This is a deeply layered thought/Q. Kudos.
First, what is an image? No image is ever
the exact rendering but is suggestive of the
original - it's a form of a type with certain
attributes relating to the original, certain
capabilities. Sort of like dough squeezed
through a colander, the strands are dough,
but not in the entire form. Sort of like the
dna found in the earlobe is the image of the
whole body, but the earlobe is not the whole
body...but it carries all the attributes of the
body in genetic code form...
Reading Genesis will show two seemingly separate
visuals. In one, Adam [material human form] is created.
This BEING is created to TALK with GOD. To 'commune'
with Creator, of its own free will sovereign dominion choice.
Which works for awhile. But eventually, Adam,
wants another material form to interact with than just the
'Unseen One'. So God puts Adam to 'sleep' and
[scholars get out your pens and books] splits Adam in two
[nope it's not a rib, the word in
Hebrew denotes an entire SIDE OF BEEF, not a rib], so
now man can talk with himself and God, thus duality comes
into being, polarity, opposites. We all have a feminine and
masculine part of our thinking. The feminine [yin in other
cultures] is the part that nourishes, births ideas, gathers,
scans and sees widely, decorates, encourages, is more
inward; while the masculine [yang] protects,
structures ideas, hunts, holds the focus view, travels out,
The other part of Genesis says clearly that God created
man and woman, or male and female.
Now as to how humankind chooses to delineate tribal/cultural/
political behavior goes to the free choice part.
In marriage: husbands are instructed to 'love' their wives as
Christ has loved the church and wives are instructed to
'respect' their husbands, which is not at all difficult to
see that the two are different sides of the same coin.
When taken just on the surface layer, man woman, society,
it can become a bit confusing. Taken on the deeper layers,
more is revealed.
Moral of the story of the Garden of Eden in overview form:
When double-minded thinking abounds, there is no paradise,
only confusion and manipulation, and regret and dis-ease.
The 'serpent' represents thoughts that would separate from God
And, back in the 'day', when there were 'less amenities' on the
planet, man needed to 'protect' that which brought forth life in
the form of babies to help the tribe survive, and so, would
be highly esteemed [women]. Every tribe member has its
worth. And how this translates into our thought processes,
is that whatever separates or causes confusion in God relationship
needs to be 'cast out'...
Much misunderstanding around this comes when regular male
homosapiens tries to manipulate and subdue female homosapiens
through the use of Scripture for personal gain, etc.
Cultures have shifted over the centuries and the New Testament
shows that clearly. But it takes time and study and inspiration
of HolySpirit to get down to the basics. We are all equal before
God for God is no respector of persons, meaning that God values
all of us equally, we are the ones who begin the delineation process.
God creates
Man delineates
Christ forgives and harmonizes.
There's so much depth to this Q that it cannot possibly be
answered here in this forum to any satisfactory degree, but
Thanks for asking such a wonderful Q :)