i am an unhappy atheist, I want to have the emotional support from 'God' experieced by Christian, what to do?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
i am an unhappy atheist, I want to have the emotional support from 'God' experieced by Christian, what to do?
68 answers:
Aeon Enigma
2007-12-04 21:01:53 UTC
Believe or not Science and the Bible are in harmony. It is just human errors and interpretation that creates the contradiction. To start a solid Christian life, you must first obtain accurate knowledge of bible truth, apply them to your life, and help in spreading the good news of God's kingdom. After this you would be in the right track.
2007-12-04 21:01:01 UTC
Pray, go to church, and get saved. Your friends should pray with you and God will do the rest.
Christine S
2007-12-04 21:00:33 UTC
There is no contradiction between science and God for true Christians, as God made it all, and the natural laws that govern it all. And yes, I am a firm believer in evolution of humanity, as well.

Add: I was also an unhappy agnostic (could never bring myself to be atheist) at one time... but now my love for God is stronger than my own love of my own life. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I am truly eternal and will be with God after my physical body dies. I still love science as much as I always have, perhaps even more so since I now have such a greater appreciation for everything that God has created that I discover even more through science. If you are interested how it happened for me, and it could for you, please email me. There is no reason for science to make you doubt eternal life with our Creator, God. Joy has replaced sorrow in my life, God's love for me has replaced being lonely and sad... God loves you too, you have no idea how much. I felt it first hand, it is indescribable, and truly overwhelming.
2007-12-04 21:03:31 UTC
There is no suspension of scientific knowledge in believing and trusting God. All of science is knowledge of His creation. The problem is in interpretation of that knowledge. With proper interpretation comes realization of how science testifies of His magnificence.

You can want what another has until the cows come home and it will avail nothing. The only way to God is to reach out to Him through the sacrifice of His son.

What do you have to lose by talking to God?
2007-12-04 21:01:45 UTC
Your knowledge of science should not prevent you from being a Christian. True science only supports God's Word, it doesn't in any way contradict it. I think you should talk to your friends and ask them to help you. I would love to explain it to you on here, but it is easier to explain one-on-one, and your friends know you better and can relate to you better.

If you're interested, feel free to email me either at my yahoo address or at if you want to talk more in depth. There's too much to write to say it all here.
2007-12-04 21:11:55 UTC
matt 11:28 Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

11:29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

11:30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
2007-12-04 21:09:52 UTC
Jesus IS the answer to all of your needs, to all of your longings.

Renounce Science that hinders your faith in the Almighty Creator God.

Start reading the Gospel of Mark, to begin with.

Remember, Jesus Christ loves you. No one else will be able to love you the same way, perhaps not even your parents.

I became a Christian at the age of 20 & I have not looked back since. Knowing Jesus as my Saviour was the best thing that happened to me, my friend. I wish you the same.


Jesus accepts you as you are. Just call upon Him in sincerity & He will answer you. Try this prayer.....

Dear God,

I want to believe in You. The Christians tell me You are real, & I want to know this, too. Forgive me my unbelief & set me free, so that I can know Your love and believe in You. In Jesus' Name, I renounce all the lies that science had been feeding my mind all these years. I step out in faith now & call upon the Name of the Lord that I may be saved. Forgive my sins, O Lord.

In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.
2007-12-04 21:04:58 UTC
admission of your need is a step towards belief.

i wish i could help you believe but i dont think i can. maybe you could ask your friends to refer you to their priest/pastor.

just keep this point in mind:

the science that you know now is a fiction/phenomenom in the past. what would be the difference in the fiction/phenomenom today? the fiction and phenomenom would be the science of the future. so dont let science hinder your faith but rather, on your own, try to give hypotheses for God's existence.
neil s
2007-12-04 21:00:49 UTC
Drunks also often seem happier than sober people. This is irrelevant to truth.
2007-12-04 20:59:30 UTC
I don't know why science prevent you from believing. Other than dogma ( someone interpretation of religion ), the bible is quite elusive and can be read in many ways. Science doesn't try to answer questions they can't understand. I don't know any scientist that has solid proof that God doesn't exist. Science has no idea of conscious thought and no single say of where we come from.

I am agnostic because I don't see dogma as logical. It doesn't sit well with me. But there is nothing in science that has deferred me from believing.
Princess Ninja
2007-12-04 21:02:39 UTC
Honey. I am an ex-atheist. And i know for a fact that you can become a believer. But you must go into it with the right mindset....and remember, some people are not softkeyed to believe in God.


Lee Strobel wrote a series of books, one of which was the Case For Christ. It is also an excellent read, one which was also instrumental in my conversion. I read both the student's version and the full version. you can get a preview on Google books
2007-12-04 21:23:37 UTC
It is all about faith.

