I need Advice please help god death & cancer why?
2009-03-13 12:49:34 UTC
i need to hear something honest, something comforting.

one thing i don't understand AT ALL is why God chooses to take good people away from us ... if he is so controlling and knows all and never wants harm to his people then why does he allow people to die of cancer? My grandfather passed away 4 years ago because his lung cancer had came back after 13 years ... it had progressed to the final stage of cancer within one year ... it makes no sense to me why God would number one put someone in the pain of having cancer and number two cause everyone else that is family or friends etc. to suffer too. i've hurt almost the worst, besides my grandma, compared to anyone else because i dont understand ... take away money but don't take away family because of stupid cancer!!
Fourteen answers:
2009-03-13 13:44:48 UTC
I am sorry for the pain you are feeling. Just about everyone here has gone through the same thing; maybe you will be comforted by that.

I lost my favorite grandmother when I was 13. She was the only person I have ever met in my life that comes close to being perfect. I know that sounds strange, but I had only once seen her get angry - that was at the way the adults at her house were arguing over something she saw as unimportant. Never once did she swear. Never spanked her grand-kids. Never even gave us a harsh look. Soft spoken. Lots of hugs and loving smiles. Asked us what WE wanted to eat for dinner... on and on. The perfect grandma.

When she died, I was numb. I didn't cry for almost six months. Then I was inconsolable. I was robbed of her at such a young age. Old enough to appreciate her and young enough to feel as though I needed her or my life would be permanently dented. Why did the best person I knew leave already? It just wasn't fair.

That was years ago. I still miss her, wish she got to know my kids and sometimes I imagine her there at Christmas and Easter. But it was her time to go. We aren't guaranteed any specific time on this earth. It is human to feel sorrow and pain, and God is right there to comfort us if we let Him. He understands completely because He watched as His son was crucified. So He has been in your shoes - right where you are standing at this moment.

My chest is aching and my nose is stinging because I am feeling with you right now. I will pray for your comfort and that you find rest in Him. Please run to Him, not away from Him.
2009-03-13 13:12:28 UTC
Why I am very sorry for your lost. I know it is painful I went thru the same thing two years ago. If you a truly looking for an answer I don't think this is the forum to use.

Just keep in mind God is a loving God. He did not cause your Grandfather to died to cause pain to you or anyone else. Look at the over side of the story. Your Grandfather is with God enjoying everything. Free free to Email
Trey J
2009-03-13 12:58:21 UTC
everyone has to die, you must know that no one lives forever rite? honey this post sounds more selfish of u than GOD, how do u know your grandfather wasnt ready to go be with GOd? How did he get lung cancer? did he smoke? if so, then why would GOd magically heal him. He told us not to defile our bodies and we go rite ahead do what we want to do anyway... then expect GOd to be the fix all... I know this may be hard to hear but your grandfathers spirit which was in him belonged to GOd , he let you and others borrow it for a short while, but when he calls it home, that is it, that is one appointment we cant change. Sorry
2009-03-13 12:54:21 UTC
Existence is bigger than us. God does not sit up there every day with a checklist of people to kill, people to maim, people to get sick. he's running an entire universe, and the universe has many complex suystems within it. You grandfather's cancer is a part of that system. He died because cells mutated, not because God was being a jerk.

Yes, it was painful for him and painful for you. But the reality is pain is a part of life. If God created a utopia for us, what would be the point? Why would we learn anything, since everything is provided for us? Struggle and pain are part of what makes us what we are.
2009-03-13 12:57:56 UTC
Things happen in life that we dont understand but its not Gods fault. He loves us and you can call on Him instead of blaming Him and He will bring you comfort. Sorry to hear about your grandpa.Acts2:38
2009-03-13 13:56:56 UTC
All people die because all people have broken God's Perfect Law(s). It is written "For the wages of sin is death..." and " it is appointed unto man once to die and after this, JUDGEMENT!"

The question you should be asking is, How can God allow anyone to keep living? We all sin and do so repeatedly. How merciful He is to allow us not to be dropped into Hell this very moment!

But God IS GOOD! While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. He had to punish our sin, so his Perfect Son "bore our sins in his own body on the tree....JESUS CHRIST took the payment for your and my sins upon himself. He satisfied God wrath against sin and died. But three days later, The spirit of God raised up Jesus Christ from the dead! He did not allow his holy one to undergo decay!

Now anyone who believes this has everlasting life, but " he that believes not is condemmed already because He has not believed in the name of the only begotten son of God

... but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

He promised, "In this world you will face tribulation, but take courage: I have overcome the world."

