Why doesn't the bible mention the dinosaurs.?
2007-05-06 22:12:08 UTC
Dinosaurs lived for hundreds of millions of years.We all know we probably won't live a tenth of that.So does the bible say anything about them.And please don't give me the dinosaurs are invented by satan answer.
46 answers:
2007-05-09 15:18:35 UTC
Read Job 40:15-24. Job was questioning God because of his suffering, and so God comes and challenges Job with His creation. Many people say, “Job 40 can’t be speaking of a dinosaur.” They say that, not because the description doesn’t fit, but because of their preconceived conception that man and dinosaurs didn’t live together.

The margin of the NIV says, “Possibly the hippopotamus or the elephant.” Something to keep in mind—the footnotes were not in the original. Well, the tail of an elephant or hippo is like a twig, not a cedar (most dogs have longer tails). Throughout the Scriptures, cedars were known for their great size and length. Nothing on earth today fits this description, but a sauropod type of dinosaur does. The largest we have found was over 120 feet long. That sounds to me like the “chief”—not a hippo.

And then in Job 41, God describes the Leviathan (Isaiah 27:1 calls it the dragon in the sea). The margin of the NIV says, “Possibly the crocodile.” But the description again doesn’t fit any animal alive today. Besides, man has never had a problem catching crocodiles, even primitive tribes, but God says in Job 41 that Leviathan couldn’t be caught.

Some think this was just a mythical creature since it speaks of it breathing fire. And yes, Job is a poetic book and those could just be poetic descriptions. But not necessarily. Impossible you say? What about the electric eel that can produce enough electricity to stun a horse? If the electric eel was extinct and all we could find were its fossils, would we be able to know that it could generate electricity? Nope. What about the firefly and anglerfish that can produce light? What about the bombardier beetle that can fire a boiling mixture of chemicals at its enemies that is 212 degrees Fahrenheit? Why couldn’t God have created certain water-living reptiles that were capable of expelling hot gaseous fumes that could ignite? Most animals produce methane anyway, which is a flammable gas. Stories of fire-breathing dragons have circulated for thousands of years.

Also, keep in mind that Behemoth and Leviathan were included along with real creatures that Job knew about. Read Job sometime.

In Isaiah 30:6, Isaiah speaks of flying serpents. I also find it interesting that Herodotus, the Greek Historian who lived around 450 BC wrote about flying serpents in Arabia. He talked about finding their bones and described their snake-like bodies and bat-like wings. And the Jewish historian from the first century, Josephus, wrote about Moses and the Israelites having a difficult time passing through a particular region because of the presence of flying serpents. I think they were speaking of one of the pterosaurs like the pterodactyl, pteranodon, or rhamphorhynchus.
2007-05-06 22:42:48 UTC
Well done mate...this question should shake a few religious nut-jobs loose...

No, the Bible does not say anything about Dinosaurs - although creationists do believe that Dinosaurs roamed the Earth at the same time as humans - despite all the glaring fossil evidence to the contrary.

The Bible DOES mention 'dragons' a couple of times and Creationists seize upon this as concrete evidence that dinosaurs roamed the Earth at the same time as man.

However, if there really were huge Tyranosaurus Rex and packs of Velocaraptors terrorising Biblical man I think that they just might be a little more prominent in Biblical texts than the few times 'dragons' are mentioned.

Creationists also believe that Dinosaurs were included on Noahs Ark – two of every species. This fact alone would tell you that the whole story is largely rubbish – the Ark would have to be absolutely massive to store not only 2 of every type of dinosaur, but two of every animal and food and supplies to keep everything alive. BUT unfortunately the dimensions of the Ark are clearly stated in the Bible – and whilst it is a fair size, it is nowhere near as massive as it would need to be. What is the Creationists answer to this? They just ignore it.

