Christians, how can the earth be 6000 years old, shouldn't it be older?
2016-08-11 18:37:30 UTC
According to timeline derived from the bible where the earth is 6000 years old people were spread across the earth during the time of the Tower of Babel at around 2100 BC. The Maya culture emerged at around 2600 BC. How could the Maya culture exist 500 years earlier than when people were put there by God? Shouldn't this mean that the earth is older than 6000 years old?
31 answers:
Steve R
2016-08-12 17:46:12 UTC
The earth isn't just 6,000 years old. The evidence is solid, widespread, and irrefutable. .The earth is millions of years old. Explain to me how we can extract ice core samples from the antarctic which provide us with 70,000 layers of ice built up over 70,000 years while the earth is supposedly just 6,000 years old. How do you explain the number of impact craters from meteorites, that if all occurred in the last 6,000 years would indicate that the number of objects in space that collide with earth would be millions of times more frequent and damaging. How exactly did the Colorado River form the Grand Canyon so quickly? Look at the layers of different types of sediment in the rocks, and you will be able to quickly understand how much irrefutable evidence there is across all branches of science that will support the fact that the earth is billions of years in age. What about islands such as Hawaii that were formed by volcanic activity over millions of years. In addition, if the human race started 6,000 years ago, do the math and explain to me how our world's population has reached 7 billion or so over such a short period of time. Does the Carbon 14 isotope have a variable half-life? No. Are we able to detect the amount of radiation in a carbon-based life-form? Quite easily. The earth isn't flat, or cubed, or 6,000 years old. I have no problem calling-you-out as an imbecile for having your head so far up your ***. Simpletons, idiots, ignoramuses, and fools believe the earth is only 6,000 years old. I have more confidence in the old age of the earth than I do in the relentless demonstration of stupidity by idiots with double-digit IQs.
jon pike
2016-08-16 11:42:46 UTC
Understand that homo sapiens have NOT been here for hundreds of thousands of years. Shortly before the last ice age (about 50,000 BC) there developed structural changes in the brain allowing for a speech center and the throat developed the voice box.

Prior to that the upright human-like creatures were something else--not human and not animal. We call them hominids, and they date back, in various shapes and sized more than 5 million years (oldest found so far).

The 4000 BC date used in Genesis is the date for the first human being. That is, the first man; the first creature possessing self-awareness and free will. "Let us create mankind in our image." That image is an eternal soul, free will, and self-aware. That's all it is.
2016-08-11 18:46:25 UTC
Recorded history began in 4,000 BCE, or six thousand years ago. Human beings have been around for 200,000 years.

Christianity didn't become a thing until around 300, 400 AD which is about 1500 years ago.

And the earth is 4.5 billion years old.
2016-08-11 19:21:41 UTC
I don't believe that Earth is 6000 years old. I don't believe that Moses was a scientist. I don't believe that what Moses wrote the truth.
2016-08-12 05:38:08 UTC
How can anyone truly know how old the Earth is? Only God can, of course. I don't like when scientists try to predict the age of Earth, because unless they were living back in that time, or talked to God, they don't know. I have another question for all atheists as well,

Athiests, how can the earth be billions of years old, shouldn't it be younger?
2016-08-11 18:59:01 UTC
The opening words of Genesis tell us: In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:1

Do these words of Genesis say that this happened about ten thousand years ago?

No, it gives no time period. The beginning could therefore have been billions of years ago.

The account in Genesis then goes on to outline the famous six days of creation.

These days, though, were not the time during which the material of the earth and the universe was created. That had already happened in the beginning.

The six days of creation were, rather, the periods of time during which the primordial, inhospitable earth was slowly made fit for habitation.

Was each one of those six days a literal 24-hour day?

That is not what Genesis says. The word day in the Hebrew language the language in which Genesis was written can mean long periods of time, even thousands of years. Psalm 90:4

For example, the seventh day in which we now live is thousands of years long. Genesis 2:2, 3

the evidence shows that the entire period of six days should be viewed as tens of thousands of years long.
2016-08-11 18:42:12 UTC
"According to timeline derived from the bible where the earth is 6000 years old"

Stop there. According to the Ussher Chronology made in the 17th century it's 6000 years old. The Bible says nothing about the age of the earth.
2016-08-13 02:53:47 UTC
The Flat Earth Society, based in the USA,

still welcomes new membership applications.
2016-08-11 19:02:43 UTC
This Earth AGE is 6000 years old.

