WARNING: An actual true atheist should answer this, not some guy who wants to comment so, i don't judge all atheists wrongly.?
2014-12-04 03:42:58 UTC
Very simple question atheists. I'm tired of trying to criticize, because it is effortless. Now i want to understand. Tell me, why don't you believe that a god exists? Is it because you cannot see Him? Or because you haven't encountered any gods miracle yet? Please, give me your honest opinion.
51 answers:
2014-12-06 02:28:37 UTC
I wish more people were like you. Just calmly talking to atheists and trying to understand us. I like that. Now my friend We don't believe in god's existence because there is no evidence to support it, not even a little one. Some people show the bible as the proof but you can't use your source of idea as the source of evidence. There is no evidence that the bible is the word of god. The Bible is an old book, in fact too old. There is a very, very high chance that it was changed and is not original. Another thing is that our technology and information that comes from science which is based of facts, go against religion. Such as Evolution. Some people say that Atheists believe in Evolution blindly and that there is no proof to it, they are totally wrong. It might be called "The Evolution Theory" but it doesn't make it false. Have you ever heard of "The Theory of Gravity"? So is gravity fake now? Evolution has been proven through remains of older species and shows how the head evolves into a human head. Usually the thought of Evolution being wrong comes from a misconception, where people think that Evolution is just like a string. No. It is more like a web with no beginning. Of course it has a beginning it is just a figure of speech. It extends to every animal on earth and simply didn't just go one way. So we don't believe in God because there is no proof to claim such thing, It is proven wrong through science and evidence. Of course there are tons and tons of information that you can get from atheists this was just a little bit of information. Good Day.
2014-12-05 12:45:59 UTC
I don't have a reason. I did not believe in gods even when I still believed in Santa and the Easter Bunny.

I really don't have a reason. Sorry.

I would like to add that even if I HAD to believe in one god or another because the fact of its existence was proven (like gravity has been proven) I still would not worship any of the major ones mankind has worshiped so far, There is a Roman kitchen god that might get a little respect from me because all he does in make sure the yeast stays active, I can run with that.

But my hard-headedness about worship really has nothing to do with my lack of belief, I simply don't
2014-12-04 08:13:34 UTC
Well I'm very glad that you have actually tried to understand. From what I've read on this forum it seems very few theists actually attempt to understand atheists and I commend you for your effort.

I don't believe in any god or gods because of the lack of evidence for the existence of gods. I imagine you come to the same conclusion by the same logic about other things. Do you for example believe in the existence of leprechauns? Presumably you don't and when you fully understand why you don't you will understand why I don't believe in a god.
2014-12-04 08:47:30 UTC
I am a retired University of my degrees is in the Philosophy of Religion and another in Comparitive Religious Studies. Having studied many different religions I found I could not believe in any of them. Firstly, most defy the laws of of physics....people cannot be brought back from the dead or walk on water....I was not fashioned from a man's rib.....makes no sense.....that's just Christianity. I have a very good friend who is an R C priest...we have great discussions and when I ask him why he believes n his god he just says he has faith in the Almighty....well I can't and don't.

Islam is just as bad....young men who kill themselves and others being rewarded with 72 virgins in heaven!!! Do the virgins have a say in all this? Do they want to be deflowered.

Do you see the same idea is running thru' both are superior...Adam was not made from Eve's rib and, I assume, female suicide bombers don't get virgin men.

It is all too silly....sorry it you believe....that's fine....but I don't.


Ma and grandma

Carolina Giannella
2014-12-04 04:03:02 UTC
I cannot see, hear, smell, taste or feel any gods, or measure them or detect them with any laboratory equipment. I work every day trying to explain mysteries in the lab. Not one ever turned out to be a miracle. They always have a natural explanation.

But that doesn't mean I'm not open to mind changing evidence. Should god present himself to me and my colleagues, and then perform some god like miracles (perhaps turn the sky a plaid pattern, with all different colors, or move mountains around at will) then that would be very convincing.