You see, Creationists are caught in a dilemma – because they aren’t specifically mentioned in the Bible their instinct would be to deny that Dinosaurs existed at all - but they can't do that, because of the fossils that have been found - firm evidence that one can see and touch first hand. So they have to admit that they existed. But to admit that fossilised Dinosaur bones are, as pretty much every sane paleoantologist / scientist on Earth agrees, many many millions of years old, blows their belief that the world is only 6000 years old out of the water. When confronted with this paradox – the fact that the fossils are pulled out of the ground much deeper than something that died just a few thousand years ago - they typically use one of two answers 1) the scientists are just plain wrong because they disagree with the Bible….or… 2) The bones ARE there…65 million years down…but that God put them there to test their faith – seriously, I’m not making this up.

I could go on all day…
Game Theorist
2007-05-06 22:27:50 UTC
This is never mentioned. Nor does the bible try and explain why these creatures disappeared. The description of the behemoth is very vague and does not describe a dinosaur anymore than it does a mythical creature. Didn’t dragons breathe fire and fly? True I can say dinosaurs didn’t breath fire, but not counting the dinosaurs that evolved into birds (im sure most religious people wouldn’t anyway, because they don’t believe in such theories) there were no flying dinosaurs that resembled dinosaurs.

Dinosaurs would have left more of a memorable impact on biblical history than a few random stories; it would be like mammals only being mentioned a few times.

There is no evidence of dinosaurs living at the same time as humans either; any claims as such have long since been debunked.
One Odd Duck
2007-05-06 22:41:09 UTC
Well, this is easy actually. At least it is for me because I do not hold the belief that the Bible is a perfect book. My faith doesn't have to have a perfect book in order to be valid. Obviously humans and Dinosaurs weren't really living at the same time. Even if there was an overlap, there wasn't an overlap in the time where humans were writing and keeping records of things. By the time that the Jews actually decided to write the things down about their faith and their faith stories (after the Exile), the Dinosaurs were far, far gone, but we didn't have any technology to figure out they were there in the first place. The people that wrote the Bible down didn't realize they EVER existed. It doesn't say that they don't exist. Some people that claim that just sound silly when they say that. Bathrooms aren't in scripture either. Yet, thankfully, we have bathrooms. It is really just a simple answer of the dates of the writing of the Torah and the lack of science at that time. By the time we figured out they existed, they weren't going to amend the Bible to add them into the story of creation. (even though the stories of creation have little to do with creation and more to do with proving God can make creation out of chaos and an allegory for marriage)
2016-04-01 04:15:59 UTC
NO and there are quite a lot of other animals, the remains of which have been found, which were also not mentioned in the bible. For some peculiar reason it is the lack of the word dinosaur which troubles people but not the lack of the word giraffe or elephant. I don't believe that dodo is mentioned either but we know they existed - once.
Rallie Florencio C
2007-05-06 22:31:16 UTC
Before man ever learned to write like writing the Bible, the dinosaurs have long been extinct and already evolve into another specie which is much smaller and lighter to adapt to the growing numbers of earth's inhabitants. Ask your paleonthologists about it.

The Bible was written for the purpose of the Jews to have an idea of how they came about that is why the whole story of the Bible is about them and the other people affected by their lives. If you are not a Jew, I suggest that you search your own ancestors records and know your own story and make it into your own Bible. If you do not know your roots then I would also suggest that you just keep quiet and stop challenging the Bible which you have no connection whatsoever and let those who are interested to learn.
Taliesin Pen Beirdd
2007-05-06 22:21:02 UTC
No, it doesn't specifically mention them, although it doesn't mention all animals by species, so one can't take that as proof positive they weren't there. But I think the real reason there seems to be no mention is that according to science the dinosaurs died out about 65 million years ago, which is near enough to 65 million years before humans. As they had no direct influence over humans and the Bible was supposed to be a spiritual guide, not a scientific textbook, it seems logical they weren't mentioned because they weren't needed to be.
2007-05-06 22:23:17 UTC
Because they weren't relevant to God's message to man. It's because of the literalists' insistence that the world was created in six days that Christianity is fighting this issue. Dinosaurs are good for getting literalist Christians into tight spots. Otherwise they're irrelevant to the Bible which is not a book of natural history.

