This subject I know nothing about, but if 4 million plus and plus as to mankind, and 42,000 is not enough back then, then what is, and the same applies to petroleum?
I am not into the above time, but the below time where diamonds and petroleum already is:
So how long does the cherub angel anointed over Eden last with all his iniquity, Eze.28:13-15; as a ventriloquist using a serpent to fool or decieve Eve, who knew true facts, Gen.3:1-5, angels do not die, she will if she touches the center tree, Job 2:1-6, Job knew what to do, Isa.14:12-14; Lucifer is day star [ Job 38:4-7, 30-32 ], all angels are called morning stars and Sons of God, compared to Satan is Babylon to ends Judah kings, year 3460, Matt.1:1-17, 14 generations before Christ [[ 606 BCE, now at 2009 CE, that was 2615 years ago, of the 2670 given to first resurrected with Jesus at 2nd coming as there will be no king until Jesus at 2nd coming with his, Rev.20:1-6 ]]. Jesus age 30 to 33 1/2 faces Satan, Matt.4:1-11, Luke 22:2, 23:46; 2Cor.4:3,4; 11:14; 1Pet.5:8: Rev.12:3,4,6-11,12 Satan, serpent, Dragon, Devil, accuser, John 8:44; Murderer & liar, & 1/3 enemies are underfeet of Jesus, Heb.1:1-13 [ 95 years ago, by Michael, Dan.12:1-9 ], for firstfruits first resurrected redeemed from earth when enenmies down, are with Jesus at 2nd coming at end of 6,130 years from Eden, Rev.20:1-6, no Satan 1000 years, Jesus to give life, 1Cor.15:26, Rev. 20:12,13; and destroy the Devil that has power over death, Heb.2: 9,14; he gave his word on it, Heb.9:14-17, after 1000 years, Rev.20:7-`0, no Satan or any like him, The Lord and Savior has saved the John 3:16, world.