Tell me, what mind changing evidence can you imagine? What would convince you to change your mind on the subject?
2014-12-05 19:28:41 UTC
I do not believe in him because of all the suffering in the world. There are so many people he doesn't help, like starving children in third world countries, no matter how much they pray. If people worship him, they go to heaven. (Supposedly. See previous statement.) If not, they go to hell. Doesn't that sound like a pretty egotistical god? Wars are also started and people have been massacred routinely in the name of god, so that kind of diminishes his appeal to me as well.

There is also NO evidence to suggest that he does exist and is not merely a figment of the human imagination.

I also went through a pretty tough time in my life, and asked god for help. I prayed and prayed and prayed until one day I realized nothing was going to happen (I'd also tried to change my situation myself), and then I had an existential crisis and stopped believing in god.

PS The universe is huge. There might be other life-sustaining planets in it. What makes humans so special that "god" would focus all his attention on us?
2014-12-04 03:48:36 UTC
In my long life I’ve never, ever, seen, heard, felt, thought, sensed, or been told anything whatsoever to make me think that a god exists.

And even if I had, I wouldn’t waste my time or energy worshiping the jealous, insecure, vengeful, narcissistic, impotent, violent, unfair, selfish, indecisive, capricious god described in the bible.

The bible is all so obviously a myth - stories, fiction, allegories, and heavily edited and badly translated documents, I'm always amazed that anyone really takes it seriously. It's contradictory, vague, superstitious, and most of it has no relevance in today's enlightened, educated world.

Just my opinion - I hope that answers your question.
Brigalow Bloke
2014-12-04 05:13:49 UTC
No evidence.

The religious of whatever kind have had nearly 4,500 years of more or less recorded history to produce definite evidence of any gods at all. This they have signally failed to do. They cannot produce a strictly rational argument for the existence of any god. The honest ones among them know and admit this.

All we get are rhetorical questions about the origin of the Universe, or slightly worse, the origin of life. And those are the better class ones. The worst ones parade deep ignorance of basic physics or somehow imagine that the Bible or Koran are evidence of anything but their own existence.

I don't know how many gods there are to the Japanese or the Hindus. Perhaps twenty all told. Add Yahweh/ Allah and you have maybe two dozen of the original thousands that have not yet been consigned to the dustbin of history. Where are Apollo, Cybele, Quetzalcoatl and Enlil now?

As for your god, in the Old Testament it was barely distinguishable from the gods of neighbouring tribes and nations, who all demanded animal sacrifices. The portable temple described by Moses is a direct copy in layout of Egyptian temples and the purifications of Jewish priests before entering are a version of those used by Egyptian priests.

The fact that the Jews chose eventually to have one god was a rationalisation of the two or more gods they once had worshipped. Traces of these may be found in the Old Testament, such as in the confusion of the numbers of visitors to Lot.

The Old Testament records the constant struggle of the prophets of the official religion to stop the ordinary people "whoring after false gods" or the ones their ancestors had originally worshipped. Eventually they prohibited the raising of sacrificial altars anywhere but in Jerusalem to prevent heterodoxy.
2014-12-04 03:51:37 UTC
First, there are at least two kinds of atheist. Some actively try to ridicule your religious beliefs. Others go on, happily in their non-religious situation, perhaps polite or perhaps somewhat angered when you try to convert them. I fall into the latter group, and indeed see Christianity as part of wider philosophical development within Western civilisation.

In some religions (and among some atheists) belief (or lack of belief) is a matter of great or even mortal concern. "Kill the unbeliever!" say the believers. "Kill the believer!" said the Communists in Russia and China.

I've always liked Lincoln's statement, "I care not much for a man's religion whose dog and cat are not the better for it." I do not believe he actually said that, but I like it regardless.
2014-12-05 04:05:10 UTC
I think that believing in God is silly and childish - just like children believing in Santa Claus. To me it is so obvious that gods were invented by primitive people to help them explain natural events they didn't understand such as day, night, floods, droughts, thunder, lightning etc. Nowadays, almost everything can be explained by science. There is no need or rationale for the existence of supernatural beings. I am quite sure that God is a mythical being and it is absurd to believe that that such a thing really exists.
2014-12-04 06:07:53 UTC
I'll answer your question with a question......Why do you reject the idea of Zeus or Apollo or the existence of Titans or mythical creatures like Medusa or Hydra? Let me also ask if you think it is only a coincidence that the richest place in the world is Vatican City? Organized religion is truly a concept of man in order to control the masses. In EVERY society, a "chosen few" rule the "underclass". And it is brilliant as this control is not based on mass or size or strength. No, the power and control is obtained and sustained by "belief" in a higher power that those chosen few oversee.
2014-12-04 04:21:51 UTC
Lack of verifiable evidence. The world around us operates without any necessity for divine influence.

