Does religion cause stupidity, or is it the other way around?
2006-09-11 14:25:18 UTC
So I was screwing around on Wikipedia,and I came across an article that said:
"Several studies have investigated the relationship between intelligence and the degree of religious belief (excluding humanism), with most showing an inverse correlation between intelligence averages and the "importance of religion" to the testee."


"All but four of the forty-three polls listed support the conclusion that native intelligence varies inversely with degree of religious faith; i.e., that, other factors being equal, the more intelligent a person is, the less religious he/she is."

Wondering why you think that might be, I'm open to religious and non-religious answers. (Please note, this is an honest question not an insult)

46 answers:
2006-09-11 14:26:18 UTC
I think it is double negatives

First they pray/prey,, lol on stupid people

Then they are brainwashing them till they are even stupider,,, :-)

I saw a smart guy once in a church, I asked him

what are you doing here?

His answer was, what are you doing here?

Queen Fromage
2006-09-11 15:12:18 UTC
First let me answer this question with a question and then answer both.

So this would then mean that a person with a 140 or higher IQ who is not religious when they tested would then test lower if he or she becomes in any way religious?

Can you see a problem here?

First of all most of the great minds through out the ages have been religious men and women. So averages may say otherwise (which I really do not believe) but history says another.

Also I have a very high IQ which was tested in high school and which I decided to retest about a year ago. It is slightly higher now. 10 years ago I became a Christian. So what would 'they' make of that? And by high IQ I do mean over 140.

I think any study that wants to equate faith with stupidity is missing the point of seeking which in its truest definition means to be open and therefore accepting and with that comes knowledge in more than just the faith you seek but in the world around you which makes you far more likely to be intelligent.

2006-09-11 14:46:26 UTC
Co-occurence is not the same as causality. To assume so is to demonstrate, at least, that you are ignorant of the fundamental nature of statistics.

Intelligence tests are not categorically descriptive of intelligence. There are things that they poorly measure. They cant measure genius at music, or horse-back riding. They only measure performance within a narrow window of cognitive function.

Your study, because its a poll, could have a self-selecting demographic such that intelligent religious people were disinclined or even given a negative incentive for participation.

Consider that many of the greatest thinkers within "modern thought" were religious. Newton was moderate but religious and his calculus, mechanics, and optics are the foundation of physics. Anyone who asserts that he was anything less than a genius isnt in a hard science.

Consider Srinivasa Ramunajan a mathematical genius of this century. He did things in the upper stratosphere of mathematics that are categorically qualifiable as genius quality. He was a devout hindu, and travelled to england only after having a vision that his families "god" came to him and said he should.

These two counter-examples at least disprove any categorical claim that religiousity and stupidity are causitively coupled.

Those are "cake" counter-examples. There are hundreds more. They beg the question: why does it matter to you? Why is it important to assume there is a causal connection between "religiousity" and "idocy"?

The answer cant be a rigorous pursuit of truth, can it? It cant. Maybe you are religious in your own way, and like all religions you are thumping your chest and saying "we are the only true church, all others are false". Its not a new message.
2006-09-11 14:34:14 UTC
well why do you think that is. i understand the study and seeing myself and others in church i can totally see that. i seem to question everything and inside the church answers are hard to find. but if you actually take your thirst for knowledge outside and look around you can find alot of evidence that in the archeological aspects the bible does describe the correct places and in the correct way. other religious books are that accurate. just an example of a current one ive looked at is that the book of mormon starts stating that they setteled near a river that flowed into the red. the red sea has no rivers that flow into it so right off the bat it doesnt present itself as very accurate at all and theat just geographical stuff.

so for just religiousness (i guess thats how you would put it) it does seem so much easier if you dont question like for all the people that think the fossil record is the end all be all whats in there have you really looked at it can you give me a time line for any one specie no most likely not or esle you would see that the fossil record shows a 90% decrease in specie and logically it should be the otherway around or at least highly specialized animals of which we really dont show that for the most part.

i wish i could say that all these smart people are in the church but since the rennisance many if not all scientists have moved away form the church as a benifactor and were seperate and didnt let religious belief into their work.
2006-09-11 14:41:12 UTC
No education causes religious choices.

I can see this where people are trying to live under desperate circumstances. This would not make them less intelligent than others. Only that they know what is made available to them.

I have seen very religious people do well in school due to there focus to do well caused by religious fundamentals.

Very intelligent people can also be religious. Just as very religious people can also be very intelligent.

I would venture to say that the results shown in the article are flawed not to mention biased.

"sixteen studies of the correlation between individual measures of student intelligence and religiosity, all but three of which reported an inverse correlation.

five studies reporting that student bodies with high average IQ and/or SAT scores are far less religious than lower-scoring student bodies;

three studies reporting that geniuses (IQ 3+ standard deviations above average) are much less religious than the general public;

seven studies reporting that highly successful persons are much less religious in belief than are others; and

eight old and four new Gallup polls revealing that college alumni (average IQ about one standard deviation above average) are much less religious in belief than are grade-school pollees. "

I am not sure what they mean by "much less religious."