The Hebrew word translated as "day" in English means "time period", so it can equally mean era or epoch.

For a great site to make sense of Genesis, creation and evolution look at and on to 7 and 8 htm.
2007-05-06 22:19:51 UTC
Well, the attention given to creation in Genesis 1 and 2 needs to be understood in the context that it helps to explain the special relationship that God has with humankind. The rest of the Old Testament is a history of the trials and lives of His people. The Bible isn't intent on explaining all of history and everything that might have come before us, but instead seeks to show the context and history of humankind's relationship with God as creator. I know this isn't all encompassing, but the Bible is only a history book insofar as it chronicles our relationship with God.
The Tourist
2007-05-06 23:28:08 UTC
because the writers of the Bible lived just a few thousand years ago, while the dinos died out over 65 million years ago. Behemoth and Leviathan were NOT dinosaurs
2007-05-06 22:19:08 UTC
I think it maybe because the existance of dinosaurs were not even know until sometime in the 1800. The bible was written much earlier than that.
Rev R
2007-05-06 22:19:55 UTC
Read the Book of Job Chapter 41...English Standard Version or any King James
Cold Truth
2007-05-06 22:16:15 UTC
You know, I think it is getting to the point where we will have to start drinking every time this question is posted.

Oh.. we already started!

Just because it is not in the Bible, does not exclude it from ever existing! And I'm sure if Dinosaurs were paramount to spiritual development, it would be mentioned.

And stop watching the Flintstones!
Sister Christian
2007-05-06 22:34:32 UTC
“Look now at the behemoth, which I made along with you;

He eats grass like an ox.

See now, his strength is in his hips,

And his power is in his stomach muscles.

He moves his tail like a cedar;

The sinews of his thighs are tightly knit.

His bones are like beams of bronze,

His ribs like bars of iron."

Job 40:14-19

A hippopotamus does not have a tail like a cedar; the Book of Job is clearly describing a dinosaur. Science called them "Great fossil lizards" until the 1840's.

Now that we have settled that; let's talk about your need for a savior. Take the Quick 8-Question Test at the link below.
2007-05-06 22:23:12 UTC
This has been asked again and again...

The answer is pretty clear, too. The people who wrote the bible were ignorant about the past... They were pretty ignorant about the truth of their own times, too; and without a doubt, they were completely without a clue about what the future would bring.

The present day religious spin doctors are working on translations and other schemes to make the issue of dinosaur omission go away so that their remaining soft-brained believers can continue being blissfully deluded by the great set of errors and lies that the bible has come to represent.

It's time to wise up folks...

The bible is just a flaw-filled piece of work... face it.

[][][] r u randy? [][][]

2007-05-06 22:39:56 UTC
The Bible also doesn't mention Punk rockers, cars, rockets, nuclear fission, drilling machines, TV, radios, Elvis Presley, Blues music, Banjos, microsoft windows, memory sticks, blue tooth, san diego zoo, Yamahas, washing machines -- wow I just run out of things to include here. Can someone continue..
2007-05-09 22:45:37 UTC
The Bible's primary purpose is to teach us the truth about God and His (or Her) love for us, not to teach facts about history or science.

There is a fundamental difference between truth and fact.

It is true that God exists but I cannot prove it.

It is a fact that President Bush said he invaded Iraq because of weapons of mass destruction but it is not true.

Catholics believe that the Bible teaches truth about God but it is not historically factual at all times.

With love in Christ.
WWJD: What Would Joker Do?
2007-05-06 22:50:53 UTC

It might be mentioned but not by name(s) or mentioned by different names. I think it could have been left out. Either that or it's hidden within the texts. It could also be encoded in Genesis or elsewhere in the bible, such as through ELS (if you believe in that).

Read them (Scriptures) not as history, read them not as axioms or as dogmas, but as of thine own being. For in the study of these ye will find that ye draw unto that force from which the writers of same gained their strength, their patience...