The United States is 240 years old- but the land is older. Same idea.
2016-08-13 13:29:54 UTC
You're not going to get sensible answers asking Christians to be logical. They believe everything was created by some mythical being for which there is absolutely no evidence. Let alone proof.
2016-08-12 02:28:06 UTC
The 6 days of creation is a mis-translation. The Strong's Exhaustive Concordance & Hebrew Dictionary gives the translation as "time periods of undetermined length".
jackknife barber
2016-08-12 11:53:54 UTC
I'm a Christian, and I have numerous pre-columbian artifacts that date to roughly ten to fourteen thousand years ago. Why would I think it's six thousand years old? Homo Saipan's appeared 40,000 years ago. Duh. I believe the experts date the Earth at nine billion years old. Christ didn't refer to it, best I recall.
2016-08-11 18:55:34 UTC
How far back in the past must one go to have a sun so large that its surface touches the surface of the earth? The solar radius changes at 2.5 feet per hour, half the 5 feet per hour change of the solar diameter. The distance from the sun to the earth is 93 million miles, and there are 5,280 feet in one mile. Assuming (by uniformitarian-type reasoning) that the rate of shrinkage has not changed with time, then the surface of the sun would touch the surface of the earth at a time in the past equal to

t = (93,000,000 miles) (5,280 ft/mile)

(2.5 ft/hr) (24 hr/da) (365 day/yr)

or approximately 20 million B.C. However, the time scales required for organic evolution range from 500 million years to 2,000 million years.3 It is amazing that all of this evolutionary development, except the last 20 million years, took place on a planet that was inside the sun. By 20 million B.C., all of evolution had occurred except the final stage, the evolution of the primate into man.

NASA proved that the Earth is young when they sent man to the moon. Before the moon landing NASA was worried about the lander sinking into billions of years worth of space dust, so the made very large landing pads. When they landed they found the dust to be 1/2 inch thick about 6000 years worth.
2016-08-12 11:32:32 UTC
Only God can, of course. I don't like when scientists try to predict the age of Earth, ==========
2016-09-12 07:44:44 UTC
you're not going to get sensible answers asking christians to be logical... they believe everything was created by some mythical being for which there's absolutely no evidence... let alone proof...
2016-08-11 19:50:42 UTC
Christianity (based on Christ or followers thereof) wouldn't be 6,000 years old. Christ didn't appear (as such) until...
2016-08-12 05:16:45 UTC
Where does it say in the Bible that the earth is only 6,000 years old?
2016-08-11 19:01:59 UTC
Sounds like your time line is a little off.

Keep in mind that the people who put the time line together are making guesses and assumptions about things when the exact facts are unknown. So I don't put much stock in man-made time lines that are full of assumptions and errors.

--- (A Yahoo! User)
2016-08-13 00:06:45 UTC
The Earth is much, much older than that.
Bobby Jim
2016-08-11 21:02:26 UTC
You are mixing a Biblical timeline, with a "scientifically" (artificially) determined timeline. There are plenty of historical markers in the Bible that verify it's accuracy.
2016-08-11 18:40:14 UTC
"According to timeline derived from the bible" - Yeah stop right there. The bible was written by idiots who thought the Earth didn't move and that the Sun rotated around the Earth. The Bible authors thought Heaven was literally up in the sky and that a tent like firmament held in the rain (you know instead of water vapor in clouds). The Bible authors thought the entire Earth could be seen from one mountain, which only works if the Earth is flat.

The Bible authors were F-ing morons.
2016-11-05 13:01:02 UTC
i'm a christian, and i have numerous pre-columbian artifacts that date to roughly ten to fourteen thousand years ago... well, why would i think it's six thousand years old? homo saipan's appeared 40,000 years ago... duh... i believe the experts date the earth at nine billion years old... christ didn't refer to it, proper i recall...
Linda R
2016-08-14 08:34:27 UTC
Plant Earth is BILLIONS of years old - NOT 6,000 years!
2016-08-11 19:03:56 UTC
Don't leave out the Australian Aborigine.

ohh my....them Aborigines go way waayy back....
2016-08-12 00:14:32 UTC
Of course there's nothing like a maya culture and nobody has carbon dated the culture
2016-08-11 18:39:32 UTC
It IS older.

Not sure what timeline you are going by, but it isn't from the bible.
2016-08-11 18:42:48 UTC
The earth is about 6,000 years old.

Check this out...
2016-08-12 16:23:10 UTC
It is older
2016-08-13 00:34:57 UTC
2016-08-11 18:38:23 UTC
Time is subjective.
2016-08-11 18:39:30 UTC
Idk tbh

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.