I am very skeptical of the article.
2006-09-11 14:34:49 UTC
Ever hear of the saying, "Ignorance is bliss"?

I live in a place where there are a great deal of religious people. From the time they are very young, they are indoctrinated into the religion, which de-emphasizes critical thinking and emphasizes just taking things at face value. If you challenge the church's ideas, you are a heretic and you will be shamed for it. So the rule is you shut up and take it at face value. (Now, what kind of God would give you a brain and then not expect you to use it? That's my feeling...but anyway...)

When kids grow up in this kind of environment, they do not develop critical thinking skills. A lack of critical thinking skills produces a lack of reasoning ability. Lack of reasoning ability is reduced intelligence (which is basically the ability to learn by figuring things out (which is critical thinking)).

Granted, these people are not necessarily stupid, but I do believe they have a diminished intelligence level. But, since the constitution guarantees them the right to choose their religion, I support their choice. (That doesn't mean I want to join though. LOL)
2006-09-11 14:57:27 UTC
I found this to be a very interesting question and wondered about it as well.

What I found seemed to be mixed reviews. Some studies do link lower intelligence as well as lower levels of critical thinking ability to higher levels of religious belief. Other studies show just the opposite! And some studies show no correlation.

I haven't invested the time to track down the Wikipedia cite of 43 polls so I can't say for sure, but I think that the statistics they cite are off somewhat. It is possible that there are indeed more studies that show correlations between high religious belief and lower levels of intelligence, but I suspect the divide is npt quite a wide as the article says, judging from a quick skim of a literature search.

What seems interesting to me, though, is that this direction may be the wrong way to look. As I was reading , I ran across some articles that discuss "spirituality" as itself being one of the forms of intelligence. (We now know that there are many different kinds of intelligence: linguistic, musical, spatial, bodily, emotional, etc.)

Five components of spiritual intelligence are identified: (a) the capacity for transcendence; (b) the ability to enter into heightened spiritual states of consciousness; (c) the ability to invest everyday activities, events, and relationships with a sense of the sacred; (d) the ability to utilize spiritual resources to solve problems in living; and (e) the capacity to engage in virtuous behavior (to show forgiveness, to express gratitude, to be humble, to display compassion).

2006-09-11 14:32:40 UTC

By all standards I am of above average intelligence, am successful in business and in my private life and I also have a strong faith.

I think that in this day we are all spoiled and to full of ourselves. Many wrongly think that we created ourselves.

The more education, the more money we have.

The more money and time we have on our hands the easier it is to fall to the MANY temptations in our land.

The more we justify not believing in God, the more fun we can have. That is the big lie.

Many people without faith lose hope and fill the missing part with Drugs, Alcohol, Sex addiction, larceny, hate, ect. Money just makes that easier.

My view anyway.

2006-09-11 14:33:07 UTC
Can those who are of high IQ have more wisdom and knowledge obtained by Solomon, who said the fool said in his heart there is no God. The reason why high IQ people reject to be Godly is because of their reasoning mind; they try to prove existence of God by logic and have no time for faith.Newton was the second greatest man among all men; he was a very religious person. In fact were he careless in his faith in God, he probably never came to discover the greatest three laws ever discovered by man.
2006-09-11 14:29:26 UTC
Einstein was a religious man. Also, check out college some day and you will see that art and history class chapters are generally divided among religious periods. Last art class I took showed Christian, Pagan and Islamic art. I didn't see the atheist section. You are fighting a losing battle because there is no way that you can gather writings and works from atheist that even come close to comparing to that done by religious people.
2016-10-15 01:37:51 UTC
"What are the motives/motives of/for starting to be religions?" a faith components a measurable survival earnings to its contributors. form of like how an ant colony reward from communal habit, and the member ants do greater valuable too (on easy). "What intrigues the main looks the motives scientology became created?" LSD. almost have been given one with "Stranger In a wierd Land", yet Heinlein's spouse kiboshed that, if Heinlein himself might have enable the comedian tale run on long sufficient. "Are the applications themselves suggested interior the religion?" not in maximum of words. to nicely known the objective, is to evaluate selections, and then motives of a paintings that's many times attributed to God, yet is that if reality be told penned by ability of guy. "Is enlightenment of the Buddha a reason for faith," Buddha does not say so... "merely as plenty relativity of Einstein is the reason for the present prestige of physics?" Enlightenment is very like revelation, that's genuine. we would be in a various place with out Einstein, for particular. If faith did not disallow homosexuality and abortion, international populations may be a million/10th what they're right this moment. considering that Earth is suffering decrease than greater living, quivering meat than this planet has ever considered in historical past, faith is killing the planet. So faith very plenty shapes the international right this moment. And technological expertise is straining to maintain us all alive...
2006-09-11 14:54:04 UTC
interesting question.

I honestly think that the person who created religion (and i do mean PERSON) was extremely intellegent...I mean can you imagine? a group of people wrote this bible thing and convince generation after generation that they must bow down to some invisible in the sky or they are condemned into a eternal damnation in Hell. Brilliant. Don't like Gays? put in the bible. Hate blacks? Put it in the bible. They created the biggest cult in history and everyone these sheep continue to follow these silly rules that men layed down over 2000 years ago. Amazing.