Even if it turns out that this universe and/or life on this planet are creations by an intelligent being, there's no reason to even suppose the same being is responsible for both.
the internet
2014-12-04 03:52:56 UTC
I don't believe that gods exist for pretty much the same reason you don't believe that Poseidon exists. I mean you can see the tides going up and down and you still don't believe in Poseidon.

I have not seen any evidence that gods exist.
2014-12-04 05:15:14 UTC
The only way primitive religion exists today is through the child abuse of forcing it into very, very young children but thanks to better education and growing intellects so many teens are able to discover the truth, throw off the indoctrination and step into the real world!

So atheism is not a conscious decision or a belief but a realisation!

The first person to produce a single tiny little piece of verifiable evidence for any god will become world famous and mega rich!

Academia states that in the absence of any sort of evidence of the existence of something it must be deemed not to exist until verifiable evidence is found - thus god is held not to exist pending some sort of verifiable evidence.

The bible is what is called "Faction” A fictional story set in a factual time and place. Thus the time, place and real historical characters are all correct but the fictional characters and stories are not!

There is not one single mention of Jesus in the entire Roman record - that is right - not one! At the same time as he was supposed to have been around there were a number of Jews claiming to be the messiah - all of whom are well recorded!

There is not a single contemporary record from any source and even the bible mentions of him like all other references were not written until many years after his supposed death!

He was supposed to have been a huge problem to the Romans and produced wonderful miracles but still not one contemporary record?

Even the bible mentions of him like all other references were not written until many years after his supposed death!

Pilate is recorded in the Roman record as a somewhat lack luster man but no mention of a Jesus, a trial or crucifixion that would surely have been used to make him look brighter!

At best he was an amalgam of those others but almost certainly never existed!

Not one word of it is contemporary with the period and was not written until several hundred years after the period the story is set in!! How did the apostles write their books more than a hundred years after they would have been dead?

Christianity is an invention of the Italians and that is why it came from the Holy ROMAN Catholic church!

Please realize that those claims for the Old historians are worthless since they were not even born until long after everyone in the stories would have been so long dead!

Josephus AD 37 – AD 100

Tacitus AD 56 – AD 120

Suetonius - 69 – 130 AD

Pliny the Younger, 61 AD – 112 AD

Justin Martyr (Saint Justin) AD103–165 AD

Lucian - AD 120 -180 AD but he was hostile to Christianity and openly mocked it.

Pamphilius AD 240-309 AD

Eusebius AD 263 – 339 AD

Photius AD 877 – 886 AD

Thallus - But there are no actual record of him except a fragment of writing which mentions the sack of Troy [109 BC] Showing that he was clearly not alive in biblical times.

Some even try to use Seneca. 4 BCE – 65 CE but as a Stoic Philosopher he opposed religion yet made not a single mention of a Jesus or Christianity!

Even funnier is trying to claim Celsus AD ? – 177 AD Who said that Jesus was a Jew who’se mother was a poor Jewish girl whose husband, who was a carpenter, drove her away because of her adultery with a Roman soldier named Panthera. She gave birth to an illegitimate child named Jesus. In Egypt, Jesus became learned in sorcery and upon his return presented himself as a god.
2014-12-04 03:55:53 UTC
The reason I don't believe in god is that there is no reason to do so.

The bible is pretty old, outdated, self-contradictory, and not even a fun read. With other holy scriptures is the same. I have yet to see a good reason why believing in Jahwe is any better than believing in Ikenga, Ceres or Thor - the fact of the matter is that there is none, because religion is entirely unfounded in reality (the word "belief" kind of states that), as any attempt to do scientific enquiry results in more unprovable statements about god being made ("He is everywhere").

