DNA is an ordered system that formed because of an influx of energy. Your error is in assuming that it takes intelligence to create order, generally supported by a complete misunderstanding of the Second Law of Thermodynamics.
DNA became an ordered system because there was an influx of energy that was able to do useful work at the molecular level -- it's called sunlight.
You make the further logical error of assuming at the beginning what it is you want to show at the end. This is logically invalid. You never stop to consider that perhaps there IS another explanation. You have your one explanation and have no wish or interest in exploring other explanations, rendering your view on the whole point rather... moot.
When a crystal solidifies, its matrix can contain impurities that essentially encode information about its environment while it crystalized. Where a silicon atom should have been, a carbon atom is found instead. This shows that it was in a mixed environment.
Do you intend to assert in some way that crystals are put together molecule by molecule by God?
Further, you again assume your way is the only right way, and show yourself clearly uninterested in genuine answers.
DNA behaves in the way it does, coding as it does, for one reason -- fundamental laws of physics, specifically those involved in atomic and molecular formation. It didn't take an intelligence to 'code' DNA because DNA is not technically a code at all. It's just a bunch of molecules interacting in an ordered way that gives the illusion of information.
Of course, you're now going to reject this entirely, or, if you're a little smarter, ask me where those fundamental laws came from, and commit the same logical error you started with alllllll over again.
I'm just going to sit back and enjoy a good laugh at your expense.
Sooooo... are you ever going to get around to proving that in fact DNA is a code or message?
Because, you know, I took coding theory as part of my degree in computer science and we specifically looked at that claim. There's not one bit of evidence to support any assertion that it is in fact a message.
See, I keep seeing you saying DNA must have been designed, but you never say WHY. You say, "It is a message, so it must be designed." Okay, prove it's a message and you have a point. Care to explain in what mathematical way it's a message?
Do you even know, in a mathematical context or computational context, what a message even is?
Very good, you do at least know the definition of a message.
In order to have a message, you must have two actors.
Would you kindly identify the actors in your claim that DNA is a message?
Whom is sending it and whom is receiving it?
Well, we all knew you were done, you had a closed mind from the very beginning.
You might wanna open that door once in a while. It's a beautiful and spectacular world out there, but only to an open mind.
OM NOM NOM® Z'wut I du :
Um, no, I'm an atheist, thanks though.