NEED expert help with a sexuality and spirituality related question. PLZ HELP!?
2009-04-16 15:59:17 UTC
First of all, am gonna tell you what I feel and then ask the question
I am pretty neutral when I come to think of sex. I personally find it utterly disgusting because frankly I feel that when someone indulges in these activities the have their minds bend to pervertedness which is gross. but then I think of it the way it's anciently explained how it takes you mind, body and soul working together and so it links you to God spiritually. This second thinking is what I think I will have in mind during sex (yet to experience) and it does not disgust me that way.
So my first question is that if it is so that the second of what I think is correct and what the majority of people are worldwide feel as well as the origins of kama sutra from India giving sex ed on that basis (that sex is related to spirituality) is right then is this "the" only thing the connects you spiritually. I mean children at such a young age are being taught about sex, what for? Can't we involve the mind, body soul thing we are taking interest in maybe reading some book or painting or running and stuff?
Why does the majority go for sex?
Is it just because we can't control lust within ourselves so we think the same for the younger generation and we give them sex ed?
Isn't that immoral and disgusting?

Also, that the bible allows sex for a married couple whereas it is a sin for the unmarried. Does that even make a difference?? :/

(I would really appreciate it if someone close or is a psychiatrist or philosopher or just an expert of the question am asking gives the answer. Although all views are welcome they'll only help me a step forward. So, plz leave a comment)
26 answers:
2009-04-16 16:23:52 UTC
The devil confusses minds, & he tempts us 2 do what is not right.

We can control lust, just we have to resist & overcome the temptation, if the people don't even try resisting, then your sinning because you want to.

It is disgusting & immoral , it's mostly immoral when your outside marriage & your having sex with your partner. You have to marry them, but 1st you have to love your partner, & you have to do what is right above everything the world does.

The bible says:(referring 2 GOD) If u love me u will obey my commands. I read all the comments everyone else has written, & they aren't trying to help u out, as I can tell. The devil always tries to make something pleasurable or good GOD has done/mad, & twists it around to make it into sin. He tempts you, most people fall in the temptation, & they sin, the smart people feel guilty afterwards & ask GOD for forgiveness & guidance. The devil/satan tries to make sin pleasurable, so he can try to make you do it over & over again, he lies & makes darkness look good. The devil masquerades as an angel of light

1 Thessalonians 5:5-7 (New International Version)

5You are all sons of the light and sons of the day. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness. 6So then, let us not be like others, who are asleep, but let us be alert and self-controlled. 7For those who sleep, sleep at night, and those who get drunk, get drunk at night.

1 Peter 5:8 (New International Version)

Verse 8: Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.
2009-04-16 16:24:13 UTC
Quite a choice of topic - and an answer that would do justice to the question would go far too long to type into a response. I should add, I used to feel a lot like you when I was younger - thinking of sex as a kind of disgusting bilogical function - but I certainly changed my mind in time. In general, God (responsible for our creation) sort of "pre-programmed" our minds with a sex drive - a design that facilates procreation and survival of the species. For a lengthy list of reasons I won't go into here, it makes absolutely no sense for God to come up with this design, for the obvious reasons He did and then somehow expect the faithful to simply remain celebate. This isn't healthy and, frankly, you can see the results in the seemingly endless cases of Catholic priests molesting children among other less serious, seemingly deviant behavious.

But I disagree that human beings can't control themselves. Genetically biasing behaviour one way (pro-sexually) doesn't negate reason, interest in other topics, nor does it justify exposing children who, not in the maturity of their faculties, might not understand why sex should be taken seriously and insodoing causeing harm to them. I think the only motive those who favor educating the very young about sex is simply to deal with influences in the media that could cause children to experiment or become sexually active too early. The hope is that information empowers the individual to take sex seriously enough to avoid its abuse. And, I think, ideally avoiding it until later in life when a more grown-up attitude will prevail.

I'm not sure that the Bible says all unmarried sex is a sin; I think certain situations are characterized as sinful but that its a matter of interpretation as to the message. One also needs to keep in mind that while the Bible is said to be divinely-inspired (as I believe it to be), it's a mistake in my view to accept its contents as a set of instructions from God about how to behave. Particuarly given that it was written almost entirely (if not entirely) by heterosexual men - and there are a few biases evident, which manifestly could not be God's will. (Thus I contest the argument some occasionally make citing passages stating homosexuality is evil, pre-marital sex is evil, etc.)