These days it seems like science can prove anything and any side of a situation.

You should check out some studies that prove the existance of God though.

Most of all, you should find a book or someone who is not overbearing that can give you facts about the Bible and not twist it, that is hard.

Buy a Bible and a study guide and go through it.

Finding a church with good support might be hard but might not be.

Nothing will work without faith though. There are facts to prove God does exist though so if faith alone is not enough, research those things.

Look on line and find former atheists and ask them questions. That would be who you should be talking to.

Found some stuff for you.

Good Luck.

It is good you have the WILL to even search for more. Good start!

Just be careful. There are even Christians that will be over zealous and perhaps stear you wrong.
2007-12-04 21:18:38 UTC
Maybe the question shouldn't be "how do I get the same kind of emotional support from god that my Christian friends have without believing in god," but "how do my Christian friends feel happier by relying on their god for support and how can apply that to my own life without believing in god?"

A Christian phrase is at the root of their support: let go and let god. The Serenity Prayer is another way of saying it.

Your Christian friends aren't necessarily getting support from god, but they are getting someone/thing they can put their worries, problems, or challenges on when they have little or no control over those worries, problems, or challenges.

For example, if the question pops up, "how do I pay the rent when I have no money?" Christians can rely on their faith that god will ultimately provide for their well being to maintain their internal peace. An atheist has no such luxury because there is no all powerful being there to take care of these things. Does god ultimately provide the rent? Or do they figure out a way to provide the rent themselves without feeling the distress that normally goes along with the fear of losing one's home?

You don't have to believe in god, any of them, to find comfort in the serenity prayer, altered for atheism:

I have/seek the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Christians know there are things they cannot change because they believe that only god can change those things. Atheists tend to believe that they can control or change more things than they actually can. A lot of a person's emotional suffering comes from trying to change what they can't and feeling distressed when the more they try to control something beyond their control, the more things seem to get worse.
sdb deacon
2007-12-07 21:12:18 UTC
I would recommend reading "Mere Christianity" by C. S. Lewis, a fomer atheist who came to realize through logical reasoning that there had to be a God, and then came to know Jesus Christ as his personal savior. I would also recommend reading the gospel of Matthew, as it was written especially for Jews in the hope that they would read it and believe.

I can only guess, but perhaps you're so depressed because, deep inside of you, you realize that there must be some greater force, even though science has convinced your mind otherwise. Listen to your heart. Someone once said that those who are seeking for God have already found Him.
2007-12-04 21:12:09 UTC
To find the right answers, you must first find the right questions. Breathe DEEP, Breathe SLOW...the journey is within. If your knowledge of science can extend to Quantum Physics then you may understand that what Jesus was speaking about works on many levels of understanding.

In Quantum Physics, they now understand that the observer effects the equation, but they don't yet understand that HOW they observe ALSO effects the equation.

When Jesus spoke of walking a mile in a persons shoes, He sought to share EMPATHY & LOVE with you. You are never given more than you can handle...though you may often disagree. Everything happens for a reason and every problem has a GIFT.
2007-12-04 21:45:29 UTC
Belief in god is a sticky subject. I can tell you how I believe from my point of view. I know that there is something more. I have felt and seen angels..but I would believe even if i haven't...there are so many shows on TV, try watching some of the spiritual shows, does not have to be strictly christian. I know as far as science and god, the bible says he created earth in 7 days, but does it say the days where only 24 hours, no! It can be any length of time. As far as us being apes, the say now there is a lost creature which may be the creature we came from , primitive human. I will say this, no man on a pulpit has the right to tell you what you believe, you form your beliefs on your own after learning more. Please if you need to talk email me.

2007-12-04 21:14:41 UTC
There is alot of Science that proves that the Bible is right... I think you should research it!

Just try talking to God... if He is real He WILL answer you... but do it with some faith! You might not hear an audible voice but God speaks through many different ways... through the preacher, just speaks to your heart, sends someone to talk to you... just be open to it though!

I reccomend going to a church and talking to someone on the ministry team... I go to a United Pentecostal Church... i know that there are ppl that completely hate us and think of us as a cult but I can honestly say I have a relationship with God. Maybe you should look into it... I'm not trying to chive my religion at you but I'm so happy that I go to this church! They teach the Bible and don't water it down... and sometimes that's tough because we think we are doing right when we aren't but i'd rather be overly careful than not careful enough. What area do you live in btw? Not trying to stalk you lol but I might be able to find you a church!

I've looked at some of your other ??s and I can see that you are searching and that's the 1st step! I really think that's great because so many atheist are just set against and religion at all. I like that you are open to it!

