How to permanently remove homeless man from outside our Church?
2017-08-22 13:01:54 UTC
He usually sits outside the church gate though there is various litter inside the gate that i suspect him of doing.

He harasses our congregation all the time asking for donations and these are mostly elderly women he is trying to scam. He probably buys alcohol but ive never seen him drinking,

I told him before to leave us alone and no one wants him there, i even discussed it with the pastor who agrees with me that the homeless man is a nuisance but has not done anything to keep his congregation safe.

I have phoned the police and had him arrested for vagrancy but he still comes back.
He must think we are soft targets because we worship and he is trying to exploit us but we need a permanent solution so he never comes back?
32 answers:
the internet
2017-08-22 13:36:20 UTC
Put him inside the church?

and maybe nail him to a big stick?
Steve B
2017-08-23 20:44:52 UTC
Do the Christian thing.

Build him a small home and give him enough money to get on his feet.
2017-08-23 17:24:35 UTC
Anon, perhaps you are fooling a few poster here, but you do not fool me. I knew when I saw the part about alcohol that it was you again and this story is a made bullsheit as most of your posts are.
2017-08-23 11:15:26 UTC
Give him a home. How sad, he probably went to a Christless eternity. Were you praying for him, Did you take him meals? In one question : What Christian love did you and the members of your church show this man? You realise that Jesus died on the cross for this man!
2017-08-23 00:13:31 UTC
Typical Christian! i hope there is a God and he treats you the same at the gates of heaven.
2017-08-22 17:24:52 UTC
Think about Jesus could you see him being harsh and unloving? Find a shelter for him and help him see from the Bible that a God will make this a better world. (Isaiah 65:21-23)
2017-08-22 17:12:17 UTC
Since you don't care to help, then lure him into a van and drive him out into the country and dump him.
2017-08-22 14:31:57 UTC
Your church should help the man. Honestly I think you are an atheist trying to make the Church look bad. Shame on you!
2017-08-22 13:48:01 UTC
As you are speaking for a church, may I suggest trying some Christian Charity of which you preach. Who knows you might just find a troubled soul amongst the flock.
2017-08-22 13:08:38 UTC
You've been asking this question for months, possibly years. If you're gonna be a troll, at least try something original for a change.
2017-08-22 13:06:09 UTC
Is this your idea of showing the love of Jesus?
2017-08-23 21:36:46 UTC
And you call yourself a Christian? Jesus said blessed are the poor for their's the kingdom of heaven. Reminds me of the story of the poor man in Abraham's Bosom and the rich man that well to hell. Be very careful what you do or say you sound like the rich man.
2017-08-23 18:23:05 UTC
Tell him that if he comes into church for the services, the congregation will take up donations for him.
2017-08-23 09:18:46 UTC
Typical christian attitude
2017-08-23 06:28:03 UTC
I hope you don't claim to be "Good Christian" because if you are, then try to help him instead of moving him. Maybe some emergency accommodation and food might be more charitable.
2017-08-22 23:27:39 UTC
As an atheist, I thought it was the churches that were supposed to be the kind thoughtful dudes, appears not to be the case. Religion has not moved on since the early days of the Catholic poopes loping off heads. Oh for religion, the brainwashing continues, why don't people just don't are up, it is just man made cr-ap.
2017-08-22 18:41:09 UTC
Oh wow! What would Jesus do...would he call the police? To get him removed...what like a stain, a germ. How your church can call itself Christian, beats me.

What about The Good Samaritan...what someone does for one of my flick, Dr does to me.

Ever heard of any of these fables?

I'm so disgusted and I'm nvidia atheist.

We found a homeless man in our garden. We took him in..let him bathe...have him clothes and a bed for the night.

Who do you think should go to lot or my family?

Gary B
2017-08-22 17:23:59 UTC
Use the Church Bus to take him to the Local Salvation Army center.

You do him a Christian favor by driving him there, and Salvation Army will do the rest.
2017-08-22 15:15:29 UTC
I cannot believe some here actually believed that story.
2017-08-22 15:01:06 UTC
He might be Jesus, in disguise,

there to measure your soul.



John Popelish
2017-08-22 14:52:39 UTC
Put that man to work invite him to start mowing the yard and painting the church and put him to work with your church members doing real work you will find out if the man is a scammer or if the man wants to do better if he's a scammer he will move on once you start putting him to work if he is a person who genuinely needs help he will do the work clean himself up put on better clothes and changes Act
2017-08-22 14:34:26 UTC
Please bear in mind that even if this homeless man is a "nuisance" to you and the congregation, this situation could happen to anyone of us. Unless word had gone around town that this person was seen in bars or whatever with money he panhandled for wrong purposes, in reality nobody knows ANYTHING about this person. Remember the story of Lazarus in the bible. There was cripple at the gate who was in a similar situation maybe, and waited to see if this rich man would help him. He didn't. AS a result he ended up in hell, and the crippled homeless man at the gate was in Heaven. This is a good story to remember, for if you and your congregation is coldhearted, including the pastor who is supposed to be a man of God, God will deal with that accordingly.
2017-08-22 14:23:46 UTC
If he is on public property and there is no vagrancy law, there is nothing you can do.
2017-08-22 13:59:40 UTC
Wow, follow the commands of Jesus much? Help your fellow man those who are poor and in need. You assume he is a drinker but never see him why assume he is a drinker. Why doesn't your church take an active interest in helping him, preaching to him, etc....could turn his life around.
2017-08-22 13:36:55 UTC
Cool Dude
2017-08-22 13:15:29 UTC
You give true Christianity a bad name.
2017-08-22 13:09:12 UTC
troll much?
2017-08-22 13:06:13 UTC
Dude, leave the poor homeless man alone! He is asking donations because he has nothing. No food. No home. No family. No shelter. He is not the nuisance. He is a person. A human being. Don't treat him like trash like this.

Ignore him if you don't like him.
the re - chosen one
2017-08-22 13:05:16 UTC
Blast him with Yoko Ono music cranked to volume 10. He will flee the area in a matter of minutes.
2017-08-22 13:04:58 UTC
nice story nice troll. thanks for ruining christian lives with us.

2017-08-23 15:17:09 UTC
This is an obvious Troll question. You know better then this!
2017-08-22 17:41:35 UTC
Invite him inside to hear the word of God for himself. God is the one who can change people. I do not sense any Christian love or compassion coming from this question.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.