But I'm still very much a Christian and a student of philosophy - and I've been able to reconcile all the seeming incosnstincies; harmonizing all I've learned into a personal faith and relationship with God. I suspect you might be able to do the same thing.....

Good luck!
2009-04-16 16:16:54 UTC
I am not a psychiatrist, psychologist, philosopher, or anyone with any type of degree in a field as such, but I've had a fair amount of sex. For lots of different reasons.

I don't think that under any circumstances, as long as it's consensual, that sex is to be looked at as disgusting. Even if its not for love, it doesn't hurt anyone. It just involves two or more people enjoying life together. In which everyone gets something out of it. In that way I find it to be very spiritual.

I do think that when it does involve love, it is so much better though. because it is more like a physical manifestation of that emotion, in which two people become one ( That can be taken anyway it needs to be. Homosexuals are entitled to love as well, in case that came off a little hetero-biased ).

As for Sex. Ed. I think it is highly necessary, because kids NEED to know what can happen if they aren't careful. That is why I am completely against "abstinence" only sex. ed., there is no real education involved and no real deterrent put forth.

So in summary, as long as it involves consenting legal adults, I don't think that any type of sex should be called immoral. It is a beautiful spiritual endeavor.
2009-04-16 16:13:55 UTC
you simply do not sound neutral to me at all, just for starters. You've obviously given this a lot of thought and have formed an opinion of gigantic proportions.

And so it should be, for sexuality is a very big part of who we are. No matter where you go, if you are a woman, you will always be a girl, a mother, a sister, a niece, (etc) and not a boy, a father, a brother, a nephew (etc).

If you have never felt sexual urges from the time you were little (even babies explore their diapers), you will have a need to seek counsel.

I was just thinking that a really really good matchmaker is somebody that is undervalued in our society, because although we may all be compatible sexually, we are not all compatible in other ways. One of the things I've heard from young people starting out in their lives together is a fear that after living together for a couple weeks they will realize that they absolutely cannot stand each other, so they just want to "try out" living together.

I think a default to the "older and wiser" couples would be in order here, because you do not want to make mistakes, yet you do not want to come into the arms of your "one true love" used by others.

So, this is the dilemma, I am sensing that you are facing.
Fascist Machine
2009-04-16 16:11:08 UTC
I think it's curious that you associate sexual behavior with perversion and disgust. Personally, I think there is nothing wrong with sex. Sex feels good (if you do it right) and it's a nice way to connect to people you love, even if you don't feel like your mind, body, and soul are all working together. It can just be plain old enjoyable.

People think about sex a lot because we are meant to think about sex a lot. Life is all about reproducing (although many people, myself included, choose not to for various reasons.) Everything that lives has a drive to reproduce. Sexual pleasure and the enjoyment of sex is what makes people and all other animals want to do the deed that makes the babies. It's totally natural and nothing to be grossed out by.

Children are usually taught about sex at a young age because that's when most kids get curious about it. A lot of little ones have baby brothers or sisters on the way, and they want to know how a baby gets into Mommy's body, and why. It's normal for them to learn about body parts and body functions at that age--it's when they're most receptive to it, and if it's taught in the right way, there's no reason why learning these things will make them more likely to do it sooner than they feel ready. Knowledge is power, and giving children AND teens knowledge about sex is giving them power to control their own bodies.

There is absolutely nothing immoral or disgusting about sex or about learning about sex; no more than it's immoral or disgusting to learn about social relationships, the digestive system, or how embryos develop.

The Bible is full of a lot of silly stuff that doesn't make any sense, including rules about sex. No, it shouldn't make a difference whether you have sex in a marriage or out of it. It's a personal choice. The only reason presented for it being "bad" in the Bible is "God says so." Is that really any kind of reason?

I hope you learn to enjoy your sexuality! It really is a lovely part of being alive, and it's not anything to feel badly about. If you don't let religious brainwashing interfere with your appreciation of your own body and of others' bodies, it's a very nice thing to experience when you feel that you are ready.
2009-04-16 22:43:35 UTC
you have mentioned that you have yet to experience sex. but you have so much contradicting thoughts in your mind. be calm and clear about it.

first - If you decide to practice celibacy which requires strong will power you must not even let the thought of sex enter your mind.

second - if you want to go for marriage, Don't think it is a sin as we are made by all mighty to help in bring forth other monads on earth so procreation becomes our responsibility.

In India There is no sex education given to young students at all. I am principal in high school and higher secondary school so who will know this better then me.

