. And since you acknowledge His existence, you are a theist. And since you are a theist, what is the sense of being God's enemy?”

“You talk of "matters" in the Bible as if you have some knowledge. Do you know anything about the Bible? No, by your own admission you don't.”

“If you weren't stupid, why would you continually attack God while denying His existence?”

“You seem to enjoy dressing your jealously-guarded ignorance and dim wit in the costume of informed, cogent observations, adding a liberal sprinkling of blatant lies, and then trotting them out before your betters.”

“You're completely ignorant, with the accent on the last syllable--"rant". Do you think you're fooling anyone other than yourself?”

“Intelligence, if you had any, would show you the answer to this question without its having to be asked.”

“Can’t you see the gaping holes in your "reasoning”?

“What have YOU been reading?”

“You are entirely miseducated...”

“…In Brenda’s world, not mine “

“… what exactly is your evidence? “

“Wishful thinking. “

“That is funny, because I know two Boeing rocket scientists who believe the Bible is true.”

“100% certainty is a truly false deduction!”

“So your credibility is void! “

“Sorry but you do not know what you are talking about. “

“Such a negative preconceived notion... “

“…that line of reasoning is not scientific. “

“… what specific matters [in the Bible] have been proved false and [what is] the source of this information? Educate me please ‘cause I am not a rocket scientist and I do believe. “


“Prove to me that there is one thing in the Bible that is fake. I mean prove it do not just say it. “

“With not ONE example, you assert this? “

“I'd like you to name at least three things from the Bible that have been proven can't! There's a reason they call the Bible the Book of Truth! “

“Obviously you've been misled. “

“God Bless You, oh misguided fellow!”

“You are misinformed. “

“You can't ever believe in God if you have a closed mind and heart. “

“I feel so much pity for people like you”

“You don't need to be a rocket scientist - you just need to have a little common sense to realize that God and the Bible are the easiest things to prove - both by science, faith, reason, and logic - and I would love to see the list of issues that you claim have not been proven true “

“Maybe you should dig a little deeper in another venue before you claim with such adamancy…”

“Amazing how many atheist archaeologist became believers - because they could see “

“It was the Bible which ended Rome's bloodlust. Until Christianity took power Romans lived in a cold and cruel society. “

“Remember the Bible is as much history as it is a religious tome. “

“So even if you do not believe that God exists the Bible is a book full of wisdom. “

“Christianity does not even condone killing much less killing in it's name”

“I think you are looking at the Bible all wrong. [If] you want to know if God exists don't look for him in a book. Look around you. Look closely, listen. Then follow up on what you see. Do not taint your views with preconceived ideas. “

“I see no respect for others’ viewpoints in your words. Intolerance has led to our greatest crimes as human beings. It is the first step to dehumanizing a group.”

“Your question is soooo stupid.... It makes absolutely no sense....”

“However, your desperation is amusing... “

“Whatever... Go read your Bible again and properly !! “

“Your thoughts are twisted. “

“Is that air you're breathing now? “

“Brenda, I would really be interested in knowing exactly what it is that you believe in, besides constantly bashing Christianity…I challenge you to tell us on YA what it is that you believe in. God bless you. “

“[Your] desperation is highly unbecoming....”

“Better try a smarter tactic, if you are smart enough to... “

“Your argument requires…you to believe the very thing you are trying to not believe.”

“Look up the term straw-hat argument and see how your question compares to it. “

“Hmm, interesting. You call me a "naive" believer (since I AM a Christian, I AM a believer). Yet you seem to believe in the devil and Satan, which makes you a believer of him, right? “

“You say to "forget the Bible and start learning to be sensible". From where do we learn how to be sensible? From you? From the world? From psychologists and professors? From higher education? Hasn't seemed to have helped all the other non-believers…All the "stuff" in the world won't fill the hole that people are trying to fill in their lives.”

“You say that "the devil has tricked us & has us following his work". How do you know this? Do you have a special understanding of how the devil works?“

“You make statements, then don't show how you've come up with your conclusions. “

“It seems like you don't believe in God, but you believe in Satan…You can't have one without the other. “

“Those things of the flesh, (common sense and logic), will never understand things of the spirit. “

“Smoking crack again are we?“

“You are quite wrong. “

“You can go lie down now. “

“Oh Lordy! Another Taliban and Al Qaeda propagandist....”