I'm really going to pray for you and contact me if you need anything!!

BTW I know some pastors are rude... but that just means they aren't a true christian.... Jesus showed love to those who didn't believe and I hope I can do the same!!
2007-12-04 21:26:50 UTC
Df a, if you really mean what you say, you will So find Gods Love, Peace and all He promises. Because HE is drawing you*

You need to ask The Lord to Forgive you, and Repent. Ask Him to come into your Life and give you the Holy Spirit as He promised to do when Jesus ascended to Heaven*

And then get around your Christian friends ...tell them and they will be overjoyed, as they most likely would have been praying for you for a while now* and they will take you under their wing, frequent Church and learn from not just what they do, but Gods word, The Holy Bible*

May God bless you with being His Child this very day.

Prayfully, your Sister in Christ,

In His Love,


RT 66
2007-12-08 06:44:35 UTC
Your knowledge of science, just as with most of us, is incomplete, because most of us fail to put God into the calculation. I find it amazing that people can look at science and still deny God.

In order to have what we Christians have with God, the only thing one has to do is accept Christ as their personal Savior. Accept that He came down to this earth as the perfect sacrifice to atone for your sins and mine. Admit you are a sinner and can only receive salvation through the acceptance Jesus Christ. Drop on those knees and pray to God. Tell Him you know you are a sinner and that you want to accept His gift of salvation that He give only through His grace. Acknowledge that you know you don't deserve His grace and that you know that only a compassionate God would allow the sacrifice of His only Son for the likes of us. After you do all that, you get yourself into church...ask for guidance and God will let you know where you need to attend. This gives us time to fellowship with God and members of His Body. This atmosphere allows us to grow in knowledge and helps us build a closer relationship with Christ and The Father.

Most of us that are serious have what we call our "quiet time". That is, the first thing in the morning (after the potty trip, of course), we have time alone with God. We take His Word and we find a place that has no distractions. We pray, we read, we talk, we cry, we get close to God. It seems silly at first, but it works! Before you know it, God is there with you...every moment of the day. We may not know or understand what His plans are for us, but we accept the fact that our plans for God include keeping Him first and foremost in our lives...above husbands, kids, jobs, cars, everything.

Talk to some of those friends of yours. I'm certain they can show you the right path. It's a narrow on that we have to be careful not to stray from...but it is worth it. Think of the alternative!

The fact that you want it should be some kind of an indication that maybe there is something out there more than science...and you want it. Go for it! Take the plunge!
2007-12-04 21:51:54 UTC
If you come up with your own spiritual beliefs and moral code, it will help. It works with me. I believe that it is important to have a strong connection with the environment and the other living things all around us. There are several concepts that I also believe are imperative to comprehend to have better connectedness with the environment. First, I am very anti-anthropocentric. I do not believe that human lives are superior to those of other living things. Second, I understand that when I die, I will fully spread out into the world. My body will decompose, my many particles will diffuse into the soil or be released into the atmosphere, only to be absorbed by plants and then consumed by other animals. It will be a continuous cycle, with my body joining once more with the cycle of matter. Although I do not think that there is any "me" to live on eternally, I will, in a few short decades, be spread around the world in the systems of countless organisms. This conclusion, I believe has led me to such a connectedness with my environment. If you come up with a philosophy of your own that you follow, it will certainly help.
2007-12-04 21:14:45 UTC
You need to change your attitude. Notice, I did not say find God. You don't necessarily have to have religion in your life, you need to have a better way of handling issues in your life. Alot of times a persons response in a situation is the key to how the outcome of a situation will transpire. I will leave you with a small tip. Religion in itself is interpreted by many. Noone has the real answer. Science in itself is just the same. Both religion and science are based on speculation and left up for interpretation. Both religion and science are left up for debate because neither have clear and solid proof. In the end. It stems down to what you feel. Neither party has the right to sway you either way. Follow your own heart.
Free Thinker
2007-12-08 04:40:57 UTC
I don't often perceive a genuineness with a question like this but I looked back at your questions and answers and kind of do in this case. That being said. I will say that this walk as a Christian is not hard cold facts that there is no denying by the physical eye or the touch. It is simply a meeting with the heart of God. I was very much in your position several years ago, everything seemed to point away from God but my heart kept crying out that there is a God and I want to meet Him. One day I took a ride up into a mountain that overlooked the Spokane River in Washington, I sat on a rock by the edge and absorbed the majestic beauty, it was like I was breathing in the very essence of God, which is absolutely not something that can be scientifically explained-ever! I would go to this place often and at times just sit there and cry, it was sort of my unofficial meeting place with this God that I wanted but didn't know and didn't know how to get to know. Some time later I went with several friends who were in the Air Force with me to go water skiing off a little old ladies dock on Liberty Lake outside of Spokane. That lady was named Mildred Brereton, she was the most loving wonderful person in the whole world. I had never met someone who could take on a bunch of teenagers in a debating mode and love them into the presence of God. We threw all kinds of questions and sarcasm at her expecting her to get angry --- she didn't! she just loved us and gently answered us. I sat there silently as the others poked jabs with cutting comments at her and thought...What this lady's got, I WANT! I was most definately skeptical, I didn't want to go to her church or any other... I had been raised in a church that was so not fun to attend and I wasn't willing to do that again, but I wanted this God that was in her! Shortly after that I left the military and returned home, often thinking of my experiences in Spokane. I did attend church with my sister a few times and finally asked "How do you get to know this Jesus" she said just talk to him, ask Him into your heart. In my secluded room, with the lights off I just simply said Jesus I do believe in you, I want to live for you. I want you in my life. Jesus honored my request and now I have lived for Him for over 26 years. Through good times and bad, God has always been my constant companion. He has never let go of my hand! I have learned that science & the earth and sky do reveal God. I just simply had to see it through God's eyes.