It is treated as secret and sacred thing in India.
2009-04-16 19:40:21 UTC
Why does the majority go for sex ?

Traditional attitudes worldwide in relation to sexuality, marriage and preparing youth for family life, which had been kept for a long time, were severely challenged in recent decades. Teenage pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases and other serious issues of our times do not represent a major public concern until the last years of the'60s when it started to happen a change in attitude and behavior of young Westerners. The tide of change continued to revolutionize the moral climate in most parts of the world, and the current preponderance of images and language with sexual references in popular culture continues to promote a permissive attitude toward sex.

Sex education not a priority before the sexual revolution began to unfold in the United States and Europe. the abandonment of traditional restrictions on sexual behavior, led to the term "free love" and "sex." The underlying expectation was that greater sexual freedom lead to greater happiness. But today we realize that the sexual revolution brought an avalanche of social problems that affect health. emotional and psychological scars resulting from sex without commitments, produce anxiety, low self-esteem, suicidal tendencies, divorces and family breakdowns. sexually transmitted diseases, including AIDS and unwanted pregnancies have raised concerns about the health and welfare.

This is when started everything. And we owe it all to one person: Alfred Kinsey, entomologist whose surveys of human sexuality were biased

I am Clinical Psychologist
2009-04-16 16:08:33 UTC
Sex is not disgusting in anyway!! When you are older you will realise that. I can only assume you think this as this is what has been put into your head.

The bible gives out so many rules that you dont know wheather your coming or going half of the time.

Sex is the most natural thing in the world, how do you think we all got here?????

Between 2 consenting adults its a pleasurable experience.

Yes it can be spiritual and yes its enjoyable if its what you want.

In no way it disgusting!!!!

Children learn about sex from a young age to educate them about pregnancy and STD's. As these are common in todays society, educating is the best way of prevention.

Love yourself and your body.

Live life and love the life you live

2009-04-16 23:13:28 UTC
People in he process of sex forget not only god but god;s god .

god men make good use of the name of God to enjoy a variety of sex.Sex has nothing to do with divinity .Even animals and creatures have sex and even better sex than the perverted humans .Are animals more divine that the humans ?

Brain is a part of the physical body.It enjoys the touch of flesh .Skeletons alone won't feel sex or have sexual urge .It is just s physical condition just like the urge to evacuate bowls or the urinary sac ..

Food can regulate it .
2009-04-16 16:11:08 UTC
Honestly, sex is the best when it's with your spouse. I can be totally free and uninhibited with him, and he isn't put off by it or embarrassed. It actually turns him on even more.

I don't normally express sex like this, but your question is a good one. My husband and I are on the same page when it comes to our faith. The love we share and general intimacy makes our sex-life amazing. We truly do become one in bed, and Kama Sutra has nothing to do with it.
2009-04-16 16:18:24 UTC
You need to understand, that God created sex, and not man or the devil. But you also need to understand that God has set boundaries as to how it is to be enjoyed. (it is not wrong to be attracted physically to the opposite sex).

Sex is for married couples only, one man, one woman.

And marraige is where a man and a woman join together before God in a holy covenant for as long as they both shall live, and express their covenant love for one another by faithfulness to one another and to God, and by that physical intimacy we call sex (the Bible term is to "know", i.e Adam "knew" his wife Eve.

As a Christian, I have to say that marraige is a purley Jeudo-Christian thing. If two people get married, but do not first know the Lord, then their marraige will be lacking, since it is God's own ordinance. The reason marraiges split up is because one or both of the partners does fear and love God as much as they should.

And as for your point on child sex education, it is disgusting what our perverted wayward governments are pushing at our children. I hope God either turns them around, or teaches them a sorry lesson they will not forget. Come, Lord Jesus, Amen.
Prabhu P
2009-04-17 00:55:45 UTC
Good question.

God has created everything on this earth for us only. We can enjoy everything including sex but we need to know that this is not our life. When one gets involved in spiritualism ( knowing our self ) all this wordly things will be of no importance to you. For example when you were young you would have had a bycycle to travel and when you grow up you have a car and will not prefer or even wish to travel by bycycle as you know the comfort of a car. In the same way when you get involved with god ( who is with in you ) all the wordly things also sex will not be of your interest.