-Edgar Cayce Reading 1173-8
2007-05-06 22:37:02 UTC
Just read some of the excuses that the religious people will give you. Religion hides the fact that the bible was written by ancient people whose highest knowledge told them that the Earth was flat. 99% of them couldn't read or write. It wasn't until mankind became more intelligent that Archeology, Paleontology and Earth Science could be developed. However, religion is stuck with the understanding of these early ignorant people.
2007-05-06 22:25:29 UTC
Latest News Flash! The bible was written by people, not any god; and they didn't know anything about dinosaurs, so they couldn't write about what they didn't know.

Well, that's not exactly true. They wrote about a lot of things they didn't know, which is why the bible is as meaningful as Greek myths, but lots less fun.
2007-05-06 22:26:00 UTC
the bible is written stories by different people talking about the most important things that was happening in the jesus christ days, people were seeing angles, moses saved slaves, god was on a mountain in jeruselem or where ever moses went to see him. the people who wrote in the main bible wrote about the amazing things that were happening. in the jesus days people were phocused on being free from pharos and living their life, mabe if they dug up bones of animals they really didn't phocus on it, they were too busy working and getting whipped.
2007-05-06 22:18:19 UTC
It does, a description of one God calls behemoth is in the book of Job Chapter 40.
2007-05-06 22:16:59 UTC
Dinosaurs died 65million years before humans walked the Earth. The people who wrote the Bible had no idea dinosaurs ever existed because they hadn't found any dinosaur fossils back then. You should pay attention in science class.
2007-05-06 22:20:10 UTC
The bible began to be written 900 years after the flood (Genesis) and they died in the flood they existed of course and million years ago yes it is true but they were so huge and couldn´t enter to the Ark. and by the way Behemot is an Hippopotamus the description fit with in.
2007-05-06 22:20:01 UTC
The term dinosaur wasn't coined until just a couple hundred years ago. In the bible dinosaurs are called dragons, behemoths, and the like. They're in their, you just have to translate! Here's a reference in Job 40 (KJV) It sure doesn't sount like any normal creature that we have now, does it?

5Behold now behemoth, which I made with thee; he eateth grass as an ox.

16Lo now, his strength is in his loins, and his force is in the navel of his belly.

17He moveth his tail like a cedar: the sinews of his stones are wrapped together.

18His bones are as strong pieces of brass; his bones are like bars of iron.

19He is the chief of the ways of God: he that made him can make his sword to approach unto him.
2007-05-06 22:17:07 UTC
It doesn't because the writers of the bible weren't aware of dinosaurs at the time.
2007-05-06 22:22:08 UTC
Dinosaurs had not been discovered at the time the biblical tales were first told.
Mr Vee
2007-05-06 22:18:00 UTC
The topic of dinosaurs in the Bible is part of a larger ongoing debate within the Christian community over the age of the earth, the proper interpretation of Genesis, and how to interpret the physical evidences we find all around us. Those who believe in an older age for the earth tend to agree that the Bible does not mention dinosaurs, because according to their paradigm, dinosaurs died out millions of years before the first man ever walked the earth. The men who wrote the Bible down couldn’t have seen dinosaurs alive.

Those who believe in a younger age for the earth tend to agree that the Bible does mention dinosaurs though it never actually uses the word “dinosaur.” Instead, it uses the Hebrew word tanniyn (pronounced tan-neen; Strong’s #08577). Tanniyn is translated a few different ways in our English Bibles; sometimes it’s “sea monster,” sometimes it’s “serpent.” It is most commonly translated “dragon.” The tanniyn appear to have been some sort of giant reptile. These creatures are mentioned nearly thirty times in the Old Testament and are found both on land and in the water.

In addition to mentioning these giant reptiles in general nearly thirty times throughout the Old Testament, the Bible describes a couple of creatures in such a way that some scholars believe the writers may have been describing dinosaurs. Behemoth is said to be the mightiest of all God’s creatures, a giant whose tail is likened to a cedar tree (Job 40:15ff). Some scholars have tried to identify Behemoth as either an elephant or a hippopotamus. Others point out that elephants and hippopotamuses have very thin tails, nothing comparable to a cedar tree. Dinosaurs like the Brachiosaurus and the Diplodocus on the other had huge tails which one could easily compare to a cedar tree.