So....Religion caused stupidity.
Man with Answers
2006-09-11 14:32:58 UTC
It all depends are where you're standing. No, It doesn't make you stupid. This is predjustice. It may be different than you're beliefs, but not stupid. Mythology as in Posiedon and Zues may sound stupid, but it helped the society form a meaning to their everyday lives. Hope, something that all religions share.
2006-09-11 17:16:33 UTC
Intelligent people do things intelligently. Religious people generally do things the other way.
2006-09-11 14:29:21 UTC
That's cool an everything but how do you explain the very intelligent who are also very religious? There are doctors, lawyers, pilots, engineers, a secret service agent, and a professional lobbyist who go to my church. I think the less intelligent among us have an easier time with faith but hey, that's just me.
2006-09-11 14:29:29 UTC
I imagine a bidirectional relationship.

Gullibility caused by lack of intelligence may make one more vulnerable to religious dogma.

And religion just works to increase that gullibility and fosters an antagonism of science...

and down and down the spiral goes.
2006-09-11 14:31:15 UTC
I checked out the site source

Funny I do not see any of the quotes there...

One would have to think you are:


2. Fraud

3. Delusional

4. Sadly mistaken

Interesting how other are so quick to agree when they obviously did not check out the site first...Can you say Bias???? SO who is narrow minded now?
2006-09-11 14:31:52 UTC
It could go either way. What if they were part of a cult? Now that is what I call brainwashing.

What people don't understand is what can lead to ignorance. Religion itself doest' necessarily cause stupidity.
2006-09-11 14:34:59 UTC
I believe it's the other way around. Stupidity causes religion. A bunch of people get together,think up of really stupid things to twist around God's Word to their own beliefs. THAT'S STUPIDITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2006-09-11 14:30:46 UTC
Which came first the chicken or the egg?

Really, I think some kids get " brainwashed " from an early age and don't think outside the box.
2006-09-11 14:29:10 UTC
i think it has its good and negatives. People just sometimes like to exploit religious beliefs in a way to justify things. It depends on how one goes about their religion.
2006-09-11 14:30:35 UTC
I don't think the studies were required to realize the same conclusion...

Isn't it obvious that those who are more apt to believe in religion are also those that don't posses the innate thinking ability to logically judge what they're told?
2006-09-11 14:29:12 UTC
All men need to believe in someone...

in something, that´s why there are different religions.

But they never cause stupidity, the religions make you stronger deep inside.

No matter what religion each person has, because there is only ONE GOD for all of us.

Sorry if you don´t believe in anything or any one.
2006-09-11 14:31:32 UTC
Does paganism make one a fool or is it the other way around?
2006-09-11 14:30:54 UTC
Rance D
2006-09-11 14:43:22 UTC
2006-09-11 14:29:47 UTC
Good question!

Please excuse my Bible references.

Knowledge puffs up......makes proud......

God uses the foolish things of this world to confound the wise.

I really believe this!

Sorry I couldnt give you a more intellectual answer!
2006-09-11 14:29:57 UTC
intended ignorance causes stupidity, in this way i think the absence of religion is that factor. but my two cents worth.
2016-02-11 07:37:56 UTC
Then they are brainwashing them till they are even stupider,,, :-)
2006-09-11 14:28:18 UTC
im not really too sure.. but think, the less people question there religion, the less open minded they are, and the less they expand there mind.
2006-09-11 14:29:13 UTC
Religion breeds magical-thinking and narrow-mindedness. It is a grave social disease.
2006-09-11 14:28:35 UTC
Depends on who you ask,
2006-09-11 14:32:13 UTC
none of the above!!
2006-09-11 14:31:44 UTC
Both, I think!
2006-09-11 14:29:35 UTC
This question is an insult.
2006-09-11 14:27:28 UTC
You can make statistics to try and prove anything. 14% of all people know that.
2006-09-11 14:26:57 UTC
I believe it is because most religious people fear looking outside of the box. They are not open to possible contradictions.
2006-09-11 14:27:21 UTC
Relgion makes people act like robots.
Mr Answer
2006-09-11 14:28:11 UTC
Anyone can make up a baseless poll that cannot be verified as true.

Squirm, godless liberals squirm.

Give me a thumbs down. I eat them for breakfast.

Better to die for Christ than to convert to Islam at gunpoint!
2006-09-11 14:27:44 UTC
2006-09-11 14:27:02 UTC
stupid people come in all shapes, sizes, races and are found in all religions.
Ruthie B
2006-09-11 14:28:33 UTC
it depends on the religion...its stupid if it teaches people suicide bombing
2006-09-11 14:27:02 UTC
Perhaps ---- it works both ways?
Homer J.
2006-09-11 14:26:51 UTC
robert p
2006-09-11 14:29:01 UTC
an insulting question.

read the bible
Mrs. Butler ♥2 B♥
2006-09-11 14:28:12 UTC
The other way around because your mother should have aborted you.................LOSER

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