The term "god" itself is not even well-defined, and if you ask a Christian and a pantheist, they will tell you different things about what he is.

So really, its best to say that I don't believe in god, as this whole topic doesn't make any goddamn sense.
2014-12-04 03:45:03 UTC
Not precisely an atheist, but I have read their answers over the years, and they have been quite consistent. Atheists do not believe, because no evidence has been presented for any god's existence. Period. Many of them have said that if a god stepped forward and showed him/herself, they would believe.
2014-12-04 04:02:17 UTC
It's really pretty simple.

Why don't you believe in Athena? Why don't you believe in fairies? Why don't you believe in Santa Claus?

Exact same thing for atheists and your God.
Randy P
2014-12-04 03:56:12 UTC
"Cannot see" is a strawman argument used by fundamentalists who think they're being clever. After they claim that's the reason, then they'll go on to "but you can't see the air and you believe in that". Therefore they think they've won an argument, but it was an argument only with the atheist who is speaking in their head.

The correct statement is "no EVIDENCE". There's lots of evidence for the air. "Seeing" has not been the standard for evidence for at least 500 years.

Edit: Torre and jonathon raise a good point. If you think you have "encountered gods miracle [sic]", how do you know it was "god" or "God" and not Thor? Or Hera?
2014-12-05 02:24:48 UTC
well it would help if you would list some modern day Miracles....since Miracles are defined as a Surprising and WELCOME event that is not explainable by natural or scientific laws, and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency .........The next issue is the concept of a SUPERHUMAN all powerful deity that controls the environment and the people in it ..who happens to be in most religions invisible, to date No ONE has given me sufficient evidence that this concept is true or exist in reality .........Do YOU accept The Joseph Smiths (Mormon) god doctrine ,,,Charles Russell ( JW) god doctrine.....The Profit Muhammad god doctrine ...Siddhartha Gautama ( Buddhist) god doctrine ....Santana Dharma ( Hindu) .... or the lava God PELE ...? . well we have something in common I do not either the difference between you and I is I do not ACCEPT one more god than you do ...and just like you have not been given sufficient evidence for you to adopt those doctrines or deities to follow I will venture to say that you have accepted a particular religious deity concept and have accepted a particular one that has given you evidence I on the other hand have investigated or participated in my life time at least 5 religious doctrine and to date none have given me sufficient reason to accept them so like you not having sufficient evidence to be a Hindu or a Mormon or a JW we both did the same thing evaluated and asked for evidence you found sufficient evidence for your religion or a belief in a deity I may have a higher standard of proof than you and that is why i am an Atheist ..................... ..I thank you for your sincere interest please have a nice day and thank you for the question
🤔 Jay
2014-12-04 03:51:09 UTC
All gods are the anthropomorphic creations of mortal men.

I've read the Bibles and studied the history of the Bibles.

Meet me half way...I've read your Bible...Please read a real book by Sagan or Gould or Dawkins. The fall of the Roman Empire and the Dark Ages is actual history and worth learning.
2014-12-04 07:14:55 UTC
Common Sense
2014-12-04 04:12:45 UTC
I'll give you my honest opinion. Will you actually listen? Most believers reject honest answers and go with whatever lies their religious leaders want to feed them.

I was raised Christian and was a fervent believer through my teen years. I was sure God spoke to me when I prayed and that I could feel Jesus beside me in my daily life. Then I started learning things that made me wonder if what I had been told was completely true. I started learning that other cultures in the area had many of the same stories, and that they tended to be older than the stories told by the Hebrews. I learned that each culture varied the stories to fit its own ideas about itself. I was sure that my doubts and questions would be resolved if I sat down and read the whole Bible, praying for guidance as I went, and reading with an open mind. What actually happened is that I realized that the text was entirely the work of men. All I saw in the early books was humans inventing stories about what they couldn't explain, humans claiming a god wanted them to kill their neighbors, human priests claiming that a god wanted the people to build them a luxurious worship space filled with precious fabrics and gold, and so on.