My favorite scripture for this is :

Psalm19:1: The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.

Simplified version: The sky talks about how wonderful God is, the colors, the majesty, the awesomeness! The earth shows us the things He has done, we plant a seed but only God can make it grow.

Here are 2 websites that can help you see things from a different perspective scientifically.
2007-12-07 20:25:41 UTC
Friend, there is still a yearning in your heart to reconcile the relationship with Him. Simple as that. As for "Science" leading you away from God, I can say the exact opposite. It is science which pushed me towards seeing God's creative hand.

Now...I know you say the books are one sided. So is "Selfish Gene". By that, I mean, the authors set out to "discover"....but unlike Hawkins...he was not Christian and then became atheist, unlike Strobel, who was atheist and then became Christian. As for "one sided", yes, if I was to write a book that set out to show you why I believed God existed, then it would be one-sided. What...write a book that proves God's existance, but then have a lot of disclaimer chapters on why I may be wrong?

No...If I may, I would pray you continue to seek after God. I'm not saying this in a derogatory manner. I'm saying I really believe God is driving you to seek after Him, and I pray you continue to search for Him. There are more books, not by lawyers (strobel) but by Scientists as well. Perhaps books by scientists who have studied DNA, such as Francis Collins, the director of the Human Genome Project.

I'm willing to share more with you, as it was science that helped me reconcile my relationship with God.

† Travelling Prayer Warrior †
2007-12-06 00:00:37 UTC
first, check your knowledge of science and ask yourself a question : Who created this perfect system??? take your time to investigate the world around you. if you are really seeking to find the truth and you are thinking in a logical way, i'm sure your answer will be "it must be God".

if you are going to believe in this answer, then we can go to the next step.

second, you need to answer the questions : How to know God? How to be near him? How can i ask for his help? How to know if he is going to forgive me or not? and many other questions that i'm sure it is in the deep part of your mind.

you can find the answers in the religion. Religion is the right way to know God.

this takes us to another problem. which religion i should believe in (Judaism or Chrestianity or Islam)? this is a very important question, because the answer will determine if you are taking the right way or not. it is up to you to check the three ways, but let me give you a little hint. i recommend islam.

you will say: why? how can i be sure it is the right way?

i'll say there are many reasons that prove my recommendation, but lets take the simplest logical proof.

we have to admit that Judaism, Chrestianity, and Islam are the messages of God to human beings. islam is the last message. it sums up all the rules and gives the perfct way to God. islam is concerned with both the physical and spiritual parts of humans. it is concerned with your current life as well as the final life after death.

you can experiment this by yourself. try to compare the three religions and i'm sure you will find the truth.

if you are still hesitated and you feel that your scientific knowledge doesn't agree with that solution then search for "quran miracles" in the internet (Quran is our holy book) and check this site

if you agreed to take the islam as your choice, then you'll find it very easy to ask for God's help. just ask God from your deep heart to forgive you and support you with his help. don't be upset if your ask was not answered directly as soon as you finish. keep on asking many times, and be sure that God will not let you down. this is a fact that i experienced it myself. if you are in a trouble he will help you to overcome the situation either by giving you the strength or making others help you or by any means that you may not notice, but be sure that the situation will be resolved.

a very important thing in islam is that the relation between you and God is direct. there is no need for any proxy.

keep on asking and don't get bored. you will find alot of muslims to help you.