May the blessing of god be on you.
2009-04-17 01:16:42 UTC
your worry regarding younger generation that they should given education for sex is not right. education given you knowledge about that you must take precaution avoiding all un necessary relation that give you the diseases. without education how you can guide them.

secondly according to hindu mythology kama is third stage of humankind whole living creature base on kama. it is necessary for recreation. it is the object after kama is importance that you make reproduction or enjoyment and with whom and what age and time you do that very importance.
2009-04-16 16:04:34 UTC
Sex is a natural, normal drive in all human beings. It should be pleasurable, safe, and guilt-free, regardless of what some religions call a "sin." It's not disgusting or gross, and has nothing to do with "morals" when it's between consenting adults.
2009-04-16 16:07:05 UTC
Religion consistently warps sex into a disgusting unnatural act as seen by your question.

Sex is a normal, wonderful thing that mature people should appreciate and enjoy. Its only your religion that causes you to view the natural process of reproduction as aweful. When flowers polinate, its EXACTLY the same process. The difference is that humans enjoy the feeling, emotions and physical gratification that sexual activity provides.

The reason so many people engage in sex, is because that is what we are driven by hormones and evolution to partake in. Why do you eat and breath and go to the bathroom?
2009-04-16 16:13:28 UTC
Don't think to deep about sex, its for making babies and feeling pleasure and so forth with your partner spouse (wife or husband)..

To indulge in this act without being married can lead to promiscuity, but if one can hold back from being promiscuous when not married and is in a stable relationship then there should be no problems with sex..
2009-04-16 16:05:12 UTC
God made sex pleasurable and as a bond. The marriage bed is undefiled and it's to be enjoyed. Sex ed is not immoral, any more than drivers ed.
2009-04-16 16:05:23 UTC
Stop thinking so much..

You sound like you're in a panic over everything.

You also might want to look into asexuality.

Yup, that's about all I have to say, because the first part is the only part I understood.
2009-04-16 16:07:54 UTC

sex is the ability to share with the person who has given his or her commitment to spend there life with you. It is your gift to each other. To have sex with everyone lessens the gifts value, the ability to say this is how much i value you, this is for you only.

It also can make babies, and the idea is to give that offspring the best input possible, from both the man and woman, a balance.

Hope it helps

Chris T.
2009-04-16 16:10:13 UTC
Couple of verses to consider:

"Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.

Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing[b] her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. After all, no one ever hated his own body, but he feeds and cares for it, just as Christ does the church— for we are members of his body. "For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh."This is a profound mystery—but I am talking about Christ and the church. However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband."

Ephesians 5:22-33

"Now for the matters you wrote about: It is good for a man not to marry.But since there is so much immorality, each man should have his own wife, and each woman her own husband. The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband. The wife's body does not belong to her alone but also to her husband. In the same way, the husband's body does not belong to him alone but also to his wife. Do not deprive each other except by mutual consent and for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer. Then come together again so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control. I say this as a concession, not as a command."

I Corinthians 7:1-6

The word honorable is what comes to mind. If we would treat each other as a temple of the Holy Spirit, in honorable fashion, using the body and the parts of the body for their intended purpose you do well.

If it goes against your conscience, you are sinning.
2009-04-16 16:06:21 UTC
There is nothing perverted in the act between a consenting couple.

Rev. Neil
2009-04-16 16:04:23 UTC
On the Bible part ...

God gave us the sacred gift of 'sex'. It is used to create more human beings, and bring pleasure to the people having it.

It is harmful to have sex outside of marriage because you have not made the commitment with someone. You haven't said that you want to be with this person your entire life. When you have sex with someone, you are giving yourself to them. There is a huge risk of deadly STD's, unwanted pregnancy, life-changing things. God wants us to only give ourselves to the person who we have decided we should spend our lives with, only they deserve our entire body.
2009-04-16 16:06:01 UTC
"psychiatrist or philosopher"

Even if there is one here in R&S..Good luck on getting an answer that dose not contain a bunch of physco babble BS or them giving you one of their many psychiatic drugs they hand out by the hands full.

As the saying goes "Never ask a shrink a question about anything unless your ready to immeditaly start swolling a bunch of pills".
☮ Pangel ☮
2009-04-16 16:06:22 UTC
it is natural

it is fun

it is good excersize

it brings people closer

it produces babies

I dont know what is disgusting about it
2009-04-16 16:05:38 UTC
sex is stupid, but it has some unimportant benefits, consequences, and results, and is wildly overrated. I get as much or more pleasure eating cheezits
2009-04-16 16:03:21 UTC
Sex makes babies, dear. That's all you need to know.


This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.