End times.
There are a lot of theological issues we as Christians can dance on, but consider this one:
"They that bless Israel, I will bless, they that curse Israel, I will curse."
That one seems pretty straightforward to me. Black ink on white paper.
I believe the primary reason our nation has been blessed, is because of our Judeo-Christian heritage, and this has included the historical support of Israel.
What do I think? I think that a primary ingredient in our safety and security as a nation depends on our holding tight to that tiny country of Israel.
The day we turn her loose, we're toast.
But, we know these things have to happen for the end times. And believe me you, we are in them. The Anti-Christ has to enter the temple, the temple has to be rebuilt, so that means that that cursed 'Dome of the Rock' has to come down. And if you think muslims blew a gasket over cartoons, when the dome comes down and the temple goes up, I figure we are days if not hours away from Armageddon.
But I leave you with this: "We are not a people without hope, so sorrow not." :)