May God the most merciful show you the correct way
2007-12-04 21:17:01 UTC
Try Buddhism, in it's purest form it is totally compatible with Science. The Buddha basically taught that pain comes from desire, and offered meditation and other exercises to help strengthen the mind. you don't even have to believe in literal reincarnation, just that as one person dies another picks up the candle. Also Catholicism following the argument with Galileo doesn't pick fights with Science (except with abortion and contraception - but then that is a moral decision and doesn't contradict science). There's no evolution issue in the UK, no one believes in "possession" or the "Rapture" or that the world began in 4004, these are primitive versions of Christianity brought over to America by the radical pilgrim fathers and further refined in endless prairie towns. Perhaps a city with it's more educated population would suit you better
2007-12-04 21:04:14 UTC
Most people don't know, or would like to deny, that science and Christianity fit very nicely together. Go read the book "The Case for Christ" and check out These are two great resources that back up the bible with science and historical documents.

The Case for Christ is a book by Lee Strobel, who was an atheist who set out to prove Christianity wrong.

The Bethlehem Star website is based on a presentation and now a documentary made by a man named Rick Larson. He is an attorney who set out to disprove the bible, and started with the phenomena of the Star of Bethlehem. It's amazing stuff.

Really, check out these two resources. I couldn't deny it once I saw them. God bless!
Hello dOLL
2007-12-04 21:03:51 UTC
God is a powerful thing, he can help anyone in any situation. The things that have happened in my life cannot explain everything science can. I think science is gods tool in a way and we dont understand most of it. Its a how answer, not a why. To find God, find Christ first. read some small scriptures he has said from the internet for a start. thatll get you going, try to be a good person towards others in the name of Jesus. Youll start feeling fulfilled. But dont turn to him only for your problems, You must be willing to try to be decent as a christian and he will reward you always with help.
2007-12-04 21:02:15 UTC
What scientific fact discouraged you from being a Christian? As you become more knowledgeable about science, you should be becoming more knowledgeable that there has to be some higher power that made you exist! i mean, there is a chicken because there was an are here because someone also created you. When you have God to rely on, you will feel inner peace~ :)

Knowing that everything (even the bad) works as a part of a larger picture will give you reassurance and a sense of well being~

Plus, the biggest part of being a Christian is faith. Faith is believing something that you cannot see, touch, or prove. So, talk to your Christian friends. Seek guidance. Find peace~

Good luck!
2007-12-04 21:12:11 UTC
If you desire it, then it is yours. You seek and you will find - God will receive you with open arms.

I would recommend a church for some exposure, and being Christians, I would assume that they would have no problem speaking to you about your case.

E-mail me if you like.

P.S. I have am familiar with science and the many ways that are approached by using it. Do not feel like you will be giving up on science forever. I am a Christian who will possibly become a scientist one day.
2007-12-04 21:03:59 UTC
Science shouldn't prevent you from becoming a christian. Science only explains how not why, meaning we believe that God created science, and that science only shows how he made life and how everything works.

Remember God, is a father, someone to be loved not feared.

=) Non-hypocritical christians love everyone.. I think that's the nicest part.
2007-12-04 21:11:14 UTC
Its hard being an adult in a world full of children. But remember there are wonders that the children will never understand because they can't see past the make believe.

Remember placebos aren't a cure, and they can mask bigger problems.

You're not alone, sometimes life is hard, but you're not alone. You need to stop talking to Christians, and talk to some fellow atheists who are in the same boat as you, otherwise the grass will always appear greener. Even though its really not.
minnetta c
2007-12-07 21:11:04 UTC
My dear Precious Unhappy atheist, May I tell You that God Is dealing with You, and Knocking at Your Hearts Door? I remember when He did that to me many Years ago. And He Cannot come in unless you Open the door. He loves You very Much. You must believe that. I believe your Knowledge Of Science is a Wall that Satan Put up between You And God. It has kept you from God. But GOD can tear that wall down and use your Knowledge for Him and for good..............

First of all, May I tell You about God and How much He Loves You? GOD KNOWS YOUR NAME! God MADE everything, and GOD KNOWS Everything. He even Knows How Many Hairs are on Your Head. HE can count every Star Up In Space. HE Put every One in Its Place! God sees YOU when You go to Bed. He watches over You, Because He Never sleeps. When a sparrow falls To the Ground, God KNOWS! HE always Knows How You feel. > He understands when You are Sad, Mad, Glad, or Bad. He cares when you Feel embarrassed, scared, or excited. BEFORE God made the world, He knew About You. Before You were born He knew what would Happen every day of YOUR life! God Knows all about you and loves you, even when you do bad things. HE CALLS THESE THINGS SIN. Everyone who Sins must be Punished, But God loves us so much He did a wonderful thing. > He Sent His OWN SON, Jesus To Be Punished in our Place. NOW we can LIVE WITH GOD Forever in Heaven If we believe and accept God's Gift Of Jesus to Us. If you Believe these things in your Heart, Talk to GOD Right Now and say, " Dear God, thank You For loving me so much that you know all about me. I know I have done Bad things, and I'm sorry. Thank you for sending Jesus to take the Punishment For my Sin. Please COME INTO MY HEART AND HELP ME LOVE YOU MORE EVERY DAY. AMEN > " I am going to continue to Pray for you every day dear, while you walk with God. If you prayed that little prayer and meant it, YOU are now a CHILD OF GOD'S! He Has Just written YOUR name in His Book Of Life. "PRAISE YOU JESUS!"