“…you self-hating, ignorant, history rewriter!! Why don’t you try and actually study history…”

“You people make me sick....”

“I didn’t see one word [in your question] about all the millions and millions of innocent men women and children murdered by the dictators and tyrants you’re so eager to protect.....I have a question for you....What’s in it for you? “

“You lie and spew hatred, and may it eat you alive one day. “

“Brenda's world is up Brenda's own butt. “

“Your question doesn't rate or merit the negative remarks you are looking for. “

“If you don't believe the Bible then why ask the question?…Have you even read what you claim to be so much nonsense? “

“Are you alright or is your biased opinion warping your brain? “

“I’m not going to answer your question...”

“I wanna know are you perfect 100%?”

“Jesus fulfilled over 300 old testament prophecies!!!”

“All I can say is, thank you for thinking.”

“You misrepresent your viewpoint. Even you do not consider this script in an unbiased manner. You have closed your mind to the possibility that it is real, true, and inspired and instead have judged it to be fiction.”

“It's always amazing to me how Atheists are so quick to jump on Christians for being judgmental, when they are the exact same way.”

“How sad your mind is so empty. “

“Why don't you read the whole of the Bible and find out if it is for dumb people?! “

“I know some pretty smart Christians and I know some REALLY stupid Atheists.”

“The witness of history is against you.”

“You are not being realistic, think again!!!!”

“Perhaps it would pay if you would take a new fresh look at your own life and see how it stacks up before a holy God. “

“If you're going to act like you know what you're talking about you'd better at least pretend to check your facts.”

“Bush didn’t say he [was] ordered by God to attack Iraq.”

“The US didn’t invade Iraq alone…”

“I see it is the time of night for the “I am enlightened and religion is not” rants from several of the folks. “

“I'm not sure what history you have been studying, surely not the history the rest of us have studied.”

“Stop criticizing what you apparently do not understand.”

“There is more to the problems in the world than simply ascribing them to religious fanatics.”

“I feel sorry for your children if you do not raise them in a Godly way as you are doing them a great injustice.”

“You are an idiot.”

“Wow do you really believe your own delusional garbage.”

“Did you pass the 3rd grade?”

“Read a book please if you can.”

“Is this the way you atheists don't push your beliefs on us?…I'm sorry your minds were raped by your parents!”

“Flamebaiters like you are idiots who should be terminated for once and for all.”

“You are way off on this one!”

“Another stupid "what if" question.”

“Do you know the reason that happened, or you just want to prove some kind of point? …Thank God I don’t live in Brenda’s World. I prefer to know things, instead of twisting them around.”

“You do not know what you are saying!”

“…you have no know[ledge] of the Word of God or you yourself have [chosen] to twist statements to fit your own happy delusion.” (But Brenda's World, “delusion” or not, is not a happy place, is it, BW?)

“…in case you haven't noticed, you're not God…”

“…you’re much more of a narrow-minded bigot than any religious people I know…”

“Don't give power to the things that make you angry or hurt, then they govern you.” (And God didn’t make you angry or hurt, BW, no matter how you try to blame Him.)

“You…take things out of context!”

“Follow your own beliefs and do not bash the beliefs of others.”

“I see that you don’t understand the meaning of that passage.”

“If you are going to tell it, tell it all…”

“You are obviously angry because in that chapter, discussed are the Oracles Against the Pagan Nations. It is a vision concerning Babylon from Isaiah…This a vision, not God saying that he is going to rape women and murder little children.”

“So you're saying all children who believe in God are dumb? You're crazy as all get out.”

“Where did you get your numbers?” (BW, you have NEVER cited ANY evidence to support ANY of your claims, except a passage from Isaiah, and even that you tried to misinterpret to fit your own purpose!)

“Love that pompous attitude.”

“I question your numbers. I believe you made them up just to make a point. You have no credibility.”

