I've encountered miracles, but I don't believe "God" is responsible for every good thing that happens in life. You act like atheists are blind because they don't "see God" when in fact, anyone who believes in God is blinded by fear of the unknown (hence the theory of life after death). I did not choose to be an atheist. I was born this way, unable to wrap my mind around how people could ever be so silly as to revolve their lives around a book of fairytales. Did you know... there are hundreds of "lost gospels" that were turned down? The Gospel of Peter, Judas, Mary Magdalene? Those books were thrown out when the bible was being put together, because Peter said that Jesus could be spoken to anywhere (this meant that churches were unnecessary, so the state could not make money off of churches). Judas, a man who was one of the closest to Jesus, was unfairly excluded. And Mary Magdalene? Hers was not included because she was a WOMAN and women, apparently, are inferior to men. The creators of the bible did not include these books because they, as politicians, wanted their holy book to be as general and broad as possible, so they could rope more people into spending money on it as they could. Oh, and did I mention, the guy who compiled the bible and created Catholicism (another thing, "catholic" means universal, and universal+ more $) was actually PAGAN. Not even a Christian! His name was Constantine, and he was the emperor of Rome for a while. He only legalized the religion in order to unify the Romans; it was a political move, not one based off of faith.
So over all, I hope what I said was informative. I know I probably won't change your faith, but just know that the Bible that you worship is incomplete and has been manipulated. You say it is effortless to criticize an atheist, but unfortunately for you, that is untrue. Atheists that have actually read the bible, done their research, etc., can argue religion with facts of science AND history. The only evidence that religious people have is their bible, and as you can see above, I've just "debunked" that for you. Believe what you want... I understand, you desperately want to be able to believe in some sort of compensation for having good morals. You're also probably scared. I mean, who wouldn't be? All your life you're being told that you will BURN in HELL if you stray away from God... he sounds like such a compassionate guy, doesn't he? Religion is powered off of fear; they try to scare you into believe in God. As an atheist, I try to maintain good morals (I consider myself to be a decent person. I don't eat animals and I'm an animal rights advocate; I also have many virtues such as honesty and responsibility, etc.). However, unlike many religious people, I am not just trying to be good out of fear of Hell, I'm doing it because I am a kind person. You're afraid of what will happen after you die, you want some sort of explanation. Heaven sounds perfect, right? And where did humans come from? Obviously Adam and Eve, right again? NO. If Adam and Eve had kids, and their kids had babies with their siblings, humans would have all sorts of genetic disorders and stuff. Because that is incest, my dear child. And incest is any sort of sexual activity between family members.
"God works in mysterious ways." That's the explanation for everything bad that has ever happened... EVER.
Wow, this answer is much longer than I thought it would be. I bet you didn't even read the whole thing... I wish you would; you could learn some stuff! Even if it doesn't sway your opinions at all, I hope this can help you learn to respect atheists just a teeny bit more. I didn't just wake up one day and say, "Hey, I think I'm gonna be an atheist now!" It was not a conscious choice for me... I just CANNOT believe in God. I wish I could, sometimes, you know? It'd be nice to think that I get to go to heaven, but I just can't believe that heaven's actually really there. I hope I'm not spoiling anyone's Christmas by saying this... (little kids... SCRAM! Seriously though, children... get out of here. Some serious stuff is about to be said!) but believing in God, to me, is like believing in Santa. It's a brilliant fantasy and there's a ton of stories about it. I mean, how ELSE are you supposed to explain ALL the presents and the fact that he ate your cookies and the sound of hooves on your roof? When EVERYONE (your family, friends... society in general) is telling you Santa is real, it becomes very easy for a little kid to believe it. They grow up with it, just like people grow up with religion. They tell you if you're bad, you get no presents (Versus Hell in religion). It's a way for parents to get control of their kids (and in Christianity, it's a way for society to control EVERYONE). They say if you're good and you still believe in Santa, you'll get presents (HEAVEN)! The concept of Santa and his elves (I'm really gonna push it here and compare elves to ANGELS!) is mesmerizing and explains all of the "miracles" of Christmas, where Christianity does this on a larger scale: It explains all of the miracles of LIFE in general.
Ok, so now this answer is EVEN LONGER than I thought it was before! I need to stop typing now! Bye! :)