<>Victorious Prayer Warrior<>
2007-12-04 21:07:41 UTC
There are times too, when I would like to believe something like god and the afterlife. I hate to think of those in my life who have gone before me as actually just dead, but I know that IS the reality. My brain keeps working and I'm grateful for that.

I know there is no god and I'm grateful for that too. I've seen what religion does for people - turns them into lying, hypocritical haters. You are better than that! Appreciate that your friends are happy, but be grateful for who you are too! You are not a sheep, you don't need to be led around for the rest of your life.
Servant Leader
2007-12-04 21:34:51 UTC
Dear Friend,

I am offering to help you escape these beliefs you have and find the "peace" that those Christians you mention have. My contact info will follow my reply.

Science is mankind's explanations, not God's truth... you are a victim of this tragedy that millions are dealing with. The world favors evolution over creation, which is exactly what we have all been forced into in the education arena of our education system. Your mind is "geared" into this way of thinking... and it appears that even you see something wrong here.

The answer is to overcome the world's lies by replacing it with God's truth and wisdom. Listen to what the Bible tells us about mankind's wisdom;


18 Let no one deceive himself. If anyone among you seems to be wise in this age, let him become a fool that he may become wise.

19 For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, “He catches the wise in their own craftiness" [deceitful],

20 And again, “The LORD knows the thoughts of the wise, that they are futile [useless].


You along with anyone else are welcomed to email me at with any questions or concerns regarding the bible, your salvation or eternal security.
2007-12-04 21:06:13 UTC
Is this a trick question for Chritians to answer?

Maybe the happiness you lack is because you're confused and I can understand why, science and religion combined will do that to you. Why not find happiness within your heart doing what you enjoy and put your religious or non-religious beliefs on the back burner for a minute? The answers will come when you stop harping on the happiness of others and find some for yourself.
2007-12-04 21:05:12 UTC
If you are honestly an athiest at heart and don't believe in God, simply acting won't help you one bit. You would have to find God and believe in Him before "benefiting" from knowing Him. He doesn't owe you anything, like to prove He exists. You must find the faith within yourself to believe in Him. Ask your Christian friends about Him and everything. They will be more than happy to guide you I am sure.
2007-12-04 21:09:50 UTC
I will be willing to have an email conversation with you.

My email is feel free to contact me.

You see, basically, christians get emotional support from ourselves. The bible says that the spirit of God is already inside of us. This can be interpreted in many ways. You just have to find your inner peace.

Please ignore the bashers on here telling you to ignore religion. Religion does not clash with science, Dogma does. Some cant seem to differentiate between the two.
2007-12-04 21:05:34 UTC
other wise you want a reminder here it is. living a lie.... the church proclaimed the world is flat and would even up to murder people to stop them from teaching the world is round... gravity is a law of nature, and the church would persecute and slander anyone who would study or teach it... evolution is a law of nature and look what the christians are doing to the ones telling the truth... human conscience is an evolution thing, christians don't understand the concept of conscience ... karma is a law of nature, practice it.. there are many laws of nature that help keep us healthy, mentally emotionally, spiritually and physically... if you need to be with other people be with others who enjoy your company, we are social animals... if you are down try doing something for someone else that is a karma thing other wise if you still want .to be like a christian go get a lobotomy...
2007-12-04 21:02:58 UTC
Science is not everything!! sure it explains alot and in some cases it contradicts certain interpretations of the bible. But you need to sit down in a quiet place and ask God to come to your rescue.He knows about you and your beleifs so if you ask him with a genuine will to change for the better,he will show you signs and give you faith,religion and God is all about faith not proof or fact,just faith,and that faith can take you a long way. Do this and you'll notice changes in your life. God is real,very real and God is everywhere.just seek Him
2007-12-04 21:00:59 UTC
Oh this is great buddy. You aren't alone & you don't have to rely on just yourself. There is a God that loves you! If these days only prove what God has done. After all God made can be a scientist & a Christian at the same time. They work together. This is your chance, and you are makin an absolute wonderful decision if you choose to live a life for God.