“I am not sure where you get your information…”

“…your "Christian equals arrogant and violent" thesis is bogus. As for your "stat" about college students -- first of all, where's your citation or evidence?

“Got proof? …I, personally, think you're full of biased ****.”

“I prefer not to believe every atheist who comes along with phony statistics. I prefer people with heart to people with a big void where their heart ought to be. I prefer it if you don't label children as dumb and violent or smart and godless, as if there were only those labels- the ones you made up- to choose from. I prefer the young people that I know- the smart ones who believe in God, and serve His purposes, not their own, and not the ones manufactured by phonies like you.”

“Reference your numbers.

Who did the study on the intelligence or lack of?

The statistical fact you say is kinda skewed.”

“Atheists claim a lot but typing it down is far from credible.”

“You're so full of it, typical liberal lies, [and] there are no statistics such as you claim.”

“You are so ignorant that after you posted this question you actually thought all Christians were going to become a pagan just like yourself. I'm going to stick a pin in my voodoo doll that will have your name on it.”

“This doesn't make sense. Either you are not a big fan of logic or a huge fan or propaganda or both.”

“You don't know what you’re talking about.”

“What a sad and pathetic little troll.”

“YOU do not know what you are talking about.”

“You are wrong...Some…deny the existence of God with their faulty logic.” (BW, you must admit that faulty logic and unsupported claims are your hallmark.)

“False question.”

“I think you take issue with the fact that God (or whatever) is unwilling to prove he exists. This is patently untrue.”

“The premise behind your question is faulty.”

“Leave those who have strong beliefs alone. I also don't ram my faith down people's throats.”

“You're trying to cram this garbage into our throats.”

“It's really not rocket science...How come you're so angry at it, Brenda? If you don't believe it, don’t worry about it…Everyone, "Welcome to the New World Order" Brenda makes the rules!”

“Um, actually God IS willing to prove that He exists and does if you go about looking for Him in the right manner. Children need to be taught the right ways to find out for themselves that He exists.” (And in God’s eyes we are ALL children, BW.)

“You make such absurd claims of mental damage about an invisible God…”

“Up until now I thought I had a pretty fair grip on reality.”

“Unfortunately you have not established why, medically, psychologically, physiologically or scientifically this is a mental illness. As such, your premise is unproven…So which one of us refuses to recognize reality?”

“I think you are pathetic and hopeless, but God loves you anyway.”

“There is always a guiding either stay in darkness or follow it…”

“Wow. I feel really sorry for people like you. Your life has no purpose and meaning yet you continue to live. Why?”

“I don't need to be saved. You do.”

“You should be concerned for your own salvation.“

“…you need help and are dangerous.”

“I don't know on what you base your claim…” (No one EVER knows, BW, because you have NEVER cited ANY evidence to support your claims!)

“…I feel sorry for you since your cynicism won't allow you to accept the greatest gift the universe has ever known from the beginning of time.”

“You should be a scriptwriter; you have some imagination!”

“This ridiculous lie...”

“You're something else I tell ya what!, thinking God is an alien!!!”

“Were I you, I would seek some professional help. You are in dire need of it.”

“You've got quite an imagination there.”

“I found your question sophomoric…”

“More proof that liberals are idiots and have no real points of discussion. I'll bet you have no idea where Bush, or any other politician really stands on any issue.”

“What are you, like 8 years old? I think I heard your mom say it was time to get off the computer.”

“I think this question might have come from a chimp.”

“Before you try to sound like an intelligent person yourself, you might want to consult your friends, relatives, your pets, & a dictionary.”

“You can live in your world; we'll live in ours.”

“Damn dats crazy...”

“Another rambling rant.”

“You throw out a lot of words that actually say little and mean still less.”

“Illusions?” How about, "BW has a brain"?

“If you are that far from reality that you can't recognize it you should go to a shrink.”

“Pinch yourself and you'll wake up…”

“Even if I told you in elaborate detail…, it wouldn't do anything for you.”

“You’re not smart enough to know what is good for you.”

“Don’t ever have kids, or if you do, May God have mercy on them!”

“You obviously have no CLUE about the scientific community.”