Nearly every ancient civilization has some sort of art depicting giant reptilian creatures. Petroglyphs, artifacts and even little clay figurines found in North America resemble modern depictions of dinosaurs. Rock carvings in South America depict men riding Diplodocus-like creatures and, amazingly, bear the familiar images of Triceratops-, Pterodactyl- and Tyrannosaurus Rex-like creatures. Roman mosaics, Mayan pottery and Babylonian city walls all testify to man’s trans-cultural, geographically-unbounded fascination with these creatures. Sober accounts like those of Marco Polo’s Il Milione mingle with fantastic tales of treasure-hoarding beasts. Modern day reports of sightings persist though they are usually treated with overwhelming skepticism.

In addition to the substantial amount of anthropic and historical evidences for the coexistence of dinosaur and man, there are other physical evidences, like the fossilized footprints of humans and dinosaurs found together at places in North America and West-Central Asia.

So, are there dinosaurs in the Bible? The matter is far from settled. It depends on how you interpret the available evidences and how you view the world around you. Here at we believe in a young earth interpretation and accept that dinosaurs and man coexisted. We believe that dinosaurs died out sometime after the Flood due to a combination of dramatic environmental shifts and the fact that they were relentlessly hunted to extinction by man.
2007-05-06 22:16:33 UTC
it mentions "beasts" and stuff.. that can include dinosaurs... you know what's interesting though? the bible mentions the "leviathan" sea creature multiple times. Supposedly it was the most powerful, fiercest creature on earth until God killed it or something... go look it up. it's very interesting I think/
2007-05-06 22:20:16 UTC
Because the people who wrote the bible hadn't discovered them.
2007-05-06 22:19:10 UTC
Because the Bible represents the folktales and mythological beliefs of illiterate goat herders who lived thousands of years ago and who thought that the earth was flat with air above and water below.
2007-05-06 22:16:26 UTC
Because, silly monkey, dinosaurs and humans weren't around at the same time.
2007-05-06 22:16:49 UTC
I don't think they had studies of bones and dinos. Nor did they conduct archelogical digs for saber toothed tigers.
2007-05-06 22:20:16 UTC
dinosaur invented by satan???

where'd you hear that at?

The Bible didn't recognize squirrels or possums...correct?

Then if the Bible didnt mention animals as the ones above...why would it mention dinosaurs?
2007-05-06 22:20:10 UTC
Beats me... Jesus loves donkeys instead of Dinosaurs!
2007-05-06 22:15:43 UTC
Whoo hoo! Kahlua and Vodka!
2007-05-06 22:50:43 UTC
it does behemoth and leviathin are old names for certain dinosaurs
2007-05-06 22:16:52 UTC
Behemoth, Leviathan, dragons
2007-05-06 22:23:51 UTC
I always wondered tooo
2007-05-06 22:15:14 UTC
yes dinosaurs are mentioned in the bible. so are dragons and unicorns!
2007-05-06 22:17:00 UTC
Because religious fanatics don't believe that there were believe in dinosaurs would be to believe in evolution and they won't have any of that!! Alot of them believe that the devil "planted" all those fossils and bones to steer people away from God.........I know..........I don't get it either.
2007-05-06 22:18:42 UTC
it does...its in just doesnt specifically say dino..

good luck
2007-05-06 22:16:33 UTC
I guess the comic book called the bible probably felt like that other comic, Barney, had it pretty well covered
2007-05-06 22:16:52 UTC
behemot animal is dinosaur!dinosaur is modern term,behemot is biblikal term.
2007-05-06 22:16:11 UTC
it does mention them, just not by name. read in genesis. god created the earth and all the creatures in it.
2007-05-06 22:15:06 UTC
It does.

There are numerous mentions of "dinosaurs" in the Bible. But you have to realize that the word "dinosaur" was first made up in 1841. Prior to that and throughout recorded history they are referred to as dragons.


This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.