Later, I explored other religions and spiritual practices. I had a vision of Jesus leading me to the Mother Goddess, telling me that I was ready for a more mature spirituality now. I saw my spirit guide. I met my totem animal. I raised my Kundalini, which was the most profound spiritual experience I ever had. I had whatever experiences the books I was reading told me I would have if I followed the teachings faithfully, and soon realized that every single one of those experiences, including the ones I had as a Christian, originated inside my own head.

Later, I believed in sort of a generic Higher Power that was too grand to be captured or understood by any human religion. That came to an end when I couldn't resolve the problem of evil - why would a supposedly benevolent god do nothing to prevent starvation, torture, selling children as sex slaves, horrible abuse of people who had no way of defending themselves, and so on? Finally I admitted to myself that the world operated exactly the way it would if no god at all was involved. I called myself agnostic at first, but when I started reading religion forums online and saw how horribly believers treated atheists, I started calling myself an atheist out of sympathy.
2014-12-04 03:57:23 UTC
"Tell me, why don't you believe that a god exists?"

For EXACTLY the same reasons that I don't believe Pixies exist.

Why don't you believe in Pixies?

Or do you?

2014-12-04 08:06:38 UTC
I do not believe, cos nobody has shown any evidence that

1) an entity exists

2) how it supposedly created anything

3) that it actually did create anything

You want to believe that "magic words" did it without any evidence thats up to you

I dont

The universe et al exists and needs to be explained

Claiming some mythical entity existing outside our universe did it with "magic words" explains f//k all
2014-12-04 14:34:28 UTC
I don't believe in gods for the same reason I don't believe in fairies and dragons and vampires.
2014-12-05 00:23:39 UTC
We identify things that exist by experiencing things with our senses, whether aided by technology or not. I have not experienced a god in any way, so I cannot say I know one exists. I have not seen the effects of a god affecting things I do know exist. There is no device that can detect the presence or effect of a god. I have no evidence that any gods exist, so I do not believe any exist.
2014-12-04 04:11:10 UTC
I fail to see why this is so hard. I don't believe in gods for the same reason you don't believe in Bigfoot.
blue sky
2014-12-05 08:23:32 UTC
i don't believe in the God for the same reason I don't in big foot or tooth fairy, do you believe in tooth fairy? how can you explain that tooth fairy doesnt exist? the bottom line in we have enough technology and educations to exactly know where we came from and how we exists therefore thats how we know god doesnt exist
2014-12-05 22:15:43 UTC
I used to believe in god,until my grandfather died of a collapsed lung when I was eight,when my grandmother died when I was nine,when my other grandparents died within two months of each other,when my fathers back began to calcify and when my mothers joints started popping out of place everyday.That is why I don't believe in god.
2014-12-04 04:00:30 UTC
For me, it's because I read the bible. God is a vindictive jerk. I'd rather not believe in him.
2014-12-06 20:17:33 UTC
Same reason I don't believe in fairies. There's simply no reason to.
2014-12-04 14:35:19 UTC
No evidence to support the existence of an actual god, and plenty of evidence for how man creates gods.l
2014-12-04 06:56:28 UTC
Your average atheist does not believe in a god because there is no evidence to support the claims.
Steve B
2014-12-05 09:22:14 UTC
For the same reason you don't believe in any of these gods or demons:

► List of Gods:

► God Finder

► A big list of Gods (but nowhere near all of them)

► God Checker

► Demon List

And, all these versions of Christianity:


My criteria is a visit by a deity.

