5. Martin Luther King was awarded with the Nobel Prize
6. The two Kennedys (John & Robert)
7. The Cuban revolution
8. The flower revolution.
9. Vaclav Havel
10. The spring of Praga
11. May 1968, France
12. Vietnam defeated the US
13. The man on the moon
14. "One Hundread Years of Solitude," by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
15. Che Guevara becomes a myth
2006-08-24 11:46:50 UTC
The 1960's were a building on a general dissatisfaction with the "normal" life of the 1950's. My mother once told me that if you remembered the 1960's, you really were not there. Everything was everything. People had opinions that didn't always kowtow to the norm. Being different mattered. More than anything, the 1960's gave us the idea that the revolution doesn't begin with masses, it begins with you.
The idea wa good but the results were not lasting. Man can obtain and attain the Moon, but He has no ability to maintain anything with out God.
It was a colorful time or era, it may come to be know as, but did it really acheive the dream of the pushers of the mind altering drugs? Tim Leary was deceived into believeing he could make a difference. He did send a lot of minds to outter space, but forgot to remember gravity. all that goes up MUST come down.
Jesus is the only way to trip forever.
2006-08-24 11:43:40 UTC
It gaves us some iconic figures. Like Andy Warhol and Twiggy.
It gave us Lsd and other drugs. It gave us Jimi Hendrixs and The Beetles. It gave us hippies and John Lennon. They gave us Yoko ono.
A few other things The 60's gave us:
Sonny and Cher
Platform Shoes
The Twist
Love Beads
Mood Rings
Tie Dye T-shirts
Bouffant Hairdo
Fallout Shelters
Smiley faces
Go-Go boots
Granny Glasses
Lava Lamps
Ouija Boards
sharon B
2006-08-24 11:42:18 UTC
THE 1960s GAVE THE WORLD meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
2006-08-24 11:44:47 UTC
A lot of mess. It was a time of 'free' love and promiscuity and the explosion in STD's, a time of the rise of drug use, an extraordinarily amazing musical period and the start of the disintegration of class consciousness in the UK. It was a time of great imagination and freedom of spirit. A time of draft dodgers and pot heads like Billy Clinton. It has resulted in less respect for society and people, more illegitimate births and the decline in morals, the advent of the AIDS epidemic and the rise of liberal values. The negatives most probably outweigh the positives.
2006-08-24 11:36:49 UTC
Some great freaking music! Jefferson Airplane, Janis Joplin, Cream, Jimi Hendrix, the list goes on.
2006-08-24 12:00:02 UTC
urmm, it is said if you can remember the sixties, you weren't there. i think i was born before that, but then .....something, something and then, ummm. well all i know for sure is that the sixties marked the end of innocence for america. it started with a bang, a shot heard 'round the world as it echoed through the streets of dallas one bright november afternoon, a horrible conspiracy of terror that was not soon to end. then they shot the preacher who had a great dream, and jacks brother bobby. and while we sang songs of peace, and the whole world watched, four dead in ohio. and i won't ever forget our brother bound and gagged in a courtroom, a generation on trial.
2006-08-24 11:40:47 UTC
New social mores that have escalated to the point of societal bedlam in 2006. People are uncivilized self indulgent slugs. Not everyone of course but a big majority.
2006-08-24 11:40:06 UTC
Well let's see it set us free from sexual constraints so we could really mess up our lives.
It also gave us a Spiritual awakening that still reverberates today. I think cause so many of the messed up people could still see where they had come from and wondered if there was a way to get back the innocence and goodness.
2006-08-24 11:49:26 UTC
It provided an environment from which we realized we could question everything we had been taught, and re-evaluate our beliefs. Sadly, this lesson has been lost on too many people since then. It allowed us to expand, explode, and eliminate boundries, which the powers-that-be and defenders of the status quo have been struggling to reimpose ever since.
2006-08-24 11:38:16 UTC
The 60's gave the world ME!!! I didn't do much of anything then, as I was too young. Now I am doing the most difficult job in the world....MOTHER!
2006-08-24 11:39:41 UTC
60s came before the 70s, And if you were born in the 80s you werent living then anyway.
2006-08-24 11:43:58 UTC
ME!!! It brought goodness and honesty into the world.And it(me) spreads kindness and love for mankind,and plants the seeds for the same for tomorrow by raising my son to treat other with compassion and understanding,respecting everyones beliefs and feelings as being true for them even if he doesn't agree with them.
2006-08-24 11:40:49 UTC
LSD. It helped make hippies and started a revolution of tolerance that has gotten way out of control. I'd elaborate but I gotta get back to work.
2006-08-24 11:38:41 UTC
THe 60's gave the world me. Then I was in diapers and then kindergarten. It affects everyone now who knows.
2006-08-24 11:35:52 UTC
The Monkees.
2006-08-24 11:37:10 UTC
Civil Rights, The Beatles, LSD,
2006-08-24 11:43:08 UTC
Not much really but maybe some equality for Afro-Americans,space travel, war and alot of dead influential people.
2006-08-24 11:37:32 UTC
Great music. Thank god for The Beatles
Girl Wonder
2006-08-24 11:37:19 UTC
Some really awesome music. Women's lib. Civil rights.
2006-08-24 11:41:48 UTC
to the nation of TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO: it's Independence (in1962) as well as Barbados i think, along with some other Caribbean countries...
Fook Y
2006-08-24 11:37:57 UTC
My brother and Sister.
DAMN THE 60s!!!
2006-08-24 11:39:12 UTC
Art, music, culture, counter culture. cool cars.
2006-08-24 11:41:56 UTC
Awareness about politics, race, class, war.`For better or worse, it opened our eyes, and once you can see, you can never go back.
2006-08-24 11:40:04 UTC
A hangover and the clap.
2006-08-24 11:37:43 UTC
me i was born in 63
2006-08-24 11:38:31 UTC
It gave us the freedom to be whoever we want to be, although not all good.
2006-08-24 11:37:55 UTC
Nothing important really
2006-08-24 11:37:34 UTC
STD's and a lost sense of identity and purpose...
2006-08-24 11:37:24 UTC
Tie dye, STD's, drugs, new music, other weird stuff.
2006-08-24 11:37:28 UTC
A great big headache. I know, I was there.
2006-08-24 11:41:43 UTC
Peace, love and tye-dye man...
2006-08-24 11:40:02 UTC
some great films!
2006-08-24 11:36:56 UTC
drug awareness and ST D's but back then they called it V D...
Tofu Jesus
2006-08-24 11:37:08 UTC
LSD and umm.....sorry, I'm ohh, butterflies, cool. Wowow!
Allison L
2006-08-24 11:36:52 UTC
Pet Rocks? I don't know.
2006-08-24 11:37:48 UTC
I forgot!
2006-08-24 11:38:04 UTC
bums and hobos
2006-08-24 11:42:21 UTC
Me! YEA!!!
2006-08-24 11:42:37 UTC
Lady M
2006-08-24 11:37:08 UTC
2006-08-24 11:36:53 UTC
peace pot microdot.....
This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.