If you have any questions hit me up with an email =)
2007-12-04 21:11:51 UTC
Life itself is a miracle....

I guess I am not a very good standard Christian... I don't talk about it, or go to church. But I like to conduct myself in a way, that I can be held responsible... I don't pray either... only when I have hit exhaustion, and then "things" usually change miraculously .... so I know that something much greater than little me is out there......
2007-12-04 21:05:01 UTC
First thing... if you feel this way, stop calling yourself an Athiest... call yourself Agnostic for a start. You don't necessarily have to choose a religion, either. I believe in God, but I don't believe Jesus was his son. I don't believe in all the Adam and Eve, Ribs made out of dirt stories. I believe in God... in my eyes, there is nothing wrong with that.
2007-12-04 21:17:55 UTC
You can't do anything.

That's the point.

Stop trying, let yourself relax, quit fighting.

Seek God, and be open to the Science you believe in.

God also believes in Science (He created it).

He will introduce himself and show you how to work thorugh your problems.

It's really easy.

(PS - I was an atheist for years)
2007-12-04 21:25:38 UTC
stop blaming Him for all the crap thats happened in your life. tonight when you are all alone in your bedroom get on your knees and invite Him into your life. the problem with you is you think you know bettter than God, you think your research and knowledge of science proves He doesnt exist. you are dead wrong.
preyta rouse
2007-12-04 21:06:41 UTC
you alone will make your own destiny..people place faith in god because they do not want to take responsibility for their life and make things happen..

One thing to remember, if you tried one hundred percent, no one can fault you and god certainly can't help you...

Since God is part of our everyday culture and vernacular, it is only human to scream out God's name in an intense orgasm, or when we get hurt really badly and the pain is excruciating, or when we are poignantly surprised and OMIGOD really describes our mood accurately..Otherwise, the use of GOD is just a sham and people should take responsibility for their life and stop putting their faith into someithing that does not exist..or proven to have existed and I'm sorry, the BIBle is not a document i would trusts, given that MAN wrote it..
2007-12-04 21:07:29 UTC
Real science does not pander to the false assumptions & lies of evolution. Serious study of Biology, Astronomy, History, Geology, & Archeology, along with good common sense will point you in the right direction. If you seek God with all your heart , he will reveal himself to you. try it you will be pleasently surprised. I guarantee it. Come to Christ
2007-12-04 21:08:02 UTC
start your spiritual Journey my friend. the Bible (Jewish or Christian) is one way to start, the other is through symbolic Mythology.

As for the latter, there are already tons of them accumulated since Ancient times.


2007-12-04 22:22:49 UTC
Becoming a christian does not mean you leave your knowledge of science or common sense at the door. Knowing and walking with God as He reveals Himself through the bible in fact is fellowshipping with the one whose idea it was for science and all creation. It is a good idea to start with not looking at all the things done through history by people who claim to walk with God but have done imoral, cruel and inhumane things to people in the name of God. We cant use other peoples wrongs/sin to tell ourselves God doesnt exist. We will all stand responsible to God for our own sin ,there will be no excuses.

in a nutshell, God did create us as well as all life and with that gave us freewill. The ten commandments (the law) were never meant to be a means of salvation but rather a list of standards (rather high) to show us that we truely cannot be good enough to earn salvation. kinda like driving on a highway before any speed limit laws, you dont know if you are breaking a law till the sign is posted .

Missing that mark(perfect) is sin. i know we think its just the rapist and the murderer but frankly it is anything below that mark. So where is the whole Jesus on the cross rising back to life thing come in ?? Well say you are sentenced for a crime and made to pay 10,000,000 or you do life in jail. Jesus giving His life on the cross is like if someone came and said "let him go, i will pay it all for him". we cant be good enough for salvation, just like we couldtnt be "good enough" and make the judge let us off the hook thats why such a good and loving God did it for us.

We are all created in the image and likeness of God that means when this body dies, our soul will continue to live forever.(a mind blowing thought ) God says he wills every man(woman) to be saved but then we have that freewill thing he gave us and He wont violate that. So yep theres only one of two places for your soul to go, with God (which is what He would prefer) or hades/hell. God never intended for anyone to go to hell, it was created for satan and his angels(dont think satan is real?? look around) God has done backflips for us so we dont have to go there.

The peace you get from knowing and walking with God goes far far beyond just "praying" to him to get support. It is living with the understanding that no, we cannot do it all alone and He doesnt want us to. He will ,if we let him, guide us and speak to our hearts and give us the strenth to live a life He would have for us. He really only has the best for us. Adversity? trials ? problems? we will continue to have all of them untill the day we go to our real home in heaven with Him but He gives us alot of promises in the bible and one i have seen in my life is that he will work everything for good to those who love him. I mean if He is truely God and it all is real then why would we not want to walk with Him??