“You pump your theory (God doesn't exist) on every one you meet…”

“They bother you because you realize they might be right.”

“You try to make your opinions sound like facts…”

“Get a life, pal. Quit complaining…”

“You are incorrect...”

“Do you have the good of mankind at heart, or are you so selfish that you would let them die in their ignorance?”

“What is the condition of your heart that this is a bad thing to try to save people's souls?”

“This is your way of "standing on street corners, yelling at passers-by and handing out leaflets."

“You yourself are preaching your religion of atheism …”

“You think everyone’s as stupid as you?”

“When you mention simplistic minds, you describe your own, but you can't speak for others because we aren't all like you…”

“If you had actually experienced any of those things you're complaining about, you'd know…”

“Just another hypocrite who flatters herself that she is bright.”

“You are afraid of God because you know He doesn't approve of what you're doing with the life He gave you.”

“What a stupid thing to say.”

“You have not done your homework…”

“Why not take a less condescending tone?”

“Do you not at least have the slightest inkling of how it is?”

“Next time check your facts before going off half-****** and exposing your ignorance.”

“I should think you’d prefer to hide your stupidity, not show it off to the world.”

“Simple answer for [your] simple mind: try comparing two similar things next time, deary...”

“If you don't believe in GOD why does it matter to you?”

“Everything you know was told to you by other people…”

“Lies and assumptions…”

“You have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Even what you think as fact, have you ever proven yourself?”

“You can put your faith in whomever; I will put mine in God. If you don't like that, oh well.”

“What qualifications do YOU bring to this interpretation of ‘the way it is’??”

“Your ignorance of actual verifiable history…”

“You should be embarrassed to make these claims…”

“And then there is the “passed down by word of mouth” crap…”

“If you truly knew the Bible--it's history and makeup you would know…”

“Great attempt at passing your ignorance off as facts--the very thing you are accusing the Bible of doing…”

“And honestly here I believe [the Bible’s] credibility holds up far better than your own.”

“If I were as dumb as you…”

“And if you do not like the religion, you can take your atheist comments and shove them where the sun don't shine.”

“You are a stupid atheist!”

“All you guys do is try and insult Christians and the religions…”

“Go have a cookie and ponder the meaning of your pointless life.”

“God is not a FAKE. Like I said before, if you don't believe that's your choice. But please don't come here and try to get us to stop.”

“I feel sorry for you, I really do.”

“What a pest. Why do you make all this up?”

“Umm... this question is messed up. You've set up a no-win question for the deeper-thinking people... basically, you'd be happy with either answer, which are both wrong.”

“If you had a brain you’d be dangerous…”

“I think you have a serious problem…”

“You're lying.”

“The weapons you mention aren't "weapons of mass destruction." (btw, exactly what is a "high altitude bomb?")*” *(Answerer’s parentheses)

“Have you forgotten the innocent men, women, and children who were slaughtered on 9/11/01? What would you have us do, sit back and wait timidly for the next attack? Get the f*ck out of here, you traitorous b*tch. Go and live with your beloved Islamists.”

“Your ‘question’ is just typical liberal empty-minded gushing.”

“It's easy to lay the blame at someone else's feet, but a lot harder to accept responsibility.”

“You need to quit using propaganda to incite and upset people.”

“I could ask you the same question: Is Osama bin Laden responsible for the killing of innocent men, women and children in Iraq, America, France, England and many other places, or is God responsible?”

“Very full of yourself, aren’t you?”

“In your situation, you made a mistake by judging him and gossiping.”

“You're going to ban all talk of religion? What kind of stupidity will you people come up with next?”

“You're delusional.”

“I hope your tinfoil hat fits properly.”

“You think everybody lives in Brenda’s world, well we don’t.”

“Your comments may be the most convoluted line of thinking I have read on the Internet.”

“Skip the X files watching...”

“Far sadder to see someone* who has such a total lack of knowledge of current events standing forth…” (*That’s YOU, BW!)

“Your trying to lay this at Bush's feet without any supporting evidence whatsoever…”

“Near hysterical, and completely laughable, like your anthrax rant…”

“What you’re saying simply isn’t true.”