In my townhome, on my sofa.
2014-12-04 03:46:09 UTC
I don't believe any gods exist, because I haven't seen any evidence for them. Same as with ghosts, witches and vampires. There is simply no reason to assume they are anything more than myths invented by ignorant and superstitious ancients.
Robin W
2014-12-04 05:27:57 UTC
I can believe in things I can't see, like microbes and radiation. The thing is, those things have evidence.
2014-12-04 03:50:07 UTC

1. Thousands of years of written human history.

2. Tens of thousands of gads named, described, worshiped and forgotten.

3. Billions of believers looking for proof of their own particular gods.

Not one shred of solid evidence.
2014-12-04 03:45:28 UTC
My reasons for not believing in any gods are probably similar to your reasons for not believing in the tens of thousands of proposed gods, except for your own. "I don't believe you" is the default response, until you provide something that changes it.
2014-12-04 03:43:52 UTC
Same reason I don't believe in fairies. There's simply no reason to.
Sweetdaddy Rex
2014-12-04 09:23:11 UTC
It just doesn't make sense; We know for sure, there were NO humans on earth during the "dinosaur age"; So how many dinosaurs were there on Noah's Ark ? ! ( over 75 million years ago ) .In the beginning.............................................. ?
2014-12-04 04:00:31 UTC
Well, even Christians reject the concept of God in other religions. I assume you reject the idea of Zeus, Mithras, Ra, Thor, etc???
Med 10
2014-12-04 03:51:28 UTC
Would love to give a comment/ answer but not being an atheist I will be fair.Nothing nasty.
2014-12-06 04:24:12 UTC
If you are so tired of criticizing atheist, because it does not get you anywhere .

Why are you still criticizing now?
2014-12-05 07:39:07 UTC
I don't believe god exists because I haven't been given as a reason as to why I should.

Simple as that.
2014-12-04 18:39:45 UTC
I was raised a Lutheran, my family is very strong in their faith, but I honestly don't think I ever believed in god, not even as a child. But now that I'm older that disbelief has been confirmed through science. Think about this: the basis of god is that it created humans, loves humans, and then created everything for humans. The universe is infinitely huge, bigger than is possible for the human brain to even comprehend, and there are probably more universes. Everything is infinitely complex, much more complex than the beings found on Earth. Earth is the only place where humans can exist, if we leave we will die. Half the things on the planet Earth can kill us. Now, to think that there is a god that created us puts humans at the center of all of that. At the center of the Big Bang, which yes, has been scientifically proven. How much sense does it really make, when you know exactly how intricate, massive, and deadly the whole universe is, to think that it was all created for human beings? How much sense does it make to think that an intelligent creator would create things that would never be used? The bible was created by humans, there is absolutely no proof of it being actually real, there is proof of the Big Bang, we're getting closer and closer every day to finding out the true origin of the universe. Don't you think that by this point, with all the advancements we've made and all we know of the universe we would have found some objective sign of existence? And honestly, even if god proved his or her existence I wouldn't follow it because I don't agree with the teachings.
2014-12-04 10:30:13 UTC
Unlike some others here, I will avoid the issue of evidence, because belief in god/gods is a matter of faith which doesn't rely on evidence. For me it's just that god is unnecessary. The universe works the way it works... that's it.

Introducing god into the equation changes nothing, so what's the point?

And really we aren't that different in our opinions in one particular way: over the centuries gods have come and gone with cultures. Today, you believe in a particular version of god. Why did you choose this particular one? What about all the others that exist in contemporary cultures or have come to pass? Why don't you believe in them? To the people of those cultures their god was as real to them as yours is to you. And to my point, we differ in our "belief" by exactly one god.

Like you, I don't believe in those "other" gods either, nor do I believe in yours.
2014-12-04 06:38:25 UTC
Warning: You are going to be exposed to some undeniable FACTs which you may find un-palatable. Why don't I believe in "god" - lower case intentional. It's because no-one has EVER seen him/her/it. There are NO "gods" of any description - ANYWHERE - and you CANNOT prove that there EVER was. "GOD" has only existed in the minds of mankind and they have screwed up their - so called - evidence to the contrary - with spectacular failure!
2014-12-04 13:52:28 UTC
I've encountered miracles, but I don't believe "God" is responsible for every good thing that happens in life. You act like atheists are blind because they don't "see God" when in fact, anyone who believes in God is blinded by fear of the unknown (hence the theory of life after death). I did not choose to be an atheist. I was born this way, unable to wrap my mind around how people could ever be so silly as to revolve their lives around a book of fairytales. Did you know... there are hundreds of "lost gospels" that were turned down? The Gospel of Peter, Judas, Mary Magdalene? Those books were thrown out when the bible was being put together, because Peter said that Jesus could be spoken to anywhere (this meant that churches were unnecessary, so the state could not make money off of churches). Judas, a man who was one of the closest to Jesus, was unfairly excluded. And Mary Magdalene? Hers was not included because she was a WOMAN and women, apparently, are inferior to men. The creators of the bible did not include these books because they, as politicians, wanted their holy book to be as general and broad as possible, so they could rope more people into spending money on it as they could. Oh, and did I mention, the guy who compiled the bible and created Catholicism (another thing, "catholic" means universal, and universal+ more $) was actually PAGAN. Not even a Christian! His name was Constantine, and he was the emperor of Rome for a while. He only legalized the religion in order to unify the Romans; it was a political move, not one based off of faith.