This is not religion but relationship. if you want to know Him , ask him to come and make you brand new, tell Him you want to know Him, and to walk with Him, and then start. here is your chance
2007-12-04 21:33:38 UTC
God is a heart God he knows your and not the one that pumps blood. say this in your mine. God I want to believe in you help me. if you are real ( i know he is) let me fell what thy

fell. let me believe like thy do.Thank you Father. then let me

know how it went.ok becaues there is a God and he Loves you.I don't care what science said. we know
~ Pussycat Doll In Training ~
2007-12-04 21:02:13 UTC
just try and suspend your disbelief for a period of time and see what happens. at my church we aknowledge we all have doubts about God... we are told to pray "God I believe, help me with my disbelief."

Someone or something is tugging at your heart, follow it, what is the worst that could happen? Science is an invention of man, faith is a decision of man. Neither are perfect.
2007-12-04 21:08:30 UTC
You are a troll. An atheist would use proper capitalization and better grammar.
2007-12-04 20:59:49 UTC
faith is not a feeling....ever.

maybe u should try reading "Case for a Creator" by Lee Strobel. As an Atheist he approaches God from a scientific viewpoint.
2007-12-04 21:02:04 UTC
God's probably telling you that you should turn to Him

well, if your KNOWLEDGE of science hasnt made you happy , then turn to God. He created science and it ALL proves that He's real :) but unfortunately false knowledge has confused people :( He's really great, He loves you

email me if you want to know how to choose God :)
Bye for now...
2007-12-04 21:05:31 UTC
Have you tried the Easter Bunny?

He's a lot like God, in that he's also imaginary, but, and here's the great part, he's furry!

And that is so comforting...
2007-12-04 21:04:05 UTC
Lobotomize yourself? Honestly, if you can't believe you can't believe. Try reading some stuff, but it's not likely to happen. Maybe get a therapist, they can help you with what you're going through.
2007-12-04 21:03:16 UTC
Grow up and be a man/woman/whatever. You know Magic-man not to exist and you don't need him. See a therapist if you need to, but come on, that's a ridiculous reason to become religious.

Actually, yeah, you definitely need professional help.
2007-12-04 21:16:45 UTC
Don't worry, God will bring u to him, he will protect you, have faith in him, watch this whole video, hopes it help :)
2007-12-04 21:10:28 UTC
Worst troll ever.
2007-12-04 21:00:28 UTC
>Try being honest with yourself, become someone you can trust and then you can trust yourself to give you the support (and good advice) that you need.<
Yvonne B
2007-12-04 21:03:31 UTC
Go seek some councling. Um ya thats what I would do. I hoped I helped a lot for dude.
2007-12-04 21:01:29 UTC
go to church and admit that you are a sinner

God loves you no matter what you do

and he will always forgive you!

but DONT take it for granted

the Lord will punish you

good luck!

im glad that you would like to change :]
ʌ_ʍ ʍ
2007-12-04 21:10:25 UTC
i dont know why i didnt read this earlier... good "pointS"
Adam S.
2007-12-04 21:00:43 UTC
they pray to god and have a superficial and trivial thought that brings them to peace. well you should have the peace of mind where you can face your problems face to face without having the excuse of just letting it go. god is their scapegoat and it makes people weaker when they have that medium to use as a guide. you reach a new level of thought when you can positively confront your problems and heal yourself.

no offense to Christians cause they are good people.


are you people blind...there is no harmony between science and religion. there is no symbiosis between the two.

I cannot believe the crap you guys believe.


I understand your depression but you need to enjoy your time here. it will make your decision making skills better, and more appriciative toward life.

these people who say sciences and god are alike probably hears it from a priest or pasture. it's complete popycock
2007-12-04 21:03:49 UTC
Have you considered Buddhism?
Dr. R PhD in Revolution
2007-12-04 21:03:43 UTC
believing in an imaginary skyman won't make you happier. choose to be happy and don't be a weakminded fool. they are probably more unhappy then you.
2007-12-04 21:00:24 UTC
Become an agnostic. Agnostic pagans are the new middle aged bikers of the religious crowd. You can get jackets and grow a beard too if you like!
2007-12-04 21:00:04 UTC
Come on! Be proud of who you are. Remember that you shouldn't force yourself to be something your not just becaus eof how it affects other people. You don't have to rely on yourself! I'm sure you have plenty of friends to talk to.
2007-12-04 20:59:53 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.