Who can know the mind of God? Who can question His ways?
Jessica Deanna
2009-03-13 12:57:53 UTC
Having all these diseases like cancer or aids is all a part of life living

and dying
Frank L
2009-03-13 12:57:20 UTC
stop, this is one of the worst things you can do. people die, its not fair or right but it happens, just be glad they had the chance to live. don't blame it on god. Did Your grandpa ask why me?
2009-03-13 12:56:48 UTC
honesty is not is cold and heart-breaking, it does not care about a person's feelings

WHO is truely ready for the truth, for honesty

people are never comforted by truth......they are comforted by lies, and the sugar coating that is atop the truth that twists the truth ever so slightly so that the sting is no longer there
Life is Good
2009-03-13 12:53:24 UTC
Cancer is one of God's creations
2009-03-13 12:54:06 UTC
It is Gods plan and he knows what is best for us. If he didn't want something to happen, he would do something about it to make it stop.
2009-03-13 12:56:04 UTC
the devil made this world, and we humans were an slave race experiment and it turned out great for him
2009-03-13 12:56:17 UTC
To answer this question you have to understand why we are in the situation we are in today. How did suffering get started? Examination of the causes focuses attention on our first human parents, Adam and Eve. Jehovah God created them perfect and put them in paradise surroundings. If they had obeyed God, they would never have got sick or died. They could have enjoyed perfect human life forever. Suffering was not part of Jehovah’s purpose for mankind. But Jehovah clearly told Adam that continued enjoyment of what He had given them depended on obedience. Obviously, they had to breathe, eat, drink, and sleep in order to continue living. And they had to keep God’s moral requirements in order to enjoy life fully and to be favored with such life forever. But they chose to go their own way, to set their own standards of good and bad, and thus they turned away from God, the Life-Giver. (Gen. 2:16, 17; 3:1-6) Sin led to death. It was as sinners that Adam and Eve produced children, and they could not pass on to their children what they no longer had. All were born in sin, with inclinations toward wrongdoing, weaknesses that could lead to illness, a sinful inheritance that would eventually result in death. Because everyone on earth today was born in sin, all of us experience suffering in various ways.—Gen. 8:21; Rom. 5:12.

Ecclesiastes 9:11 says that “time and unforeseen occurrence” also have a bearing on what happens to us. We may get hurt, not because the Devil directly causes it or because any human does it, but because by chance we are in a place at the wrong moment.

Why does God not do something to bring relief to mankind? Why should we all suffer for something that Adam did?

In the Bible, God tells us how we can avoid much suffering. He has provided the very best counsel on living. When applied, this fills our lives with meaning, results in happy family life, brings us into close association with people who really love one another, and safeguards us against practices that can bring much needless physical suffering. If we ignore that help, is it fair to blame God for the trouble that we bring upon ourselves and others?—2 Tim. 3:16, 17; Ps. 119:97-105.

Jehovah has made provision to end all suffering. He created the first human pair perfect, and he lovingly made every provision so that life would be pleasant for them. When they deliberately turned their backs on God, was God obligated to intervene so as to shield their children from the effects of what the parents had done? (Deut. 32:4, 5; Job 14:4) As we well know, married couples may have the joys that go with producing children, but they also have responsibilities. The attitudes and actions of parents affect their children. Nevertheless, Jehovah, as an expression of marvelous undeserved kindness, sent his own dearly loved Son to earth to lay down his life as a ransom, to provide relief for those of Adam’s offspring who would appreciatively exercise faith in this provision. (John 3:16) As a result, the opportunity is open to people living today to have what Adam lost—perfect human life, free from suffering, in a paradise earth. What a generous provision that is!

See also pages 306-308, under “Ransom.”

But why would a God of love allow the suffering to continue so long?

Have we benefited because he has allowed it until now? “Jehovah is not slow respecting his promise, as some people consider slowness, but he is patient with you because he does not desire any to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance.” (2 Pet. 3:9) If God had immediately executed Adam and Eve, following their sin, none of us would be in existence today. Surely that is not what we would want. Moreover, had God at some later time destroyed all who were sinners, we would not have been born. The fact that God has allowed this sinful world to exist until now has afforded us the opportunity to be alive and learn his ways, to make needed changes in our lives, and to avail ourselves of his loving provisions for eternal life. That Jehovah has granted us this opportunity is an evidence of great love on his part. The Bible shows that God has a set time to destroy this wicked system and will do so soon.—Hab. 2:3; Zeph. 1:14.

God can and will undo all the harm that may come upon his servants in this system of things. God is not the one who is causing the suffering. But by means of Jesus Christ, God will raise the dead, heal obedient ones of all their illnesses, root out every trace of sin, and even cause former grief to fade from our minds.—John 5:28, 29; Rev. 21:4; Isa. 65:17.

The time that has elapsed has been needed to settle the issues that were raised in Eden. For details, see pages 363, 364, also 428-430.

We personally are anxious to have relief. But when God takes action, it must be in behalf of all who love what is right, not just a few. God is not partial.—Acts 10:34.

To illustrate: Is it not true that a loving parent may allow a child to undergo a painful
2009-03-13 12:53:57 UTC
If you believe this (and I must assume you do) you misunderstand who God is.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.