2009-08-08 20:54:53 UTC
I didn't understand what was being said to me in its entirety nor do I remember it all clearly
Secondly --- this was a dream .... and before you ask no drugs were involved
Third --- the body of the dream as best I am able
Thought -- is the quantum particle defined by a series of zero's and ones 0 , 1
Thought is not a a quantum particle necessarily however all quantum particles are thoughts
The governing mechanism of the thoughts are the organism which thinks them energy defines the shape of matter and energy is defined by the quantum particles and thought make the determination of the nature of the particle the questions asked are governed by the organism and so the question as such becomes more important than the answer which is summed by a 0 , 1 equation
A spiraling coil of copper was shown to me --- the kind that twists as if it had been wound around a pole or other such shape
This represents the movement of thoughts and creates accordingly a parallel force
Equation --- if 0 is chosen then 1 represents the alternate path and creates a mirror image of realitly as it could have been
8 therefore equals 13 --- as a pyramid is built for instance
Draw out in blocks 1 , 1 , 2 , 3 ,5 , 8 ,13
Coresponding numbers represent the stair case up the same pyramid --- if 13 blocks are laid 8 steps will be taken ( the golden ratio which governs growth)
The parrall of a phisical building happens in thoughts as well which are quantum particles representing the thoughts which are creation itself
Thus it is that the nature of reality can be manipulated by holding the thought patterns and emotional intent of the origninal question asked and changing the value from 1 to zero or the reverse as the case may be
Emotional intent was displayed in the dream using a puppy
Emotional intent and thought being the sole determination of reality at the given choice of the set question as defined by the organisim which generated the energy fields to allow the question to take place
The merging of consiosness somehow is linked to this which allowed for the soul or the mind of a person to take up a singularity of position ( oh my but it is fuzzy and I felt like I almost understood it in the dream )
The question which may or did or could have occurred throughout the space time continuum of the organism can be thus plucked and re - thought -dependent upon the emotional intent matching the preexisting conditions of the question itself -- you may at any time shift from the 13 to the 8 of any given equation and thus change for instance matter
The organism is hereby defined as the energy patterns of the whole (universe) which is in itself is consciousness and in a state of flux.
The nature of reality therefore is changeable but governed by parameters that themselves are in flux as a response to the thoughts or the zero one equation
This was somehow likened to the growth of a plant -(yes a run of the mill house plant or cash crop plant ) --- I was more than lost at this point
1) What the hell ?
2) Has anyone else had a lecture series dream of the nature of the universe and just not understood the lecture ?
3) Is any --- some -- most --- or none of the above --- accurate , close to accurate or just plain old fashioned rubbish ?
4) The municipal nut house for the reality challenged is located 2 Km away --- should I be surrendering myself now ?