“Sometimes people ask the stupidest questions on here.”

“Your screen name tells me all I need to know. A silly person in your own silly little world...”

“I’m sure if it were up to you people, we would all sit in a circle and hug and cry…”

“Sheesh, do you hope your neighbors get robbed too?”

“Your heart is very ugly…”


“You are retarded…”

“You’re nuts...”

“Wow but there are some silly questions in these parts. Why not ask what would happen if God and Superman got in a fight or something that challenges the intellectual level of your supporters, like what are the ingredients of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich?”

“I don’t answer such foolish questions.”

“If [this] is a question it’s pretty stupid…”

“Admin, remove this trash…”

“I thought you were just plain nuts…”

“You are such an idiot.”

“How could such empty words come from anything other than an empty head and an empty heart?”

“People like you are why [the West] is so hated throughout the world.”

“Why don’t you go enlist tomorrow in the military and stop talking so much cr@*? I bet you won’t even last 1 day in the life of a soldier you dumb ignorant peasant.”

“Yeah, sure, I hope that you are immune to radiation...Then again, I hope you aren't. At least there would be one less idiot on the planet.”

“You’re a hideous combination of stupidity, hatefulness, arrogance and egotism. How awful for you.”

“To start, your comment…is not exactly true.”

“Grow up…”

“This is an immature, infantile way of looking into world diplomatic affairs.”

“Where do you get such nonsense?”

“You are a radical left-wing idiot.”

“There are better ways to improve your image, like take a class where they teach you how to speak correctly, or wipe that stupid smirk off your face when you're talking about people dying…”

“Gee, Brenda, then you must be one of the most religious* people ever to post a question.” (*”Religious,” as defined by YOU, BW, means: “not exactly rocket scientists,” “below average intelligence,” “well below average intelligence.”)

“You can't generalize people by assuming that religious folks are below average intelligence.”

“What an idiot.”

“[You] are ignorant because [you] choose to be, not because of religion, dear.”

“fuckn crazy b!#&h.”

“You’ve just revealed your own ignorance…”

“Being religious doesn’t mean being stupid unless you are already (WHICH I DO THINK)*” *(Answerer’s parentheses)




“These are just a few examples to show you how incredibly biased your assumptions are.”

“What a dumb@ss *****…”

“[You’re] absolutely wrong.”

“You’re a liar, and not a very skillful one.”

“If you wish to be taken seriously, you must CITE YOUR RESEARCH SOURCES EVERY TIME, so that others can check the veracity of your statements.”

“It is ludicrous of you to ask adults to accept your unsupported, bitter, and spiteful flights of imagination as fact.”

“Thank God, that He created the physical realm with a bit more forethought than you showed in asking this.”

“You are very sick person.”

“Your question isn't exactly rocket science!”

“Your questions are those of a dull-witted person.”

“When you tire of stumbling in the dark, you might wish to try opening your eyes.”

“Are you just pretending to be simple-minded?”

“Any bright eight-year-old could explain this to you.”

“You are indeed very retarded...”

“Who do you think is going to believe this stupid sh*t? Other idiots like you?”

“You have no idea of the true nature of GOD.”

“How and where do [you] have this audacity to judge what is beyond our faculty, it would be arrogant.”

“Who are you to even imagine judging God?”

“Ohhh, not you again!”

“What are you on about?”

“You aren't exactly 'normal' are you?”

“[Your suggestion] is annoying and demeaning to real, thinking people.”

“That's just kind of dumb.”

“That 14-year-old girl you mention doesn't [seem] too well versed in the Bible; there's no mention of Joseph "riding Mary's a**" or anything even close to that. Look it up yourself.”

(Wooo…he caught you in ANOTHER LIE, BW!)

“O, please…Maybe YOU are the filth, that has little brain to understand the goodness of a Bible.”

“You baffle me with your stupid comments.”

“It’s nonsense, pure and simple. It says nothing--YOU say nothing.”


“What, another load of bullcr*p from you? And still you cite no evidence to support your ridiculous claims.”

“You are seriously in need of psychotherapy. And a decent education. And very likely a good stiff kcoc!”

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.