So over all, I hope what I said was informative. I know I probably won't change your faith, but just know that the Bible that you worship is incomplete and has been manipulated. You say it is effortless to criticize an atheist, but unfortunately for you, that is untrue. Atheists that have actually read the bible, done their research, etc., can argue religion with facts of science AND history. The only evidence that religious people have is their bible, and as you can see above, I've just "debunked" that for you. Believe what you want... I understand, you desperately want to be able to believe in some sort of compensation for having good morals. You're also probably scared. I mean, who wouldn't be? All your life you're being told that you will BURN in HELL if you stray away from God... he sounds like such a compassionate guy, doesn't he? Religion is powered off of fear; they try to scare you into believe in God. As an atheist, I try to maintain good morals (I consider myself to be a decent person. I don't eat animals and I'm an animal rights advocate; I also have many virtues such as honesty and responsibility, etc.). However, unlike many religious people, I am not just trying to be good out of fear of Hell, I'm doing it because I am a kind person. You're afraid of what will happen after you die, you want some sort of explanation. Heaven sounds perfect, right? And where did humans come from? Obviously Adam and Eve, right again? NO. If Adam and Eve had kids, and their kids had babies with their siblings, humans would have all sorts of genetic disorders and stuff. Because that is incest, my dear child. And incest is any sort of sexual activity between family members.

"God works in mysterious ways." That's the explanation for everything bad that has ever happened... EVER.

Wow, this answer is much longer than I thought it would be. I bet you didn't even read the whole thing... I wish you would; you could learn some stuff! Even if it doesn't sway your opinions at all, I hope this can help you learn to respect atheists just a teeny bit more. I didn't just wake up one day and say, "Hey, I think I'm gonna be an atheist now!" It was not a conscious choice for me... I just CANNOT believe in God. I wish I could, sometimes, you know? It'd be nice to think that I get to go to heaven, but I just can't believe that heaven's actually really there. I hope I'm not spoiling anyone's Christmas by saying this... (little kids... SCRAM! Seriously though, children... get out of here. Some serious stuff is about to be said!) but believing in God, to me, is like believing in Santa. It's a brilliant fantasy and there's a ton of stories about it. I mean, how ELSE are you supposed to explain ALL the presents and the fact that he ate your cookies and the sound of hooves on your roof? When EVERYONE (your family, friends... society in general) is telling you Santa is real, it becomes very easy for a little kid to believe it. They grow up with it, just like people grow up with religion. They tell you if you're bad, you get no presents (Versus Hell in religion). It's a way for parents to get control of their kids (and in Christianity, it's a way for society to control EVERYONE). They say if you're good and you still believe in Santa, you'll get presents (HEAVEN)! The concept of Santa and his elves (I'm really gonna push it here and compare elves to ANGELS!) is mesmerizing and explains all of the "miracles" of Christmas, where Christianity does this on a larger scale: It explains all of the miracles of LIFE in general.

Ok, so now this answer is EVEN LONGER than I thought it was before! I need to stop typing now! Bye! :)
2014-12-04 03:46:14 UTC
The necessity to be a theist is to have faith in something that has no proof! I am not that gullible!
2014-12-04 03:45:04 UTC
The question is why do you believe he exist, and if you can shows proof he does exist then we shake hands.
2014-12-04 13:22:30 UTC
The whole no evidence thing does it for me.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.