first, check your knowledge of science and ask yourself a question : Who created this perfect system??? take your time to investigate the world around you. if you are really seeking to find the truth and you are thinking in a logical way, i'm sure your answer will be "it must be God".
if you are going to believe in this answer, then we can go to the next step.
second, you need to answer the questions : How to know God? How to be near him? How can i ask for his help? How to know if he is going to forgive me or not? and many other questions that i'm sure it is in the deep part of your mind.
you can find the answers in the religion. Religion is the right way to know God.
this takes us to another problem. which religion i should believe in (Judaism or Chrestianity or Islam)? this is a very important question, because the answer will determine if you are taking the right way or not. it is up to you to check the three ways, but let me give you a little hint. i recommend islam.
you will say: why? how can i be sure it is the right way?
i'll say there are many reasons that prove my recommendation, but lets take the simplest logical proof.
we have to admit that Judaism, Chrestianity, and Islam are the messages of God to human beings. islam is the last message. it sums up all the rules and gives the perfct way to God. islam is concerned with both the physical and spiritual parts of humans. it is concerned with your current life as well as the final life after death.
you can experiment this by yourself. try to compare the three religions and i'm sure you will find the truth.
if you are still hesitated and you feel that your scientific knowledge doesn't agree with that solution then search for "quran miracles" in the internet (Quran is our holy book) and check this site
if you agreed to take the islam as your choice, then you'll find it very easy to ask for God's help. just ask God from your deep heart to forgive you and support you with his help. don't be upset if your ask was not answered directly as soon as you finish. keep on asking many times, and be sure that God will not let you down. this is a fact that i experienced it myself. if you are in a trouble he will help you to overcome the situation either by giving you the strength or making others help you or by any means that you may not notice, but be sure that the situation will be resolved.
a very important thing in islam is that the relation between you and God is direct. there is no need for any proxy.
keep on asking and don't get bored. you will find alot of muslims to help you.
May God the most merciful show you the correct way